starswann · 2 years
bsd 104 spoilers
wait, did fukuchi have his ability when he fought fukuzawa? if so, how did fukuzawa draw to him? can fukuzawa defeat fukuchi despite his ability?
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starswann · 2 years
BSD Chapter 102.5
A short chapter this month, "Jingaimakyou - The second part".
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Neither English nor Japanese is my mother tongue so I'm very sorry if I make mistakes. Please let me know if you find any.
Aku finds Aya and Bram hiding in the truck. He hears an order echoing in his head to "kill the one who stole Bram" so he aims Rashomon at Aya. Rashomon is seen stabbing something but we don't know who/what it is yet.
Meanwhile, Fukuchi hears from Teruko that Tecchou has been down. He tells Teruko that its hard to find the enemies in such a big airport, so he will send an "investigation expert" to look for them. Teruko asks who that is and Fukuchi says that it is himself.
Fukuchi starts walking around the airport. The airport area is divided in 256 lots and he will have to check all of them. As he is waking, he sees a letter saying "A1 x" appearing on the wall in front of him, and immediately knows that the Detective Agency is not in A1. He can do that because his future self has checked the A1 area and send the result to the "past" (which is the current Fukuchi), using his Amagozen sword. By repeating that process, he could see the search results around the whole airport within seconds and immediately finds the ADA's whereabouts.
In a part of the airport, Kunikida and Tanizaki are looking for Aya. Kunikida seems very confused by the fact that Aya is at the airport and on top of it, is carrying Bram with her to run away. He thinks that he will give her a 3-hour lecture later. Suddenly Tanizaki disappears. As Kunikida calls out to him, Fukuchi is seen attacking him from behind.
Inside the lab, Atsushi is still tied to the bed. He tries to move but cannot, because he is stuck to a machine that is transmitting some kind of drug into him. He tries to stop that but is threatened by Teruko with her sword.
The chapter ends with a side note, "And the torture (hell) begins".
Next chapter will be out on August 4th JST. Thank you for reading :)
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starswann · 2 years
BSD Chapter 102
Chapter’s name is Jingaimakyou – The first part (roughly translated to “mysterious place out of the human world”). Not sure if it is done on purpose but author Oguri Mushitarou wrote a novel of the same name.
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We have a change of pov this month, so we will have to wait at least another month to know what happened in the prison, but instead we get to learn a lot about Bram in this new chapter, and also Bram and Aya interactions are the cutest <3
Please note that neither English nor Japanese is my mother tongue, and Bram’s speech is so hard to understand so I may make mistakes. Please let me know if there is anything you want to correct.
Aya takes Bram to a parking lot and both of them get into a truck of a laundry service. (Bram is like oh this wagon doesn’t have any horses XD). Aya explains to him that besides passengers, there are many other people working in airport service who go in and out of the airport every day. And the securities will not have enough time to check through everything here, so if they get in one of these vehicles and wait, they will be able to get out of the airport once someone drives it out. Bram praises her and Aya is like of course I am the ally of justice.
Aya looks at the sword piercing into Bram and tells him they can look for a way to pull it out together if it hurts. Bram says that it is stupid because once the sword is pulled out, it will release the devil inside him and bring and darkness to earth blah blah blah. Aya then asks him what exactly that sword is, and Bram tells her that the sword used to be human. Hundreds of years ago, when a skill user died, his physical body was turned into metal by the skill, from which this Holy Sword was made. That skill that remains even after the user’s death was the skill to fuse a “physical body” with an “ability”.
We get a quick change of scene here, where Atsushi hears Dazai’s voice calling out for him, telling him to wake up because there is no time. Then he opens his eyes to find himself being tied up in a (supposedly) torture room with Teruko staring at him.
Back to Bram and Aya, Bram continues to explain that the sword has the power to connect the “physical/material” and the “mental” aspect of things, granting the power to control “skills” like a part of the “body”, a skill that goes against the law of this world. When stabbed by the sword, it will take its roots into your brain, and it will craves a holy mark on the person holding the sword. Right now, the mark is on Fukuchi’s hand, which means only Fukuchi can use his power.
Aya says that Bram seems to know about the sword very well, to which Bram tells her that is because he has been stabbed by this sword not once, but twice. There is a flashback of Bram from long ago when he and his kins’ heads were hanged on stakes, in front of a big army who are cheering to “kill the enemy of God”. And Bram was asking the soldiers to have mercy and spare the members of his fief, when one of them called him a demon and slashed his head with the sword.
Back to present, Aya asks why Bram is making such a sad face, Bram says that it’s the worry of the lord that the underlings can never understand. Aya stops him there, asking him if he is calling her an underling, and Bram tells her she is more like a horse because she carries him on his back and takes him around (xD). Aya says she would drown him in a bathtub and Bram somehow acknowledges that it is the way people nowadays worship their lord. Aya says no one can beat him at being a natural airhead.
Suddenly the top of the truck they are sitting are cut off and vampire!Akutagawa appears in front of them. Bram urges Aya to run away as quickly as she can.
The chapter ends here. Next chapter will be out on July 4 (JST). Thank you for reading till the end ^^
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starswann · 2 years
BSD Theory: Dazai’s Drowning of Fyodor and Chuuya Is Just A Ploy to Manipulate Sigma
(Spoilers up until chapter 101 of the manga)
Personally I think the entirety of chapter 101 was framed as a misdirect, in order to draw our attention away from Dazai and Sigma’s interactions, and instead focus on all the new information we received as well as the cliffhanger of what will happen to Fyodor and Chuuya.
So, for this theory I want to do a thorough analysis of Dazai and Sigma’s interactions, both in this chapter, as well as previous chapters. Because in my opinion, Dazai’s interest in Sigma is very apparent, and quite suspicious. 
Keep reading
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starswann · 2 years
do you think the other items gogol presented will be used in the upcoming chapters? they had to be there for a reason, right?
also is no one concerned about the mysterious poison they injected 
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starswann · 2 years
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starswann · 2 years
random thoughts abt vampire arc + 101
What if Sigma had his memories removed by Fyodor? Since there were some theories about how his ability has to do with the mind, and we can see Ivan and Hawthorne who are his subordinates. 
Also, if Ango can’t relay information to Dazai, how does he communicate with the catgirl? Different levels of security perhaps?
Where is Verlaine?
And why have we not seen the “vampire” hunting dogs? We’ve seen Akutagawa after he got bitten and the PM, but we’ve never seen Tachihara or Jouno after they got bitten, Jouno after he got dragged away by Akutagawa and Tachihara after he got blinded (tbh Yosano is probably just going to use her ability on him after the arc so I’m not too worried about that). 
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starswann · 2 years
BSD Chapter 101
We finally got a new chapter name! "Drifting Underwater"
Things went really fast in this chapter and a lot of new information has just been thrown in I need some time to proceed it but Dazai is so consistently crazy and messed up and in-character and somehow it makes me feel good XD
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Note that neither English nor Japanese is my mother tongue so I do make mistakes here and there. Please let me know if there is anything you want me to correct.
Sigma asks Dazai what he is going to do against such a strong opponent like Chuuya, and Dazai tells him its is okay because he has been thinking about ways to kill Chuuya everyday over the last seven years, and also he is getting help from "angel". Sigma understands that he is talking about his help from outside, to which Dazai says Sigma is pretty sharp for a three-year old.
Dazai then explains to Sigma how he uses his heartbeat to communicate with Ango. Sigma tells him that he is a liar and it is just a part of the truth, because if that's the case, it is just one-way communication. Dazai then asks Sigma to guess what he uses, and that if he guesses it right, it means he is better than Fyodor. Sigma then starts to think about very seriously and Dazai thinks to himself how honest Sigma is and that he is just like Atsushi.
Sigma suddenly remembers the situation they are in and reminds Dazai that they have to break out of that prison before Fyodor. Dazai tells him that they don't have to because he is going to kill Fyodor within the time of the game.
Meanwhile, as Fyodor enters the passcode to open a door, the system shows an error and an alarms goes off, locking all the doors around him and Chuuya (even though he seems to have opened all the previously doors swiflty). Water starts pouring into the room. All the doors are built to deal with special skills so even Chuuya cannot destroy it easily, and once the operation starts it can not be cancelled.
Dazai and Sigma finally reaches the central control room and Dazai just casually opens the door, which freaks Sigma out because he expects to see a bunch of prison guards inside that. But as the door opens, what Sigma sees is a bunch of bodies, and everyone has been brought down. He asks Dazai what he did because the door just opened now. and Dazai told him that he has "stopped the time", which confused Sigma even more because that is not even Dazai's ability. Dazai then goes on and explains that this prison gathers a lot of ability users, and one of them is the world's most dangerous bandit. Her ability allows her to stop the time for everyone but herself, within a few kilometres around her. Ango has negotiated with her in exchange to reduce her sentence, and have her stop the time in the prison every morning, for an amount of time that Ango has decided beforehand.
Sigma thinks that what Dazai says doesn't make sense, because even if that prisoners stop the time, she cannot escape, and the people whose time were stopped wouldn't even realize it. Then he realizes that Dazai has the nullification ability, which means when the time stops for everyone in the prison, he is the only one that can freely move around. And that is when he comes and knocks down the guards who cannot move because their times are stopped. He states that it is easier than knocking down a sleeping monkey. That is also the answer to Sigma's question, the method Ango uses to communicate with Dazai. It's the amount of time stopped everyday that was used as a signal for Dazai to decode. By doing that, there is noone but Dazai that can receive it.
Dazai turns on the radio and talks to Fyodor inside the room. He asks if Fyodor is ready to die, and Fyodor replies that he cannot kill him. Dazai finds that it is interesting, because he knows Chuuya's ability is useless against this. So there is only Fyodor's ability left, which he assumed that cannot do anything about this situation either (that's why he chose this trap). Fyodor doesn't react to that, but he makes a very serious face.
Dazai stays quiet for a moment and tells Chuuya that it is also time for them to part. And it is such a pity things become like that. He says that it has been 7 years since they met and even though they are fighting all the time, there were moments when they were connected at heart, for examples... (We were shown a bunch of skk flashbacks in the past here). Dazai pauses there and in the next page, smiles nonchalantly and says actually there was no such moment and watches Chuuya disappearing under the water.
The chapter ends here and at this point I am so convinced that we are going to know Fyodor's ability in the next chapter and I cannot wait for it. Next chapter will come out on June 3, 2022.
Thanks for reading till the end.
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starswann · 2 years
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“Chuuya, it’s good-bye to you too.”
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starswann · 2 years
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fairy bunny
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starswann · 2 years
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starswann · 2 years
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starswann · 3 years
Eyes in bsd (Mini-theory)
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!! Spoilers for manga !! 
Quick post lol, but I found this image on the different eyes in bsd! I’ve read a few theories about how different eyes show different things, and it’s really interesting to see different eyes compared with each other!
A few things I noticed:
Akutagawa’s eyes are completely pitch black. It makes sense, since he was recruited by Dazai from a young age and trained to become a killing machine. Out of Dazai, Kyouka, and him, only he didn’t get “saved” and dragged out of the PM.
Dazai’s eyes are almost pitch black, but there’s a streak of light entering. This could represent how he was in the PM but later joined the ADA, the “light.” 
Kyouka’s pupil is almost all black, but the white part is also shadowed. She trained under Akutagawa, killing people, but was rescued by Atsushi before she became more “dark.”
Higuchi’s eyes aren’t black, despite being in the PM. Her eyes look almost hazy, with a white part on the top right. Maybe this connects with how her job isn’t really suited for her, stated by herself and Mori. However, she still stays in the PM for Akutagawa.
Atsushi, Tanizaki, Naomi, Kunikida, and Ranpo’s pupils look pretty similar. They’re all in the ADA and not really “tainted.”
The other two ADA members that have different eyes are Yosano and Kenji. 
Yosano has a black ring around her pupil, probably signifying her time under Mori as the Angel of Death. Don’t really know what else to say besides that tbh. 
Kenji, however, has a streak of light shining through his pupil, similar to Dazai (Maaaybe Higuchi if you squint but I don’t think so?). His pupil is also not completely dark like the other ADA members. Kyouka is also similar to him since her pupil also isn’t completely dark. Especially with the recent chapter 100, and Kenji’s eyes were like this after torture was mentioned:
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This makes me think there’s more to Kenji than an innocent happy country boy? Kenji backstory when???  
Also at first I thought those eyes were similar to the complete pitch black ones, but there’s actually a few differences. 
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Idrk what else to say, this was basically just an idea dump. Thanks for reading :D
if the eye image isn’t official/canon i will cry
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starswann · 3 years
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dazai has to bend his knees in order for chuuya to reach him 😭
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starswann · 3 years
Person A: I only got 5 hours of sleep yesterday :<
Person B: pathetic
Person B: I got 0
Person A:
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starswann · 3 years
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Idk what to post so have some fanart ig
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starswann · 3 years
do you think that during the Dead Apple fog, Natsume was just fighting a house cat...?
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