starpop-milktea · 2 years
Minghao + college + “Before you decide to murder me, let me explain”
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“Are those my leftovers.”
Minghao freezes mid-chew, bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other. “Good afternoon…?” he mumbles around a mouthful of your noodles.
You kick off your shoes on the way to the couch, where you gently swing your backpack off. Then you storm over to your dining table. “Listen here, buddy, it’s about to be nighttime for you.” Pause. Minghao swallows, and your fury returns. “I specifically told you, hands off my ramen that I spent hours making.”
“I know…?”
“And you still ate it? Any last words?”
“Before you decide to murder me, let me explain! I saw your text saying not to eat it.” He shoves his bowl out, revealing his half-eaten instant ramen instead of your handmade leftovers.
“Oh.” Maybe you should have more faith in Minghao moving forward. “My bad.”
“Yeah, I also didn’t have lunch,” he admits. “I was cramming for a bio test. And you usually have better food than me, so I dropped by. Even though I just ended up eating this,” he swishes his bowl and sets it down.
You immediately feel guilty. “Why didn’t you say anything? If I knew you were skipping meals, you could’ve eaten whatever you wanted.”
“I’m fine, I just needed an afternoon snack.”
“Are you sure you don’t want anything else?” You walk toward your refrigerator and look inside. “I have some ribs from two days ago if you want any meat.”
“It’s fine. If I wanted something else, I would’ve taken it. Really, it’s ok.”
You close the fridge. “I guess. But you can’t keep substituting ramen for a meal.”
He shrugs. “I’m taking you out to dinner after I’m done eating, so it should be fine.”
“You are?”
He rubs the side of his face. “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I wanted to take you to the night market tonight. I’ve heard it’s pretty good.”
“Oh! That sounds great. But you’re going out in that?” You eye his hoodie and sweatpants combo. “You make me change every time I go out with a groufit.”
“Nah, I don’t really care, but it’s usually on warmer days when I know you’ll regret it.” He pauses, looking you in the eye. “Besides, like you with food, I guess that’s just how I show my love.”
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starpop-milktea · 2 years
BUNNY ‖ one
An anonymous streamer puts on a show every couple of days. When you become one of his biggest fans, your social life takes a hit—you'd rather stay glued to your laptop and stare at him than go out and meet men in real life. But, what if?
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⤑ word count: 17.5k ⤑ genre: smut [oral (m and f receiving), intercourse, dirty talk, unprotected sex], friends to lovers, camboy!jk, aka jk is too shy to date but not to put on a show 😏 ⤑ rating: 18+!!!! ⤑ pairing: reader x jungkook
» Bunny – one | two | three
It was weird, for sure. Still, you felt that it was even weirder that you always needed another person to experience an orgasm. You had a feeling it shouldn’t be like that.
Of course, you didn’t mind it that much when you were in a relationship—you’d have a mouth on you and fingers in you and getting there would be really easy. Plus, you got to do it whenever you felt like it.
The problem was, you couldn’t make it happen on your own. Now that you were single, it was a huge problem.
You’ve tried God knows how many times, but it just wasn’t happening.
You’ve tried watching porn, but that didn’t work either. You’d get turned on, but nothing would happen other than your private parts getting too sensitive. It would always end up with you quitting in frustration.
The thing with the shower head didn’t work, either.
You got yourself a dildo, but that didn’t help at all.
Then, you ordered a vibrator—and of course your roommate was the one who the delivery guy handed it to—but it didn’t do much good. Taehyung still wasn’t letting you live that down. You loved living with him, but at times, he was the biggest man-child out there. How anyone could have sex with him was beyond you, considering he was still teasing people about masturbation.
You were slowly becoming desperate and then you decided to read more about female orgasms, see what could potentially help you, and that’s when you first saw someone mentioning moaning solo videos. You weren’t sure what that meant, but you were willing to try—at that point, you were down to try anything.
Of course, it was guys jerking off and being very vocal. While that got you excited, it didn’t help you orgasm. It just got you even more turned on.
By that time, you were more than frustrated. At one point, you considered just asking Taehyung to eat you out. He’d be down, you were sure, not because he had any special interest in you, but because it was a sexual activity and he never turned those down. Still, it’d be a new low for you and you were willing to try anything else before you sunk to new depths.
That’s how you found yourself on Reddit, going through subreddits about moaning videos, female masturbation, and advice on how to make yourself come. You were sick and tired of all the it’s-all-in-the-head or you-just-need-to-relax bullshit—you just wanted someone to give you some good piece of advice so you could finally come and get it over with.
And then, some girl said she had the same problem until she started watching camboys. Now, that sparked your interest so you went down the rabbit hole and found a recommendation for a user named Bunny. He was a guy who never showed his face, but had a great body and cock, and was very vocal when jerking off.
He’d stream on a website and watchers could tip him. The women said it helped them get off a lot quicker than anything else—they felt like they were in the room with him.
So, you found yourself making an account and deciding to watch Bunny the next time he streamed, on a Friday night and you did not regret it.
It felt awkward at first. What if someone saw you?
Watching porn was one thing—watching a man jerk off in real time was completely different. Not even the piece of tape you placed over your camera helped you feel any better. At least the FBI guy tracking you wouldn’t see you jerk off to this. It was indeed a new low.
But then, the show started and you forgot all about your worries when a naked muscly guy walked into frame and sat down on the chair. The camera was positioned to get everything below his chin so you couldn’t see any of his facial features or hair, but you could see his toned, firm chest and thick thighs. The center of it all was his cock, big even when soft.
As soon as you saw the small bunny tattoo next to his right hip, you understood the nickname.
It started slow—he sat down, squirted some lube onto his cock and started to jerk it slowly, getting it hard. You weren’t sure if he was watching porn or doing something else, but it didn’t take him long to get completely erect.
As soon as he started the show, you understood where all the women who recommended him were coming from—he was fucking hot even before he began moaning, and then he did, and you found yourself wanting to get off.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to close your eyes and enjoy his moaning or whether you wanted to stay glued to the screen and enjoy the image as much as the sound. You opted for the latter and you couldn’t get enough of his veiny hand stroking his cock, the other playing with his balls, while hisses and sharp inhales left his mouth.
And then, he started speaking in a very low tone which made your insides turn with excitement. It felt like he was right there.
“You like this, huh?” He grunted, and it felt like he was talking to you.
Then, he moaned as he picked up his pace. His hips started to thrust and it looked like he was fucking his fist, so it was easy to imagine yourself there being fucked instead of his fist. He looked smooth and firm all over and it became hard to look away from his body.
“You—ahhh, fuck, you make me so hard,” he grunted and sighed deeply. “Make me come all over myself,” he mumbled again in between loud moans and grunts.
Fuck, this man was amazing.
You touched your clit, your vibrator inside of you, and had a hard time focusing on only one aspect of his body—everything was perfect: his chest, especially now that his nipples have hardened and you imagined yourself grazing them; his stomach, lean and strong; his thighs, now spread, allowing you a great view of his cock, balls, and the lower part of his buttocks, all of which was so inviting you couldn’t stop thinking about licking him all over.
His long fingers stroked his balls gently, rubbed them around in his palm, tugged at them, squeezed them, while he moved his fingers up and down his cock. It went on for around ten minutes, this little show he put on, and by the eight minute, you were sweaty, dripping wet, your cunt squeezing the toy, pulsating around it, wanting to feel the real thing.
The hand that was rubbing your clit was starting to hurt, but you didn’t want to stop—you were so close you could feel it.
It did, however, feel like you had to pee, but you ignored the feeling and kept rubbing your clit harshly, feeling it harden under your fingertips, in need of a tongue to play with it. Sadly, your hand was the best you could do.
“Take me in your mouth,” Bunny said, wrapping his slender fingers around his base and pointing his cock at the camera. Then, he slapped his wet cock against his open palm and the sound of it made you grunt loudly.
“Make me fucking come,” he grunted and started to move his hand faster.
Each stroke enticed more curses and hisses from his lips, and the moaning got louder. He was now saying profanities. The tipping point for you when he started moaning the words faster, baby, faster all over again. His voice sounded low and deep, his cock seemed so red, veiny, and inviting, and the vibrator inside of you felt like a real cock for a second, so you let go and felt your walls pulsating harder against the toy as you came.
You removed the toy quickly because of the insane amount of pressure that had built up inside of you and as soon as you did that, a streak of liquid shot out of you all over the bed. Since your other hand was still touching your clit, the liquid dripped out of your quickly for a couple of seconds longer and your chest heaved up and down, your mind going blank as you let your head rest against the pillow, Bunny’s sweet low moans in the background.
Just then, his moans got a lot higher in tone and you looked at the screen just fast enough to catch him blowing his load all over himself—his chest, his thighs, his fingers, his balls. Bunny jerked himself off until he got every last drop out and then he said a quick bye and turned off the livestream.
You felt relief over him coming but then you remembered that you’d peed your bed.
Was it pee? It couldn’t be squirt.
Is this what squirting felt like? If so, it was heavenly.
The liquid seemed to have no color to it so you didn’t think it was pee. You smelled it and it didn’t smell like it. Ok, maybe a bit.
Feeling ashamed that you knew so little about something so normal, you googled it and after half an hour of research, you concluded that it was indeed squirt and that Bunny was the best moaning soloist out there. If you had any perverted girl friends, you would have definitely recommended his work.
The next Friday, you tuned in just to tip him some money because you didn’t do it the last week and if anyone deserved your money, it was him for making you come so hard after such a long time. You told yourself you’d just tip him and leave, but this time he brought some kind of oil and massaged himself all over, guttural moans leaving his mouth a lot more often than the last time, and you came again, this time around the 7 minute mark.
So, that was a weird part of your life you rarely spoke to people about. How in the hell were you going to bring it up in a casual conversation? You couldn’t talk to Taehyung about chores and slip in the fact that you’ve not only managed to make yourself come but squirt all thanks to a stranger online who broadcasted his jerk-off sessions. So you didn’t mention it, but Taehyung noticed a change in your behavior.
When he realized you finally came—he knew the struggle was real—Taehyung decided to try to get you to go out with his friends more.
“You’ll never meet a guy and have some fun if you work and stay in your room all day,” he nudged you and you decided to go because he was right.
You spent an additional four months getting off to Bunny, not even dating.
Men didn’t interest you in the slightest for a while, mostly because of the bad breakup, and it was so hard to meet someone normal.
Since Taehyung was offering you to join him and two of his closest friends, you figured you had nothing left to lose.
What else were you going to do, stay home and get yourself off to Bunny?
He wasn’t even streaming that Saturday, so you really had nothing to lose.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Taehyung was always an anomaly in your eyes. He was cute, funny, handsome, yet he became completely undatable the second you realized he’d fuck whoever offers. Well, almost, but that was the point—he was down to try whatever and he enjoyed living life like that.
The anomaly part came into play when you met his friends.
He, the biggest player out there, was hanging out with Jimin, a guy who’s been with the same partner for what seemed like decades, and Jungkook, an awkward gamer kid who got laid less than you, which really said a lot about him.
It’s not that you didn’t like Jungkook and Jimin—quite the contrary—but you just never imagined that the three of them could be friends.
Jimin was in a stable relationship, wasn’t a womanizer, didn’t go out as much as Taehyung, and didn’t really care for partying anymore. Still, he was very fun to be around and you always engaged in banter with him.
Jungkook has probably never cared for partying, which is why it was so surprising that Taehyung and him hung out at all. He was a couple of years younger than your roommate, and you figured that Taehyung took Jungkook under his wing and tried to teach him his ways, but failed miserably.
If you’ve ever met a man completely uninterested in contact with women, it was that guy.
As luck would have it, the two of them were the only ones going out with you and Taehyung, so you had to get over your prejudice and be nice to everyone.
The pre-drinks happened at your place and Jimin brought some pizzas while Jungkook was in charge of the beverage. He rarely said much to you, so you weren’t surprised when he grunted a hello at you and started talking to Tae like you weren’t there.
Jimin, on the other hand, hugged you and complimented you on your looks and outfit. Of course, none of that meant he was interested—it was just his way of being nice. You appreciated it nonetheless since you got so little action that even a compliment from a taken man was enough to help your struggling ego.
What didn’t help it was Taehyung blasting you in front of his friends a couple of drinks in, after you joked about him bringing yet another random girl home. It was funny because she stole your sliced bread when she left, and you couldn’t stop laughing about it from the second you two figured out that was where the bread left. Of all the things she could have taken, why the sliced bread!?
“Funny coming from someone who hasn’t gotten laid in weeks,” Taehyung pretended to glare at you, but you could tell he didn’t care about your teasing.
If he thought his comment was offensive, you could do him one better. “Try months,” you chuckled, which made Taehyung gasp.
“Pa-the-tic,” he dragged each syllable and ended with a laugh. “Guys, we really need to find her a date tonight.”
“You will do no such thing,” you tried to keep a straight face, but failed. “You three couldn’t find a decent guy even if you tried.”
“Hey, hey,” Jimin lifted both his hands up and sneered at you. “I know some very cool guys you’d be really into.”
“Where are they!?” You pretended to look around to find these friends of his, which earned you a playful smack from Taehyung and a small smile from Jungkook, who wasn’t saying much the whole night, as per usual. “If they’re anything like Taehyung, I’ll pass, thanks.”
“Yeah, she’d much rather fuck toys than real human beings,” Taehyung chuckled and you noticed how Jungkook’s head snapped in your direction, but he looked at you for a split second before looking at his drink again.
You knew that Jungkook wanted to participate in these conversations and you were sure he’d have interesting things to say since everyone said he was so much fun, but he never did, at least not when you were around.
“Do you know what privacy means or is that a foreign concept to you?” You mumbled, shaking your head and pouring yourself another gin-tonic to prepare yourself for where the conversation was about to go. Taehyung and privacy just didn’t go together.
“I’m just explaining the situation so the guys know what we’re dealing with here,” Taehyung nudged you, as what he was saying was completely normal and acceptable. “We’re just trying to help you find a decent person, get out of your room, and experience something great. After your breakup, I really thought you’d never go out with someone again, so I’m really happy you’ve decided to join us on this lovely night.”
“That’s really sweet of you guys, but I’m not even sure I’m interested in dating,” you leaned back into the sofa and took a sip of the drink, feeling the bitterness of it against your tongue and hoping it would hit you soon.
“Fine, sex it is!” Taehyung patted your thigh excitedly. “This means that the number of eligible single men has gone up significantly, which is actually great news. Jimin, what about Yoongi?”
“Engaged,” Jimin shrugged and looked at you like he was breaking your heart when in fact, you didn’t even know who the guy in question was.
“Okay, then Jungkook… What about… Seokjin?” Taehyung asked and looked at the youngest person in the room, who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. When he realized it was a question for him, Jungkook snapped out of it and shot a glance your way.
“Uh, nope,” he simply said and when Taehyung kept staring at him, he realized he’d have to explain his response. “With all due respect,” he looked at you and smiled faintly, as if he was just going to insult you. “Seokjin is actually trying to settle down and since you’re not really interested in dating, it’s not a good match.”
“That’s true,” you agreed with a nod, clearly surprising him. “There’s no point in wasting someone’s time.”
“How’s sex a waste of anyone’s time!?” Taehyung scoffed, shaking his head at you. “You’re both dumb. I think Jin knows his way around women and it’s exactly what you,” he looked at you now, “need.”
“Jungkook just said the guy’s not interested in sex only,” you waved your hand and downed the rest of your drink. “I don’t even know these guys so I don’t think any of it would work.”
“Namjoon?” Jimin said, making everyone’s head snap in his direction.
Taehyung jumped up excitedly, spilling a bit of his drink over his pants. “Fuck! That’s a great idea!” Then, he turned to you, still rushing with excitement. “Namjoon is really interesting and you’d find him hot. He’s smart. Has a bit of a problem getting comfortable around ladies, but so do most guys before they get confident. He’s Jungkook’s friend.”
You guessed that much yourself when you heard his description—you couldn’t imagine Jungkook in the company of a guy who knew how to talk to women, unless it was Jimin or Taeyhung.
“And,” Jimin lifted his finger, trying to make a point. “He’s no stranger to a one-night stand, so if you’re not looking for anything serious and you don’t want to get to know him and all that, I’m sure he’d be down.”
“What man is a stranger to one-night stands!?” You scoffed, thinking it was a ridiculous statement. In your experience, all men ever wanted was to fuck without any commitments.
“Jungkook!” Jimin and Taehyung said in unison before bursting into laughter, and it made you feel sorry for him.
“Sorry, dude, it was just the perfect setup,” Taehyung reached out to pat his head and Jungkook shrugged, getting frustrated. You could tell that by the way he tongued his cheek.
“You two should both get out more and talk to more people,” Jimin looked at you and Jungkook. “You because you really need to get laid and Jungkook because he needs to talk to more women, period.”
“Right!? It’s time, man,” Taehyung added his two cents. “Namjoon gets away with his awkwardness because he has the balls to ask someone to come home with him. If you did the same, someone would say yes, and you’d get laid.”
“It’s as easy as that,” Jimin decided to delve into it a bit more. “Sooner or later, you’ll hit it off with someone even if you don’t know what to say. I know you overthink it, but trust me, sometimes women don’t want you to talk to them or be all romantic or have great pick up lines. Sometimes, they just don’t expect to be swept off their feet and that’s where you come in.”
As someone who wasn’t that close to Jungkook, mostly because he always seemed to be embarrassed in your or any kind of female company, you felt bad for him. The guys were implying that there was no way he’d attract a woman into wanting to date him, so the best he could do was find someone who just wanted to get laid and who’d overlook his “flaw” of being shy.
Maybe it was the booze, maybe it was the fact that the two guys had just picked on you for the lack of a sex life, but you decided to step in for Jungkook.
“Some girls find shyness attractive,” you said, surprising all three of them, but mostly Jungkook, whose mouth formed an O for a second. “You’re both being pricks to him. Not everyone wants the guy to be all slick and confident, it’s a turn off for some girls.”
“Oh, really?” Taehyung expressed his disapproval by scoffing loudly. “Name one.”
“Me,” you looked at him like he was an idiot, because he was. “When have I ever gone home with a guy who walked up to me with the attitude you two are trying to make seem presentable? Never.”
“When have you ever gone home with a random guy ever?” Taehyung asked confidently, knowing he had you there.
“Okay, fair enough,” you shrugged, realizing Taehyung was right. Still, that didn’t make your statement any less true. “But what I said still stands. I know a lot of women and I am certain they’d be put off by a sleazy guy trying to get them to go to bed.”
“Of course, that’s true,” Jimin chirped. “But you have to remember this—a guy who walks up to everyone in the club is more likely to get laid than the one who doesn’t talk to anyone at the club,” he looked at Jungkook, who seemed to be regretting going out with you all in the first place. “We just want Jungkook to come out of his shell and talk to a girl.”
“That’s it!” Taehyung clapped in excitement. “You two should talk to each other more. Like, you can help Jungkook get over his shyness with women and he could introduce you to some of his single friends. They’re a bit younger, but most of them are single.”
The plan was great, you had to admit, but you knew it wouldn’t work. Jungkook, as always, tried his best to ignore you. You spoke a couple of times during the night and you both went home alone, like losers, which Taehyung called you when you said you were tired and wanted to leave.
Funnily enough, once you got home, showered, dried your hair, and got under your sheets, you noticed that Bunny was streaming, so you joined the stream and got off to the sweet sound of his moans once again, falling asleep peacefully.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You’d practically given up on your social life after that lame attempt, but Taehyung wasn’t having it.
He barged into your room on a Friday night and thank fuck you weren’t watching the Bunny stream which was on at that moment because he would have caught you red-handed and would have never ever let you forget about it. You’d probably have to move out because of sheer embarrassment.
Luckily, you tried to be a strong person that night and resist your urges to watch Bunny. You didn’t want to watch him or anyone else. If you were going to come, you were going to do it with a man or on your own.
The decision came after Bunny streamed three days in a row and you cancelled two separate plans with your friends so you could be home to catch the live-streams.
It was an act of an obsessed person and you didn’t want to become that, so you were trying to spend that Friday night watching a movie instead of being a horny loser and watching him yet another time and not being a step closer to meeting someone in real life.
Instead, Taehyung managed to drag you out of bed.
He was dying to go out and wanted to find company. Jungkook said they would drink at his place at 9pm but wasn’t responding to Taehyung’s texts and Jimin couldn’t make it. The other guys were also busy, so you were his last hope for a good night out. Taehyung’s life was really sad if you were his only hope, and you made that very clear, but your bitter comment just made him laugh.
In an hour, you got out of your room, ready to party just to find him packing the alcohol into a bag.
“Where are we going?”
“Jungkook’s not responding, but he’s home. It’s Friday. Where else would he be?” Taehyung laughed at his own joke, as if it was impossible Jungkook had other plans. “No, seriously, he’s probably working out. We’ll remind him of our plan and drink while he gets ready.”
You decided to tag along because anything beat staying at home, tempted to turn on the live-stream. No, hanging out with friends and meeting real people was much better. Besides, you’d given up on Bunny.
Taehyung knocked on the front door of Jungkook’s apartment loudly, so loud it would have woken up dead people. After what seemed like minutes, a red in the face, sweaty, wet-haired Jungkook opened the door. He was wearing a sweatshirt and shorts and seemed exhausted.
At first, he seemed surprised to see you two there but then it dawned on him that he’d forgotten the agreement with Taehyung, so he slapped his forehead. “Fuck! I’m sorry, come in,” he said, opening the door.
Taehyung grunted at him and went straight for the kitchen while you opted for the living room. You’d been there before, but you didn’t really feel comfortable walking through his apartment like that. Taehyung always made himself at home. Jungkook stood there awkwardly until Taehyung got back, and you two shot glances at each other. “Sorry, I’ll go have a shower and I’ll join you.”
“No, don’t worry! Take your time, jerk off while you’re at it,” Taehyung laughed at his own joke again and handed you the glass while Jungkook ran off to the bathroom.
“You’re mean,” you told him, pouring the juice into the glasses Taehyung had already filled with vodka. “It happens, people forget.”
“It’s Friday night and this dude is working out all alone in his room,” he seemed dissatisfied with Jungkook’s choice. “It’s like he doesn’t even want our help!”
“Dude, you’re going out with a friend. Stop acting like you’re the Red Cross and you’re doing him a huge favor,” you spat the words at him, hoping he’d understand he was treating Jungkook a bit unfairly. “Going out should be a fun experience, and not whatever you’re trying to make this into. No wonder he pretended to forget about this.”
“Okay, I get what you mean, but listen,” he leaned in and sighed, as if he was just going to explain why he was right about this as he was about everything. “He needs help. I mean it!”
“You’re a jerk,” you rolled your eyes. Yeah, Jungkook had a problem talking to women, but you were sure he wasn’t as desperate as Taehyung made him sound.
“A month ago, he promised me and Jimin he would make more of an effort to talk to you,” Taehyung leaned back into the sofa and laughed. “Look how great that’s going for him!”
“Why me?”
“Because you’re the only woman he has access to,” Taehyung looked at you like you were stupid while frowning. “We didn’t tell him to hit on you or anything like that. Just to talk to you because you’re a woman. The more he talks to you, the less relaxed he’ll be talking with other girls, right?”
“Okay, I see your point. That’s not such a bad idea,” you had to agree even though you didn’t want to agree with any of Taehyung’s tactics. “But he never speaks to me.”
“That’s my exact fucking point! That’s why I’m so frustrated with him. You’re right here! Jimin asks questions about your sex life that even I wouldn’t dare ask and Jungkook can’t even ask you how you’re doing. I mean, he does do that from time to time, let’s give him that. But he leaves it at small talk and he does that with everyone. He’s bad at small talk, so it never leads anywhere.”
“Maybe he’d do better with some deeper topics, you never know,” you suggested. “He does seem to have a lot more interests than you, if I’m honest.”
“Because he plays games?”
“And works out,” you pointed out, which made your roommate laugh. “And cleans, from the look of it.”
“Cleaning is not an interest. It’s a way for fucked up people to get out of their thoughts,” Taehyung looked happy with his conclusion. “Know how I know? I live with you. Ha!”
You had no choice but to laugh at his pettiness. Even though Taehyung sometimes seemed cruel, he was actually just straightforward and honest with people, whether they liked it or not. You, for one, enjoyed having that kind of honesty. You hated when people tiptoed around, so he was the perfect choice for a roommate.
Right then, Jungkook came out of the bathroom, mumbling apologies because he forgot to take clean clothes with him to the bathroom. Now, you didn’t want to be a perv and stare at him wrapped only in a towel, but you were interested in seeing his body. Everyone always kept talking about how he worked out hard to build up his confidence, so you were just curious about it. Besides, it’s been a long time since you’d seen anyone naked from the waist up.
The sneak peek was enough to take you aback. A guy with a body like that was that flustered around women? Him? It didn’t make sense. Jungkook seemed to be chiseled from head to toe.
Your gaze unwillingly flew down to his crotch, making you feel like a total creep, and that’s when you saw it.
It was right there, staring at you.
You choked on your drink, sat up straight, and cleared your throat repeatedly, feeling like someone has hit the air out of your chest. Taehyung was watching Jungkook make his way from the bathroom to the room, but when he noticed your reaction to Jungkook’s half naked body, he turned his attention to you, extremely curious about everything.
Jungkook stopped dead in his tracks to look at you and he saw you ogling his bunny tattoo.
Then, you lifted your gaze and it met his. and you knew he knew. In that moment, you were 100% sure he knew you’d recognized him from the tattoo. This meant that he also knew you watched his videos, which was a total defeat and embarrassment you’d never get over.
He knew!
He disappeared into his bedroom and Taehyung screamed loudly. “Oh my God! You just eye-fucked Jungkook so hard!” He patted your thigh and screamed out again. “This is fucking marvelous!”
Luckily, Taehyung wasn’t in the streaming world so he had no idea what had just happened there. You, on the other hand, felt mortified, but you clinged on to the hope that you were making it up and that a) Jungkook wasn’t Bunny and b) if he were, he didn’t know you watched him. One of the options had to be true.
He couldn’t be Bunny, right? Jungkook?
The can’t-talk-to-a-woman-to-save-his-life dude? He’s Bunny?
You were making it up. God knows how many men out there had this tacky tattoo.
“Shut up,” you said as you poured yourself a shot of vodka and downed it, feeling yourself sweating. This couldn’t be happening!
“Oh come on, you were ogling the dude,” Taehyung spread his arms out in confusion, blissfully unaware of your inner turmoil. “Besides, you’re looking to get laid, so is he. How didn’t I think of it before? You two should fuck. If you do want it, just tell him. He’d be more than happy to, trust me!”
“And how would you know?” You glared at him, annoyed at his words, but mostly at yourself for giving yourself away like that. Even if Jungkook was Bunny, you shouldn’t have reacted that way. He never would have known! “Oh, I forgot, you know everything!”
“No, Jungkook’s my friend and I remember him telling me he’d like to fuck you many, many times,” he glared right back, sticking his tongue out at you like a little kid who was fighting another kid. “So, please. I’m telling you, if you want to fuck him, I won’t judge. I mean, he looks hot without his shirt on, I have to admit it.”
“That’s not the point,” you shook your head, not even thinking about the proposed idea. All you could think about was Bunny, Bunny, Bunny. There was the slightest chance that it was Jungkook. “He’s your friend. I don’t want you to know anything about my naked body, for starters.”
“Ouch,” Taehyung placed a hand over his heart and poured you another drink. “I’m not that sleazy, and neither is Jungkook, so chill out.”
You changed the topic to a girl Taehyung was seeing this week and hoped he wouldn’t mention anything when Jungkook joined you.
A drink later, he did exactly that as soon as Jungkook walked out of his bedroom, completely dressed in a black button up and dark jeans, and sat down next to Taehyung. You sneaked a glance his way and tried to figure out whether Bunny’s body was hiding underneath those clothes. Was he Bunny?
“I’ve just had a great idea,” Taehyung informed him while handing him the drink he prepared—two thirds vodka, one third juice. “I’ll go out and leave you two to fuck.”
The suggestion made Jungkook stare at Taehyung in awe before turning his attention to you. Now, he seemed a lot more confident than earlier—he managed to look straight into your eyes as if he was waiting for you to say something. When he realized you weren’t going to indulge him, he spoke up. “What?”
“She drooled after seeing you naked. You’re trying to fuck, she’s in desperate need of a real dick, so why the hell not?” Taehyung looked at Jungkook and then at you, but you were too busy staring at each other.
Did he know?
Earlier, you hoped not, but seeing him stare at you like that told you he did. He’d never looked at you like this before, not shying away from your gaze.
He knew.
Jungkook knew you got off while watching him do the same and he suddenly gained a lot more confidence than you were used to seeing from him.
Would he mention it, though? That was the real question here.
If he did, would Taehyung ever let you live it down?
God, what would happen when Jimin found out!? The two of them would never let it go.
Would you ever be able to be in the same room as Jungkook? The worst part about it, your nights with Bunny were over, period. All chances of going back were ruined.
“I actually think it’s a great idea,” Jungkook said in a straight tone, surprising everyone in the room.
“Fuck!” Taehyung jumped up, downed his drink, and grabbed his jacket, clearly deciding to leave you two to it. “See you fuckers!”
“Tae!” You spoke up, but too late. He was already by the front door, dimming the lights. “Since you’re both awkward fucks, it’s better that the lights aren’t that bright. See you tomorrow, fuck each other’s brains out, bye!”
He slammed the door and a really long and uncomfortable silence ensued. You weren’t sure why Jungkook said what he’d said, or why you didn’t react sooner, or why Taehyung left like this was a great idea. Most of all, you were worried about your little secret and whether Jungkook would say it out loud and make it real.
Jungkook downed the drink Taehyung had given him a couple of minutes prior and then poured himself another one. He decided to pour some more vodka in your drink too, like he knew you needed it badly. Then, he sighed loudly and downed that drink too before shooting a glance at you.
“So, I think we should… Uh… Discuss this?” Jungkook said, clearing his throat before sighing again and finally looking at you for more than a second. Sadly, he did it when you least wanted it.
“W-what exactly?” Your voice gave out on you, cracking when you spoke up, so you had a bit of the drink to wash down the awkwardness. What the fuck was wrong with you? He probably didn’t even know you knew. He wasn’t Bunny, there was no fucking way. It was just Jungkook.
“Bunny,” he said the word confidently. Oh, so he was Bunny. And now he knew you knew.
The man in front of you helped you have the best orgasms you’ve ever had and now he knew it. He was Taehyung’s friend. Everyone would find out. Your reputation would be ruined, as if it hasn’t already suffered enough.
“Oh,” you said, words not coming to you. What were you supposed to say? Yeah, I jerk off to you almost every night? Embarrassing. “I’d rather not.”
“Do me a favor and do it?” He looked at you questioningly and you weren’t sure what he was referring to—did he want you to talk about it or do what Taehyung suggested?
You sighed, realizing that you couldn’t just get up and run away without talking about this with him, no matter how terrifying it sounded. It was Jungkook and you had to run into him eventually. Besides, Taehyung would try to force it out of you. “What exactly do you want to talk about?”
If he’d asked you what you thought about his dick or something as Taehyung-like as that, you would have run straight for the door and cried your way home. Thankfully, Jungkook had more tact than that. In fact, that wasn’t his biggest concern.
“I know it’s awkward,” he said, rubbing his hands against his pants. “But it’s the same for me, so we’re even.”
“Uh, I think it’s weirder on my side,” you told him, not making yourself feel any better. To do that, you drank some more of your drink, thankful for the extra vodka Jungkook had added earlier. You needed something stronger if you were about to discuss this whole thing with Jungkook.
“I don’t know how to go about this, but… It’s kind of weird knowing you know what I do,” he said, looking straight ahead. “And I’d prefer it if you didn’t talk about it. To Taehyung or Jimin or, actually, anyone.”
“I won’t if you won’t,” you offered the deal without thinking—you would have done anything for this to stay between the two of you.
“Deal,” he reached out to shake your hand and you took it without hesitation. When he touched you, you realized those were the same hands you watched wrapped around his cock, the same hands that would eventually end up sprayed with coats of cum, that would caress his balls. The same hands you wished were on you so many fucking time. Fuck. “Glad we could, uh, work this out.”
“I’ll drink to that,” you said and downed the rest of your drink, getting up. “I’ll get going now.”
“You-you don’t want to stay and talk?” He asked, seemingly confused. Clearly, Jungkook didn’t think this was as embarrassing for you as it was for him. Why in the hell would you want to discuss this with him of all people? You wanted to forget it ever happened.
“About what?” You stopped dead in your tracks, unsure of what you should do.
“I mean,” he scoffed, looking down at his hands as he rested his elbows on his thighs. “If we don’t talk now, things will be extremely awkward the next time Taehyung sees us.”
Oh fuck, Taehyung. You forgot all about the fact that he thought you stayed here to fuck. He would want to hear all the details, for sure. He had probably already texted absolutely all of your mutual friends to tell them the great news of how he hit two birds with one stone tonight with you two.
“Ah, fuck,” you grunted, sitting back down, realizing that ou had to do this. “Did you have to tell him we’d fuck!?”
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook really did look apologetic, you had to give him that. “I just didn’t know how else to get you to talk to me alone. I sure as fuck didn’t want to discuss this at the club.”
“You’re right, you’re right,” you nodded, imagining the horror of having a drunken public conversation about Jungkook being the livestream god that you got off to more often than not. “I mean, we could have avoided it altogether.”
You watched Jungkook as the corners of his mouth formed a smile. “And what after?” Then, he turned to look straight at you and you didn’t have an answer for him. “Things would get even weirder.”
“Face it, things will be weird,” you said with a shrug. “Please, pour some vodka.”
Jungkook did as you asked, topping up his drink as well before you both downed them, gulping like you hadn’t had a sip to drink in years. Embarrassment was a real bitch. You never usually had a problem with talking to people—whether you were sexually interested in them or not. Now it seemed that you’ve morphed into Jungkook and that both of you were equally uncomfortable around each other.
“Can we make it not weird somehow?” He suggested and you could tell he was really going through it. After all, this was the longest and most serious conversation you two have ever had.
“Okay, we’re adults,” you said, nodding before sighing deeply. Fuck, this was awkward. You’ve gotten off to Jungkook. “You have to understand that it’s really kind of embarrassing to sit here when you know I watch you.”
“Watch?” He cocked an eyebrow up, seeming more interested in the conversation all of a sudden. “Like, regularly?”
You shot him a glare, sensing that he was enjoying this piece of information a lot more than he was supposed to. “Don’t even fucking start,” you waved your hand at him. “It’s weird.”
“Well, it’s worse on this end, trust me.”
You frowned in confusion. “How the fuck is it worse?”
“You’ve seen me naked. You know what I do. You could blackmail me for life. All I know about you is that you watch online porn, wow!” He shook his head and looked down again, seeming defeated. “It’s a hell of a lot worse.”
“Okay, you have a point,” you chuckled, finally understanding his side of things. “But still, like you’ve said, I’ve seen you naked and I’ve—fuck, why does it have to be this weird—I’ve gotten off on that. That’s infinitely more weird than what you do.”
“Everyone watches porn, not everyone makes it,” he made a good point. “Besides, that’s just like a really good fucking compliment.”
You wanted to tell him that it was a compliment because he had the prettiest dick you’ve ever seen and you’ve never even thought of dicks as something nice—they were a means to a very happy end. However, you couldn’t say that. It was Jungkook, the guy who had trouble talking to you about anything serious! And you jerked off when watching him do the same and wishing he was filling you up instead of your vibrator. It was gross and weird and uncomfortable.
“Sure, but you’re just putting content out there. I really didn’t know it was you, I swear,” you said before sipping your drink again, hoping it would make this less embarrassing. It felt like you’d invaded his privacy. He had this whole secret life no one knew about and he liked it, and then you came and fucked it all up. “Had I known, I really wouldn’t have watched!”
“That’s the whole point,” he chuckled, a smile playing on his lips even after the chuckle died out. He rubbed his bottom lip with his index finger while holding his glass and staring right ahead.
“What is?” If there was a point, you completely missed it but it was no wonder, considering that you were thinking about all the times you practically drooled over Taehyung’s best friend.
“I don’t… Women don’t really like me, right?” He shrugged and it made you feel bad for him for a second. Did he really think he was that unappealing? “Not in real life anyway. But, when I go online, so many of them do.”
That was true, so fucking many women wanted a piece of him. You saw women giving him hundreds of dollars so he’d say a certain phrase or a name and if that didn’t qualify as popular with women, you didn’t know what else did. The fact that Bunny was Jungkook was shocking mostly because of the difference in self-confidence between the two. Bunny was proud to flaunt his body, Jungkook couldn’t even look at a woman for more than two seconds.
“So you don’t do it for the money?” You asked, which made him look at you and frown for a second before shaking his head.
“Not really,” he admitted without taking a second to think about your question. “Does it come in handy? Sure, I have a bigger savings account than I ever thought I would, but it’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“It’s a confidence thing, I guess,” Jungkook said after downing the rest of his drink. He looked at the bottle but then decided not to pour again. “As you know because my friends won’t stop fucking me because of it, I’m not that great at talingk to women. I say something, don’t know what else to say, can’t think of anything funny or interesting, and just, uh, fuck up in general,” he was getting flustered so he took a deep breath. “Like right now. But okay. So I started working out to feel better. I have some online friends and someone jokingly said I had a good voice and should record moaning videos. We all laughed it off but then I did it. I didn’t tell them, clearly, but I wanted to see if it would get anyone going. It did, so I created more, and then eventually it led to videos. When I posted the first one, it was the first time I got a compliment on my looks from a woman. And not the you’re-so-cute, you’re-such-a-nice-guy-, I-like-you-as-a-friend type of comment. You know what kind of comments are left on the stream. The fact that people tip is just a bonus, that option wasn’t even there in the beginning.”
“I can’t even look you in the eye when saying this, but trust me, the content is ten out of ten,” you nodded knowingly. “If you’re doing it to get more confident, you should be at least twice as confident as Tae judging by how many women enjoy you.”
Jungkook smirked at you and for a second you saw the guy he could be if he just relaxed for a fucking second when he was talking to anyone who had a pussy.
“Thanks,” he said, still looking at you. This time, you were the first one to look away, ashamed of having his eyes on you. “I do it to know that I can get women off. So that’s what I get out of it.”
“That’s totally understandable,” you said, suddenly feeling intrigued. “Has it helped you?”
Jungkook looked at you like he didn't understand, so you explained yourself. “With confidence, I mean.”
“What do you think?” He looked at you with a deadpan expression, which made you chuckle.
“Well, you’re talking to me just fine. In fact, I’m the more awkward one here right now.”
“I mean, once the worst happens, what’s there to be afraid of?” Jungkook shrugged. “You know what I do, you watched it, but it doesn’t change anything. I’m me, you’re you, we’ll just move on.”
“Maybe you should go into every conversation with women like that, thinking that they’ve watched you at one point or another, if that makes it easier,” you suggested, but he brushed it off.
“You’re not exactly all women,” he added with a scoff, but you weren’t sure what he meant by that. “You know most of my friends. I see you all the time. If some random woman at the club knew, so what? I could pretend it wasn’t me or something. But the second you saw the tattoo, I knew. Fucking Taehyung and his showing up unannounced.”
“Well, he did announce himself, you just forgot.”
“I wouldn’t have started the stream if I hadn’t forgotten, trust me,” he told you with a knowing look.
“Oh, right, you had the stream,” you said, outing yourself even more.
What Jungkook knew was that you’ve seen his live-stream before. For all he knew, it happened once, maybe twice. However, someone who’d seen him once wouldn’t have known about his uploads. Only people who were subscribed got those updates about when he’d post next.
“So you follow the streams?” He asked so matter-of-factly, as if it wasn’t such a damning fact, as if it didn’t mean you were so insanely attracted to his voice, moaning, and naked body that you followed his schedule to know when you’d be getting off next.
“Maybe,” you gulped, feeling extremely embarrassed since you were caught red-handed.
“Interesting,” Jungkook noted with a grin. “Can I ask you something?”
“After this conversation? You can ask me anything,” you laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.
“Will you continue to watch?” He asked, turning to face you again with an expression you couldn’t read. “Now that you know it’s me?”
“I don’t think so,” you told him right away because you’d make the decision before you even knew it was him. Now that you did know Bunny’s identity, it served as another deterrent from this little secret hobby of yours.
“Oh,” Jungkook said, looking at the glass again before deciding to fill it up and down the shot.
“It’s not because of you,” you tried to explain, noticing that your decision made him feel bad. After all, it did sound very rude—you wanted to watch when he was an anonymous guy, but now that you knew it was him, you’d lost interest.
“Don’t worry, I get it,” he gave you a faint smile, but you could tell it really wasn’t okay. “I mean, the whole thing is cursed.”
“What do you mean?”
“It gives me the illusion that people are into me,” Jungkook admitted with a sigh. “But here you are, following the stream so, clearly, liking the content, but now you know it’s me, you’re put off by it completely.”
“That’s not exactly true—” you tried to explain, but Jungkook cut you off.
“Like I’ve said, don’t worry. It’s not your fault. I get it, I really do. You only saw my… dick and you liked that. If it comes in a package with my face and personality, it’s not exactly a good thing,” he said, chuckling, even though he was clearly not entertained. His expression and tone would have given him off even if he hadn’t said all of that out loud.
“Stop with the whole self-demeaning thing,” you told him, which instantly made him look at you, and it felt like you were scolding a scared kid. Still, you had to say it. “Why don’t you just talk to people? How can I know anything about your personality if you don’t talk to me? This is not easy to say, okay?, but you have a great dick and a very cute face. You don’t seem like a bad guy and this shyness of yours, like I’ve said, can be a huge plus for you if you only talk to women a bit more. Have a drink if you need to and talk.”
Jungkook leaned back into the sofa and took a while to think about your words. “I know you’re right about that, but it’s not that easy. I’m clumsy with words. I don’t know how to ask for what I want, so I talk in circles. What’s the fucking point of having hundreds of women watching you when you can’t talk to a single one?”
“That sounds tough,” you agreed. It must have been really strange to have all these women lining up for him and then feeling unable to speak to a single one. He brought a lot of pleasure to a lot of women yet he got none out of it. “But you can work on it. Try to have one conversation a day or something.”
“How would you get a woman to sleep with you, if you were me?”
His question wasn’t a rhetorical one so you thought about the answer for a while. All bets were off at this point and he was clearly trying to make the most he could out of the absolute clusterfuck of a situation. “If it was a one time thing, then I’d just go straight to the point and tell the girl that I’m just looking for some fun and that she’s gorgeous. If it’s someone I like, I’d tell them that they make me flustered so it’s hard to get the words out but that I’d like a chance to prove I can be a real bunny in the bedroom.”
Jungkook scoffed and then shook his head at you, clearly disappointed with you. “Fuck you.”
“I’m joking. I’d say beast instead of bunny, makes it a lot more fierce,” you joked, downing the rest of your drinking and thinking about the next one when Jungkook took you about. “What I mean is, even if you can’t talk about it in detail, you can say something meaningful. One intimate thing is worth a lot more than three hours of nonsense. I’d just be honest if I were you.”
“So, here goes nothing,” Jungkook said before taking a deep breath. “I really, really like you and I’m a fuck-up when it comes to talking, but I’d like you to forget the fact that I’m me and give me a chance to be Bunny. For you. Without the filming. And tipping, clearly.”
The last part made you chuckle, and your nerves were to blame as well. Was he saying what you thought he was saying? Why were you even thinking about it? Your pussy throbbed at the idea of him acting like Bunny in front of you, of getting naked and jerking off for you.
If you were being honest, it throbbed because this was the first time in a long time a good-looking guy made a sexual proposition and you were dying to finally feel something real. If Jungkook really wanted this, you wanted him to speak about it more, to help him get out of his shell. How would you two do anything if he couldn’t talk to you about sexual topics? It wouldn’t work.
“You want me to watch you jerk off?” You cocked your head to the side and played dumb while thoughts about him naked roamed your mind.
Jungkook chewed on the inside of his cheek before taking a deep breath. “No, I want to fuck you.”
“Okay, we’re making progress here,” you joked, but noticed he wasn’t laughing. Besides, you shouldn’t have been joking about anything—you got shivers when he said the word “fuck” like a horny obsessed creep. “I’m not taking this as a joke, I just want us to talk about it if we’re thinking about doing it.”
“You’re thinking about it?” Jungkook’s eyes widened when he realized that and it took him a while to look away this time. The fact that he found this surprising was insane. Did he not know how hot he was?
“Maybe,” you grinned, realizing that you’d already made your mind up.
Was it stupid? Yes.
Would you regret it? Maybe.
Did you want to try Bunny in person? Fuck yes.
Did you think Jungkook deserved a chance? He was a good guy, so why not?
You were ready to meet some okay dude and go home with him, so why not Jungkook? The whole reason why you never thought about fucking him was that you never even talked. Now that’s changed. Another reason you had against it was that he was close to Tae and you really didn’t want your roommate to know details about your sex life. Since Jungkook wanted to keep his Bunny thing a secret, you were sure he would never share any kind of sexual information about you with his friend.
“What do you want to talk about?” He asked eagerly and chewed on his bottom lip. You had to admit flusteredness looked hot on him.
“You,” you smiled at him, hoping he’d calm down. “Do you want another drink?”
“Nope, I’m good,” he said shortly, but then explained, as if he remembered that you wanted him to talk more. “I mean, if we do this, I want to be sober.”
“Good thinking,” you nodded at him. “I’ll have another one.”
Before your hand touched the bottle, Jungkook’s was on yours, and it felt so big and warm, so you instantly remembered what it looked like wrapped around his veiny cock. “Uhm, if… If we’re fucking, I’d like you to be present. Meaning, not wasted.”
“Oh, okay,” you nodded and moved your hand away from his. “Fair enough.”
For a minute or so, both of you were quiet, looking around.
You weren’t sure what Jungkook was thinking about—probably what he was going to talk to you about—but you were focusing on how you wanted to approach this. Did you want to wait until he made the first move, initiated everything, and took control or did you want to help him out?
One side of you wanted to make him step up, but the other side was telling you to be fair and help him out. He was already having some confidence issues, so it would probably help him more if you initiated at least the conversation.
However, Jungkook beat you to it. “How did you find the stream?”
“I…” you stopped, unsure of the best way to go about it. “Long story short, I haven’t had sex in a long time and I never really came on my own,” you admitted, suddenly feeling a bit sheepish around him, mostly because he played such a key part in the story he knew nothing about. Still, if you were going to make this more comfortable, you had to give some too. “So I decided to change it, got toys, watched porn, but I guess nothing worked. Then I got into the moaning video world and it happened.”
“Oh, cool,” he said, as if this wasn’t extremely awkward and personal for you. “So you watch other streamers as well?”
He made watching men jerk off sound like the most normal thing out there. “No, I don’t.”
Your confession made his head snap in your direction. “You only watch me?”
“Yes,” you admitted, smiling at him. “You’re that good.”
You knew that would soothe his ego, but you also knew he deserved it. It was funny how a lot less attractive men had so much more confidence than Jungkook, who had nothing wrong with him.
“Thanks,” he said, looking down with a grin he so desperately tried to hide. “And did you manage to do it?”
“Do what, sorry?”
“Come,” he said the word in a much lower tone, the one he used on stream, and it instantly made your pussy clench. You were conditioned to start soaking the second you heard his low voice talking or, even worse, moaning.
“I-I did,” you admitted, hating yourself for letting your voice falter like that. He already knew you watched him. Did he have to know he managed to get you come every single time?
“Are you ashamed of this?” Jungkook seemed concerned for a second and you appreciated the sentiment.
“Of course,” you said with a shrug. “But what can I do? I saw you naked and thought about you while getting myself off. It’s kind of embarrassing, to say the least.”
Jugkook cleared his throat before responding. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ve never seen you naked and I’ve jerked off to you numerous times.”
“You have?” Curiosity got the better of you and you just had to know. Besides, if you were going to fuck him, it was good to know things like this.
“Have you seen yourself?” Jungkook asked with a scoff. “Yeah, I’m that much of a loser. Can’t say a single word to you but jerk off to you when I get home.”
“Yeah. Does that gross you out?”
“Jungkook, I’ve seen you get yourself off. Nothing about it grosses me out,” you were never that shameless before, but then again, this situation was one of a kind. “And honestly, you’d get so much more pussy if you said things like this to women.”
“You think women like someone telling them they’d jerk off on them?” Jungkook asked, genuinely wondering, completely looking over or ignoring your compliment. You figured he was too ashamed to address it.
“Not everyone, sure, but some would,” you shrugged. “I mean, if I like a guy and he tells me that, I’d enjoy it. Like you said, it’s a confidence thing.”
“Good to know,” he nodded with a smile. “I mean, you’re right. If someone knows you personally and jerks off to you, it’s a really good compliment.”
“It’s a compliment even if they don’t know it’s you,” you added, knowing it would get him flustered because he’d know you were talking about him. Jungkook nodded in response, clearly thinking of what he was going to say to that.
The more you thought about it, the better the idea seemed. You know what he was hiding under those clothes and you wanted to have some fun, and so did he. Why not?
“Jungkook, do you want to fuck me?” You asked, hoping he’d be calm enough to respond.
“Yes,” he did so right away, ready for the question. “I really fucking do.”
“Whenever you let me,” Jungkook sighed.
“Do you think you’ll be good at it?” You asked, feeling like it was the right time to tease him.
“Uh, I,” he fumbled a bit but then calmed himself down with a deep breath. “If you can come just by watching me jerk off, I think I’ll be fine.”
“But that’s not all you do,” you pouted and stood up just to walk over to him and stand right between his legs, leaving him with no option other than to look up at you. “You make the sweetest sounds.”
“If you want that, you can have it,” he agreed in an instant.
“Are you sure you’re not embarrassed? Too ashamed to do this? You know we’ll have to get naked and touch each oth—” you were cut off by his sudden movement.
You were being mean, you knew it. You were teasing, but only because you were still trying to figure out whether this was something you two needed to do.
What if Jungkook wasn’t ready? He barely talked to you before that night, so you weren’t sure he’d have the guts to do much, and if the whole experience sucked, it would be really weird to see each other after.
But, then again, he was Bunny, the confident, hot guy who could now make you come just by speaking.
Jungkook cut you off mid-teasing by standing up and leaning in, as if he was just about to kiss you. “You treat me like a baby far too often for someone who gets off on me every couple of days.”
“Those two aren’t correlated,” you tried to joke your way out of it, but Jungkook was towering over you, letting you inhale the sweet scent of his cologne, and you felt so small next to him all of a sudden.
“You’re absolutely right,” he agreed with a chuckle. “The fact that watching me turns you on has nothing to do with you acting like a brat right now and trying to make me nervous.”
“Oh, and you aren’t nervous?” You cocked your head to the side and placed both hands on his chest. “I feel like you are. You’re finally getting words out, so that’s something.”
“I’ll get a lot more words out of you, trust me,” he said with an air of confidence you weren’t used to seeing from him.
Jungkook sat back down on the sofa and spread his legs, as if he was waiting for you to straddle him, so you did exactly that. You couldn’t help it—his spread thighs looked so inviting, even when they were covered by jeans. Two could play this game and you were determined to win. You could swear he shuddered when you sat on him and placed your hands on his shoulders, but you didn’t think much of it—it was normal to be nervous in this situation.
“Are you sure about that?” You asked cockily when you realized he was speechless.
In response, Jungkook started to unbutton his shirt until all you could see in front of yourself was his naked chest. Then, he leaned back against the sofa, letting himself fall into the cushions. “Are you sure?”
“Hm,” you hummed in agreement and let your hands wander over his chest. When you touched him, you felt his body stiffen under you, but Jungkook relaxed and let your cold hands touch him all over his warm chest and you enjoyed every second of it. It was all a lot firmer, smoother, and more real than you’d imagined. “I wonder how a handsome guy like you has so much trouble with girls.”
The compliment made Jungkook flush, but he steered the conversation elsewhere. “Are you going to keep that on?”
You looked down at your shirt and quickly got it over your head, which left you only in your bra. Jungkook seemed to enjoy the sight a lot more than you thought he would and for a while, his eyes were glued to your lace covered breasts. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“That was a question?” He cocked an eyebrow up and grinned. “I thought you were just being a bitch.”
His remark made you laugh and he seemed to enjoy you doing that. “While I’m known to be a bitch from time to time, that wasn’t my intention,” you said while slowly moving your hands up to his face until you had it in your hands, your palms holding the backs of his jawbone, directing his head the way you wanted it to face. “I was actually trying to give you a compliment.”
“It came out kind of backhanded,” Jungkook grinned while looking straight into your eyes, your hands on his head. “You could have just said something about how much you liked my dick if you were really trying to compliment me.”
You appreciated the cockiness of his tone and liked the fact that he was starting to open up. “See? If you acted this way around women, you’d have no trouble getting them to fuck you.”
Jungkook placed his hand over yours and looked you straight in the eye. “Can we stop talking about these hypothetical women? I couldn’t care less about other women right now. You’re sitting on my dick. Fuck other women.”
You laughed again and slowly moved away from him. “How about we take this to your bedroom? I’d like to see you in action.”
“This is the least romantic proposition I’ve ever received,” Jungkook joked, but still got up swiftly and took you to the bedroom while getting rid of his belt and shirt in the process. For someone who was complaining so much, he seemed to be very eager to get naked.
“That’s rich coming from you, Bunny,” you joked too, knowing you’d hit a nerve, but Jungkook just laughed heartily.
“I sort of had that one coming,” he shrugged and closed the door behind you. “But I mean, this is the exact opposite of romantic. I-I, we haven’t even kissed. And we still have our clothes on.”
“Then let’s take it off,” you said and got rid of your pants, bra, and then panties, all the while Jungkook stood there leaning against the bedroom door, watching you in what seemed like awe, but you guessed it was just horniness. “What about you?”
“Oh, right,” he snapped out of it quickly and got out of his pants and boxers, showing you the dick you felt like you knew personally by then. Fuck, it looked even better and smoother in person. Seeing a naked man after such a long time already felt amazing on its own, but coupled with the fact that he was that good-looking, the experience turned into something you wouldn’t be able to forget. “Like what you see?”
You nodded, not even wanting to pretend you had something funny to say about it. You were sure he could already tell by the way your mouth gaped at the sight of his erect dick. “You’re even better in person, if that means anything for your ego.”
“It sure fucking does,” he smiled softly, which seemed such a contrast from his naked body that was calling you to touch it. “You said you wanted to see me?”
“If you don’t mind,” you looked at him questioningly and when he nodded, you moved to the bed and sat down on it, unsure of what to do. Jungkook was right about one thing and it was the lack of romance or anything similar. The whole thing was weird from start to finish, but you were sure you’d make it work.
“One thing, though,” he said after he walked over to his computer desk—that computer desk—and got the lube. “I’d like to watch you too.”
“Oh,” you mouthed and decided that it was only fair. Why would he put on a show for you and get nothing in return? What’s fair is fair. “At the same time?”
“Just do it like you always do it,” he teased, making you roll your eyes at him. He was right though, that’s exactly how it went. You’d watch Bunny and get yourself off.
“Well, I usually have a vibrator,” you told him, knowing this would get him all worked up. The fact that he started to stroke himself dry served as proof of your prediction being true.
“Fuck, that sounds nice,” Jungkook said, biting his lip. “Can you manage without it?”
“I won’t come,” you said, stacking the two pillows on top of each other so you could rest against them and stare right at Jungkook, who was standing at the edge of the bed, his erection in hand. Your confession made him sad.
“Where’s the fun in that?” He asked, seeming worried about this, which got him even more points in your book. The amount of guys you knew that just didn’t really care if their partner came was astounding, sadly. “How do you usually do it with a guy?”
“Oral,” you said, not knowing whether that was even his thing, but his smile he gave you reassured you.
“Want me to eat you out?” Jungkook suggested and you had a hard time thinking about anything else other than his lips and tongue on you and those fucking gorgeous fingers inside of you.
“No,” you said, making him frown instantly. “Give me the lube,” you said and he threw it on the bed next to you, so you took it, squirted some in your hand, and threw it back at him. “Let me watch for a while and then you can eat me out.”
“Deal,” Jungkook nodded and squirted a generous amount of lube on his cock. “Want me to lie down, stand, sit?”
“Whatever feels good for you,” you told him honestly. Did it matter? If you got to see his cock in action, you’d be happy.
“Standing then,” he shrugged and lifted one leg on the bed, allowing you an even better view of his firm thighs, balls, and cock.
Jungkook slowly started to stroke himself, but since you were so used to it and knew what was coming, you reached down and started rubbing your clit. When he saw you do that, Jungkook immediately sped up his pace. “Do you usually do it like that?”
You hummed in agreement, unable to take your eyes off his big cock.
“You like watching me?” He asked the question he used so much in his streams, making you clench around nothing. “I knew you would.”
You nodded, without even thinking about it.
Jungkook wasn’t the dominant one here, not at all. If anything, it should have been you—you were the older one, the one with more sexual experience, the one who was able to have conversations with those of the opposite sex. You had more confidence in general and weren’t afraid to ask for what you wanted when you wanted it. Yet, he was the one talking and having you melt like it was your first time seeing a man.
“Does it seem big enough for you?”
“Fuck yes,” you decided to respond to this one, wanting to make him as weak as you seemed. “It will fit so nicely.”
“Right?” Jungkook asked, his voice suddenly shaky, and you just knew he was imagining being right inside of you. “Right in your pretty little cunt.”
“Yes,” you agreed, feeling yourself getting soaked. The tone of voice he used now was different from the Bunny one, it wasn’t that deep or fake, so you enjoyed it even more, even though you thought that wasn’t humanly possible. “I can’t wait for you to fuck me, Jungkook.”
“I know, baby,” he responded, using the nickname he so often used in the live-streams. You didn’t like it when guys called you that—it was overused and felt cheap since they used that nickname for every single girl they dated. None of it mattered now and you wanted to hear him call you baby all night. “You’ve been wanting this for a long time, huh?”
“Very long,” you hissed the words as your clit finally started to respond to your quick movements. “Too long.”
“I think so too,” he said, moving his leg down from the bed and walking over so he was standing on the side of the bed, a lot closer to you. He was still tugging at his hard cock. “We should have done this sooner.”
“Speak up sooner next time,” you teased, thinking it was a good idea.
Jungkook reached for your face, gently grabbed your chin and made you look up at him. “I’ll just put it in you if you keep this up.”
You’d never thought a threat could sound as attractive as that, but Jungkook made it possible. The fact that the shy guy who couldn’t even look at you before was now saying this was surprising in itself, let alone your reaction to it.
“You say that like it’s a threat,” you said, having a hard time focusing on his eyes when his dick was right there, so fucking close you could touch it.
Jungkook groaned in frustration. “I’m really trying to be nice and do whatever you ask of me. You said you wanted to watch, so I’m giving you a show. But now you’re just teasing me.”
“You’re right, sorry,” you licked your lips. “I just like teasing you.”
The response seemed to please him, so he continued touching himself. “You know what’s funny? It takes me so long to come during the stream, but if you were right in front of me, I’d come so fast.”
“Already coming?” You said, jokingly, but he didn’t seem to appreciate the joke. “I’m kidding. I’d really like to see you come all over yourself.”
“Since you’re here, I’d much rather come all over you,” Jungkook responded, making your breath hitch in your throat.
“Sounds good,” you agreed and started rubbing yourself faster, to which he groaned, and that in turn made you hiss and buck your hips into your hand.
“What is it? Like it when I make sounds for you?” He said, knowing the answer very well. “You sure fucking do. You love watching me touch my dick, you like watching me come, you love hearing me. You get off to me so fucking often, right?”
You nodded, feeling too weak to respond. Your fucking vagina was playing tricks on you again and you felt like you wouldn’t come even though you were having the time of your life. Everything was right—the mood, the guy next to you, the way you were touching your clit, but it just wasn’t happening.
“Say it,” Jungkook said in a harsher tone, which immediately made you want to respond.
“I watch you almost every day, Jungkook,” you said with a grunt, losing any bit of decency you had left. If he’d use this information against you, so be it. “Whenever you’re on, almost. I love watching you so much.”
“Why?” He asked, enjoying every single word that came out of your mouth.
“You always seem so clean and smooth. Your skin looks perfect, your fingers are so long and your dick is big, so I always imagine them in me,” you stopped and moaned when the pressure you were applying to your clit became too much.
“You think about me fucking you?”
“A lot,” you admitted, enjoying the way your words affected him. “You make me come so fast. Two, three minutes, and I’m out.”
This made Jungkook smile widely. “Can I come over you? Shower your tits with cum?”
You nodded without thinking. If it meant he wouldn’t fuck you, so be it. You wanted to see him come. It felt like the perfect payback for all the time he’s made you come.
“Good girl,” he grinned and moved closer, offering you his dick to suck. “Take just the tip, huh? Just a little bit.”
Instead of responding, you leaned in and wrapped your lips around his warm, wet tip and got the most guttural moan you’ve ever heard from him. Instinctively, Jungkook thrust into your mouth, but thankfully, he didn’t get too far in because you were still sitting away from him. “Fucking hell, you feel so good,” he mumbled and reached down to take a fistful of your hair. Instead of pulling your hair, he started grazing your scalp with his fingers, being a lot more gentle than you’d imagined. “Your tongue will finish me, fuck.”
You hummed against his cock and brought a hand up to grope his thigh a couple of times before moving on to grab his balls. When you did that, Jungkook kicked his head back and moaned your name. You were no longer touching yourself —you wanted to focus solely on him, so you did exactly that, but you wanted to feel something as soon as you heard him moan like that, enjoying himself so much.
“Right there, hmhm,” Jungkook moaned, continuing to play with your hair while looking down at you with his cock in your mouth and balls in your hand. “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me. You’re insanely hot, you have no idea… Fuck, right there.”
You continued to moan and hum against his cock, knowing that the vibrations made him feel even better. Soon enough, Jungkook pulled out of your mouth and continued to touch himself. “I can come over you? Quick?”
You nodded and then heard him grunt your name before streaks of white sticky liquid shot out of his cock and landed across your breasts and stomach. You were sure some ended up on Jungkook’s sheets, but you couldn’t have cared less in that moment.
There was something so mouth-watering about seeing such a handsome guy with such a nice dick use it to get himself all over you, and knowing you helped make that happen. Jungkook held onto the wall with one hand as he milked himself out over you, enjoying the sight.
“You’re so amazing,” he mumbled at you, trying to calm his breathing down. “My turn?”
You nodded and before you knew it, he was between your legs, his full lips latching onto your clit while his two fingers circled your entrance. He touched you and moaned the second he realized your hole was hot, soaking, and ready for him, so he shoved both fingers in and sucked on your clit while using the other hand to grope your buttcheek.
Fucking Jungkook and his fucking long fingers and nimble tongue! It was embarrassing that it took him less than a minute of oral to get you to come with a scream of his name and a hard grip of his curly hair, but it happened and you couldn’t feel bad about it, not when he’d just jerked off in front of you and brought your wildest fantasies to life.
Since he kept sucking on your clit even though you just came, you pushed him away to stop him and saw how messy he was with your slick all over his face, a string of it connecting his chin to your pussy.
“Ugh,” you shook your head, feeling embarrassed. “Wipe your mouth, I’m all over you.”
“That’s my favorite part,” Jungkook grunted, but got up to get the towel, like you asked.
When he came back, he found you in the same position, lying on your back, your legs spread, trying to catch your breath. You just couldn’t come to terms with the fact that a) Jungkook was Bunny, b) you were attracted to Jungkook, and c) you two had just made each other come.
“You okay?” He said, sitting down next to you, handing you the towel.
“This was the first time I came with a guy in like, what?, a year?” You sighed, feeling completely satisfied, for a change. “So I’m enjoying it.”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Somehow, you didn’t really know how, you agreed to sleep over. It was late and you didn’t want to face Taehyung, so what was the point of going home and having Taehyung verbally attack you until you told him what had happened? It wouldn’t have been a good idea.
Besides, you didn’t want to ruin such a satisfactory night by stressing over your roommate. You’d deal with it tomorrow.
Jungkook offered you an extra toothbrush, warm cloth, coconut oil to get rid of your makeup, and a moisturizer, which was so funny considering you thought he knew next to nothing about women. Then, he gave you one of his big t-shirts and asked you to sleep next to him which you did.
Well, you tried.
It was hard to fall asleep because your heart was racing. You thought it was due to all the drinks earlier, but you knew it was because of the man sleeping next to you. He was so fucking good at oral, he was great at turning you on, he was funny and charming when he wasn’t dying from embarassment, and you couldn’t believe that was the Jungkook you knew.
Or well, didn’t know.
He couldn’t sleep either, so both of you kept tossing and turning around until Jungkook spoke.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you responded, hoping you didn’t sound weird. “Trying to calm down so I can sleep.”
“Oh,” he sighed. “Me too. Eventful night.”
“Truly,” you wholeheartedly agreed and tried to be funny. “You’re really good at this, Bunny.”
“Yeah,” Jungkook replied, not sounding convinced. You could tell something was on his mind, his tone was different. “Can I ask you something?”
“After this, you can ask me anything,” you repeated yourself after going a step further than the last time you’d said it.
Jungkook cleared his throat. “Why didn’t you kiss me? Do you even like kissing?”
“I love it,” you admitted, feeling like it was a lot easier to be honest now that you were in the dark.
“So?” His breath seemed shaky and you weren’t sure if this was really bothering him.
“I guess there was just no opportunity.”
“I guess,” he agreed, even though it didn’t sound like he meant it.
He was right, though, it was weird. You could have kissed when you were straddling him, but you didn’t. Still, you weren’t the only player in this game.
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” You asked him back, throwing the ball in his court.
“I don’t know. I’m a pussy,” he said nonchalantly, so much so that it made you laugh out loud.
“Want us to kiss now?” You were the one to offer, unable to find a downside to it. You’d already touched each other, so a kiss wouldn’t make or break anything.
Jungkook hummed in agreement so you turned to face him and he did the same. You were the first one to lean in, but he was the first one to kiss and it was sweet, short, and gentle, and his lips gently rubbed against yours. It was so simple, but it made you want more.
Still, you didn’t want to do the most and try to initiate something again. Instead, you simply enjoyed the kisses. First, they were pecks, then they got a bit deeper with your wet lips gliding against the other’s, making you feel warm all over. Then, you felt Jungkook’s tongue probing your lips and you let it enter and play with yours, which instantly got you in the mood. However, Jungkook didn’t overdo it. He went back to slow kissing until the both of you were out of breath, so he pulled away first and took a deep one.
“You’re a great kisser,” he told you.
“You too,” you said it back, meaning it wholeheartedly. Anyone who could get you to lose your breath when just kissing you was amazing at it.
Somehow, you both managed to fall asleep. It wasn’t a good night’s sleep—you tossed and turned, woke up and then went back to sleep, and in the end felt like you didn’t get a wink of sleep.
The clock on Jungkook’s nightstand said it was 4AM when you woke up next, so you exhaled loudly and threw your hands down on the covers, angry at yourself for not being able to fall asleep. You were wondering whether you should just give up on sleeping and go home. Jungkook turned on his side and spoke, which scared you—you weren’t expecting him to be awake too.
“Everything okay?” He sounded a lot more sleepy than you. In fact, it sounded like he was still half-asleep.
“Can’t sleep,” you whispered to him. “You go back to sleep, okay?”
Instead of responding, Jungkook reached out, wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his frame, so the side of your body was pressed against the front of his. “Better?”
“We’ll see,” you said and closed your eyes, enjoying his warmth against your body, feeling a lot calmer than you did before. It seemed like Jungkook had so much experience with women, he knew exactly how to pull you in closer, how to hug you so he wasn’t squeezing you too hard.
Jungkook rested his head next to yours, so you could hear his now quiet breathing and allow it to lull you to sleep. You stretched out your neck and groaned while doing so, feeling stiff and tired.
You didn’t expect Jungkook to react to this, but his body did—you could suddenly feel him hardening against your side. Being as mean as you were, you slowly pushed your side into him, trying to feel out if he was really sporting an erection.
“Sorry,” he mumbled into your ear. “The sounds got me.”
“You really need to stop apologizing for everything,” you told him with a low chuckle.
“I thought that was a part of my charm,” he teased back, suddenly sounding a lot more awake.
“Well, your dick is also a part of it, so you don’t have to apologize,” you responded, which made him move his hand up from your waist to the side of your face and cup it gently.
“Can I kiss you?” Jungkook asked. “Just a kiss.”
You nodded and he leaned in. The kiss seemed to last forever and you wouldn’t change a single thing about it—it was the perfect kiss. It was slow, lazy, wet, warm, sensual, and you never wanted him to stop. The more Jungkook kissed you, the more you wanted him, evident by the way your insides were starting to grow warmer and your pussy was starting to dampen.
You were the one to stop the kiss just to mutter a question at him. “Are you tired?”
“What do you have in mind?” He asked, pecking your lips and rubbing your cheek with his thumb. The whole situation felt a whole lot more intimate than it should, but you blamed it on fatigue, exhaustion, and chemistry between the two of you. You two weren’t romantically interested in each other—you were just two people who really needed to get off.
You reached down under the sheets and cupped his cock. “I’d really like to feel you inside.”
Jungkook hummed gently and pecked your lips as his hand made its way to your crotch, which he promptly cupped in return. “I’m never too tired for that.”
It all happened fairly quickly, but it was because you were both clearly so fucking eager to get laid, even after you both came hours earlier. Nothing beat sex, though.
Jungkook’s fingers quickly find their way under your underwear, where he grazed your crotch gently. Before you knew it, you were grabbing him tighter and pulling him in closer, which he took as a sign to ease two fingers inside of you. That was enough for you to moan gently, trying to keep it together. It just felt so fucking good to have someone finally touch you.
“Good?” Jungkook asked once he started to finger you and you nodded before kissing him again, trying to focus on the feeling of his fingers inside of you.
When Jungkook felt how wet and ready you were for him, it was his turn to grunt. You could tell he was trying to keep it down, but the grunt made him sound like Bunny and the memories came flooding in, making you even more eager for him.
Then, Jungkook decided to get rid of your underwear, following your lead. It didn’t take him long to get on top of you and prop himself up on one elbow while holding his dick in his other hand. “Condom?” Jungkook asked, and you could see he was hoping it was a no.
By this point, your eyes were used to the darkness, the only source of light being the clock on his nightstand. That’s why you could see how his eyes grew wider as he waited for your response.
“I’m on the pill for hormones,” you informed him, which made his face light up. “Are you clean?”
He eagerly nodded in agreement. “I got tested last year. Didn’t have sex since then.”
You chuckled at the admission. “We’re in the same fucking boat.”
“And I’m really fucking happy about that,” he mumbled in response as he positioned his tip at your entrance. Then, he looked up at your eyes, smiled, and gently inserted his cock into you, allowing your pussy to engulf it hungrily and get accustomed to his girth.
It was a lot to take in, but thankfully, you had a vibrator for practice and you were so fucking wet you though it would glide right in. Besides, his fingers did a good job of getting you ready for this.
A minute of shallow thrusting later, his cock finally made its way in and out easily, and it made you groan and kick your head back. Jungkook was keeping his distance from you, propped up on his palms as he started to thrust into you gently, groaning with each thrust.
For a while, you tried to focus on him and take it all in—his facial expressions, the way his hair fell over his face, how his arms and chest muscles flexed as he held himself up, how easily he moved his hips. The thing you couldn’t stop staring at was the point where your bodies connected, his body between your legs, his cock entering you, disappearing inside of your wetness and then reappearing, red and hard, slick with your juices.
“Come,” you said, wrapping your hands around Jungkook’s shoulders and pulling him in closer. “I like to be close.”
That was a lie, though.
You usually didn’t like to be close to guys when fucking them—you didn’t appreciate the stickiness, the sweat, feeling someone’s heavy body on you. All of these things distracted you from enjoying what was happening between your legs.
With Jungkook, however, none of it mattered. You wanted to feel close to him, mostly because it was so late and you were both tired and worn out and he kissed you and touched your cheek so gently earlier and you wanted more comfort from him, so you pulled him into your chest.
“You do?” He asked, kissing your neck, his mouth leaving a wet trail behind. You tangled your fingers in his curls and grazed his scalps, presuming he liked it since he’s done it to you. “Never thought you were that type.”
For someone who talked to women so rarely, Jungkook sure read them well. “I’m not usually, but I am tonight.”
“I see,” he seemed to be happy with your response, you could tell by the way he started thrusting harder and kissing your neck.
Now that he was on top of you, he could sneak one hand beneath you and pull you in closer by the waist while continuing to kiss your neck. You played with his hair, tugging at it, getting him to moan and groan even more.
The sex was slow and steady, soft, without any awkwardness that was visible earlier. You figured a lot of it had to do with the fact that you were practically in the dark and so, so tired. Despite asking for kisses earlier, Jungkook still didn’t seem so comfortable giving them.
“Ah, fuck!” Jungkook grunted and quickly pulled out, following the action with a loud hiss. “Fuck!”
You immediately winced at the loss of his hard, warm cock inside of you. “What’s wrong?”
“I almost came,” he shook his head, once again on his elbows. “Sorry.”
“Jungkook, relax,” you said, pulling him in closer once again, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and head so you could kiss his cheek and whisper to him. “It’s just me, relax… Put it back in. You can come whenever you’d like.”
“You first,” he shook his head.
“If you touch my clit, I’ll scream,” you said, explaining to him that you felt too sensitive for that. The fact that you’d touched it yourself and then he tongued it made the bud hard and sensitive to touch, and you didn’t want to overdo it. “So, fuck me some more.”
Jungkook eased himself into you with a loud grunt, “Fuck, you’re tight...”
“Why don’t you kiss me?” You suggested, hoping he would, and Jungkook did as asked, his mouth quickly finding yours as he kept thrusting into you slow and steady, making you feel all sorts of warm inside.
You weren’t sure which one of you was enjoying the kiss more because you were both moaning into the kiss and groping each other. You were squeezing and smacking his firm ass, wanting him to go harder, while Jungkook touched every part of you he could reach, his mouth never leaving yours.
“I never want to come,” he mumbled into the kiss, which made you both chuckle. “You’re so warm… Don’t want to pull out…”
“Fuck me,” you told him, even though he was already doing that—and he was amazing at it.
As if those words did something to him, Jungkook rested his forehead on the pillow right next to your head and reached down to grab both your buttocks, lifting them up a bit so he could continue to thrust into you, this time a lot more quicker and harder seeing as he was holding your hips and that gave him more support.
As soon as he started doing that, he hit your g-spot—you could tell by the way a moan escaped your lips unintentionally and how your pussy clenched around him. His dick was big enough to reach it and you couldn’t remember the last time that happened.
“Like that, huh?” Jungkook mumbled, leaning his head to the side so he could whisper into your ear and peck your cheek. Then, he thrust into you even harder and chuckled when you let out an even louder moan and dug your fingers into his ass, enjoying every second of it. “You love it when someone rams you hard… Fuck, you’re tight! Ugh!”
It sounded like his words turned you both on equally—he loved hearing them as much as you did. Whenever he said something dirty, your mind instantly flew to all the fun you had with Bunny in the background. And now here you were, with him, in his fucking bed, fucking him.
“Go harder, Jungkook,” you whispered back, turning your face to the side to kiss him, fingers now grazing his back all the way down to his ass. “I want more.”
“More?” He asked with a chuckle. “Sure.”
With that, he started moving so fast your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you lost breath for a second. Each thrust helped him hit your g-spot hard, so hard that you were wrapping your legs around his waist and clenching, never wanting him to stop.
Jungkook seemed to get how good the position felt so he kept going, his fingers digging into the flesh of your ass as he held it above the bed and pounded you hard, so hard you couldn’t help but groan and swear at him.
What was so great about the position was that your chest was pressed against his and you felt like he was in complete control of it, holding you, ramming his cock into you, and all you could do was wrap your legs around his waist tighter and grip his hair to show him how good he was making you feel.
“Fuck, keep going,” you grunted, feeling something strange, but good, inside of you. Jungkook’s cock kept hitting your g-spot every time he shoved his dick inside of you, and it made you clench around him each time, feeling wetter with each second. If this was the build-up of an orgasm, it was different from the ones you’ve experienced so far, but you knew it would be just as good. “Right there, Jungkook, fuck!”
Jungkook grunted at your words and tried to keep the same pace, but you could tell he was getting tired. After all, it was the middle of the night and he was holding you up by the hips while slamming his cock into you hard and quick. You could feel he was getting sweatier quickly, his curly hair sticking to the sides of his face, which was resting against yours, allowing you to feel him so close to you.
The moans that were coming out of his mouth were suppressed and a lot softer and quieter than the ones you were used to hearing from him—on stream, at least. Still, they managed to turn you on just the same.
Instead of overthinking the fact that you were fucking Jungkook and that you’d have to deal with this somehow, you closed your eyes and focused solely on him—the thrusts of his hips, his cock inside of you, touching you right where you needed him, his soft moaning right next to your ear, his hands holding you tight.
The more you relaxed, the better the feeling inside of you got. The build-up was slow and then it started to bring you so much pleasure you couldn’t help but groan his name and hold onto him tighter.
“Oh, fuck, yeah,” Jungkook seemed to be reacting to the sounds you were making. “I’ll come if you don’t stop.”
The idea of having Jungkook come was appealing but so was the idea of him fucking you for a bit longer. Still, you didn’t want to ruin his fun.
“Come, Jungkook,” you gripped his hair and kissed the side of his face, both of you sweaty and panting. “It’s okay…”
“You’re so fucking tight, it’s hard to control it,” he grunted, finally relaxing enough say more than a couple of words. Jungkook squeezed your ass tight and continued to ram himself into you and it seemed so desperate—he was going so fast now, trying to get off, and the whole thing turned you on even more. “So tight and wet… Perfect for my cock…”
“Yeah, yeah,” you moaned, feeling like you were about to burst. “You feel so good.”
“So do you,” he mumbled with a chuckle and then he started to go really hard, which made you kick your head back, scream his name, and let him do whatever he wanted.
As if that was what he was waiting for, Jungkook now let your hips fall to the bed and then he started to go as fast as possible, the sounds of skin hitting skin filling the room, accompanied by his loud grunts. When he realized you were enjoying the sound she was making, he smirked, looking straight into your eyes.
“I forgot you liked that,” he said cockily, continuing to thrust.
“Shut up,” you grunted, but didn’t have the energy to argue when you did in fact like it, a lot more than he realized.
“Hold onto me,” he suggested, and you wrapped your hands around him, holding onto his shoulders.
The stamina on him was clearly amazing, but the force he used was even more astonishing. Jungkook started to thrust so hard that he pushed you into the bed and the bed into the wall. This had obviously happened to him before, which is why he asked you to hold onto him, and you had no problem with it. You liked it rough.
Each thrust made your whole body vibrate as you gripped onto his shoulder, not wanting to move away too far and lose the feeling of his girthy dick filling you up. What the force of his thrust also taught you was that he was big enough to touch your g-spot even from missionary—and you fucking loved it.
Because it was so quick and rough, it felt like he was pressing against it more than not. Surprising the both of you, you came very suddenly, screaming his name, digging your fingers into his shoulders, surely leaving crescent-shaped marks behind, but neither one of you seemed to care.
“Fuck, Jungkook, fuck!” You grunted over and over again, completely relaxing and falling on the bed, feeling warmth fill your stomach, crotch, and thighs, your chest still heaving.
“You have no idea how fucking good it feels, ungh, when you clench me like that,” he said into your ear, grunting lowly after every couple of words, unable to control it. “Can I come?”
“Mhm,” you said, sneaking your hand to the back of his head and tugging at his hair, starting to kiss his neck. “Come for me, Jungkook.”
It didn’t take him long to do exactly that—his body shook the second the first stream of cum shot out of his cock and covered your walls. You couldn’t feel that inside of you, but you could feel him tense and relax, and his grunts told you he enjoyed it a lot. You were happy to notice that it lasted a lot longer than it usually did for the guys you've slept with, so you took that as a good sign.
Clearly, you weren’t going to tell Jungkook he was the first guy who made you squirt (you didn’t know it was him at the time, though) or the first guy who made you come during sex, without using his hands and mouth. You didn’t want it to get to his head.
You felt too weak to get up, but you had to—you couldn’t fall asleep full of cum. By the time you cleaned yourself up and came back to bed, Jungkook dozed off, so you got under the covers and hoped to God your friendship—or whatever it was—wouldn’t be even more awkward when you woke up.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
if you enjoy reading my stories, please consider supporting me using buymeacoffee. thank you! :)
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starpop-milktea · 3 years
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no thoughts, head empty.
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starpop-milktea · 3 years
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how does hao beat the heat?
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starpop-milktea · 3 years
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📣: friend!Minghao // ft. meddling members lol // fluff // 900~ words
A/N:thank you for the request, anon! am not sure what you mean failing so i kinda just...alter that part haha. enjoy!
find the rest of requested drabble here
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Xu Minghao rarely frustrates anyone, let alone his members. If anything, he’s usually the one frustrated at them; not getting their antics and the way they’d sometimes joke around too much when all he wants to do is be done with practice.
The rare time Minghao does frustrate his members is at moments like this: when he’s stealing glances at you as if no one notices, brushing his fingers a second too long against yours, and the way he’d shyly avert his gaze from yours when you lock eyes with him.
Joshua, chosen as a representation to confront the younger guy about it because the members have decided he’d seem the least suspicious, has subtly brought up the topic in hope Minghao wouldn’t get defensive.
“They look good together, don’t they?” he perfectly delivers his line as he points at you and Mingyu laughing together, a story the twelve (well, not really, no. The quieter ones of the group can’t really be bothered) of them has made up together.
Minghao looks up from his phone, eyes immediately finding you and Mingyu hunched together on the other side of the practice room. The both of you seem to be having fun, whispering to each other much too close for his liking. Not that he has any say in it for that matter.
“You think so?” he says instead, pretending like the way you’re leaning into Mingyu’s shoulder as you laugh doesn’t bother him. It doesn’t matter that he knows that’s just your habit around the people you’re comfortable with, what matters now is that Joshua’s comment along with the picture in front of him is enough to agitate him even a little.
Joshua shares a look with Mingyu across the room, something that Minghao misses because he’s too deep in thought.
“I don’t know,” he shrugs. “Maybe I’ve just been watching too many rom-coms. Kinda miss seeing my friends in a relationship, you know? Been liking the idea of romance nowadays though I don’t exactly feel like getting into one myself.”
Minghao doesn’t say anything, unsure on how to answer that as he continues to stare at you and Mingyu. Joshua says something about a movie he recently watches, but nothing really registers in his mind when you turn and catch his gaze, smiling sweetly at him with a questioning look.
He shakes his head, giving you a small smile back. But you don’t simply drop it, apparently noticing the way his body is a little tense.
‘You sure?’ you mouth to him from across the room with a worried frown. This time Minghao nods, a more genuine smile crosses his face and he relaxes a little at your concern.
Beside you, Mingyu huffs incredulously at the way you’ve been ignoring him since earlier. Can’t the two of you be any more obvious? Honestly, communicating with each other silently across the room?
When Mingyu was given the task of occupying you to make Minghao jealous, he’d been happy at the thought of finally making the two of you together. He doesn’t understand why you both are still in denial, telling him ‘no, what do you mean I like Minghao? I like all of you equally’ and ‘I’m sorry, did you say something? My ears filter nonsense from miles away’ followed by tints of red on your cheeks and Minghao, his ears, when he’s asked you both about the other on separate accounts.
Today, Mingyu is determined to make the two of you accept your feelings and stop his torture of watching two stubborn people developing a slowburn romance.
You two are still gazing into each other, he realizes. So Mingyu stands up and pulls you with him, startling not only you but also Minghao. But he takes a few strides across the room, dragging you behind him and then promptly sits you down next to Minghao.
He crosses his arms in front of his chest once the two of you look up at him questioningly, along with Joshua who’s next to Minghao because this is totally not a part of the script.
“Now you both are going to listen to me,” he says, glaring at Minghao who’s about to cut him off. “I am tired of seeing the two of you being dumb so I’m going to end it here.”
You turn to Minghao, still trying to figure out what’s happening while Minghao has finally got the gist of what his friend is trying to do. Before he can say anything, Mingyu’s voice thunders through the room.
“So you,” he points at you. “Like him. And he,” he points at Minghao now. “Likes you.”
The both of you are about to protest, hearts beating fast out of shock and eyes wide open at his ‘baseless’ statements even though you both are avoiding each other’s eyes out of embarrassment, but Mingyu is quicker and his deep voice cuts you off once again.
“And now we’re going to leave this room so you can talk it out. And you,” he looks at Minghao pointedly. “are not allowed to come home before clearing things up with her. I’d know.”
The giant doesn’t even wait for your answers, simply drags Jeonghan with him as Joshua and some of the members who are still in the practice room walk out themselves. They annoyingly give you both thumbs up, screaming a ‘good luck!’ and ‘we’re waiting for good news!’ before the door clicks and silence envelopes the both of you out of nowhere.
You shyly look at Minghao, surprised to see him already looking at you with his famous tight-lipped smile.
“Guess we’re confessing, huh?”
©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
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starpop-milktea · 3 years
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there are three types of people, tae is the fourth
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starpop-milktea · 3 years
black marauder (kth)
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𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: admiral!taehyung x pirate!reader
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 15k
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: pirate au, fantasy, enemies to lovers, smut, a sprinkle of angst & fluff.
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: 18+, smut. penetrative sex, unprotected sex, fingering, riding, ice play, bondage, degradation, nipple play, hand-job, oral (male receiving), squirting, overstimulation, dirty talk, silk play(??), femdom, sub!taehyung.
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: when it comes to getting what she wants, a true pirate seldom abides by the rules - and admiral kim taehyung is about to learn just how dirty you can play it.
or: you need taehyung to paint your portrait, and end up roping him in in more ways than one.
𝖆/𝖓: this is a stand-alone oneshot, but exists in the same universe as wintervale, which this story precedes. if you squint, you might be able to spot a slight crossover in characters. admittedly, this wasn’t meant to be nearly as long as it turned out (was aiming for one scene of steamy pirate sex and ended up with over 15k somehow?) but I really like it so I hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless. 
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“You want me to what?”
The Admiral stands amidst the opulence of your quarters with his eyebrows raised in disbelief. As the flickering light from the overhead chandelier catches in the hollows of his cheekbones, you cannot help but give pause to admire him - it is not often you play host to such distinguished guests in your quarters, let alone a man so virile and handsome. He looks positively devilish in his crisp naval uniform, arms folded across a broad chest as he leans back against your dining table, and this fact alone is enough to make you want to ruin him. It would not be the first time a man of such high status had lost his dignity before you.
“I believe you heard me, Admiral,” you repeat, leaning back in your chair with your chin tilted upwards as you regard him. “And if you care for the wellbeing of your men - all of whom are currently tied up across my deck, if memory serves - then you will comply.”
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starpop-milktea · 4 years
Dumbo | Jungkook (M)
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→ summary: you know what they say about boys with big noses…
{or alternatively: jungkook has a big dick but he doesn’t know how to use it, but luckily you’re there to help.}
→ genre: humor/crack, smut → warnings: they talk about dicks a lot (i.e. jungkook has a big dick), DICK MEASURING CONTESTS (aka jk gets his dick appraised… just boys bein’ boys), explicit sexual content, semi-public exhibitionism, handjobs, blowjobs, sub!jungkook, whining, light dirty talk, mild pain play, mutual masturbation, jungkook has piercings, accidental edging (you’ll… understand), oc doesn’t have a gag reflex lol → words: 17.2K → a/n: @jincherie… you are my enabler and i will die on this hill only if you die on it with me. but of course i know you will die with me. because we only have one braincell and if either of us die, we both do. thank you for commissioning me to write this btw… even though i was already writing this so you just basically sent me money for free. ANYWAY… WORLD IS FUCK BUT I LOVE RHA!! ALSO JUNGKOOK HAS A BIG DICK!! EPIC!!
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The club lights make it difficult for Jungkook to see anything. He doesn’t understand why club owners can’t just jack up the lighting for once; it isn’t like you’re going to be able to find a hook-up through echolocation or something. Though, judging by the way people seem to be groping their way through the masses, perhaps there really is no need for illumination anyway.
Jungkook normally hates this kind of scene. Drinking is all good and fun, especially when he’s with his hyungs, but going to overly crowded places makes his skin crawl with anxiety. It takes almost three shots during pre-game for him to get anywhere near this kind of place and it’s all thanks to Seokjin. That hyung thrives in these kinds of environments, like a clipped butterfly relearning how to fly.
“I’m gonna get shit fucked wasted!” Seokjin hollers, his arm looped carelessly around the only other person who hates being here as much as Jungkook does. He watches passively as Yoongi tries to bite a chunk off of Seokjin’s hand, but despite his inebriation, their eldest hyung is able to dodge it quickly.
“Not before I kill you, then everyone else in this place, and then myself, first.” Yoongi growls, nudging Seokjin off his smaller frame. If the world hadn’t been swaying underneath Jungkook’s feet, he might have offered to help his small hyung do the deed. If there’s anyone who hates nightclubs more than Jungkook, it’s Yoongi. Jungkook is frightened to know how Seokjin managed to convince Yoongi in the first place, and he’d prefer not to find out what sort of terrible blackmail the elder must have under his sleeve to accomplish such an arduous feat.
Just as Yoongi is about to connect his steel-toed boot up Seokjin’s freshly bleached asshole, Jimin returns from the bar with three glasses held precariously in each of his fists. Jungkook wonders yet again how this is possible due to the sheer tininess of Jimin’s hands, but then again��� What can’t Jimin do when it comes to alcohol?
“I’m back! Here you go, Jungkookie,” Jimin says, seamlessly handing Jungkook a glass of what he hopes is just a regular beer like he asked. Knowing Jimin, he probably ordered the strongest shit they have. He peers at it suspiciously, but it only takes half a sip for Jungkook to confirm his guess. He grimaces, nearly coughing out a lung at the strength of the poison running down his throat.
“That tasted like fucking metal polish! What the fuck, Jimin?”
“I know! It’s great isn’t it?” Jimin smiles angelically, handing Yoongi one of the drinks. Yoongi looks at the swirling piss-yellow liquid as if it holds the secrets to the universe. It appears as if he’s decided something when his eyes light up.
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starpop-milktea · 4 years
My Prince (1)
Pairing: Minghao x reader
Genre: fluff/(angst)
Summary: Life is not exactly easy being the royal gardeners’ daughter but at least it’s simple. When you’re suddenly called upon to serve as the prince’s personal servant, things get a little more than complicated, especially considering the secret history you and the prince share.
Warnings: general angstiness, a bit of a slow burn, very romantic, very soft, the fact that this will most likely become a long series cause I have no chill
Word Count: 3k
Author’s Note: this is a present for my sweet sweet baby @silverstonemanor you deserve the world, I hope you like it! She gave me the idea for this story a while ago. I would have posted stuff earlier but my extra self couldn’t stop and ran way too far with this whole idea. This was supposed to be a drabble and well, now it’ll probably become the longest thing I’ve ever written that isn’t a novel so yeah ^^” oopsie~
The sun was just peeking over the distant treetops when you entered the wide castle grounds with your parents, tool bag slung over your back. You didn’t mind waking up this early; you enjoyed watching the various shades of orange and pink roll over the sky like waves, until nothing was left but clear blue. Besides, in a few hours, the air would turn far too hot and humid for you to focus.
The royal gardens were massive. They’d seemed infinite as a child and even now, despite your position as gardener, you found yourself lost in them from time to time. You followed your parents to the place you’d left off the evening before: a long, narrow stretch of grass, flanked by vibrant tiger lilies on both sides. At the far end was a small, ornate pagoda, around which a thin body of water lay. It was a lily pond of your father’s own making.
“Start at the front,” your mother’s stern voice called from behind, “we need it perfect by noon.”
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starpop-milktea · 4 years
You & Minghao aren’t soulmates.
Your name isn’t etched onto his body, carved into his skin – atop his breastbone, above his heart.
And his name isn’t on your body, it isn’t etched onto you, carved into you – a tight pressure grows in his chest, he swallows the sea and the saltwater drowns his lungs.
Hearts are about to burst for love.
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starpop-milktea · 4 years
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i just see you, part 18 ~ DATE HER OR I WILL
< Prev | First | Masterlist | Next >
(Seventeen Youtuber! Non-Idol! College! AU)
When an artist begins to frequent the café you do murals for, you know your life is going to get interesting. What you don’t know is that he’s also your favorite online artist. Shenanigans ensue.
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starpop-milktea · 4 years
your love | x.mh
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♡ genre: fluff and angst
♡ pairing: yn x xu minghao hanahaki!au
♡ summary: the victim of the hanahaki disease coughs up flowers when their love is unrequited. it doesnt stop until the feelings are returned or the victim dies.
♡ word count: 3,070
a/n: i like repetition, it helps me get my point across :) thank u for reading
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starpop-milktea · 4 years
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⚬ pairing: demon!minghao x reader ⚬ word count: 3478 ⚬ warnings: blood, bodily injuries, death ⚬ genres: god i don’t even know… angst, unrealized pining and romance, weird tension, reader is just as evil as minghao?
✧✎ synopsis: three-hundred years have passed, and the second son has awoken from his slumber, waiting for a new soul to devour.
✧✎ a/n: this au was many things, and in finality, it morphed into this. usually i have a lot to say in my author’s note but today i bring you nothing! enjoy!
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Three-hundred years had passed, and you knew due to the bell tower.
Its reverberations shuddered throughout the town, permeated the density of the smoke curtain which had swallowed the sky for centuries, and vibrated the very oxygen that fluttered in your lungs. It was a calling to check your mailbox, for reaching inside unveiled a folded note. At first, you glanced to your neighbour across the street, to the elderly man who lived on your right, and finally to the pig-tailed girl who’d just celebrated her fifteenth birthday on your left.
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starpop-milktea · 4 years
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𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝙹𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚗 𝟸𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚒 𝙰𝚕𝚋𝚞𝚖 《𝟸𝟺𝙷》
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starpop-milktea · 4 years
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the intricacies of #8fashion
bonus: the last part of his outfit
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starpop-milktea · 4 years
spring strut
minghao uni au ; 2.8k ; fluff
for @jeonminghao and her generous donation and big heart <33
summary: Minghao is made a designer for his university’s upcoming fashion show and he has a certain model in mind. 
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 I had left the door to my dorm room unlocked a number of times. Sometimes my keys were simply buried too deep into my bag to bother with the protective measure. Other times I pushed the walk from the dorm to the Literature Department too close to make classes (even after the shin splints from speed walking for twenty minutes straight every day left me with a limp and I finally decided to change my alarm clock to go off ten minutes earlier) and I didn’t have the spare seconds to lock up.
But today, I was sure I had turned the lock in place to seal away my room from any guests or intruders while I was out at a sorority meeting. Even more so, I was sure I had at least closed the door behind me.
Yet it now swung wide open so I could see that all the lights had been switched on. Some lo-fi music strangely wafted out from my room which almost put me at enough ease to feel utterly unafraid as I peeked my head into my room.
It was in shambles.
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starpop-milktea · 4 years
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just taehyung & his 2 fave shirts of all time 
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