125 posts
lesbian zine maker, 25, french but all posts in english | here from ig, under construction | i have ko-fi with free zines and stuff my main is @lavandxr so if you're confused that's me | don't be fooled by my featured posts pls click before u think lol (i love clickbait)
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starkittyzines · 5 hours ago
what are YOU wearing to the zine club?
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starkittyzines · 18 hours ago
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Shared two zines today : @starkittyzines and @werelostinthecosmos (IG) 💖💖💖
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starkittyzines · 18 hours ago
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a new zine for zine club's march prompt: "when i was small"
inspired by the song overgrown by mars aspen and some recent thoughts <3
also proof you can make a zine entirely without a printer. of course if i want to copy it i'll need to use one but. you don't need to print any materials you can simply be a little raccoon who collects trash :)
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starkittyzines · 3 days ago
"home" a zine about my hometown
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Located in the middle of the world, the equador line / 2. Surrounded by the Amazon River
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3. The best food (pictures of açaí, ice cream, seasoned pineapple, fish, fruit, banana and banana chips, etc)
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4. Nature
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Zine made for one of the zine club's march theme's "Home"
Using photos i took printed, pen, colored pencils, markers and paper.
Had to improvise a little bit since i didn't have a lot printed :)
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starkittyzines · 4 days ago
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digital illustration, made with heavypaint
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starkittyzines · 6 days ago
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starkittyzines · 11 days ago
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Pondering my orbs.
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starkittyzines · 11 days ago
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Redesign of my first zine ever!!! 💕✨
A tiny batch of physical copies is available here:
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starkittyzines · 11 days ago
new month, new post;
survival fund for disabled Black trans couple
(id in alt text)
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making this post as my wife and i r two disabled Black trans folks living in TX who are both currently out of work due to disability and other circumstances, and are in need of consistent financial help in order to afford our living expenses and survive. i have the main three apps, a shared ko-fi and patreon, and a registry of household needs and wants (praying the amazon link embeds properly, feel free to dm me if its broken).
if u cant donate, rbing this post (without tags if possible) is the most helpful thing you can do, as i know my situation and have evaluated the options available to me before turning to ebegging. thanks!
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starkittyzines · 11 days ago
Selling a Zine to Pay for Sunday March 16th Medical Treatment
Hi friends. I have super severe chronic pain as many of you know. Last month I skipped my pain medication infusions. I was gonna skip it this month too but I am in a lot of pain. I would like to get treament. It would be 450 dollars. I have attached the written zine I am selling here, it is less than two dollars for a digital copy! If you could buy a copy it would mean a lot. If you wanna donate directly instead my paypal is below but I would rather sell my work!
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starkittyzines · 15 days ago
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compelled yesterday to make a zine about a lifetime of being a contrarian little shit sketched left-handed and inked right (ow)
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starkittyzines · 19 days ago
save your relationship to music
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one of my biggest soul-defining passions! physical music! this is a part of music that has been taken from us with streaming platforms, and I am very driven to take it back. my collection means something to me, and that has worth. I love to go to record/CD stores, I love second-hand media, and I love to listen to music and feel what it is meant to be. record store day is april 12th! give it a try!
album reviews at @honkycat-reviews
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starkittyzines · 20 days ago
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a zine about maybe seeing slenderman :)
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starkittyzines · 20 days ago
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Zine making 💖💖💖
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starkittyzines · 20 days ago
zine review #1
Ada / @theowllien
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my first zine review post - read more ! 👇
starting longer, actually blog-like blog posts to talk about the zines i read! my plan is to do it for every new zine i acquire and have enough thoughts for a post about it, but i also plan to go back and do reviews of zines i've already read. i have 150+ zines in my collection so that might take a while 🫣 so i won't pressure myself to do all of them, of course. but there's some i'd like to share in particular. all love to the zines i won't share maybe i just don't have enough to say but i love them all
these posts will also have some ramblings so be prepared for that!! they'll be under #zine reviews on my blog
i'm starting with zines received in a recent zine trade with @theowlien 🌟
Ada sent me zines of different formats printed on white and green paper. I loooove a zine printed on colored paper it's fun and changes things up a bit
three of them are art zines with drawings and sketches, i love the frogs but maybe it's biased by liking colored paper zines because all of them are great. i like zines that are collections of illustrations and art, i want to make more of those myself so it's always inspiring to see someone else's.
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i was also intrigued by their "annoying bottle caps" zine, about those bottle caps that stay attached to the bottle. it's supposed to prevent bottle caps from getting separated from the bottle and get lost in nature and injure animals that might eat them or something. but yeah I don't know how effective they are for that purpose and they make drinking a little awkward. one reason i do like them is at least i can't drop or misplace my bottle cap. great zine subject to ramble about
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also check out that cover!! the hand movement of opening a bottle cap is such an awkward thing to draw. i'm always so confused at drawing hands anyway, but this one in particular i wouldn't have attempted. and look how cool Ada made it :)
ok sidenote, mid-writing this i came home and poured some soy milk into my tea and. the new bottles have these caps. the old ones did not. NOOO
i really liked the mix of drawing and text in these next two zines specifically. not sure you can read the title of the boots one super well in the picture on mobile, it says "boots and why it's the only punk thing about me"
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first i was interested in the one about kokeshi dolls because i was quite into those when i was a kid and completely forgot about them! i think i first came across them when i won a book at a reading comprehension contest, and picked one about the dolls. i was quite interested in everything to do with japan (up until being a young teen). my older cousin was very into manga and drawing characters from anime and I started learning how to draw with her, although i had always been drawing, i gained more interest through that. so anything related to japan peaked my interest.
i found the book!!!!! it was this one
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i did go by yumi online + sign art with that name for a few years (i know, french white girl using a japanese name for no reason, classic, i was young yikes) but i can't remember if i was already doing that and that's why i was drawn to the book, or if i picked up the name from the book. anyway, i learned some japanese words from it and started drawing these dolls, and eventually was gifted one (from some mass produced trash store most likely).
kokeshi dolls were a bit of a lost memory so it was fun to read this zine :) i had actually never learned much about them at all as i had more of an aesthetic interested in them (and was a child) so i know a little more now
back to the zines - "boots and why it's the only punk thing about me" was a fun read too, it also reminded me of some memories. teenage years memories this time. i wanted to be edgy so bad but wasn't doing much that was defying the rules in any capacity. i got my first and only pair of dr martens boots when i was 13-14yo (i still have them today! over 10 years later. the soles are so thin i feel the gravel i step on so I can't stay they're in good shape, i very rarely wear them nowadays and have new boots). at the time i hated being a "girly girl" and felt socially pressured to wear dresses, but had a very hard time finding ones i was comfortable wearing. my compromise was to wear them with my boots, which luckily my mom supported and thought was really cool. Ada talks about wearing boots with a wedding dress, that was the idea for me then. and if i were to get married in a dress, i'd probably do it in boots. but i'm most likely wearing something closer to a suit if that ever happens anyway.
i liked all the drawings of boots, like this one on the cover is so cool
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i better learn how to draw boots this cool bc i'm going to be drawing people's outfits for a collaborative zine project, and it's about queer fashion so i know these people will all be wearing boots #not stereotyping my own at all
i think i'm starting to be actually a little more punk myself, aside from boots and all. well there's probably a lot i'm doing that would be considered punk depending on your definition but i'm actively trying to learn to break pointless rules. so that's something
Ada also sent me one last zine titled IZMA, which i'll make a separate post about; this is already quite long and i can't find the time to write more so i want to just post this and give it a dedicated post!
i really like zines that include sketches and drawings, receiving and reading those made me want to draw more in my next ones again. and maybe pick up more sketching in general, i'm starting to miss it.
thank you again for trading zines with me!!
you can find Ada here on tumblr and on ko-fi :) here's a too
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starkittyzines · 20 days ago
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A while back I sent you an ask thanking you for inspiring me to make a zine! I made one! It was a really fun exercise. Lately I’ve been in my head a lot so I wanted to write a zine about my body, and what I’ve noticed about it. Anyways, I said I’d share when I was done, so I’m following through :)
Thanks again for your work!
i love this zine!! on the "technical" aspects of it i guess - i always love zines that have collage and handwriting because i love seeing how people write. idk it's special!!!!
thank you so much for sharing it, and lots of love and good vibes your way, sounds like quite the chaotic time. what you wrote reminded me of all the stress symptoms i have that i've dismissed over time and now accept as normal, but they're not... lots of those i share as well. yep. it's easy to forget how much our mental state affects our physical state. things seem to be made in such a way to make us disconnected. this was a good reminder to take better care of my poor stressed brain
i hope things get lighter on your end, i often find making zines to vent about something helps me a lot, did you experience that too?
i love seeing people make zinesssss
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starkittyzines · 20 days ago
How did you get started with zines? Is the joy in creating or distributing?
totally missed this idk when this was from! sorry if it's been forever lol!
hm if i truly go back to the roots i participated in a fanzine when i was 13-14? and i was also writing stories onto folded printer paper to make little books - but all of that, i did before knowing what zines were.
i made a couple of minizines for my girlfriend and participated in two collaborative zines at workshops/meetups organized by a friend. i only really started making lots and lots of them when i came accross bre and noam on tiktok! (linking their instagram pages instead bc i'm not on tiktok anymore) that was around? 2022?
once i started making minizines i started like 20 in a very short time lol i couldn't stop
spontaneously i'd say i like making them the most, but then thinking about all of the times i got to do zine trades or table at fests/markets (3? times? so not many), omg such joy heart so warm love so big. i love sharing what i make and what i feel through zines, and some of them have started really great conversations with people. i'm awkward and still a little shy and often anxious when talking to new people, and i love that zines are an entry point and give me something to hide behind a little, while also opening up even more than i ever would in a conversation
and making people discover zines for the first time!!!! leaving free zines places!!! i'm an artist and crafter at heart, i've always made and created things, so i find big big joy even without sharing it. i love the process and making stuff for myself. but with zines, the community aspect is also so so strong
i guess i can't really give a proper answer to that second question hahaha
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