so um I will likely be abandoning this acc soon, I sorta wanna deattach from the vld fandom and this was the only way I could think of my new blog is @glimmeringponies please please follow!
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so um I will likely be abandoning this acc soon, I sorta wanna deattach from the vld fandom and this was the only way I could think of my new blog is @glimmeringponies please please follow!
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so um I will likely be abandoning this acc soon, I sorta wanna deattach from the vld fandom and this was the only way I could think of my new blog is @glimmeringponies please please follow!
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so um I will likely be abandoning this acc soon, I sorta wanna deattach from the vld fandom and this was the only way I could think of my new blog is @glimmeringponies please please follow!
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so um I will likely be abandoning this acc soon, I sorta wanna deattach from the vld fandom and this was the only way I could think of my new blog is @glimmeringponies please please follow!
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ok so you know how the change my mind meme is made a by a racist transphobe ? heres a new version for us all
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why genderbends are transphobic: a tl;dr version
they assume every character is cis by default
99.9% of the time nonbinary identities are ignored and the only two genders used are male and female
they imply that in order for someone to be a certain gender, their body has to change to fit it (i.e., a character can’t go from male to female without having wider hips and breasts)
they imply physical characteristics = gender
all of the above are examples of cissexism, which perpetuates the marginalization and erasure of trans people
stop arguing with trans people about whether genderbends are transphobic or not, especially if you’re cis
the end
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guys i found the best one
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are u a lesbian? a bi gorl?? p a n ?? sapphic??? a … wuhluhwuh if u will??????
guess what
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whenever I see someone say “this fandom doesn’t deserve a healthy lgbt ship becoming canon because they suck” I roll my eyes so far back into my head because how fucking daft do you have to be to not see how good any potential healthy rep is to the entire world and understand that only a small majority of audiences are in fandoms while there are people out there who don’t fandom and who need (or deserve, because of course, lgbt rep is now about deserving isn’t it) positive rep in a show. like. maybe get off your high horse and stop acting so fucking transparent, mayhaps?
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Honestly something that bothers me more than most things is having my compassion mistaken for naivety.
I know that another fish might eat this bullfrog right after I spend months rehabilitating it.
I know that turning a beetle back onto its legs won’t save it from falling over again when I walk away.
I know that there is no cosmic reward waiting for my soul based on how many worms I pick off a hot sidewalk to put into the mud, or how many times I’ve helped a a raccoon climb out of a too-deep trashcan. 
I know things suffer, and things struggle, and things die uselessly all day long. I’m young and idealistic, but I’m not literally a child. I would never judge another person for walking by an injured bird, for ignoring a worm, or for not really caring about the fate of a frog in a pond full of, y’know, plenty of other frogs.
There is nothing wrong with that.
But I cannot cannot cannot look at something struggling and ignore it if I may have the power to help.
There is so much bad stuff in this world so far beyond my control, that I take comfort in the smallest, most thankless tasks. It’s a relief to say “I can help you in this moment,” even though they don’t understand.
I don’t need a devil’s advocate to tell me another fish probably ate that frog when I let it go, or that the raccoon probably ended up trapped in another dumpster the next night.
I know!!!! I know!!!!!!! But today I had the power to help! So I did! And it made me happy!
So just leave me alone alright thank u!!!!
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S/O to my LGBT boys tonight we’re all pretty rad
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i beg you to stop scrolling and share this and if you’re available to donate pls do it 
don’t ignore the black transgender community living in third world countries
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small announcement
outside of anything I've already agreed to do/in discord servers I will be taking a break from the voltron fandom, this will not be a "i'm leaving" thing this is just until the new season so I can focus on the new season of mlp which mlp has been my special interest since I was 12 so *shurg* I'll still reblog vld content time to time but that will be about it
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