52 posts
Life with the /real/ Sebastian. No joke, my real life husband is 99.999% the same guy. This page is all about what it's like to actually live with him.
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Emo Compliments
"Sometimes I entertain my brain by thinking about how I would be dead by now without you. It keeps me humble."
-Sebastian: April 11, 2018-
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Me curled up under covers: "babyyy I'm cold."
Sebastian: "I know. I turned up the heat."
Me: "Awwww! Thank you! I know it's expensive to keep me warm."
Sebastian: "Yeah... you're kind of like a tropical flower,"
Me: :)
Sebastian: "-probably shouldn't have's really just a luxury... lots of special care required..."
Me: :(
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Sebastian: -anxious in the car as we are about to meet a friend for their birthday dinner-
"Hey, is my hair too forward and swoopy to one side of my face, or is it just right?"
Me: -laughing too hard to respond properly because his hair looks exactly the same as it does every single day and what is that description? Snortlaugh-
"Perfect swoop"
Sebastian: "are you just saying that?" :(
Me: "No honey. It's good. Perfectly swoopy." :)
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Brandon (friend from work): "hey, you should come bowling with me, and bring your friend Rae!"
Me: "umm.. I don't know if she'd be into that."
Brandon: "You could bring Seb too. I'd like to meet him, is he nice?" :D
Me: "well.. no. No he's not. And I don't think he likes bowling either."
Brandon: "wait. What do you mean he's not nice? Really?" -thinks I'm joking-
Me: "Really. Like he doesn't know you and won't be nice. He's just like that."
Brandon: "oh... well ask anyways" :(
Goes home and talks to Sebastian.
Me: "Branden wants to invite Me, you, and Rae bowling."
Sebastian: -looks up from his phone with disgust- "why the fuck would I want to go bowling?"
Me: "I don't know. He asked if you were nice and I told him no."
Sebastian: -smirks- "good."
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
He is sitting in bed, feeling sorry for himself, and brushing the dog. On his side table is a plate with a ¾ths eaten peanut butter bagel.
I walk past.
“Can you put the rest of that in my mouth?” He asks, nodding at the food. He then procedes to hold his mouth open like a baby bird.
I stand there and stare, wondering just how long he will do it. At what point will he clue on just how ridiculous it is?
It turns out around 5 seconds. Sit there and count out five seconds, and tell me that isn’t ridiculous span of time to sit there with your mouth wide open waiting for someone to feed you.
1. …2. ..3….. 4……5……
He looks at my expression, and we both laugh.
Fine, I think after another awkward pause. I grab the last bit of bagel. “Here it comes,” I coo at the man-child. He looks pleased.
I proceed to shove the entire thing in his mouth at once.
He half chokes half laughs, but overall seems satisfied with his care and food.
I don’t understand him. I’m not sure if he is more like Sebastian, Shane, or a hybrid of the two anymore. One thing is for sure though; the boy ain’t right.
Oh no…
He’s man sick.
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Oh no...
He's man sick.
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
We went to meet a friend in town. Sebastian parks the car, we get out, and pay the parking meter.
"Bye baby," he murmurs, "I'll miss you."
I turn to look at him, confused, because I am going with him. His tender gaze is locked on the car. He pats it gently as it "beep beep"'s to let us know that it is armed. With a sigh he turns to go into the complex where we are meeting our friend.
I follow without in silence.
I should have known.
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Always reblog the art that makes my heart melt.
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내 남편 ㅎㅎ
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Forensic Files Narrator: "...and from the bedroom he dragged the body to the garage, and placed it in the chest freezer until later that night."
Sebastian: *irritated* "Who has enough space in their freezer for that?"
Me: ....
"uh yeah... right..."
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
This is how I feel about @abananaphone and her incredible fanfic.
If you haven't read her story yet, you need to! As the keeper of the real life Sebastian, I can confirm she has his quirky attitude and deep love of coffee down to a science. A wonderful read, even if he's not your choice of bachelor (I'm looking at you ShaneHuggers). Everyone in the story is delightful, and it is full of fun dialogue.
Disclaimer on the small amount of nsfw content. Like that has ever stopped any of us from a good story though, amIright?
you know when you read a piece of writing so effortless, so graceful and unpretentious that you are both a) thrilled to the point that you have to put it down and walk in a quick circle to make it last longer but also b) PHYSICALLY INCAPACITATED with snarling jealousy and rage
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Me: *Laying in bed reading fan-fic on my phone.*
Sebastian: "Hey baby, you sleepy?" *sitting next to me in bed, suddenly rips a chunk off a random bagel and chews loudly*
Me: "....No? ....are you?"
Sebastian: "Nope." *raises eyebrow suggestively while still chewing on bagel*
Me: *blinks and shakes head* "Is that a fucking bagel?"
Sebastian: *bursts out laughing* "yes."
Me: "I thought so." *smiles and rolls eyes, turning over in bed so my back is to him- denying his food inclusive advances.*
*feels something soft and cold caress my back.*
Sebastian: *tries to say yes but is laughing so hard he begins choking; but sill laughing*
Me: "I'm not even going to Heimlich you after that."
He survived :(.
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Non-fic writer who also welcomes such thing?!?!?! It is I!
Reblog if you are a fic writer who welcomes moodboards, playlists, remixes, art and any other type of gift based on your stories.
Hell yes, everyone is always welcome to do any of the things, you will have my undying love and appreciation for it. (Translations are also a-okay.)
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Me: "You are in a dark place, aren't you?"
Sebastian: "No I'm not..."
Me: "oh yeah, then where are you?"
Sebastian: *unable to break his gaze from the game of solitaire he's been playing for the last hour and a half*
*barely audible mumble*
"An even darker place."
Me: *pats his shoulder* "Yeah I thought so."
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Too pure. Valid... except I know nothing about cars.
My request response were amazing! Another! Let's have Sebastian finding the female farmer girlfriend, a former mechanic, working on a car!
Leaning over the engine compartment of her run down pickup truck, the farmer attempted to figure out why it was broken down this time. She didn’t even bother looking up from where she stood, with a ratchet in hand, when she heard the crunch of gravel as someone approached. Honestly, she was starting to get angry at the fact she hadn’t pinpointed the problem yet, and didn’t have the patience at the moment to entertain a visitor.
“Hey!” Came her boyfriend’s voice, full of amusement at her, once again, broken down vehicle. She sighed through her nose.
“Hey,” she grumbled in reply.
“What’s up?”
“I don’t know!” She snapped at him. Sebastian was slightly taken aback by the normally sweet tempered woman.
“Problem with your truck?” He questioned, treading lightly, as she was obviously already upset. She finally looked up at him, knowing that he was only trying to help.
“Yeah,” she replied, wiping a bit of sweat from her brow and also managing to smear a bit of grease on her forehead. “The damn thing keeps overheating.”
“Maybe I can help?” He offered. “Have you checked the radiator? That’s the most common reason it would overheat.”
“Yeah, that was the first thing I checked too,” she stated as she watched the raven haired man lean over the engine compartment next to her. “I checked it for cracks and made sure the cap was on tight and, yes, before you ask, it’s full of water.” He smirked.
“What about the hoses?”
“I’ve already made sure there aren’t any clogs,” she said. “Most of them are brand new since I’ve already had to replace them. And yes, they are properly attached!” He loved the way this woman both knew her way around an engine and how she knew what he was going to ask before he even had to ask.
“I’ve already tried flushing it out and refilling it with new fluid.”
“Water pump?”
“Almost brand new,” she sighed. “I just replaced it last fall.” She loved her little pickup truck, but she knew it was on its last leg. It had been with her through so much, but it was beginning to cost her more money to keep fixing it than it would cost to just buy a new one.
“I’m sure you have, but have you checked the oil pump?”
“Ye–,” she began but stopped abruptly. “…no.”
“I bet that’s the problem,” Sebastian chuckled at the woman’s face of annoyed realization. He continued, although he knew he didn’t have to. “Even if your oil is full, if your pump is busted–”
“The engine isn’t getting any lube,” she finished. “Son of a bitch.”
“You’re beautiful when you’re in mechanic mode,” he grinned at her, standing up straight. She replied with a roll of her eyes.
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
Sebastian considers himself a dog person. If you asked him, he would say dogs and wolves are top of the line. HOWEVER- he is more like a cat (aloof, judgemental, observant, ect), and happens to adore his own cat. Her name is Angel, and this is how she came to be.
Before I met him, he live alone in a basement suite (No joke). When he went outside in the evening to do Sebastian things, like smoke and enjoy the sunset, under his car he found a scared young cat. She was white with patches of tan and huge blue eyes. Soft as a cloud, he knew she was no stray and someone must own her. Still, coyotes are a problem out here, and he was worried this innocent kitten would be a snack for some predator in the night. He took her inside, went and bought some cat food and a collar, and brought it home to the little girl.
She ate so ravenously it was as though she had not seen food in days. Still, she was so soft, silky, and beautiful she had to belong to somone... and she was so sweet, whoever lost her must miss her dearly.
When the morning came, he stuck a collar on her and put her back outside. He hoped she would find her way back to her family. Animals always know the way home right?
She did not.
When he was done working for the day he returned to find her waiting there. Sighing, he brought her inside and fed her for another night. In the morning he released her again, though this time with a note tucked in the collar reading "please take your cat, she keeps comming to my house at night for food. Don't want her to be eaten by coyote."
When he returned home, there she was, the note still tucked in her collar.
This went on for about a week. How could this stunning little lady with the manners of a princess have no home? Maybe she just couldn't find it. He decided it was time for a trip to the vet.
She was scanned, but had no microchip. There was no cat of her description on record, and no one was reporting a lost cat. Truly, it seemed no one was missing this feline princess. The vet determined she was likely a ragdoll, angora cross (do to her texture, markings, and behaviour), and probably around 6 months old. Sebastian paid for tests, shots, deworming and everything else she might need. He was determined to take care of her until her owners were found.
No one ever came forward.
The angora in her genes made her softer than silk. The ragdoll gave her enormous blue eyes the color of a clear sky in spring. It also made her gentle- she never played too hard or resented being held. She was like a baby's stuffed toy that purred constantly. She also never cried or catterwauled. Any sounds she made were soft chitters and brrts. There was only one name fitting for this little miracle in his life: Angel.
No "missing cat" posts were ever put up on cork boards or Craigslist. The spca was never contacted by anyone looking for a cat like her. Wherever she came from, it seemed no one wanted her back.
So Sebastian became a cat person, and loves his little feline greatly. No matter the mood he's in, his affection for her runs soul deep. "Silky kitty" he mutters, petting the top of her head with his fingertips, "little angel."
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sebastian with a cat
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
I told Seb about this picture and now he keeps referring to going out different places as "having to remind people of the presence of goth." It really captured the spirit. 10/10
Thanks for giving the boy a new phrase.
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i had to
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stardewlivin · 7 years ago
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Sebastian woke me up on Valentine's with a sweet little breakfast in bed. ♡ He makes the BEST coffee. He knows I love plants and hate when they dry out and die, so he only gets me live flowers. They then spend the rest of their life with us, blooming again and again. Such cute mini roses ^_^ (*gestures to the Sebastian and the dandelions post as a reminder*)
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