Staanzi's Blog
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I am binge watching all of the netflix christmas movies right now instead of doing the actual work that I need to do.
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staanziblog · 3 years ago
I feel like shit!
I got the moderna booster shot yesterday afternoon, and now I’m feeling the side effects.  I have an annoying fever and a sore left side.  The lymphnode under my left arm feels swolen.  Luckily, I just looked it up on google and learned that it’s a normal side effect.  Specifically with the moderna booster.  But god damn I’m in pain.  I can’t fall asleep because I’m in too much pain.  I slept for 5 hours and then woke up at 4am.  I feel lucky to have gotten even that little sleep because damn it’s miraculous.  Now I’m writting because I don’t know what else to do.  I’m crying from the pain.  No position is comfortable.  I hope this goes away in the next 10 hours because I need to go to work.  I need the money.     
 Luckily the shot it’s self was painless.  Whoever administered it to me did a good job.  
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staanziblog · 3 years ago
I need to stop chasing the money.
Ten minutes ago, I had a realization.  When it comes to passion projects, if I chase the money, I hit a wall.  I’ve tried quite a few different things solely for the sake chasing the money, and they never work out.  I always hit a wall.  ALWAYS!!  It makes me feel so bad about my self.  
I need to try chasing something else.  Now that my actual job is more stable, I need to chase the fun.  I need to chase what I actualy enjoy.  First I gotta figure out what that is.      
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