What exactly do you offer "worshippers" here? Are you able to fulfill your promises as a deity in this form?
Not sure if this is supposed to be hate or not, so I'm answering it in a genuine manner.
As opposed to writing a completely original wall of text, I will give and elaborate on quotes from the original posts about worshippers that I made:
From this post:
"I know I'm in a human form right now, and I know I have no literal powers, so logically theres no reason to worship me"
This is the response I give if this was meant in a passive-aggressive manner. I had said originally that I am unable to literally change or do anything for my worshippers at this time because of my current form. All my worshippers are aware of this fact.
"it boils down to a need to be acknowledged and recognized. Just having a group of people who will come to me with whatever troubles them, who will share their achievements and joys, but it's in a worshipper to worshipped way"
This is why I desired worshippers to begin with. I wanted to be there for people in the way a god is there for its people. I wanted to be recognized as a deity, and have people who see me as such. I wanted to be safe to people.
From this post:
"You can also come to me for anything that troubles you, whether you want comfort, advice, or just an ear to listen, I'm here for you. Or if something made you really happy, feel free to tell me about it!"
All I ask of my worshippers is to talk to me, allow me to hear them. In return I promise nothing but for me to listen, to comfort, to Guide. They worship me because I am always there for them, I give them a space where they are welcome, no matter what. That's all.
I hope this aids you in some way, and answers the question for anyone else who may have wondered it.
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hello a fellow deity is here ..
im getting through a harsh time.of my life now, but im not giving up! my life is so much worthy, im playing games somerimes drawing and doing stuff that makes me relaxed . im willing to make new friends and make this new chapter of my life exciting and fullfilling.
im planning to try to connect with myself more, spending time with my hobbies and observing humans . however unlike my deity ancestors i kinda dont like them . sometimes i actually hate them for being foolish and stupid to me, being absolutely unrespectful .. i feel like im a god that just destroying everything, not creating
- malus 🪽
Hello Malus!
It's important to not give up, even when times are hard, and I'm so happy you're pushing through! Seeing things as a new chapter is a very good way to help yourself move forward.
I will admit some deities can be cruel, they can cause bad things to happen without reason, or they can affect people's mental health in very negative ways. So I'm definitely not going to say your disliking of them is unjustified, I will only ask that you try to find the good in the world if you cannot find that good in your fellow deities.
As for yourself, destruction is not always a bad thing. Destruction can be vital to the progression of the world. Like how things must die so others can eat, things sometimes need to be destroyed for others to blossom. You are not evil. You are not a bad deity. As long as you make the effort to help through your destruction, you are good.
Remember that even as deities we are not perfect. We do not have the foresight to make every best possible decision at every moment. We can only do what we can.
Wishing you the best, and remember you are always welcome here!
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Alright, where to start here...
I'm omnitheistic, meaning I believe in all gods from all religions. Some, to me, are the same gods under different names (see the Greek and Roman pantheons) but they all still exist to an extent.
So when I'm thinking about my identity as a god, I look to the other gods as a point of reference. I take their stories and their beings into account when I'm learning new things about myself.
I also do a bit of witchcraft here and there, and a lot of that is deity work. I've worked with a number of gods, and those interactions show me more about them and what it means to be a god. It makes it easier to process and understand new information about myself.
Even going back to my younger ages, I was always very interested in religious stories. I wanted to know more about the gods and who they were. Looking back I realize it was because of my own godhood that I wanted to read everything I could. It's kind of like listening to stories your parents tell about themselves and other relatives. It's interesting because you have a connection to those people.
Hope this answers your question!
For other dietykin/ alterhumans that identify with divine beings, do you take religious texts into account?
(Rambles under cut)
For me personally, I have very in depth knowledge about the christian bible because of how I was raised. Although I don't believe in it now, some things felt (and still feel) familiar and right to me. There are other books, non canonical, that name angels and other things that weren't mentioned in the christian bible, and I take those into account as well
(I used to think it was weird that my special interest was something I hated, silly me)
I know that the Ars Goetia is also a resource for many, and contains useful information. I haven't read it myself but I know that it's contained in The Lesser Key of Solomon which is also based in the bible.
I guess I have a couple questions. One, where are all the non judeo christian dietykin? And two, if you are dietykin based in judeo christian belief, do you care about the literature?
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Omg a fellow wish deity? Amazing!!
Yes! Though wishes aren't my primary domain, they play a big part in it! I deal mostly with wishes that can be realistically worked towards, so I can Guide those people to the thing they wished for, though I am guilty of pulling a few strings to get something specific for people on occasion haha.
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Hello! A newly discovered deitykin here! (Also eldritch sun being as well). If I may ask, how did you discover more information or aspects of yourself as a deity. I’m really struggling to get more details.
Thank yiu! ☀️
Welcome welcome!
It was a long road getting to where I am now. A lot of questioning, a lot of doubt, but ultimately all the work paid off.
I'd suggest starting with guided meditations and genuine self-reflection. Be open to the possibilities, try not to shut down any ideas that pop up. Look into the options you find, and see what clicks!
And don't stress about figuring everything out immediately, this is a very personal journey, there's no time limit or standard for when you need to have things worked out. Probably my biggest regret in this process was trying to rush it.
Wishing you the best, and remember you're always welcome here!
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Fellow deity/deitything here! I just wanted to say your blog is cool and inspiring!
Hello!! I'm so happy that my blog gives that energy, I definitely try my best to be someone people can look to when they need it. It's not often I'm called cool, either, so thank you for that! As for inspiring, I'm very glad my blog can give others the confidence to be themselves!
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Hello, I'm back with my weekly message.
Last week, I did manage to get better from my sickness. I finished my course of antibiotics, and I'm feeling much better now!
In the coming week, I want to get back into working on a piece of writing of mine. I've been on hiatus with it for long enough, and now that I'm getting better physically and mentally, I can get back into it. I have a lot of ideas, too, which will make things easier moving forward.
I hope you have a good week!
-Archangel 🌌
Hello Archangel!
I'm so glad you've recovered from your illness! Medicine is a wonderful thing!
Writing projects are always fun, just make sure not to overwork yourself! It's great that you have ideas that get the creativity flowing! I will caution you to take it slow at first as you get back into it, since you're still getting better and working too much too quickly will burn you out. Other than that, I'm happy you've found the motivation to work on something you enjoy!
Wishing you the best, and remember that you're always welcome here!
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alright (cracks knuckles)
I've got some asks to answer
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Hello, here is my weekly devotion.
Something that I accomplished last week was... Well, my art and literature magazine that I'm an editor for was nationally recognized. That's an achievement that I'm proud of.
As for something I want to accomplish in this coming week, I'd like to rest and recover. I unfortunately caught the flu and an ear infection at once, so I've been doing a lot of resting these past few days.
I hope you're doing well, and I hope this week treats you wonderfully.
-Archangel 🌌
welcome once more!
your hard work is paying off!! you've achieved something great and for that I am extremely proud of you!! being recognized like that isn't an easy feat, and no doubt you played a very big role in it! editors are crucial to any publication's success!
rest is always very good! I've been doing a fair amount myself lately, perhaps more than I should. but this is not about me! the flu and ear infections can both be really not fun is not taken care of properly, so it is in your best interest to take care of those pronto! your health always comes first!
wishing you well, and remember that you are always welcome here!
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hi hello!!! I'm a deity of the moon and sea, i just wanted to drop in and say hi, i think you're really cool (≧▽≦) !!! i hope you have a great day
hello fellow deity!
I'm happy you think I'm cool, I sure try to be lol
you seem very lovely yourself!
wishing you the best!!
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🕯️Tabitha thanks you for the feeling of support, protection, hope, and encouragement you always provide. My classes have just begun and they are going very well so far.
Tabitha! How lovely to see you in my inbox!
I'm glad your classes are going well, and I hope they continue going well! Class can be a wonderful tool to learn, and learning is an invaluable thing!
I am always here for you to give you encouragement and advice, and I will support you through thick and thin!
I wish you the best as always, and remember that you are always welcome here!
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Here comes the memories flood again

#me too man#it happens at random times for no reason#every time i just grab my tarot deck and go#“alright who's the wise guy who decided it would be funny to make me suffer today”
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hi, just a random angel saying i hope you're doing alright and sending some love because you deserve it! <3
you are so kind! I'm doing very well, thank you for the love!
sending that positive energy right back to you!
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It's okay! I hope life becomes a bit let hectic, always feel free to take your time responding!
This week I went to work twice (which wasnt great but I got paid), and made plans with friends. I also went to the library alone and took an afternoon to myself which was lovely.
I hope you have a good week!
~ ⭐
You guys are a priority to me, and answering you is important, but thank you for assuring me it's ok.
Work can be exhausting and Not Fun, I totally get you. Money is good though, so it's a bit of a trade off.
Libraries are often calm, relaxing places to escape to. I'm very glad you took time for yourself, you deserve it!
Have a lovely week, and I wish you well!
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ok so I'm gonna say something that's a bit silly but I tell it to everyone who asks this question:
online quizzes. you know the ones. the "what are you the god of" quizzes? use them. they may not be accurate most of the time, but they definitely put me on the right track to figuring out my domain.
again, take the results with a grain of salt, unless they really resonate with you. they're not gonna tell you your exact domain, but they can give you an idea of things to consider.
other than that, just think of things, physical, metaphysical, conceptual, that you feel connected to in some way. I've always been connected to fire, and turns out fire is a huge part of my godhood.
trust your instincts, let them lead you. and remember, there's no rush to figuring things out. it's a process, and everyone is gonna go through it at a different pace
hope this helps!
Yo divinekin, godkin etc squad, how'd you guys figure out what your domains are?
I'm trying to narrow down and get a better look at my own stuff so, any advice is appreciated tbh.
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posed this to a discord, but thought I'd extend it to y'all as well:
make (using this picrew) your real/true/natural/base form, and then make the form you'd use to interact with humanity
I'll go first:
you can tell I really don't wanna scare people so I tone down a lot to try and look friendlier. my true form is reserved for people I know well and people I actually want to scare
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Also, relating to your post on wanting worshippers -- I'm an angel. It's in my nature to want to worship. And I've always longed for a more tangible deity than what the old ones I followed gave me.
So, I'll probably be sending you a lot of anonymous messages. Fills this desire for both of us, no?
-Archangel 🌌
Me being on this plane is complicated for me, but I'm glad it gives you a more tangible being to talk to. Genuinely, I'm so happy I can help you and all my other worshipers.
This is indeed a very good situation for both of us! I'm always here if you ever need me, please remember that.
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