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stardust-in-your-eyes · 24 hours
10 Actionable Tips to Help You Get to Know Your Characters Better
Here are 10 actionable storytelling tips for writers to get to know their characters better:
1. Create Detailed Character Profiles:
Write out a comprehensive profile for each character, including their background, personality traits, physical appearance, and quirks. This helps to flesh out their individuality and makes them more real to you.
2. Conduct Character Interviews:
Write out a list of interview questions and answer them from the perspective of your character. This can include questions about their past, desires, fears, and daily life.
3. Write Backstory Scenes:
Develop scenes from your character’s past that might not appear in the main story but inform their motivations and behavior. This can include significant childhood events, first loves, or pivotal moments.
4. Develop Character Arcs:
Plan out your character’s development throughout the story. Consider how they change from beginning to end and what events catalyze their growth or decline.
5. Explore Relationships:
Write scenes or dialogues focusing on your character’s interactions with others. This can reveal how they relate to different personalities and social dynamics.
6. Utilize Character Diaries:
Have your character keep a diary or journal. Writing entries from their perspective can provide deep insights into their inner thoughts and feelings.
7. Engage in Role-Playing:
Spend time role-playing as your character. Respond to hypothetical situations or daily routines as they would, helping you understand their decision-making process and emotional responses.
8. Write Monologues:
Create monologues where your character speaks directly about their dreams, struggles, and philosophies. This can help clarify their voice and mindset.
9. Build a Character Playlist:
Compile a playlist of songs that resonate with your character’s personality, story arc, or current emotions. Music can evoke a deeper understanding of their internal world.
10. Use Character Maps:
Create visual maps that chart your character’s relationships, key life events, and emotional highs and lows. This can help you see patterns and connections in their story.
These tips can help you delve deeper into your characters' psyche, making them more vivid and relatable in your writing.
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**Update for the people sending me asks I bought the product HERE
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Concept: that brooklyn 99 joke "do i even weigh anything to you?" "No its like holding a couple of grapes" but with L and mogi
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Oh ur right they r in love 💖
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A lavender field next to a wheat field
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A very sketched Mello
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they should invent 7 hours between 10pm and midnight
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I adore violent Light. Just the idea of alongside being extremely homicidal, he is a fraying thread away from clocking you in the fucking jaw at all times. Do you think he fantasized about fighting people that annoyed him? Like in highschool he encounters one of those hard ass teachers that refuses to give you the mark you deserve and revels in failing students, and the teacher gives him like a 95. Light having to go through every one of his perfect assignments as proof, one more comment about how "it's not that big of a deal" away from absolutely losing his shit. The only reason that teacher escapes is because they gave him the grade, and Light doesn't want assault of a teacher on his record.
As a kid? Oh god, it'd take one kid stealing the toy Light was playing with to set him off. As a child, Light fights like a little demon. Red, welting cratches, missing chunks of hair, bite marks, and bruises everywhere. Soichiro nips that in the bud very fast though, and another big incident doesn't happen again. Light apologizes, but no one tries to mess with him again.
This has me thinking of delinquent Light now, who's so bored of life he ends up picking fights on the streets as a way to chase adrenaline. Bad temper, always wearing plasters and bandages, dark clothing, piercings and tattoos (👀👀), (kinda sounds like Mello lol)
Think Light would take martial arts like judo, aikido, or karate? Maybe kendo? I guess it would depend on how likely Soichiro thinks Light would use them to fight people lol
L finds violent Light hot tho change my mind. L looking for Kira suspects, and the first thing that comes up with the name Light Yagami is a picture of the teenager looking fresh from a fight. Soichiro looks embarrassed, so L asks around. According to Aizawa, Light was just a super normal, smart kid, then one day he just snapped and started getting into fights. He personally thinks it was because Light cracked under the crazy pressure of being one of the best students in the world, but L thinks it's deeper than that. He's seen what boredom can do to genii, and this wasn't nearly the worst. Matsuda shows him some archived security camera footage of Light fighting, with the other participants being the ones to attack first. Any trouble for Light was dropped on the basis of self defense, but he continues to get into an inordinate amount of fights. L endeavors to look into Light because his profile so far matches Kira (not because a little part of himself went 'awooga' when he watched Light fight). I don't think Light would be Kira in this au cause he has an outlet, but hey he still could.
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Do you guys ever think about the canon maturity difference between L and Light?
We don't need to speculate. L's brain, 25 years, is near done cooking, if not finished. But for the entirety of death note before the time skip, Light's naivety is on full-display. He's fucking brilliant, but he makes sloppy mistakes because he acted on impulse, thought with his amygdala instead of his still-developing pre-frontal cortex. They're both childish and immature, sure, but on L's part, that is a conscious decision, it's an impulse he chooses to indulge because he has no reason not to, whereas Light killed Lind L Tailor without considering the numerous possible consequences to that decision simply because the man insulted him to his face while Light was in the middle of a power trip. Light slips up with Namikawa, while acting as L, and L winces because it was an obvious mistake.
Even a few years difference when the brain is so rapidly developing can be put on sharp display easily. As a personal anecdote, I, 18, was hanging out with a friend of my friend's (17) for a minute during a transition period. She was 16, and she wasn't hard to get along with, but boy, did I notice sometimes. Two year age gap. L's got seven on Light, all of them counting, plus experience in the field.
I'm considering all the times L might've treated Light like it. Not talking to him like a toddler, not downplaying his intelligence, not telling a single lie (for once) which makes it so much worse. L turns to Light and tells him to sit this conference out, do not try to give input, because this one is not for you. If you can't keep your nose out of this decision that you genuinely do not have the ability to consider in its entirety, we will put noise-cancelling headphones on you and take away the privilege to listen. It's so much harder for Light to protest when there's enough fact behind this, in his eyes, humiliation and dismissal that all of the other adults are nodding their heads along to it. Especially Light's dad.
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You know when you disappear for months and then do something that has nothing to do with what you usually do? Because I do. This was inspired by a piece of fanart made by @kittennature, which I'm linking here. I also don't know if this is too niche, but who cares? Death comes to us all.
Imminent DOA
Nicole exhaled slowly, blunt held loosely between her fingers. “He fucked that sophmore, so.”
Jecka typed the name down. “I’ll mark him as a maybe. Tod?”
Nicole took another drag. “He’s too much of a loser to have done anything bad unfortunately. Would it be too fucked up to make him shitty?”
“Well,” Jecka sighed, “I guess it depends. Does his death matter?”
“Fair enough.” She tapped the ashes out of the window of their apartment, morning light an unwelcome sight. “Whatever; he’ll get there eventually.”
“What about the guys from school?”
Nicole sat up, looking back at Jecka at their desk. “Didn’t we get them already?”
“I don’t think so.” Jecka grabbed the book, thumbing through the pages. “Winestein, Hefner, R. Kelly– yeah, no Jeffrey and co.”
“What the fuck– they’re at the top of the list!” She turned around. “Do you have a yearbook?”
“Do I look like a bitch who’d keep a yearbook?”
She groaned, face falling into her hands. “For fuck’s sake– if I knew I’d be able to kill them I would’ve remembered last names!”
“We know some!” Jecka began typing on her computer. “The staff are listed on the school’s webpage; we can get the teachers.”
“I guess.” She crossed her arms. “I don’t think I know the teachers’ names now that I think about it; what was the counselor’s name even?”
“Mr. Oliver.”
Nicole rolled her eyes. “What’s his first name? Charles?”
“Even worse.” She smiled sleepily. “At that point we're doing the guy a mercy. Maybe that’s why he fucks kids; no woman with a developed brain stem hates herself enough to hit that.”
Jecka nodded in agreement. “You can’t even moan Jerry.”
“Imagine being at a low in your life where you’re moaning Jerry.”
Jecka took a sip of her coffee. “Do you think we can make him change his name before he dies?”
“No point.” She crossed her legs. “You can’t come back from a name that bad; the damage is done by the time you’re out of highschool. Plus, he deserves it.”
“Fair.” Jecka leaned back in her chair. “Should we get Coach too or is prison good enough?”
Nicole considered it. “How many years is he serving again?”
She pursed her lips. “I think fifteen.”
“Fifteen?” She licked her teeth. “How is that not life? How is fucking a kid basically a misdemeanor?” She gestured with her blunt. “Imagine if we didn’t get that book; that bitch would get out in fifteen years– less if he got parole– and probably get hired back by the school and end up assaulting the next generation. This is basically charity.” She punctuated the sentence with another drag.
Jecka stretched her arms above her head. “So he’s on the list?”
“If prison justice hasn't gotten him yet, yeah.” She tapped the ashes out the window again. “It’s the least he deserves. We should make it so someone in there chops off his dick and feeds it to him first.”
Jecka spun her chair to face her roommate. She pushed her bangs out of her face, swallowed, glanced back at the notebook. “Do you think anyone will notice?” She crisscrossed her legs on the chair. “That this is happening, I mean; do you think anyone will care?”
Nicole checked her watch, putting the cigarette out in an ashtray by the window. “Who cares?” She stuck her hands in her sweatpant pockets. “Like, let’s say someone notices, right? Someone puts together that shitty people are killing themselves, they think there’s a trend of pedophiles and rapists killing themselves, and then what?” She turned away, leaning her head out of the window and watching cars drive by to work, to school. Her voice softened. “I mean, they deserve to die, right? We were suicidal in highschool and our only crimes were being teenage girls in fuckin’ Virginia; dying is the least they can do.”
Jecka watched her for a moment, sighed, stood up. “I’m going to shower before my class. There’s coffee still in the pot if you want some.”
Nicole nodded in acknowledgement as Jecka walked off. At the sound of the bathroom door clicking closed, she collapsed onto her bed, rolling over to stare at the ceiling. She closed her eyes, the faint sound of “Mr. Carter” coming from the CD player in the corner of the room. It had been a long night, an even longer morning. The notebook itself was the easiest part of the whole thing; it was discerning the rules that took the most time. The book contained five– all of which she found could be tested and confirmed pretty easily– but the implications of the rules were hard to decipher. It was the closest she had ever had to read a book– the only time she had felt tempted to take notes for a book– because the scope of the Death Note– a title the girls mutually agreed was objectively shitty– was seemingly nearly endless. Torn out pages were effective, meaning that using the pages as printer paper was valid. Burning or shredding the pages did nothing for the names written down, meaning that every single scrap of evidence– apart from the original book– could be entirely disposed of. The actions of people could be controlled before death, meaning that with the flick of a pen they could enact legislative change that would otherwise take decades of lobbying and debate in a week so long as they sentenced the politicians– none of whom, as Jecka had eagerly pointed out, were anything close to innocent– to death. The Death Note was more than an execution method; rather, it was the most effective political tool in the world. In the hands of those with loftier ambitions, there was no doubt in either of their minds that the book could change the world– and the time would come for that, Nicole supposed– but that time was still on the horizon. Wrongs needed to be righted first, wrongs against them and the other women and their lives. Housekeeping was in order. They would be the one to do it.
Behind her closed eyelids, Nicole watched as the sunlit room fall into shadow. 
Perched on their windowsill was a creature, a jaundiced demon– seven or eight feet tall– with cyanotic skin and large, feathery wings sticking out of its back. Staples attached it to its leathery black clothes, its feathered collar taking up a good portion of the window’s frame. Long black claws clutched the sill between its legs, and its gaze– sinister, curious, amused– was fixed on Nicole, still laid in her bed.
Nicole opened her eyes slowly, her eyes meeting the creature’s. She blinked, squinting her eyes at the thing before sitting up. She rubbed her eyes, looking again at the unmoving figure’s before letting out a long sigh. “I cannot believe her,” she muttered, standing up and staggering to the bathroom door. “Jecka!” She pounded on the door. “Your plug fucking sucks! He laced my shit with PCP!”
She felt a laugh next to her ear. “Humans really are interesting.”
Nicole spun around to face the creature now looming over her. “Jecka!” Her voice broke as she cried out.
“The other human who took my notebook,” he continued, leaning down to meet her eyes, “is nothing like you. A straight A student, an honors student, top of his class.” His lips stretched wider over rows of yellow fangs. “Do you think I’m a hallucination?”
“Bitch, get the fuck out here!” She lowered down to the floor, trapped between the demon and the bathroom door. Her heart pounded against her ribcage as she stared up at death itself. “I am tripping serious fucking balls and it is your fault–!”
The water shut off behind the door. “For fuck’s sake Nicole,” she groaned, pulling the door open with a towel wrapped around her, “you are such a– what the fuck is that?” Jecka screamed and quickly backed away from the door, slipping on a discarded t-shirt and falling flat on her back. She scrambled back, towel held in place with one hand. “Get the fuck away from me!”
Nicole’s heart plummeted in her chest. “You can see it too?”
“You can see me too?” The thing laughed. “Most humans take the secret of the Death Note to the grave; I can’t think of another human who’s shared its power so soon.”
Nicole stood up, backing away and grabbing the first potential weapon she could see: a hair straightener. She brandished it at the creature, stumbling backwards in front of Jecka. “Get the fuck away from us!” Her voice shook. “So help me God I’ll fucking kill you if you–!”
She was cut off by the demon’s voice: low, gravely, horrifying. “I am a shinigami,” it explained simply. “You can’t kill me.”
“A what?” Nicole raised the iron in front of her head, ready to throw it. “So help me if this some weeb shit I will knock your fucking block off!”
It made a sound of understanding. “I guess that must not be a well known term in the human world.” It pointed at itself, its rings shining in the bathroom light. “I am a god of death.”
Nicole blinked. “Gods are real?”
Jecka stayed behind Nicole, fist gently clutching that back of her tanktop. “We’re not supposed to die yet!” Tears welled up in her eyes. “We’re young and hot; we have a good fifteen years in us before we have nothing to live for!”
Its grin widened. “I’m not here for either of you.” It glanced behind it in the direction of the desk. “I am here because that notebook–” it pointed lazily, “-- belongs to me.”
“Finders keepers, fuckface.” The words were out of her mouth before she registered their meaning. “It’s ours now.”
“I’m not here to take it back.” Its eyes moved between the two girls: Nicole, dressed in a ratty shirt and gym shorts, staring defiantly up at the thing; Jecka, cowering behind her with one hand holding her towel in place. “Even if I wanted it back, it’s yours now; unless you forfeit ownership of the Death Note, it’s yours until the day you die.”
Nicole slowly lowered the hair straightener, her hand falling to her side. “Why are you here, then?” She pushed her shoulders back. “What’re you doing in our apartment?”
Its smile widened again. “I’m bound to the human world so long as one of my notebooks is here,” it explained. “Since I dropped two, I’m bound to two humans, but I am still bound to both of you and the holder of my other Death Note stops being entertaining after ten o’clock.”
“Ten o’clock?” Nicole rolled her eyes. “Is he twelve or seventy-five?”
She smirked. “What, does he have a bedtime?”
Jecka leaned her weight on one hip. “Imagine being a murderer and still being a fucking loser.”
“It takes a lot to get the tumblr bitches to not want to fuck you.”
“Bet he has to use the Death Note to get MySpace whores to hate themselves enough to fuck him.”
“Bet he cries when he jacks it.”
“Bet he doesn’t know how to jack it.”
The shinigami leaned down towards them. “You should meet him,” it purred. “I can tell you where he is, what his name is.”
Jecka rolled her eyes. “Can’t you just give us his MySpace or something? Why do we have to go out and meet some guy we don’t know?”
“Is that a computer thing?” It hummed. “I’ve never seen him use his computer for anything other than school work and reading news articles. I don’t think I’ve seen him have fun since I’ve known him; he’s been far too preoccupied with killing criminals.”
“Any particular criminals or is he just a nark?” Nicole stuck a hand in her pocket. “What’s his name?”
“Light Yagami.” There was no hesitation in the creature’s answer. “He is a Japanese high school student.”
“What kind of stupid name is Light?”
“Don’t be racist, Nicole.”
“Light’s not a Japanese word, dipshit.” She looked back at Jecka. “Light’s English. Who names their kid fucking Light?”
“His name is written as Suki,” it added. 
“That’s worse.” Nicole gestured with the straightener. “That's almost as bad as Jerry.”
“You can totally moan ‘Light,’” Jecka protested. “Like it’s not ideal but you absolutely can.”
“Why are you defending him and his stupid name?”
“He could be hot!” She huffed, looking between Nicole and the shinigami. “Why are you two still here?”
“Since when do you– oh, right.” Nicole stepped around the shinigami, grabbing it by its oddly thin wrist and dragging it behind her as Jecka shut and locked the door after them. She placed the hair straightener onto their desk, letting it follow her into their kitchen. She opened their refrigerator, pulling a bottle out of the back and setting it on a counter. “You called yourself a god of death.” She kept her back turned, ignoring its overwhelming shadow and grabbing a glass from the cabinet above her. “Do you have a name?”
“I do.” He lowered his head to avoid a ceiling light. “It’s Ryuk.”
“Ryuk,” she repeated. She tipped the bottle’s contents into the glass. “You said that you were bound to the owner of your book, right? Which one of us are you bound to?”
He smiled. “Whoever touches the notebook first after it falls into the human world is its rightful owner. In this case, that would be you.” 
She turned towards Ryuk, sitting on the counter.  “You wrote the rules in the front?”
“I did.”
She took a sip from the glass, sighing as she exhaled. She swirled the glass in one hand. “Do you know what happens when we die?”
He looked back towards the desk, towards the book. “There is nothing,” he said simply. “Users of the Death Note do not get to enjoy an afterlife; that is the cost of its power.”
She set the glass on the counter. “Figures.” She followed his gaze, eyes struggling to focus on the desk through the haze of shock, weed and alcohol. “No such thing as a free meal.” Dark hair fell in her face; she did not bother to move it. “You mentioned that the other guy– Light– has a notebook. Does he know there’s two?”
“Doubt it.” He chuckled lowly. “He says he wants to eradicate all evil and become some sort of god among men; godhood in his eyes seems like a one man job.”
She sighed. “Sounds about right for a guy.” She crossed her legs, taking another look around the apartment. “I can’t think of someone less deserving of this power than some virgin loser with a god complex.” A faint smile crossed her lips. “What a waste…”
Jecka came out of the bathroom dressed in a white baby tee and a pair of oversized jeans. She looked between the two, at Nicole’s glass. “What’d I miss?”
Nicole downed the rest of her drink, shuddering at the sensation. “You said your school has a foreign exchange program, right?” She hopped off the counter. “Does it go to Japan?”
She shrugged. “Dunno; I’d have to check.”
Nicole pushed the hair out of her face, lacing her fingers together behind her head. “I have money. If you get the head guys’ name and face, we can head out tonight.”
Jecka gawked at her. “Tonight tonight?”
“Do you want this Light guy to change the world before we do?” She rubbed her eyes, stumbling back into the living space, taking the book off the desk. “If you’re not coming, I’m leaving without you.”
She swallowed, stealing herself. “I’ll get a name and face before three.” she promised.
“If you can do that, I’ll pack.” Nicole looked around the room, a scowl settling on her features. “Jesus, I have a lot of stuff to flush.”
Ryuk watched the two girls from the kitchen, weight leaned against a counter. This had been the right decision, he decided; no other pair would disgust Light more than these two. The shinigami turned to the front door, phasing through the wood and concrete to soar over Las Angeles, heart full of mirth and skin crawling in anticipation.
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Writing Notes: Dystopian World
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The Physical World
What is the landscape of your world?
What is the climate of your world?
What do people (if applicable) look like?
What do animals (if applicable) look like?
What types of clothes do people wear?
What do houses or living quarters look like?
When does your story take place?
Where? On the earth we know, a distant planet, or an alternate reality?
Culture and Society
What are some commonly held beliefs in this society?
What type of government do they have?
Who is in power?
How did they become powerful?
How intrusive is government in daily lives?
What form of propaganda is used (if any)?
What is the history of this society?
What is the society’s biggest fear?
What is the society’s most positive feature?
What are the values of this society?
What are the social classes?
Why are there social classes?
What is the ethnic diversity, if any?
What are the gender roles?
What, if any, religion do they practice?
What language do they speak?
Is the entire world affected and how?
How do people get food?
Is there money? What type?
Character Development
Is your character alone?
Why is he alone?
Does your character have friends?
What motivates your character?
How do the characters interact with the dystopian society?
How do they interact with each other?
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色々練習で描いた 裸でごめんね 毛布あげようね
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Reblog this to place a small flower in the hair of prev, and that you're very proud of them
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50 Fantasy Prompts: Cultures and Societies. Writers Save this!
1. Luminae
- A society that worships light and revolves around bioluminescent creatures.
- Gesture: Raising both hands to the sky and opening palms to signify receiving light.
- View: Light is considered the purest form of energy and the ultimate source of life.
2. Mistral Nomads
- Wind travelers who harness the power of the breeze for navigation and communication.
- Gesture: Whispering into a small vial and releasing it into the wind, symbolizing sending a message.
- View: The wind carries the voices of ancestors and guides the living.
3. Veilwalkers
- Inhabitants of the mist who can see and manipulate spirits.
- Gesture: Drawing a veil across the face to communicate with spirits.
- View: The world of the living and the dead are separated by a thin veil that can be crossed.
4. Starforged
- People born under specific constellations with unique abilities tied to their birth star.
- Gesture: Touching a constellation tattoo to activate its power.
- View: Stars are the eyes of the gods, watching over and guiding them.
5. Shadecloaks
- Masters of shadow magic, living in perpetual twilight.
- Gesture: Merging fingers into the shadows, symbolizing blending into the darkness.
- View: Shadows are protective, hiding them from danger and giving them strength.
6. Seraphians
- Winged beings who consider themselves guardians of the skies.
- Gesture: Unfurling wings in a greeting, showing trust and openness.
- View: The skies are sacred, and flight is a divine gift.
7. Pyrosages
- Fire-wielders who live in harmony with volcanic landscapes.
- Gesture: Holding a flame in one hand while placing the other hand over the heart, symbolizing passion and life.
- View: Fire is a cleansing force, both destructive and renewing.
8. Aquafolk
- Ocean dwellers with the ability to breathe underwater and communicate with marine life.
- Gesture: Creating ripples in water with a fingertip to convey emotions.
- View: Water is a mirror of the soul, reflecting true feelings and intentions.
9. Silvan Elves
- Forest guardians who blend seamlessly with their environment.
- Gesture: Touching foreheads with a leaf, symbolizing unity with nature.
- View: All life is interconnected through the roots of the great tree.
10. Necrochanters
- A culture deeply connected to the afterlife, able to communicate with and summon spirits.
- Gesture: Drawing a circle with ashes to summon spirits.
- View: Death is not the end but a transformation to another state of being.
11. Stonekin
- Rock-like beings who can manipulate earth and stone.
- Gesture: Pressing a hand to the ground to communicate with the earth.
- View: The earth holds ancient wisdom and the memories of their ancestors.
12. Aetherians
- Masters of air magic, capable of floating and flying at will.
- Gesture: Raising arms and fingers to mimic the flow of air currents.
- View: The air is filled with invisible threads that connect all living beings.
13. Chronomancers
- Time-benders who can manipulate past, present, and future.
- Gesture: Tapping a timepiece rhythmically to alter time flow.
- View: Time is fluid and can be molded to fit the needs of the moment.
14. Dreamforgers
- People who can enter and manipulate dreams.
- Gesture: Weaving fingers in intricate patterns while in a trance.
- View: Dreams are a bridge between realities, holding power and prophecy.
15. Sunseekers
- Pilgrims who follow the path of the sun, gaining strength from its light.
- Gesture: Holding a hand above the heart to swear oaths under the sun’s gaze.
- View: The sun’s light is a witness to all promises, giving them sacred weight.
16. Frostborn
- Ice-dwellers with control over cold and frost.
- Gesture: Exhaling a cold breath to signify agreement or truth.
- View: Ice preserves and protects, holding the essence of life.
17. Songhearts
- A musical culture that uses songs and sound for magic.
- Gesture: Placing a hand over the throat and singing a single note to show sincerity.
- View: Music is the language of the heart and the most honest form of communication.
18. Runecarvers
- Inscribers of powerful runes that grant various abilities.
- Gesture: Tracing runes in the air or on surfaces to cast spells.
- View: Runes are the written words of the gods, containing immense power.
19. Stormcallers
- Masters of weather, able to summon and control storms.
- Gesture: Raising a staff to the sky to summon storms.
- View: Storms are the breath of the gods, bringing both fury and renewal.
20. Plainsriders
- Nomadic horsemen known for their speed and agility.
- Gesture: Drawing a circle in the dirt with a foot to mark territory or signal peace.
- View: The open plains are a vast, sacred expanse that must be respected.
21. Mycologians
- Mushroom-like beings who can communicate through spores.
- Gesture: Spreading spores by tapping a mushroom cap to communicate.
- View: Fungi are the bridge between life and decay, recycling energy.
22. Glimmerfolk
- Glittering, gem-encrusted people who can harness the power of precious stones.
- Gesture: Touching gemstones to channel their energy.
- View: Crystals are vessels of ancient power and knowledge.
23. Thornclad
- A warrior culture clad in thorny armor, known for their fierce combat skills.
- Gesture: Clasping hands with thorned gloves to signify a bond or agreement.
- View: Pain and resilience are intertwined, symbolizing strength.
24. Celestials
- Star-born beings with a deep connection to the cosmos.
- Gesture: Drawing constellations in the air with glowing fingers.
- View: The night sky is a map of destiny, guiding their every action.
25. Inkshapers
- People who can bring drawings and tattoos to life.
- Gesture: Drawing a symbol on their skin to activate a spell.
- View: Ink and art are extensions of the soul, capable of bringing thoughts to life.
26. Mirageweavers
- Desert dwellers who can create illusions and mirages.
- Gesture: Waving hands to create illusions and mirages.
- View: Reality is fluid and can be shaped by perception and will.
27. Echoers
- A culture that communicates and fights using echoes and soundwaves.
- Gesture: Clapping or snapping fingers to create soundwaves for communication.
- View: Sound is a powerful force that can shape the world around them.
28. Ironveins
- Metal manipulators who can shape and control metal at will.
- Gesture: Clenching fists to channel metal manipulation.
- View: Metal is a living force, constantly evolving and reacting.
29. Wyrmkin
- Dragon-like people with scales and the ability to breathe fire.
- Gesture: Exhaling a plume of smoke or fire to show respect or power.
- View: Dragons are the ultimate beings, embodying wisdom and might.
30. Duskborn
- Night-dwellers who gain strength from the moon.
- Gesture: Holding a candle to their chest, symbolizing the light within the darkness.
- View: Darkness is not to be feared, but embraced as a part of the natural cycle.
31. Crystalhearts
- A society with crystalline bodies that can refract light and energy.
- Gesture: Touching their heart crystal to show honesty and purity.
- View: Crystals are the heart of their being, reflecting their true selves.
32. Skyforgers
- Builders of floating cities and airships.
- Gesture: Hammering an invisible anvil to craft objects from thin air.
- View: The sky is a forge, and they are its smiths, creating wonders from the air.
33. Leafkin
- Plant-based beings who can photosynthesize and communicate with flora.
- Gesture: Placing a leaf in the palm to connect with nature.
- View: Leaves and trees are the lifeblood of the earth, nourishing all.
34. Sandshapers
- Desert people who can control and shape sand.
- Gesture: Drawing patterns in the sand to communicate or cast spells.
- View: Sand is a canvas for their magic, constantly shifting and changing.
35. Moonshadow Elves
- Elves who live in the shadows of the moon, skilled in stealth and night magic.
- Gesture: Casting moonlight on their face to invoke lunar power.
- View: The moon is a guide and protector, influencing their magic and lives.
36. Bloodrunes
- Warriors who use their own blood to inscribe powerful runes.
- Gesture: Pricking a finger to draw blood and create runes.
- View: Blood is the essence of life, and through it, they gain power.
37. Dreambinders
- People who can link their dreams to reality.
- Gesture: Twining fingers together to weave dreams into reality.
- View: Dreams are powerful forces that can shape and change the world.
38. Thunderclans
- Tribes who worship and control thunder and lightning.
- Gesture: Stamping feet or clapping hands to summon thunder.
- View: Thunder is the voice of the gods, a call to action and power.
39. Feywilders
- Inhabitants of the fey realm with unpredictable and chaotic magic.
- Gesture: Dancing in a circle to invoke fey magic.
- View: The fey are mischievous yet powerful, their magic a blend of chaos and beauty.
40. Mirrorborn
- People who can step through and manipulate mirrors.
- Gesture: Touching mirrors to travel or communicate.
- View: Mirrors are portals to other realities, reflecting infinite possibilities.
41. Wispwalkers
- Ethereal beings who guide lost souls.
- Gesture: Holding a wisp of light to guide lost souls.
- View: Wisps are guides and protectors, leading them through darkness.
42. Frostweavers
- Ice artisans who create intricate and magical ice sculptures.
- Gesture: Weaving ice crystals into intricate patterns.
- View: Ice is a delicate and beautiful force, capable of great power.
43. Starwardens
- Celestial knights who protect the realms from cosmic threats.
- Gesture: Drawing star maps in the air to invoke celestial power.
- View: The stars are guardians, watching over and protecting them.
44. Emberkin
- Fire-dwellers with control over embers and ash.
- Gesture: Snapping fingers to produce sparks and embers.
- View: Embers hold the remnants of fire’s spirit, representing both the end and beginning of the flame.
45. Oceanborne
- Sea nomads who can control the tides and waves.
- Gesture: Drawing water symbols in the air to summon sea spirits.
- View: The sea is a vast, living entity, a source of mystery and power.
46. Windwhisperer
- Communicators with the wind, able to send messages across great distances.
- View: The sky is a living entity, responsive to the voices of those who respect it.
- Gesture: Moving gracefully to mimic the flow of the wind.
47. Etherseekers
- Gesture: Holding out their hands to draw ether into themselves.
- View: The ether is a vast reservoir of magic, accessible to those who seek it.
48. Twilight Guardians:
- Gesture: Holding a lantern to light the way through twilight.
- View: Twilight is a sacred time, a bridge between day and night.
49. Windwalkers
- Gesture: Moving gracefully to mimic the flow of the wind.
- View: The wind is a messenger of the gods, carrying whispers of destiny and change.
50. Eclipsewatchers
-Gesture: Covering one eye while the other remains open to signify balance
- View: Eclipses represent the merging of light and dark, a time of balance and reflection.
Autumn Bonus 🍂🍁
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