—≪💔≫ “ Thank you for noticing. Anything else I can help you with? “
Five Multi decided to land upon the other, snuggling into her. For some reason her familiars had taken a likening to her. Why? She had no clue!
@stardust-sovereign || x
“You seem like something from a… powerful category.”
The wraith curiously studied the sovereign, looking at the multi who were squeaking around. It was almost rare for her to be up close to any living thing like this, but she had gotten too close to not be curious at all.
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He went to say something but instead ended up watching the new Multi try to free the first. The way it was painlessly biting him was a bit cute, but the cuteness stopped when the other decided to soil his head in some way.
“I’m confiscating these for the moment.”
After his remark Garen rounded up the three Multi into his arms and began walking off. He couldn’t tell if they were an animal or not and until he knew the judgement of dunking them in a body of water would have to wait.
—≪💔≫ “ Hey! Where are you going with my familiar?! “
She moved now, going to follow him. The Multi squirmed and giggled and squeaked. It seemed they had no concept of danger at all. Or what he was even considering doing to them.
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Star Tyrant Syndra concept for Rift Artisans :D
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“Hm… Not quite.”
As her hand got close enough to pull the familiar from Warwick’s mouth he turned his head away. His tail had really gotten to wagging at this point. The wolf was heavily enjoying this game of keep away.
—≪💔≫ “ You’re enjoying yourself far too much. Stop that. “
She moved closer again, attempting to be fast this time at getting a hold of Multi. She wanted to strangle both the dog and her familiar. Why her familiar? IT WAS LAUGHING AT HER.
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{☪️} “You suffer. It is sad. I do not wish to see you in more pain.”
Orianna leaned down, reminded of a girl a long time ago … except she hadn’t had a choice in her changes. This one was fighting. She knew her duty, to encourage the corruption, to make another like her, another soulless weapon bent on extinguishing the stars.
Except, obviously, she was hardly soulless. The girl inside of her was crying out, not wanting to make another suffer like she did.
She reached out with a hand made of void, lifting up the eyepatch covering nothing but darkness. Almost a miniature black hole, emitting only the blackness of nothing. This was the corruptant, what had shaped her body against her will.
Shaped. Hmmm …
She was the Architect, was she not? The one who chose, who selected, who crafted. Surely the power to alter the void was in her as well, or else she wouldn’t be here. So after a moment’s consideration, she nodded, placing her hand on the terrified woman’s cheek.
“Do not move. This will be delicate, I am sure.”
The small lights that were her eyes narrowed in concentration, bringing the corruptant to muster, but not allowing it to spread. No, the fight against it would be this woman’s own. But perhaps she could gift her something it had taken away.
Slowly, the blackness began to form, keeping its dark color but changing in shape, becoming … human. Using the other half of Syndra’s face, Orianna carefully designed a new eye, the missing skin, even a brow and lashes. There. What was taken away was now given back. But … surely this one would take offense to her appearance. Humans were … particular when it came to that. So she took the star-shaped eyepatch, and with a similar intent, she made it transparent through Syndra’s side only, like doctored glass, so she could see through it with her new features, then replaced it on the other’s face.
“There. You have been … returned to what you were, as best as I could.”
—≪💔≫ “ Do not approach me! Stay away! “
She all but hissed, yet found she couldn’t move. She waited. And then she began and the discomfort and nausea started to pass through her body. The way it felt -- It hurt and sickened at the same time. Yet at other times it just felt strange, but then her vision extended and she could see the world perfectly again.
The eye patch was replaced and she could see through it. What did her eye look like now, if the other still took care to cover it? At least, she mused, it was better to have vision than the black hole that used to gape there.
“ You gave it back to me. . . How. . . Why? “
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“It’s always my room though.” Soraka answered in a defeated tone.
She moved over to the walk in closet, still red faced. She opted to embarrass herself more by joining Syndra in the just underwear club. Even though it meant hearing some things. Finally, once that was all done she moved over to her bed and got comfortable.
“If this bed has a single crumb in it Syndra you’re washing my sheets. Same goes for a single stain.” She threatened in a soft tone. “But why do you always pick my room to lounge in? I’m not… I’m not good company.”
—≪💔≫ “ Better company than what I am on a day to day basis. Besides, this may be your room, but don’t forget whose house this is. And whose money allows you to buy things. “
Syndra looked the goat up and down, licking her lips { though she could pass it off as getting stray crumbs off her lips }, before adjusting so she could squeeze the other’s rump.
“ You look adorable without your clothing. “
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—≪💔≫ “ Yes. . . Yes I am. “
She was so attuned to the squeaks, even if she was still a fresh guardian, it didn’t even effect her. She was focusing entirely on Irelia. Her thrusts became even faster, hands moving to lift her rump up enough to squeeze rather hard. At this rate, Syndra was going to cum soon. In fact, she was borderline already, something evident in how uneven the pattern of thrusts was getting.
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<*⛵*> “Heh, that sounds like a good time, but I’m not dropping my guard. I’ve learned one thing about playing with cards, and that’s never trust the person across the table.”
The smile on her face is relaxed, if a little cunning. She was going to be playing against someone who played her cards close to the table, both literally and figuratively. Regardless of how rusty Syndra was, you never forgot how to do keep a poker face.
“Don’t forget the stakes. I’m a gambling gal, so I’m not playing unless there’s something in it for me … or something for you.”
—≪💔≫ “ Hmm. Instead of a monetary wager, what if it’s something a little more person. We can start off small, like a fact about one another or even kisses. Sound fair? “
Syndra had told a white lie. While she hadn’t been really playing against anyone of late, she had forced poor Soraka into helping her practice with the intent of wooing Fortune over. The poor goat though, was awful at the game, so it gave Syndra easy victories.
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“Sure, if you come here.” Warwick replied.
The squeaking only encouraged him to chew more. However given what he’d said the wolf also moved a little further away. She’d attempted to shoo him away so he was going to make her have to move toward him.
—≪💔≫ “ Ughhh. Insufferable dog. “
She got up, moving over to him, reaching out for Multi.
“ Give it to me. “
And the Multi just continued to laugh and squeak at the situation. It was always fun to see the mistress get annoyed!
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She's just honestly in awe from how purple she is and reaches out to poke her, but is also tinged with a bit of jealously from seeing someone else being alive so it's a super hard poke.
—≪💔≫ “ Wha? “
Honestly, she was confused. Really confused. Who was this. . . Being? She wasn’t of the void. She shushed Multi, who was squeaking with interest at the lady who had appeared.
“ What do you want? “
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—≪💔≫ “ Okay, give me it back. “
At least Multi couldn’t be hurt, unlike the other familiar. It was giggling, making squeaky toy sounds as Warwick continued to gnaw on it.
—≪💔≫ “ Are you… ? “
She tossed Multi again, harder and faster this time. Did she just find a new toy to play with?
Almost immediately Warwick was off again. He followed after the familiar at top speed and violently rolled for it when he picked up in his mouth. Upon his return though Warwick decided not to give the Multi back. Instead he began to chew on it with its face toward her while remaining just out of her reach. All the while the wolf’s tail wagged as he violently chewed on Multi.
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Only one word came to Warwick’s mind as the Multi flew through the air; ball. As the familiar came down from it’s arch the wolf caught it in his mouth and started to chew on it a bit before dropping it right in Syndra’s lap.
“Nice try.” He remarked as his tail wagged. “Maybe you should try throwing it again.”
—≪💔≫ “ Are you. . . ? “
She tossed Multi again, harder and faster this time. Did she just find a new toy to play with?
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—≪💔≫ “ Shoo. “
Tosses a Multi.
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“S-Syndra!? Wh-Why are you… Well, Like this!”
Almost immediately upon realizing the situation she was in, Soraka found herself as red as could be and completely flustered.
—≪💔≫ “ I don’t know what you’re talking about. I saved you some pizza, it’s really good. I tried out what you like to order. “
Multi turned over a page in the magazine Syndra was reading, while she idly took another bite of the slice in her hand.
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—≪💔≫ “ Oh. Well then. “
This was all she needed to continue. A Multi spread behind the bed to keep it from slamming, before Syndra continued her rough thrusting. Only, it was different now. Instead of possessive, it was for love.
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“And what if they’re tall or have large builds? They wouldn’t need to be within your personal bubble.” Garen refuted before returning his attention to the familiar.
Now it had split. The one in his hands continued to be silly, but the one in his hair had roosted like a bird. Admittedly its ability to split had him curious and he wondered what it might do up there. Considering it’d been all to happy to smash his face with its own this likely wasn’t going to be good.
—≪💔≫ “ Then that’s their problem, not mine. Now leave me alone. “
She turned further away from me. The Multi in Garen’s hand decided to split again, that one going to nom {without pain} on the hand holding the other one. The one held continued to make faces and well the last. . . Garen might be feeling a bit wet on his head now.
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<*⛵*> “They’re fast asleep, as well. They were tussling with one another right until I put them to bed, so they’re exhausted, too, the sweethearts.”
She moved off of the bed, unable to keep a smile off of her face as she picked up a deck of cards.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? You know I’ve got a good poker face, and that’s not me bragging. I would have thought you would want to play a game of chess, something more intellectual and less based on concealing emotions. And you know I don’t play poker unless there’s good stakes up for grabs.”
—≪💔≫ “ So teach me how to be good at poker. “
She smiled at the other, moving sit at the table.
“I haven’t played in years, so you’ll have to teach me. “
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