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Starshine Legacy
What is the sinister Mr. Sands up to? Who is the mysterious Fripp? Will Lisa and her friends be able to save Starshine?
Read the exciting conclusion to the first adventure of the Soulriders!
Concept Hidden Entertainment
Story and Layout Nils Gulliksson
Concept Design Johan Egerkrans
Pencils Johan Egerkrans
Inks Johan Egerkrans
Colors Peter Bergting
Cover Johan Egerkrans
Editorial text Tom Olsson
ISBN 1-93343-56-7
Editor Bobbie Chase
Printed in Norway, 2007
Stablenfeldt, Inc. 457 North Main Street Danbury, CT 06811 www.pony.us
Hidden Entertainment
(c) Hidden Entertainment AB 2006, Starshine Legacy is the property of Hidden Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. Licensed exclusively to Stabenfelt AS.
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Hidden Entertainment Pony
The Mystery of the Soul Riders unfolds as Lisa tries to save Starshine
Starshine Legacy
Part 2: Dark Core Rising
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Panel 1:
December 14, 1871
Deep sea monster caught just outside Jorvik!
On the 11th of May, a hideous sea creature was caught in a fisherman’s net just outside Jorvik Bay. The creature seemed to be a deep-sea specimen, with many huge eyes and tentacles. Captain Sandy of the fishing boat says that the net was stuck in something close to an area at the ocean edge known as the Kraken Depths. Unfortunately, before any scientist was able to examine the unknown sea creature, the fisherman had dropped it back into the deep seas just outside the harbor. Due to the immense depth outside Jorvik Bay and the ocean currents, the carcass could not be found again when the scientists search boat dragged the coastline.
Panel 2:
June 11, 1890
Deep Core drilling company established in Jorvik
Owner and multibillionaire, adventurer, and patron Mr. Owen D. Sands says, “This will change the face of this island forever. We are going to drill to depths unknown to man. It is the start of a glorious age.” The Deep Core Company’s goal is to search for previously unknown metals and ores. The new industry will hopefully employ hundreds of workers and make Jorvik a name in the new global industrial revolution.
Panel 3:
May 8, 1903
Deep mine accident!
90 engineers and workers are presumed to be trapped or dead inside the Deep Core facility. It is the worst disaster in Jorvik history. During the drilling of a new deep mine shaft at the Deep Core 3 mine, a cave-in occurred in the early morning hours on the 7th of May. The cave-in trapped all the night workers who were on their way up at the end of their shift.
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Dark Core
In 1890, the Dark Core Drilling Company was established by the multibillionaire Owen D. Sands. Not much is know about this Mr. Sands figure, especially where his riches came from. But the fact is that this was the beginning for the biggest company in Jorvik history. Today, thousands of people work on the Dark Core drilling platforms, in its mines, research facilities, laboratories and factories. The goal of the Dark Core Corporation is unclear. It is a very secretive company, but what is known is that they are drilling in the seas outside Jorvik for rare minerals and metals. It is also know that such minerals have existed all around Jorvik since the time of the big meteor shower. What Dark Core intends to do with their findings is unknown. There are no records of such minerals being sold or used for anything or in any way. Perhaps Dark Core is still researching those uses and findings. Perhaps they, in fact, haven’t been able find anything at all. But if that’s the case, what is the mysterious cargo that all those Dark Core transports are carrying between the platforms and laboratories?
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Hundreds of years ago a strange light was seen in the sky. The light grew brighter and brighter, until it lit up the entire sky over Jorvik. The people of the small fishing village wondered about the phenomenon. The story of that strange night was passed down from generation to generation as the tale of when God blessed the island of Jorvik. The superstitious said that higher forces had given the island a touch of magic.
Today we know that the phenomenon was, in fact, a meteor shower, crashing down into the ocean just off the island. The waters are deep where a major number of the meteors landed, and the Dark Core Company is drilling today for the minerals that came with them, but some small fragments fell over the island. And some people still say that those stones have magical powers.
Since the day of that meteor shower, however, there has appeared on the island a special breed of horses - the Starbreed. The white horses with bluish manes are proud and wild still.
Lisa’s horse is named after his breed. Starshine was born in the wild, but his herd was attacked by wolves when he was still a young foal. Starshine was chased off into the woods alone. Deserted and alone, he grew up to be a lonely wild horse, before he met a human being, a young man with a small stable at the edge of the town of Jorvik. Even though Starshine was suspicious in the beginning, he soon realized that this man could be trusted. And so it happened that Starshine became friends with Mr. Herman.
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Page 1:
Even though Starshine is one of a very special horse breed, his features are just the same as any horse:
Ears Forehead Throat latch Nostril Muzzle Jugular groove Point of shoulder Chest Elbow Forearm Knee Cannon Front pastern Hoof Hoof wall Pastern Fetlock joint Girth Belly Sheath Thigh Point of hock Hind cannon Fetlock Buttock Dock Croup Point of hip Coupling Flank Back Breast Withers Neck Mane
Page 2:
The Starbreed
There are many breeds of horses all around the world, but none is as unique as the wild horses of Jorvik. For as long as anyone can remember, the white horses have been living on the island. These proud, almost untameable horses are known for their light blue markings and their bluish manes.
There is a legend in Jorvik that these great horses started to appear after the great meteor showers outside of Jorvik, hundreds of years ago. The legend says that this supernatural phenomenon somehow changed the Jorvik wild horses and infused them with magical abilities.
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Anne has lived in Jorvik all her life. Coming from a rich family, she is a little spoiled and can be ignorant of real life problems at times. But even though Anne feels that she is the Princess of Jorvik, she has a good heart. When the new girl, Lisa, arrives in Jorvik, strange things start to happen, and Anne is drawn right into the middle of them. She now has to realize that she, in some mysterious way, is connected to three girls she wouldn’t normally dream of becoming friends with. She has always felt a strong bond with her horse, Concorde, but the more she gets drawn into the strange events, the more she realizes that this bond might be more important than she expected.
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In the story of the Starshine Legacy, we meet Lisa just as she is moving from the big city to a small coastal town of Jorvik. Lisa isn’t very happy about moving. She feels a bit lost since her mom passed away, but her father has gotten a job at Dark Core Industries in Jorvik, which for Lisa means that she has to restart her life in a town where she knows no one. She has to start in a new school, and meet new friends. And on top of that, she has only been in Jorvik one day before strange and mysterious things start to happen. When she meets a sickly but beautiful horse Starshine, she realizes that something big is going on... something that puts Lisa in the path of Jorvik’s destiny...
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Panel 1:
Linda: I’m glad you met Alex, too. She’s a little odd, but really very sweet.
Lisa: And Anne showed her more human side... I should give her a call...
Panel 2:
Lisa: Darn! I must have left my cell phone when I changed to ride.
Panel 3:
Linda: Well, we’re not that far. Let’s go get it.
Lisa: Sure, thanks!
Panel 4:
Linda: Look! The stable doors are open. Mr. Herman never leaves it like this...
Lisa: What was that?
Sound effect: Vrooom!
Panel 5:
Linda: Mr. Herman?
Lisa: Starshine?
Mr. Herman: Ohhhhh...
Panel 7:
Lisa: Mr. Herman! What happened?!
Herman: Strange med broke in and knocked me out... but that’s not the worst of it! They stole Starshine!!!
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Panel 1:
Herman: It’s fantastic, Lisa... Starshine seems to have recovered! You must have a healing effect!
Clarice: All of his strange symptoms are gone, but he needs to rest now.
Linda: That was amazing, Lisa.. I’ll walk you back to town.
Panel 2:
Starshine’s thoughts: Lisa... you have made me well... Come back soon. Promise!
Panel 3:
Lisa’s thoughts: Oh, Starshine, you’ve healed me too... I’ll be back as soon as I can.
Panel 4:
Lisa: What a day! I can’t believe everything that happened.
Panel 5:
Herman’s thoughts: Wow! What a wonderful day... That fine horse, and that girl... may all those old stories have some truth to them.
Panel 6:
Sound effect: KRACK!!
Herman: Huh?!
Panel 7:
Mr. Sands: Good day to you, stable master... and good night!
Panel 8:
Sound effect: BONK! DUNK!
Herman: AARGH!
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Panel 1:
Linda: No!
Alex: No!
Panel 2:
Anne: Oh, no!
Herman: Oh, yes!
Panel 3:
Lisa’s thoughts: That’s right, Starshine. Fly like the wind!
Panel 4:
Sound effect: Thump!
Panel 5:
Starshine’s thoughts: Lisa... What is happening... Why can I hear you in my head?
Lisa’s thoughts: I don’t know, Starshine... It’s scary and wonderful at the same time...
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Panel 1:
Linda: Wow! Look at that!
Alex: Talk about love at first sight.
Panel 2:
Lisa’s thoughts: I don’t know what it is, Starshine, but you make me feel alive... Like I’ve found my way home!
Panel 3:
Lisa’s thoughts: Well... Here goes nothing!
Panel 4:
Lisa: Easy now, boy.
Panel 5:
Anne: I’ve got to hand it to you... They don’t look too shabby together.
Herman: Well, he is a might fine horse... I’ve always said he was.
Panel 6:
Lisa’s thoughts: Hmm... Somehow it feels like you’re trying to tell me something.
Panel 7:
Lisa’s thoughts: Maybe you’re just like me, waiting all your life to become what you’re destined to be.
Herman: Ok, Lisa... That’s great! Take him for a spin!
Panel 8:
Lisa: Ok, boy. Let’s see what you’ve got.
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Panel 1:
Lisa’s thoughts: There he is... What have I gotten myself into?
Panel 2:
Herman: How’s he holding up, Clarice?
Clarice: He’s anxious and weak... Are you sure about this, Mr. Herman?
Panel 3:
Lisa’s thoughts: Come on, Lisa, don’t be afraid.
Panel 4:
Starshine’s thoughts: What’s happening to me?
Panel 5:
Lisa’s thoughts: Please, Starshine. Just let me touch you.
Panel 6:
Starshine’s thoughts: Lisa!
Lisa’s thoughts: Starshine!
Panel 7:
Sound effect: BLUBB!
Panel 8:
Mr. Sands: Did you feel that? It is starting... Time to make our move...
Panel 9:
Fripp: The planets align. The tide turns. A storm brews.
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Panel 1:
Narration: And so...
Alex: Wow! They’re taking out Starshine... Isn’t he sick?
Linda: Mr. Herman has an idea.
Anne: Something to do with this horse and the hedgehog girl... Can she even ride?
Panel 2:
Herman: Here’s some extra gear... I get the feeling you’ve ridden before.
Lisa: I haven’t been on a horse since I was nine... I don’t know what you think you see in me, Mr. Herman.
Panel 3:
Herman: I see... a sadness in you... and a longing for something more... I see that in the horse you’re about to meet as well.
Panel 4:
Herman: I also see this birthmark, shaped like a star... I grew up in the 60s, so I have no problem believe in cosmic chance.
Panel 5:
Herman: You know, the horse, Starshine, has the same mark. You are very alike. Maybe you’re his soul mate... or should I say soulrider?
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