Evil Ethubsposter Selene
22K posts
- Selene (she/they) - major (as opposed to minor) - i post dumb stuff all the time - askbox and requests open - I follow from @seleneinadream - art tag is catgirl supreme - banner by Val @lavalender - my ko-fi is
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starherdselene · 5 hours ago
Lets stop telling trans people to flee and move to help them. Stop making it the victim's job to save themselves.
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starherdselene · 6 hours ago
The one frustrating thing about being blocked by so many people on this site is that I'm constantly going to reblog stuff only for Tumble to tell me there's "an error" and I can't because one of the ten people in the reblog chain has blocked me and I have no idea how far back I need to go to reblog the post. I get that block anonymity is important but damn does it turn into a lot of messing around.
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starherdselene · 6 hours ago
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its not that deep but im ngl i hate when nonblacks catch wind of black ppl saying certain phrases or new aave and then do this with it like you are just saying the same thing multiple times match my freak just means match the energy im on you are asking for the same exact thing “i dont want to be on fleek…i want to be put together, beautiful, competent, and at my best” u sound like someonesbeen bashing ur head in with a mallet
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starherdselene · 6 hours ago
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starherdselene · 6 hours ago
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starherdselene · 8 hours ago
people who dont experience it cannot comprehend how awful executive dysfunction is. I WANT to do the task, i have the resources TO do the task, i will feel better having DONE the task
but i cant fucking do the task
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starherdselene · 8 hours ago
I respect an "I can fix him" villainfucker 50x more than a "he didn't do anything wrong, he's just misunderstood!" villainfucker. like yeah they both get the cute domestic happily ever after, but man the first guy has depth they have nuance and most importantly they are actually aware they're a villainfucker
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starherdselene · 8 hours ago
a japanese guy who made a bunch of creepy pasta videos a long time ago (you’ve probably seen Youtube666, he made that) is playing through minecraft for the first time and he’s not using any guides or anything other than the in-game guidebook and he’s fucking. doing it in such a buddhist way.
like, he’s so patient and detached from all of the stuff he’s gotten.
in the newest episode he destroyed 14566 blocks of bridge and blew up his original house just because he learned about xyz coordinates by accidentally pressing F5 and he wanted his house to be at the X:0 coordinate.
also look at this quarry. it’s his 5th quarry.
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look at this absolute fucking massive hole.
and it’s not like “HELLOOOOO EVERYBODY WHAT IS UP, TODAY WE’RE GONNA BE PLAYING MIIIIIINECRAAAAFT” he’s just like. a quiet 30 year old japanese man who speaks very precisely and politely. and he even does his own english captions which are overlayed on the video and he uses emoticons like (0u0)/
he’s so wonderful and cute.
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starherdselene · 2 days ago
Please understand that not every marginalized person is going to have a list of peer reviewed sources and accurate statistics proving the bigotry they face in their daily life and you sometimes just have to decide to believe people when they tell you they are suffering
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starherdselene · 2 days ago
Reblog daily for health and prosperity
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starherdselene · 2 days ago
what is the child annihilating zipline
in 2010, a camp counselor goon logged on to the somethingawful forums asking for help with the zipline he build from scratch, and with no engineering knowledge, that didn’t seem to be working right. when he tested it with a sandbag, it continued to gather speed during the entirety of the 143 foot drop (19 degree slope) until it slammed into the wooden platform at the bottom at a speed of 65mph, presumably creating a child paste that would have to be scraped off to be sent home. there were pictures.
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starherdselene · 2 days ago
"Firefox sucks" "firefox is clunky" "firefox doesn't work" with all due respect what the fuck are you talking about
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starherdselene · 2 days ago
forgive me father for i have sexualized an older man
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starherdselene · 2 days ago
Guys I'm screaming its been up there for less than 24 hours
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Its gaining like 500 streams every time I check. This might actually chart in Australia at this rate 💀
Any profits are gonna go to an LGBT charity because the last thing the gay world needs more of rn is capitalism.
Link if you wanna help spotify it to the stars.
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starherdselene · 2 days ago
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starherdselene · 2 days ago
the thing about working as a housekeeper is that sometimes I will be called to clean a room that is in such a state that it gives me pause.
The thing about being a housekeeper at a Hospital is that it is not the things that would usually be concerning that leave me with questions.
Like if I go clean a room and it is just covered in blood, I'm not all "where did all this blood come from" that would be silly. It came from inside the patient and they were already in a hospital so they're probably mostly fine hopefully.
In fact "Inside the patient" is where most of the potentially concerning stuff I have to deal with comes from. Vomit? That's from inside the patient. Urine? Feces? Inside the patient baby. Needles full of unidentified drugs? That was supposed to go inside the patient but I guess they frogot.
But when I go to clean a hospital room and it is full of Sand... Did that come from inside the patient? I hope not. Why is there so much sand? Where did it come from? Was there some kind of terrible beach accident?
I have many questions and I'm scared of the answers.
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starherdselene · 2 days ago
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