sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
Planning for Assessment #3
After visiting the museum, my group and I discussed on which weekly topic we should pick. We decided to go with the idea of ‘desire’ since we had just seen artworks related to this theme. At first, we thought of creating an interactive piece where the audience could not interact. We thought of this idea by thinking about the big fluffy piece in the museum. We decided to abandon this idea because we would only have a week to construct a big sculpture. Instead, I suggested the idea of smell. After visiting the museum, I really liked the work with all the spices. 
Image of the work: 
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This artwork is created by Ernesto Neto and he wants “people to see [his] sculpture through their pores, as well as their eyes, to feel it with all their senses”.
The paragraph explaining his work:
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Based on that, I realized that we could make our own ‘desirable’ perfume. We could create this as a group and it would smell desirable. The event, in this case, would be a farmers market. 
At first, this seemed like it was an easy topic. However, we tackled many problems. We did some research to find out what some desirable scents were. We found that the common scents described in all of the sources were Vanilla, Lavender, and lemongrass. Although these are desirable scents, you can already purchase them from outside. We wanted to do something that was a little different. 
We then moved onto the idea of using essential oils. As a group, we visited a store and smelt different essential oils. 
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It wasn’t hard finding cheap essential oil, but it had a very artificial smell. We wanted to create something that was more natural. 
We then came back as a group to discuss what we could change or do next. We figured that we could pervade a scent into a classroom using natural materials. Since this is a 9 AM class, we decided that we could have a breakfast event in the class. We would blend fresh oranges to make juice. We were keen on this idea on multiple levels, because orange and citrus is also a desirable scent. We would present this idea by laying out our breakfast on a table. We would bring in many oranges and cups to suggest that it is for everyone. However, only we will be able to consume the juice. This will add onto their desire because although it smells good, they will not be able to consume it. Another idea we are playing with is the senses. When multiple senses are involved, things become more desirable. 
Although we seemed to be settled on this idea, we thought of something even better (two days before the assessment). Although the ideas are similar, we expanded on our first idea. Instead of blending orange juice, we will set up a table beautifully with plates and cutlery. In the center of the table, we will place breakfast food with a sign that says “do not touch”. We will then place air-fresheners in front of fans to make the scent of breakfast pervade the room. Therefore, we will be able to smell ‘breakfast’, but we won’t actually be able to eat it. This creates a desire for breakfast because human beings have the tendency to desire what they can’t have. We also decided to buy our air fresheners from Woolies because they have bakery and citrus scents. This is perfect because bakery products and orange juice are commonly consumed during breakfast. 
Therefore, the event, in this case, is people coming into a restaurant/cafe to eat breakfast. The event is revolved around the idea of breakfast because this is a 9 AM class. We will bring plates and cutlery for 6 people only. The rest of the class will be the audience observing what is going on. Once the 6 people sit in their seats, we will present them with menus that we made. 
Here is an image of the menu we are going to hand them:
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As you can see, there is no price for the dishes listed. We purposely made them free because things are more desirable when you can have them for free (this only applies to things that are essential for survival). 
After some time, one person in the group will take the people’s orders. However, as soon as all the orders are taken, we will start to clear the table, indicating that it is time for them to leave. Therefore, although they will be able to see and smell ‘breakfast’, they won’t be able to consume it. This will then make it more desirable because they can’t get what they want. 
To add another element, we will add the sound of sizzling food as the background. Therefore, we will be playing with 3 senses in total. As said, adding multiple sources will make the event more desirable. 
After meeting with the group, we also decided that it would be best to place the air freshener under the table. This way, the participants and audience won’t be able to see it. We will set this up before class so when people enter, it is like a restaurant (when you walk into a restaurant, you can smell food).
Since we have a lot of setting up to do, we will meet in class at 8:30 instead of 9:00. This way, we have plenty of time to set up.
Overall, we had to change our ideas several times. It seems like an easy concept, but it was actually reallky hard to plan and lay out. It was also hard to stage it into the event. Although it is a complicated task, hopefully everything works out fine!
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, B, “Playing to the senses: food as a performance medium. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett.”. in Nyu.edu, , 2018, <http://www.nyu.edu/classes/bkg/issues/food-pr6.htm?fbclid=IwAR19KlUhWZfSExScuauHWpMzfGh2YJnqfhB7LlynlKGHPSNampcuSBNs460> [accessed 25 October 2018].
Schumacker, L, “7 Scents That Make You More Attractive, According To Science.”. in Romper, , 2018, <https://www.romper.com/p/7-scents-that-make-you-more-attractive-according-to-science-7921541> [accessed 18 October 2018].
“The 10 essential oils everyone should stock up on”. in, 2018, <https://www.wellandgood.com/good-looks/10-best-essential-oils/> [accessed 18 October 2018].
“The Smell Report - Sexual Attraction.”. in, 2018, <http://www.sirc.org/publik/smell_attract.html> [accessed 18 October 2018].
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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@annaengesser @parmarriya
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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I am grateful for my dog
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
glitch sounds 
Shay, Anna, Kay, Riya 
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
glitch sounds 
Shay, Anna, kay, Riya 
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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presentation of final work 
For my final work, I created a series of posters and a sculpture both depicting a recyclable item, I chose to use the image of recycling to demonstrate an example of the ‘use’ between the relationship of man and the environment. For me the relationship between man and the environment is harsh and controversial as we are in a continuous loop of creating and dumping / destroying. We have a habitat of creating new innovations / creations that benefit our society only once, however each man made object controversially limits and or inhibits our environment and our own ecology in its own way. Rarely benefitting the environment and ourselves. In my opinion we have a backwards attitude and belief towards the environment and our single use attitude is affecting the environment constantly. I have chosen an example of a damaged ecosystem; the coral reefs - which i have further demonstrated it in a consumerist fashion. As well as incorporated a value to the objects. I wanted to comment on the tradition of consumerism that links us to ‘recycling’ - we seemingly create more ‘waste’ even though we have a seemed positive attitude towards ‘recycling’. I have chosen inspiring artists that also comment on these issues of the relationship between consumerism and recycling. My experiments also work with ‘site specific’ and all comment on the fashion of consumerism and how we can be blinded by products. 
Ken  Yonetani - sweet barrier reef Demonstrates a work that is completely made of out sugar, however depicts a vast coral reef; focusing it towards on the depletion of coral due to coral bleaching. The contrasting materials comments on the values of the 21st century’s latest 'fast food’ fashion which is mainly due to sugar and the constant demand for it. His works shows that the industry of sugar; a sweet ingredient, brightening food flavour, has negatively impacted another ecosystem - pointing out that sugar is the metaphor for our desire to consume. He also uses materials such as food to further the impact and metaphor of his sculptures.  
Jason middlebrook - GSA Is a mosaic work that is positioned on walls within a building i.e. on the side of the staircase, next to the elevators etc.... The large mosaic flowers demonstrate an overtake of the environment as well as showing something that used to live and grow before the time of the building. Although beautiful, it shows something natural in an unnatural environment  and hence demonstrates the ultimate power of consumerism; a want of putting something natural e.g. flowers within our homes - taking more from the environment for our benefit. Debbie Symons - water harvest  ‘Water harvest’ is a collaborative work, that demonstrates and celebrates Melbourne’s environmental act of collecting ‘left over’ (grey) water, in which  i.e. will benefit droughts later on in the future. The work is made up of saved water from residents around Victoria to show the consciousness of saving water and the awareness for the need to save. This demonstrates that consumerism can be limited by some in order to benefit the environment as well as the huge collaborative process with the public that shows the urgency for an environmental change. I have used the material such as the clay to create a permanent object that can be bought and sold due to is imperishable desire, this shows the creative side of man; the need to create something new and to further sell however limiting the surrounding environment in some way. I then placed it in a plastic takeaway container which discusses the ‘fast food’ fashion and the idea of having something once. However, I have placed a recycling sign on the ‘product’, that supports the items and packaging to be recycled. In which, adds value to the product due to buyers wanting it more because of its supposed ‘environmentally friendly’ appeal. Although completely wrapped in plastic and the items itself are already dead (The white paint depicting that the coral has been bleached and harvested from its natural habitat). The item then contradicts itself as it supports the idea of recycling however the items have been taken from an environment that is critically endangered world wide and consequently cannot be recycled and is damaged due to the over use of plastics and power of consumerism. The posters that have been inspired form assessment 1, are a product design for the item, stating that what is sold is recyclable and is appeals to buyers due to its environmentally beautiful appearance and the nature of the coral. However, the meaning of the posters could be leaded straight to the idea that coral is not recyclable and therefore becomes political satire of the ‘recycling issue’. 
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
+ google images 
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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inspiration 4
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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inspiration 3 
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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inspiration 2 
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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Inspiration 1 
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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more on the final work 
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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more on experiment 1 and 2 
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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Experiment 1 
Keep cups / coffee cups
I wanted to experiment with the fad on environmentally friendly keep cups Although a positive change for the Australian environment, the keep cup has become a fashion fad. Which can be negative as it could create and result in more waste once the ‘fad’ fades out over time and we result back to the single use coffee cups I wanted to create a cup that seemed useable like the keep cups but still comment on the its a fad idea. I then painted a scene of coral to continue the coral theme from my poster (assignment 1) as well as comment that the fad could also be contributing to the depletion of coral reefs due to more waste contributed to the environment I tried 3 different cup designs, First being the ‘single use’ coffee cup however could be a ‘keep cup’ The second and third are just cups without lids. All have the design of a coral scene which can draw attention of coffee users towards the environmental issue.
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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experiment 2 
Coral tiles
For this experiment I wanted to experiment with the idea of consumerism. I created tiles with images of a piece of coral on each to demonstrate an artefact - a drawing of an extinct species; coral. The tiles can become site specific as you could place it e.g. in a museum, this could then mean that the tiles are an artefact because they no longer exist. The tiles now depict what was once known making them valuable as it represents a piece of history. I also experimented with placing them on the floor, making the audience walking on them or even placing them on the kitchen bench and the audience uses them to put things on. This means the tiles lose value and are used and abused due to our constant need of replacing the environment with our permanent homes ‘we are walking over pieces of history'
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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experiment 3 
For this experiment I want to experiment with replacing natural with unnatural. This experiment could also have been site specific I created a collage of coral supposedly growing on the wall. Creating an image on natural taking over the unnatural. This also adds to the idea of consumerism, as we have taken over with our buildings and homes in order to have and keep objects. I also experimented with having the idea of flowers.
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sshaysstrachan-blog ¡ 6 years
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For my final work, I created a series of posters and a sculpture both depicting a recyclable item, I chose to use the image of recycling to demonstrate an example of the ‘use’ between the relationship of man and the environment. For me the relationship between man and the environment is harsh and controversial as we are in a continuous loop of creating and dumping / destroying. We have a habitat of creating new innovations / creations that benefit our society only once, however each man made object controversially limits and or inhibits our environment and our own ecology in its own way. Rarely benefitting the environment and ourselves. In my opinion we have a backwards attitude and belief towards the environment and our single use attitude is affecting the environment constantly. I have chosen an example of a damaged ecosystem; the coral reefs - which i have further demonstrated it in a consumerist fashion. As well as incorporated a value to the objects. I wanted to comment on the tradition of consumerism that links us to ‘recycling’ - we seemingly create more ‘waste’ even though we have a seemed positive attitude towards ‘recycling’. I have chosen inspiring artists that also comment on these issues of the relationship between consumerism and recycling. My experiments also work with ‘site specific’ and all comment on the fashion of consumerism and how we can be blinded by products. Ken  Yonetani - sweet barrier reef, Demonstrates a work that is completely made of out sugar, however depicts a vast coral reef; focusing it towards on the depletion of coral due to coral bleaching. The contrasting materials comments on the values of the 21st century’s latest 'fast food’ fashion which is mainly due to sugar and the constant demand for it. His works shows that the industry of sugar; a sweet ingredient, brightening food flavour, has negatively impacted another ecosystem - pointing out that sugar is the metaphor for our desire to consume. He also uses materials such as food to further the impact and metaphor of his sculptures.   Jason middlebrook - GSA Is a mosaic work that is positioned on walls within a building i.e. on the side of the staircase, next to the elevators etc.... The large mosaic flowers demonstrate an overtake of the environment as well as showing something that used to live and grow before the time of the building. Although beautiful, it shows something natural in an unnatural environment  and hence demonstrates the ultimate power of consumerism; a want of putting something natural e.g. flowers within our homes - taking more from the environment for our benefit. Debbie Symons - water harvest is a collaborative work, that demonstrates and celebrates Melbourne’s environmental act of collecting ‘left over’ (grey) water, in which  i.e. will benefit droughts later on in the future. The work is made up of saved water from residents around Victoria to show the consciousness of saving water and the awareness for the need to save. This demonstrates that consumerism can be limited by some in order to benefit the environment as well as the huge collaborative process with the public that shows the urgency for an environmental change. I have used the material such as the clay to create a permanent object that can be bought and sold due to is imperishable desire, this shows the creative side of man; the need to create something new and to further sell however limiting the surrounding environment in some way. I then placed it in a plastic takeaway container which discusses the ‘fast food’ fashion and the idea of having something once. However, I have placed a recycling sign on the ‘product’, that supports the items and packaging to be recycled. In which, adds value to the product due to buyers wanting it more because of its supposed ‘environmentally friendly’ appeal. Although completely wrapped in plastic and the items itself are already dead (The white paint depicting that the coral has been bleached and harvested from its natural habitat). The item then contradicts itself as it supports the idea of recycling however the items have been taken from an environment that is critically endangered world wide and consequently cannot be recycled and is damaged due to the over use of plastics and power of consumerism. The posters that have been inspired form assessment 1, are a product design for the item, stating that what is sold is recyclable and is appeals to buyers due to its environmentally beautiful appearance and the nature of the coral. However, the meaning of the posters could be leaded straight to the idea that coral is not recyclable and therefore becomes political satire of the ‘recycling issue’. 
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