Up To Shenanigans
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
Look we can't! I're a girl and I'm a boy and we can't be roommates!
I'm growing dizzy with anger and confusion. But I also think you're really cute and adorable and I begin to think about how we'll have to share a room and live so close. What about if one of us wants to relieve ourselves? We can't quite talk about jerking off. I thought you were going to be a guy. At least with another guy, things could go smoothly. But're too cute. I'm blushing like crazy but I also feel like this has to be the universe working against me.
Listen...Kaito...I'm going to figure this out.
But you don't want to switch. You follow me and keep trying to talk me out of it. I'm going to the resident assistant's dorm. I knock but they aren't answering. I sigh as I try to reason with myself. Would it be so bad? You were so friendly. I finally face you and I tell you I'm returning to the dorm. Maybe tomorrow this will all be fixed up. I settle on the bed that's meant to be mine. You seem so intrigued by me.
Didn't you think this was a little suspicious? I knew my name. How did you not know I was a boy?
Oh, I figured you’d be a boy! I just didn’t care.
I smile sweetly and shrug. I figured something like this would happen. All my life I’ve been mistaken for a boy on paper because of my name. My parents thought having a boy name would give me some kind of advantage in the world of business. Imagine their shock when I applied to this college as an art major!
You’re still trying to wrap your mind about all of this when I go back to unpacking my stuff. You keep trying to tell me not to get too comfortable because I’ll probably be reassigned to a new dorm tomorrow. I sigh as I put the last of by stuff away before crawling onto your bed. You make a big show of how outraged you are by my behavior. I smirk before kissing your cheek.
Relax, Miyuki-kun! It’ll be lots of fun to live together!
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
After graduating and moving to go to college, I suddenly realized how things were different for me. I miss things at Shuchi'in, but I'm able to spread my wings. Nobody knows me here in college. I get to make a whole new me. The first day there I'm getting my bearings and walking along the halls. This school is rather grand and I'm happy I was able to get a really good scholarship and a lot of bursaries. I'm going to do my best to make sure I stay high up in the grades.
I make my way to my dorm. I know I was supposed to have a roommate. It'll be no different than how things were at home with Kei and dad. We didn't have much space in that apartment. So I think I can do well with a roommate. I'm putting my stuff down on the side of my room when this super cute girl walks in. Immediately I freeze and my cheeks burn. I look at her and I smile shyly. I need to think of something clever to say. This is going to be my first impression.
Hey! What are you doing in my room?
...real smooth.
Shirogane Miyuki? Huh…A boy roommate? How exciting!
I’ve never lived with a boy before! It’s going to be a lot of fun to get to know a boy in their natural habitat! I drop my bags on the twin bed opposite of yours and then I skip across the small space. You look like your gonna have a burst blood vessel right now. I grab your hand and give it a quick shake before grinning up at you.
I’m Kaito Hatake! They must have made a mistake, but I don’t mind! I think we’ll be fast friends!
I go back to start unpacking some of my stuff. I don’t have any family here to help me settle in, but it’s okay. I start taking my clothes out of my suitcase so I can fold them up. Everything seems to be okay until I take my underwear out. You growl softly before leaving the room while muttering that you’re gonna set this straight. I run out of the dorm after you.
Miyuki-san! Where are you going?
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
Hey, it's alright, kohai. Don't worry about it.
I think it's so fucking cute that this keeps happening. You're adorable in every single way. I'm too excited sometimes but with you it's on a whole new level. I've always wanted someone like me to be around..I know that I had a connection with Maki, but I believe she likes Fushiguro-san now. I know that I like him as well, but I just don't know that my relationship with either of them is going anywhere. So I know I've got my sights set on you. I help you up and we decide to take a little break. I bring you over to a bench and from one of the vending machines,.I buy us some water. I pass you the bottle.
Here, hydrate.
I flash you a sweet smile and I sit next to you. We both drink from the bottle. Then we begin to discuss our sparring session. I wonder what else you can do with your technique. I'm sure it causes you to have some kind of crazy power. I know I'll be amazed by your strength when you get the hang of things. It's exciting to have someone like you near me. You look at me with such a shy little smile.
Are you ready to spar some more? We can do hand-to-hand combat.
Oh, I don’t know if I can handle more sparring today.
I blush softly as I admit this to you. There’s a few reasons I’m not sure I can continue. For one I’m pretty tired from what we’ve done already. I’ve never trained this rigorously before, and since I still can’t quite control my technique it’s even more exhausting having to focus on my energy output so much.
I need to finish settling into my dorm.
I smile shyly. I also need to do something about the persistent ache between my legs. You’re the first person whose been so close to me. After the accident at school, I wouldn’t let anyone get close no matter what. Now I guess I’m a little starved for affection. Although I have to remind myself you’re just training me. You’re not trying to show me affection.
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
That's how you do it.
I whisper in your ear. Being so close to you like this is already igniting a flame so deep inside of me. I want to stay this close to you for as long as I can. I can see the little flowers at your feet. It's so fucking cute to know that me being this close to you has you all flustered. I can tell that your emotions are getting the best of you when you have those flowers growing out of you. It makes me feel good to know I can fluster you.
I continue to help you with your swing. It's already improving. I just want to keep holding you. Eventually, I let you go. We decide to do a little sparring with our weapons. I know we'll have to go a little easy on each other. Things could go badly if we aren't careful. We're both special grade sorcerers and our powers are quite volatile at times. Especially yours since you don't have the right grasp on it. We begin to spar and I keep teaching you little things.
It’s really fun to spar like this. We’re both being pretty careful about how we approach this, but it’s still pretty intense just because we both have such strength. A few people stop to watch us spar before moving along with their own training. Soon, sweat is dripping down my forehead as we swing at one another. My emotions keep getting more intense. The flowers grow around my foot, and I trip. You manage to move your sword in time to avoid hurting me and so I land on your chest, knocking us both to the ground with a thud.
Oh, shit!
Leave and flowers are falling from my hair, and I sit up quickly. Some of the flowers and leaves land on you. I blush like crazy as I start brushing them off of you carefully. You chuckle and insist it’s okay. I’m just so embarrassed that this always happens and reveals my deepest emotions.
Sorry, senpai! I just…got excited I guess.
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
Ah good morning, kohai! Did you sleep well?
You're so adorable. It almost makes me feel guilty about jerking off to thoughts of you. But I can't help myself. I don't know what it is, but I'm drawn to you like a moth to a flame. You tell me you slept so well, which makes me so happy to hear. I invite you inside for some coffee and I brief you a bit on our training. You really are so adorable. Once we're done with our coffees, I put my shoes on and we head outside to train. On our way there, we meet a few more people. I introduce you.
Then we head into the weapon storage. I don't know which weapon will suit you best, but we'll figure it out. I unlock the door and I guide you inside. We look at a few weapons together. My heart swells with affection when you pick a katana that's similar to mine. I encourage you to pick it, seeing as I'll be able to train you better. We head outside and I begin to explain to you how you'll be able to use this weapon as a means to control your cursed technique.
I’m really excited to start training together. My experience is pretty minimal. Gojo-sensei taught me a few things to help me control my cursed energy better, but overall it seems like we’re gonna be starting from scratch. I’ve heard a bit about how strong you are, and so I think it’ll be good for me to learn from you. I hope you can teach me how to control this technique so I don’t hurt anyone again.
Okay! What first, senpai?
You chuckle and tell me we’ll start with some stretches. You guide me through a few, and help me get my breathing pattern right. Then, we start with some sword drills. You have to teach me how to hold the katana properly. You try to show me by using yours as an example, but soon you’re coming up behind me. Your arms are around me as you guide my hands over the hilt. You fix my posture a little, and as I feel your hand on my shoulder I blush. Your other hand wraps around mine to show me how to swing the katana. Little pink flowers start blooming around my feet.
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
You can stay as long as you'd like. But if you want to rest, then that's okay.
I smile sweetly. I want you to stay longer..I want you in my bed..sleeping by my side. But damn, I can't do that. I try to remind myself that we've just met. We're just friends so far. I can't make you feel uncomfortable. That would be terrible. So we finish up watching the show and you tell me you're going to rest. I walk you to the door and then I get a good idea. I pull out my phone again and I pass it to you. You smile shyly.
Let's exchange phone numbers. I'll text you tomorrow for training!
You seem to really enjoy that idea. We trade contact information and then you bid me goodnight. When you leave, I have to go to my room. My cock is aching. Even if I already jerked off in the shower, I need to fuck my fist again. I need it so fucking bad. I lay on my bed and pull up a porn video. I'm jerking off, humping my pillows and moaning. Anything to get myself off. I moan your name softly as I cum hard. Then I go to clean myself up and I find myself sending you a cute selfie of me in bed.
Good night, kohai!
I blush and giggle as I see the cute selfie you sent me. You’re so adorable! I decide to send one back of myself all cuddled up in my bed. The blankets are pulled up to my chin and I just try to look as comfy as possible.
Goodnight senpai! 🥰
I fall asleep pretty quickly after that. When I wake up the next morning, there’s some flower petals and leaves in bed that I must have made when I was sleeping. It’s so easy for me to lose a handle on my technique sometimes. Especially if my walls are down or I’m emotional. At least I don’t default to creating poison or cursed plants anymore.
I have some breakfast and I get ready for the day. I head to your dorm and knock gently on the door. When you open it, I smile up at you and bounce excitedly on my tiptoes.
Good morning, senpai!
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
Oh! Gojo-sensei told me a little about your technique.
I'm intrigued. He mentioned something having to do with flowers and being able to harness their powers. I notice how embarrassed you seem about all of this. It's kind of how I felt when I first got here. I was worried about how my peers would view me. It made me feel so self-conscious. I didn't know what would happen to me. But now that I have some control over it, I know I can help you feel comfortable. I look over at you and smile so sweetly.
Don't worry about it, yeah? We're a lot alike. I had difficulties with my cursed technique before.
I tell you a little bit about it. You listen to me attentively. My heart swells at just how sweet you are to me. You just want to be good to me, and you want to be my friend. But I think I already want something more. I'll have to take it slow. I keep having to remind myself that I can't just kiss you and hold you. We only just met. We need time to really get to know one another. I reach over and I give your hand a very gentle squeeze. You smile shyly.
I promise, I'll help you.
Thank you, senpai.
I’m kind of relieved that Gojo-Sensei doesn’t seem to have told you about what happened at my school. We seem to like each other, and I don’t want anything to ruin it. I finally have a friend after all this time alone. I look down at our intertwined hands and I just feel so bubbly inside. I squeeze your hand a little bit again before moving a little closer to you.
You offer to turn something on television. While we’re picking something out, our food arrives. While you go get it and pay the driver, I pick out a fun show for us to watch together. We sit on the couch, chatting and eating happily. It feels so good not to be alone. After we finish eating, I clean up our plates before sitting beside you again.
I should probably head back to my dorm soon.
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
After I leave you to settle in, I head to my room. I'm trying to settle in too. I get a text from Gojo and he informs me of your situation a bit more and your cursed technique. You need help on controlling it. You really are just like me. My heart flutters when I think of that. We're the same you and I. We'll get along so well. You're going to be my special little kohai. I unpack my bag and take a shower. It feels good to be back at school. It doesn't take long for me to feel aroused about you. Even in the shower, I take the time to rub one out. It takes no time for me to cum.
After I'm done in the shower, I get dressed. That's when I hear the knock on my door. You look adorable, dressed in cozy clothes. I invite you inside for a bit as I agree to us having dinner together. Maybe we could even order something in. It could be fun and we could have a chance to break the ice even more. I look at you and smile so sweetly. You mimic my actions and my heart flutters.
Why don't we get something delivered? It'll be my treat.
Oh! That’d be so nice, senpai!
I’m blushing a little bit as you let me sit down on the couch beside you. Buying food and hanging out together could mean that you like me. That’s what my sister used to talk about a lot. She was so beautiful and popular with boys though. Nobody ever paid me attention in school. Everyone thought I was mentally ill because I could see curses…And then the accident happened with my technique. It was horrible.
You sit beside me on the couch, and we start looking over some takeout options together. You smile kindly before leaning in closer to I can see the app better. We choose something together and then you place the order. You lean over me a little to plug your phone up at the table beside me. I can smell your body wash and feel the warmth of you close to me. I’m so excited from such a small thing, a rose blooms in the palm of my hand. The vines sprout out and tickle against you. I gasp and close my fist around it.
Sorry! It happens all on its own sometimes.
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
Coming back from being abroad feels weird. When I get back to the school, I'm informed by Masamichi and Gojo-sensei that I have to take someone under my wing. Apparently you're someone like me. You're a special grade sorcerer who doesn't know how to manage their powers. I love the idea of helping someone who's like me. I want to make you feel so comfortable and welcome here. But the minute I meet you, I know I'm done for. You're the cutest, most adorable thing I've ever laid eyes on. I have this guilt because I know Rika would be jealous if she knew what I was thinking about you.
Nice to meet you. I'm Okkotsu Yuta. Just call me Yuta!
I extend my hand out to you and you shyly shake it. You introduce yourself to me. I find you so fucking cute. I then gently guide you to come with me. We begin walking around the school and the campus. I'm showing you around. I introduce you to a few of our classmates. Already I'm hooked to the way you seem to cling to me. You're a shy little thing but you're sweet and friendly. I know I'm going to love this. Then I bring you to the dorms, and we reach your door.
I live in a dorm down the hall. You'll get used to all of this soon, I promise. And I'm always here if you have questions.
Thank you, senpai!
I blush and look down shyly. I kind of wish I could ask you to stick around to hang out with me for a little while, but I know maybe I shouldn’t. You’re supposed to be my senpai now, and I still need to settle into my dorm anyway. I smile softly and we make plans to meet in the morning to begin training. We both seem a little unsure how to end this interaction, so I finally bow my head and tell you goodnight.
Once I’m in my dorm, I take a quick shower and change into some comfortable clothes. Then, I focus on unpacking some of my stuff. It’s a little late when I decide to get something for dinner. I walk down the hallway to your dorm and knock gently on the door. I smile brightly as I look up at you.
Would you like to eat dinner with me, senpai?
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
Something hurts me about the way you talk about Lord Aizen. I know he had a different life before he came here. The life of a Soul Reaper. He was once someone like you in a way. I wonder how that must have felt. He betrayed everyone he knew. And yet somehow all of us Arrancar almost seem to revere him like a god. It's truly odd to feel that way for someone like him. And with my newfound feelings for you, whatever they are, I feel like I'm partially betrayed for you in a way.
You continue to talk to me. It feels good to cuddle like this. I've never had a lover. Never had a crush. This is the first time that I feel something blossoming in my chest like this. It both scares me and angers me. It's too new, too unpredictable. It worries me in a way because I have no idea how to navigate through this. But there's this part of me that keeps saying to myself that I have to protect you.
You're a good girl.
Oh, thank you!
I’m blushing so much from your compliment. I’ve been trying to behave, but hearing you call me a good girl just makes me feel a little giddy. I know it shouldn’t, all things considered. I almost wonder if I’m getting too caught up in all of this, but it feels nice to be praised. If I have to play along anyway, maybe it’s best if I get some joy from it. I nuzzle against your chest and cuddle closer.
You seem like underneath it all there might be some kindness within you. I don’t want to get too invested in the idea. You’re an Arrancar, a hollow. We’re sworn enemies, and yet I feel so close to you. My heart races as you hold me close. I rub your abdomen absentmindedly as we lay together. I look up at you again and smile softly. Then, I kiss your cheek. When I lay my head down again on your chest, it doesn’t take me long to fall asleep.
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
This's nonsense. You don't actually want me around...
I'm blushing as I say this. I look down at my hands in my lap. You do want me around. You're trying to show that you're a good girl. It turns me on in a way. I like you defiant too so I can exercise my power on you. But at the same time, I love the idea of you needing me. I love that you want me to stay. You ask again for me to stay. You pout and flutter your eyelashes. I tell the guards to shut up, and then I sit down on your bed with you. It is rather cold and damp in this cell.
I can only stay for a bit.
This makes you smile. We arrange the blankets so that your bed is much comfier now. It's warmer under the covers. We lay together on the small bed. It's terrible that you have to stay here. I'm already thinking about how I'm going to be bringing you to stay in my room. You are my pet. Lord Aizen gave you to me in a way. We are supposed to stick together. You're my hostage. I can do whatever I want with you. I hold you in my arms as you snuggle up to me. I make the decision in my mind. You won't stay here tonight.
Thank you for staying with me.
I smile up at you so sweetly so you’ll know how much I appreciate your kindness. It would’ve been all too easy for you to push me away and make me stay in here all alone. I lay my head on your chest and I relax under the blankets. You arranged them so comfortably for me so I’m all nice and warm. I know I might be getting you in trouble with Aizen, but maybe not. It seems like you’re the only one with much interest in my presence right now. Maybe all I am is a toy in the larger game of things.
Ulquiorra-sama, have you always been here? In Hueco Mundo?
You explain in short that you’re a natural born Hollow. You never lived the life of a man. I listen to you as you tell me how you grew into an Espada, and joined Aizen’s ranks. I tell you a little about how I became a Soul Reaper. I really worked hard. When Lord Aizen made me the third seat of his division, I thought it was because I worked so hard. When he defected, I realized it was only because be believed me to be naive. He knew I wouldn’t see his plans.
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
It's okay. You can rest today. But you need to eat.
I feel so protective over you. I shouldn't have left you. I let you freeze while I stupidly indulged myself. I'm a ridiculous person to even think that was an acceptable move. But something about you has really made a change in me. I feel like I want to be even closer to you now. Something inside of me has made me realize just how badly I'd like to be with you a lot of the time. It's foolish but I can't quite tear myself away from you. You must be a special Soul Reaper...but something about this worries me.
I wonder if maybe you're using a power on me. What if your plan was to fool me when I kidnapped you? It would make so much sense for you to have a power like that to make me believe something was growing between us. Yet you seem so pathetic when I feed you breakfast. Then you slump back down on the bed. It's not long before another guard comes in with a few more blankets. I begin to tuck you in.
Get some rest.
Don’t leave, Ulquiorra-sama!
I gently grab your hand and I pout pitifully. The guards don’t take care of me like you do. This cell is cold and damp and uncomfortable, but you try to make it feel better. The guards just like to laugh at me. It gives them a thrill to make fun of a Soul Reaper that’s become an Arrancar’s pet. I gently tug on your hand to bring you a little closer, then I kiss your fingertips.
I can tell maybe you’re feeling pretty torn about all of this. I even make a big show of putting on my leash so you know I’ll be obedient as long as you’ll have me close by to you. I don’t want to be alone and cold and sad. You make me comfortable. You treat me well, even if it is the same treatment given to a beloved pet.
I’ll be really good, I promise!
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
I end up finding myself feeling odd by leaving you alone in the cell. I shouldn't even be missing you. You're just this hostage. And yet when I return to my room, I'm thinking of you. My mind is swirling with thoughts of you. I think about your curvy body. I think about how you felt next to me in the bath. Our bodies were so close. You were so smooth under my palms. You were so beautiful too. Even when you wanted to disobey me. You're challenging nature turns me on.
The more I think of you the more I feel my body reacting to it. My cock hardens but I try to ignore it. I'm on my bed, trying to rest. But still, I'm having to palm at my cock. This angers me. I haven't been turned on in so long, and I don't even want to indulge. But eventually I have to. I remove my pants and squeeze the tip. Then I slowly stroke myself. Your face appears in my mind. Then I think of your body as I quicken my pace. Soon I'm spilling all over myself. I grunt as I clean myself with a blanket and then roll over to sleep..I know in the morning I'll have to bring you breakfast. How will I not be mortified to face you after this?
I don’t sleep well at all. Even when the day comes, I’m still freezing. When you open the door, I’m under a pile of clothes and the scratchy blanket shivering. You set a tray of breakfast down, but I can’t bring myself to move to get it. You walk over and start to uncover me, but I just grab the clothes and blanket to cover back up in. I hear you walk away and talk to the guard. He confirmed that I asked for another blanket, but he refused to give me one.
I lay quietly as you lash out at the guard and send him away. He tries to explain himself and apologize, but you’re already closing the door to the cell. I’m shivering as you come over to the bed. You try once more to get me to eat breakfast, but I sink further into what little warmth I’ve managed to make for myself.
I’m so cold. ‘Couldn’t sleep because I was too cold.
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
I lead you back to your cell after I'm done getting dressed. I can't quite spoil you forever. Otherwise this will become too pleasurable for you. You are my hostage after all. I hate the thought of leaving you in here though. I know I need to make sure you are comfortable. After we enter the cell together, this is when I remove the leash. You sit on the bed and look up at me expectantly. I know you're trying to be good with me right now. There is a certain pride I feel in my chest.
I have to leave you here. If you need to go to the bathroom, ask the guard.
I approach the guard and I tell him he needs to bring you to the bathroom if needed. And I warn him that if he harms you, there will be consequences for him. I can tell he's nervous about it. So he accepts the condition. You look at me from your place on the bed. Something about this seems pitiful. I don't know how I could be having these feelings for a hostage. But I almost want to bring you out of here. I want you to be with me in my room.
I'll be back tomorrow with breakfast.
It’s odd in a way. I really don’t want you to leave me right now. I thought I’d be relieved to be alone, but instead I feel small and frightened. I don’t dare voice this out loud though. I’m not sure how you’d react if I did. Maybe you’d take pity on me, or you’d punish me for asking for more from you. So instead, I watch you leave. My heart aches when you close the door to my cell.
I curl up on the bed, underneath the scratchy blanket left for me. It’s uncomfortable and cold in here by myself. I spend most of the night shivering and trying to curl up to get some warmth. I sleep a little bit, but mostly I keep waking up from being so cold. I try to ask the guard for another blanket, but he shrugs me off.
“It’s not my job to baby you,” he scoffs.
So I just curl up and try my best to keep warm. I even pile all the clothes you left for me ontop of me to add layers.
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
Do not play dumb with me. Do not do anything without my permission.
I growl in your ear. You're truly starting to test my patience. It's becoming more and more irritating. But in reality...there's something so thrilling about our newfound relationship. You make me feel something for the first time in so long. It's like our very essence seems to be calling out to one another. Finally, I allow you to get out of the bath. You stay close to me as I pull the plug and the water begins to drain. I hand you one of the towels and I grab my own.
After we get dried off, I bring you to the counters. I set you down on one of them and begin to look for some lotion. It seems like I want to take such good care of you. I don't know what is compelling me to do so. You're just this Soul Reaper I found and that Lord Aizen wanted me to keep as a hostage. Why should I care about you? Yet I'm gentle as I apply some lotion on your body. I look up at you and you're blushing a little. little obedient pet.
I swallow hard as you say this. It’s becoming obvious how you see the dynamic between us now. It should’ve dawned on me sooner with the collar and the leash. I stay still and obedient as you rub the lotion on my skin. It shouldn’t feel nice to me at all. I should be disgusted by this, but I’m not. It feels strangely really good. My skin feels really soft and nice when you’re done.
Thank you.
I smile shyly. Maybe if I’m kind and submissive things will be easier for me here. Surely someone will come for me eventually, right? So I should just play along for a while. You check on my wounds again, and you dress the ones that are still pretty deep once more. You explain they’re healing up faster than usual because of a salve you put on them. I let you lift me off the counter, then you dress me. The yukata you’ve put me in is a lot more comfortable than the prisoner’s garb I’d been wearing before.
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
Just relax.
I begin washing you slowly and gently. I don't know what is making me do this for you, but I feel the need to do it. You try to protest, but you soon quiet down as I begin to continue washing your body. Your skin glides smoothly under my hands. I haven't felt such exquisite softness in...maybe forever. I didn't do this sort of thing with Orihime. She's still a young girl. But with you, I feel something different. It grows deep inside of me, gnawing at me from the inside. I wonder if maybe this is part of your powers as a Soul Reaper.
Soon I allow myself to cup your breasts as I clean them. I hear you gasp. Your breasts are so full and they fit perfectly in my hands. I begin to knead them under the guise of washing them. Then I move upward to wash your chest and neck. I feel you relaxing under my touch. You must be so confused. I am too, if I had to admit it. But I want to feel you in so many different ways. You are my pet and I could do anything I want with you.
I stay still and try to relax while you wash me. It doesn’t feel bad or anything to have you cleaning me. In fact in a way, it feels sort of nice. You’re taking care of me in a way nobody has before, but I know maybe that’s part of the trap. Make me enjoy being cared for so I’ll be a good, submissive pet. I haven’t come around much to that idea, and I don’t know if ever will. I know I might get broken in the process of trying to fight it.
That’s enough. Thank you.
I try to pull away and get out of the bath. I’m just starting to get on my feet when you pull hard on the leash. I slip and end up falling on my ass back into the water, making it splash all over the floor. I’m shaking and trembling when you pull me back against you. Your chest is flush against my back, and I can feel my heart ponding. I’m confused about why you pulled me back into the tub. We’re both clean, and the water is starting to get cooled down. I swallow hard. Maybe you wanted me to ask permission?
M-May I get out of the tub, Ulqiorra-sama?
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starryroleplays · 11 months ago
Mm...I'm indifferent. But I suppose...long hair can be nice. It frames your face perfectly.
My eyes widen as I divulge such a vulnerable thing to you. My cheeks burn and I turn away to look somewhere else. You seem quite pleased with my answer. Orihime also has long hair and I found it looked good on her too. I think I had developed a small little crush on her but with that little twerp Kurosaki coming to save her, I realized that I am not destined to love. I don't believe that Arrancar are supposed to have feelings. It's foolish nonsense.
Finally, I begin to wash myself. I keep a close eye on you as you try to relax in the bath. You're so cute, really. I never imagined I'd find myself attracted to a Soul Reaper. It's just that...perhaps I have spent a lot of my existence feeling so lonely. You just sort of plopped onto my lap. And now...well now you are mine. You belong to me. I lean in to wrap my arms around you and this amazing smell invades all my senses.
I gasp when you wrap your arms around me. I tense up a little bit, but you just pull me closer to you. There’s a strange feeling of warmth spreading in my chest as you nuzzle against my neck. Your fingers trace the collar gently, reminding me of my place with just a simple touch. I shudder but I don’t try to move away right now. I just sit in the bath, letting you hold me. It’s been a long time since someone held me like this, but even then it was innocent.
Thank you for letting me get a bath…
You hum softly, in a way that I can’t quite tell what you’re thinking or feeling. I swallow hard as I grab the soap to begin washing my body. You don’t make it easy for me. You keep your arms wrapped around me so I have to work around you a bit. Then, you grab the soap from me.
What are you doing? I was using that!
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