Main blog behind the owner of the account. Take a gander here for more of my work!
Mango Commission Sheet
About time I remade this sucker for legibility and mobile access!  Please reach out to me via Tumblr DMs or through Discord at lairdelampblack/Mango Lampblack to ask about commissions! You can also reach me at [email protected] for questions about or requesting commissions.
EDIT: YOU CAN NOW COMMISSION ME THROUGH KO-FI! Also, I’ve opened up an email specifically for fielding commissions and questions regarding such. You can now reach me at [email protected]
 Prices under the cut, extra examples to be provided on request. 
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Hi all! This is the blog I made dedicated to my hopefully up and coming animation studio! I plan on posting promos here, so keep an eye out for stuff like that!
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