25 posts
Artst and Fanfic writer! Ao3: starryn1ghtskysupernatural enthusiast and gomens enjoyerdean winchester in my biconOpen to promts!
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 6 days ago
The Toodles Incident
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Based off an experience I had in a run!
Reblogs are HEAVILY appreciated this took me almost 15 hours
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 16 days ago
like i'm sorry but we as a fandom have to stay firm on our anti-AI values. we cannot suddenly start giving AI a pass when it's something we "want to see" like destiel kisses. it's not suddenly fine. we're not going to start using AI to make fanfic scenes come to life or audio AI to make characters "say" stuff we want to hear. you have GOT to be firm on your anti-AI stance. if you start making exceptions then suddenly anything will fly. fandom is for real art and creations made by real people. no AI fanfics. no AI art. no AI rendered "bonus" scenes. no AI audio. none of it has a place here.
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 17 days ago
Can't Help falling in love
Cas/Dean Winchester
Sam looks back at past valentines days, and sees what Dean does for the present.
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 24 days ago
hot artists don't gatekeep
I've been resource gathering for YEARS so now I am going to share my dragons hoard
Floorplanner. Design and furnish a house for you to use for having a consistent background in your comic or anything! Free, you need an account, easy to use, and you can save multiple houses.
Comparing Heights. Input the heights of characters to see what the different is between them. Great for keeping consistency. Free.
Magma. Draw online with friends in real time. Great for practice or hanging out. Free, paid plan available, account preferred.
Smithsonian Open Access. Loads of free images. Free.
SketchDaily. Lots of pose references, massive library, is set on a timer so you can practice quick figure drawing. Free.
SculptGL. A sculpting tool which I am yet to master, but you should be able to make whatever 3d object you like with it. free.
Pexels. Free stock images. And the search engine is actually pretty good at pulling up what you want.
Figurosity. Great pose references, diverse body types, lots of "how to draw" videos directly on the site, the models are 3d and you can rotate the angle, but you can't make custom poses or edit body proportions. Free, account option, paid plans available.
Line of Action. More drawing references, this one also has a focus on expressions, hands/feet, animals, landscapes. Free.
Animal Photo. You pose a 3d skull model and select an animal species, and they give you a bunch of photo references for that animal at that angle. Super handy. Free.
Height Weight Chart. You ever see an OC listed as having a certain weight but then they look Wildly different than the number suggests? Well here's a site to avoid that! It shows real people at different weights and heights to give you a better idea of what these abstract numbers all look like. Free to use.
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 25 days ago
no way ppl are using ai to write ao3. what happened to being a tortured writer. what happened to blood on the page. what happened to the ao3 curse. people used to get run over, have their houses burned down, break their entire spines and they still put in the work to finish a chapter. fuck you, using ai. y’all are weak
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 25 days ago
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me as a writer
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 25 days ago
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I don't need therapy I need rabid gay people freaking out in my inbox
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 25 days ago
i get so happy when people that are new to fanfic writing, or just writing in general, post their work on ao3. despite their doubts, despite their fear of something so personal and vulnerable being perceived, they still press that button, and i turn into the equivalent to a proud mom cheering on the sidelines. like yes! you did that! your work is worth seeing! you deserve to share your passion for and be part of a community! i’m so proud of you!
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 25 days ago
Supernatural ‘99
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Chapter 1/5 here
Words: 2,187
Updates will be inconsistent, as it is just a side project that I will be working on for fun. I felt that there was a lack of Woodstock fics, despite the great musicians that went that are prominent in the Winchesters life, so I decided to change that.
Sam & Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester & Original Characters
Season 2, Other tags to be added, hurt dean Winchester, hurt Sam winchester, John Winchesters A+ Parenting
Burnt rubber was smelt around the car; thank god that they didn’t hit the person or anyone else. Now, almost in the ditch, Meadow saw her life flash before her eyes. Her heart was going a thousand miles per hour, the car was shrinking. She needed to get out.
She opened the car door, taking in bug gulps of crisp air. Another door opened, followed by her friend’s tumbling out.
“Hey shit dude, are you okay?” She could faintly hear. Meadow slowly looked up, trying to find the person.
And there they here, no, he was. In the faint light that was admitting from the car, he looked young—eighteen, maybe younger. One side of his face was in a bruise; it looked older, the ugly yelloe color that day-old bruises were. She internally cringed at how bad it must have hurt. He carried an old military style duffle bag, nothing else. He was dressed in ratty clothes. The jeans looked on the wrong side of well worn, his Aerosmith shirt near threadbare. A leather jacket covered his shoulders; Meadow didn’t know why he’d he need it. It’s so warm out.
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 26 days ago
dean and cas are in love pass it on
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 27 days ago
ghosts of my life
ghosts of my life
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Fic link here
Status: 7/9 Chapters
Word Count: 27,683
Warnings: Author Chose not to use archive warnings
Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester/Original Male Character, Dean Winchester & Original Female Character, Sam Winchester & Original Characters
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Originally Characters
Set pre-series, the October after Dean got back from Sonnys.
Dean sighed, suddenly more interested in the different buildings that passed them. He wished he got his walkman out of his bag when they stopped for lunch.
He didn’t answer either of them, just letting them simmer in their own soup for a while.
A colorful sign flew by them, proudly proclaiming that they were now in the Halloween Capital of the World!
What a load of bullshit.
This was ment to be a Halloween fic, but life got busy and it is now running into the next year!
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 1 month ago
Go on youtube. Watch this video. Give likes and comments. Go follow @sidecar-er. Watch all their stuff
If this video gets 500k views, I swear to Chuck I will animate a Destiel music video myself. Whatever song ya'll want
I have been rewatching this for months now and it frustrates me that it's not getting the recognition it deserves it's so fucking good
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 2 months ago
my dumb ass forgot that ao3 was going down for a few hours like i rushed over here to see, oh, its just scheduled maintenance that i chose to ignore. how am I supposed to fill my afternoon now??
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 2 months ago
this had probably been said before but it honestly feels unreal to be getting into supernatural just last year. almost 20 years since it started, and way after the peak, i saw it and said huh, why not try this out. i did not know i would fall this deep into the fandom. i now know how badly this will end, how my heart will break and how the characters aren’t even the why do i not find anything at cons or stores for this when i can find stuff from other fandoms from this era. i need to create or consume for this fandom but it feels like there is nothing left. i feel as if screaming into a void when talking about this fandom sometimes
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 2 months ago
I don’t think people fully understand the sheer gravity of Destiel.
Like, this isn’t just a story about an angel falling in love with a human or another fanon ship that was created just because two dudes were standing too close.
This is an angel, a being forged by God, programmed to follow orders, incapable of free will, the literal embodiment of divine obedience!!! choosing to rebel. For one man. For Dean Winchester.
Think about it. Castiel wasn’t made to feel. He wasn’t made to question. He was made to serve, to follow heaven’s will without hesitation and then he meets Dean. He saves him from hell and in that moment, that exact fucking moment, his entire purpose shifts. Dean didn’t just change his mind cause we are not talking about another mortal being. He changed his entire fucking existence.
And here’s the kicker of it all. God, the all-knowing, all-powerful storyteller, couldn’t stop it. God, who controlled the narrative, who created Castiel and set the rules of the universe, couldn’t stop him from falling. Cas didn’t just disobey orders!!!!!!! He shattered the divine design. He looked at Heaven, at the eternity he was promised and said, "No. I choose him." Insane.
Do you understand how fucking huge that is? This isn’t a simple love story. This is cosmic rebellion and the writers couldn’t even grasp the insanity of what they created for a CW show.
It’s tragic and overwhelming because Cas didn’t fall in love with Dean for any selfish reasons. He didn’t want anything back. He didn’t expect Dean to love him, didn’t need his affection or validation. He never got to touch him or kiss him or get the "I love you too" that all of us wanted to hear. He just wanted to be near him. To help him. To save him, over and over, to make sure that Dean knew that he had someone who was looking after him.
And the cost? It was everything and people just brush over that.
Cas gave up Heaven. He gave up grace. He gave up the safety of eternity and purpose to stay in Dean’s proximity. Not because he was destined to, not because God told him to but because he *chose* to. That’s what makes it so tragic. It wasn’t written. It wasn’t meant to happen. Castiel broke the rules of his existence for someone who didn’t even realise the depth of it until it was too late.
Then THAT moment. When Cas says, "You changed me, Dean." It just hits different, doesn’t it??? Cause it’s not just a love confession. it’s a revelation. He confirms it right there that it was Dean's humanity that did it. Not some grand cosmic force, not some divine intervention. Dean himself, in all his flawed, beautiful, self-sacrificial mess, changed everything.
Dean, who always put others before himself, who had to raise himself, who gave everything to Sam and kept nothing for him. Dean, who was destined to always be second, to always sacrifice his own needs for someone else. Dean, whose car that he loved so much, his only constant, even that belonged to his father. Dean, whose clothes were probably second-hand, whose childhood was spent taking care of his little brother. Dean, whose purpose was always for the world, for the greater good and never for himself.
For the first time, Dean had something that was his. Something that wasn’t meant for anyone but him. Cas was HIS. Not for God, not for his father, not for Sam or the world.
This isn’t just a story about love!!! It’s *the* story about love. It’s messy and painful and romantic in the most devastating way cause Cas didn’t just rebel against heaven, people!!! He rewrote the entire concept of free will, of devotion, of sacrifice!!!!
He loved Dean with everything he was and that love was strong enough to defy God himself.
It’s the greatest, most tragic, most insane fictional story of our lifetime. Nothing will ever come close.
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 2 months ago
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behold, some supernatural art i created while listening to mama by mcr. it just felt right for the theme and i thought it fit the winchesters, so have my art that i love so much. and also fueling my hyperfixation
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starry-n1ght-skyyy · 2 months ago
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my updated bag, now with the pin my friend got me for christmas! i do have more fan fiction related ones but i just can’t fit them on it unfortunately
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