Tyrus shipper/ posts Andi Mack theories/ if you have any good theories message me :)
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I meant to post this yesterday but Tumblr was being wacky on my phone but..... I am so proud of Joshua Rush!! He is the 20biteen bicon 😂, but actually tho he is such an icon. He is using his social platform for good. He is constantly showing us that you can be who you are!! WE LOVE YOU JOSH!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💜💗

I made a thing
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New episode
So, the scene of TJ and K*ra. I am really mad. TJ looks happy in that scene and I don't know why. I really hope that Kira is just a fake friend and TJ doesn't actually like having her around. I think that Kira is doing this on purpose to get back at Buffy. Tbh I don't even really know what to think anymore. I will post again on Friday when the episode comes out. I can't wait!!
Have a great day/night!
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I know this isn't Andi Mack related, but this is amazing!😂😂❤️
Warner, to Juliette: How’s the most beautiful person on earth doing?
Juliette: I don’t know, how are y-
Kenji, from across the room: I’m doing great, thanks
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Episode 15 “Unloading Zone”
I know I’m late to the game, I’ve been so busy, but with summer coming and new Andi Mack episodes right around the corner, I should be a lot more active. Sooooo......here’s my theory about what might happen in episode 15. This is the first episode after the hiatus with TJ in it. There is one episode right before this, but maybe…….TJ IS UNLOADING HIS FEELINGS!! He could tell his feelings to Buffy about how he likes Cyrus. He could literally unload all his feelings to Buffy, and tell her everything. About how he likes Cyrus and he is gay/bi, how Kira basically blackmailed him into the costume. He’ll ask Buffy to tell Cyrus that he’s sorry because he doesn’t want to ruin his friendship with Cy and TJ knows Cy will listen to her. Of course, we’ll have to see what happens in episode 14(I can’t wait) but this could happen. I really want TJ to be more vulnerable because he’s really only shown his soft side to Cyrus.
Have a great day/night! This is a theory and nothing is facts, hope you enjoyed!
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Sorry for being so inactive lately. I've been so busy and with no new episodes until June, I haven't written anything. I'll try to post more and I have some more theories coming soon, so you'll just have to wait a little bit. Hope you enjoy theories to come.
Again, any requests just message me!
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Where is the bench?
The famous b(redacted)h, that everyone thinks is a bench, is having everyone think about what happens there(as it is Josh’s favorite scene). I think(and hope) that it is a Tyrus kiss. So if it is, where would it be, as many benches are shown in Andi Mack. So someone on Instagram posted a picture of where they shot the scene where TJ tells Cyrus he told the police about the gun, it was the pond with the rocks where they sat, but there was no bench behind where they would have sat. In the actual scene, there was a bench behind them so that leads me to believe that the Tyrus kiss will be there(if there is one).
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hey josh how many reblogs for you to post a video of you playing mo bamba on the piano????
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Me and my friend literally memorised and repeat the lines of the last episode. "tHe OnE aNd OnLy BuFfY dRiScOoOoL"
Reblog If During The Hiatus So Far You’ve Done Any Of These:
-You’ve been listening to music that reminds you of Tyrus
-Been binge watching Tyrus edits
-Rewatching old episodes and skipping to the Tyrus scenes
-MAKING Tyrus edits/hcs/fics/AU’s
-Crying over Tyrus
-Trying to find something else to watch to stop being sad
-Trying to focus on the good parts of the episode like Muffy
-Thinking of Tyrus no matter what
-Crying when you get reminded of Tyrus
-Repeating quotes from Friday’s episode such as “oH I gEt iT! sAlt!” Or “Cyrus my man!” Or “Yoooo Teej looking good”
-All the above (me)
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TJ is a foster kid???
Welcome to my TED talk, so I just had an epiphany. WHAT. IF. TJ. IS. A. FOSTER. KID. They often look down on themselves and have lower self-esteem. TJ saying that “anything good I got to ruin it” he could blame himself for what happened. They also can be rude and/or bully other people. TJ used to be mean and bully Buffy because she was a girl, that can be due to the fact that he was fostered, they usually have anger and we know that TJ isn’t always calm. Foster kids are also distant, am I describing foster kids or just TJ because he is literally all of these things. Him being a foster kid could be part of his ‘stuff’. The fact that Kira made him insecure also helps this theory because what if his foster parents are really religious and he thinks they won’t accept him. If that happens he knows he will go to another family, that means he leaves Shadyside and Cyrus. Also, Andi Mack tackles very real life issues and they have not mentioned foster kids or adopting so this can happen.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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are you negotiating filming Joshua Rush reacts to Generations React to Andi Mack? Cause that would be amazing, I would so watch it.
no negotiation, I connected them with Disney and
it’s happening!!!
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Opinion time
First of all, sorry for not posting yesterday. Secondly, I think that TJ did the costume with Kira because he felt insecure and embarrassed at what she said. She made it sound like it was a bad thing that he was doing the costume with Cyrus, or a boy. So he probably didn’t want people thinking he was gay and liked Cyrus. He obviously really wanted to do the costume with Cyrus and looked hurt when he saw how hurt Cyrus was. Now that TJ did that I think that Cyrus is going to get some trust issues, just ever so slightly, because when he wore his jacket to school Jonah didn’t because he didn’t want to look like dorks, now with TJ and the summersalt. TJ better apologize and it better be good.
Thanks for reading! Have a good day/night!
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Wish theory
As many know Josh posted a series of emojis as a hint to what the wish is. I think that the wish is Jonah’s because we know the least about his family from the people at the festival. Also one of the emoji hints was a family. There is also a bee and a happy emoji, so I think that the wish says something along the lines of “I wish my family will be happy again.” In the promo for 3x12, Buffy said that Jonah and Amber looked like a couple and Andi had this ‘look’ on her face. Then Cyrus said, “Unless she knows something we don’t” leading us to believe she knows something about either Jonah or Amber. We know that Amber and Andi are close and she knows stuff no one else knows about, but Amber was not at the festival. Also in the promo, Andi gave the wish to someone else, I think she gave it to Cyrus because, if it is Jonah’s, Cyrus is great friends with Jonah and would understand. He also is a great therapist when it comes to helping his friends. Hopefully, we find out tomorrow.
Thank you for reading my theory, have a great day/night!
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Miranda and Morgan are back
So in the 3x12 promo, Miranda and Morgan are back. I think that Miranda is going to create even more problems by trying to split up Bex and Bowie. The mailman obviously made Bex uncomfortable. Now that Miranda is going to be interacting with Bowie again I think that Bex might get jealous but also rethink their marriage because of what the mailman said. In my opinion, Bex and Bowie will be fine by the end of the episode but Miranda will do something and hopefully, after this, she’s gone for good.
Thank you for reading my theory and have a good day/night!
Bonus theory coming later today.
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This is SO cute!!

Hand holding + Chibi Tyrus
( Reblogs are very appreciated!! )
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