sruth-na-maoile · 6 years
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sruth-na-maoile · 7 years
tha gaol coiridh agam
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sruth-na-maoile · 7 years
tha ag iarraidh coiridh sìneach
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sruth-na-maoile · 7 years
[Gustav Landauer] saw the method by which we know the world was one of metaphor, which is in turn based upon culturally determined data. Dehumanization resulted from a reified rationalism and the loss of one inner subjectivity. It must be emphasized that Landauer was not an irrationalist, but wished for a balance or synthesis of the rational and the deep, pre-rational contents of the psyche. To emphasize one factor over the other would give rise to one-sided (and therefore potentially harmful) individuals. (As the 20th Century with its Hitler and Stalin was to prove so forcefully.) - Landauer’s philosophy of history ran contrary to that of his contemporaries. He did not believe in Progress and re-introduced the cyclical concept of classical society. ‘Europe and America [have been] declining… since the discovery of America.’ Greece and Medieval Europe had 'that common spirit, the interlinkage of the many associations… We are the people of the decline…’ However, this sense of decline was not absolute, as it was with the ancient Greeks, there was technological progress in the modern era. This sort of progress would continue until the 'common spirit, voluntariness, and the social drive… will arise again… [thus] the holistic perspective… will emerge again.’ The decline of which he spoke, was that of local, voluntary association. Its replacement by the State was not progress, but a step back into Bronze Age barbarism.
Larry Gambone, “For Community: The Communitarian Anarchism of Gustav Landauer”
(via meatthawsmoth)
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sruth-na-maoile · 7 years
Trotsky Burger
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sruth-na-maoile · 7 years
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An àite nas fheàrr nan t-saoghal
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sruth-na-maoile · 7 years
mise: caomhan dubh thusa: caomh-chompanach
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sruth-na-maoile · 7 years
Tha mi a' dol gu ceipeal a-nis
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sruth-na-maoile · 7 years
pure meltit
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sruth-na-maoile · 7 years
Was in the gaelic tag, saw somedae had said 'bairn' was a gaelic word and a was like naw, it's no, it's a scots word. Go to check the notes on it and who do i find who beat me to the punch but @domhnall-na-feannaig
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sruth-na-maoile · 7 years
Am bi thu a' dol gu ifhrinn a-nochd? Mill a h-uile rud
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sruth-na-maoile · 7 years
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sruth-na-maoile · 8 years
Maybe they're taking their cue from the mainstream narrative of the English/Brits being the cause of everything bad in Ireland. But lets face it, the by far majority that's been terrorised by Christianity in Ireland have been the Christians themselves
I don’t understand why a certain subset of neopagans feel the need to rewrite and misinterpret history to make themselves be oppressed.
Like there are so many real things you could be worrying about and spreading awareness of instead of making up some bullshit about how everything bad that ever happened to Ireland was because of Christians oppressing pagans.
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sruth-na-maoile · 8 years
Calm doon pal the Three Judges had a £1.99 deal on pints of Guinness for the whole week and if there's any reason to celebrate St Patricks Day, apart from mad Christianism, it's that
Cannot stand St. Patrick’s Day and all these ignorant mutha f'ers who party and celebrate this cúl tóna. Aside from the fact he was not even Irish, he came to Ireland to convert the “savage” druidic natives. Pagans are heathens you know, so his driving out the serpents (no mutha f'ing snakes in Ireland at the time btw) was converting the Gaelic people and killing those who opposed. Some saint. Oh, and you know why Ireland started dying food and drink green? To remember the millions who died during the potato famine; brought to you courtesy of the same holier than thou Christian invaders. People had started eating grass during the famine so people died with green in their mouths from the grass. So yeah, when it comes to St. Patrick’s Day - ‘is cuma sa toll feisithe liomsa. And all you ignorant aiteanns getting drunk this day - gabh transna ort fhéin.
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sruth-na-maoile · 8 years
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no shit, i wrote like a fucking thousand words on this, and then accidentally deleted the ask or something so it’s all gone. thankfully i could take this screenshot by hitting the back button on my browser, but know that what you’re getting here is a like shitty abridged version
anti-idpol people are pretty similar to anti-imperialism people*, in that i don’t have much problem with what they say they’re doing (i also am opposed to a set of practices that i call ‘identity politics’), but in reality their politics are just a shitty version of the exact thing they claim to oppose. anti-imperialists insist that in order to oppose american bombing campaings in the middle east, leftists ought to support russian ones; anti-idpols insist that leftists ought to throw away all those meaningless liberal identity categories and submit to the One True Identity which is identification as ‘working class’ with maybe some shitty leftist buzzwords tacked onto it. it’s still fucking idpol, in the same way that people who oppose ‘liberal identity politics’ from a self-consciously conservative perspective are always doing so from a position of tactical retreat into straight and/or white and/or male identity (or just nationalism; nationalism is one manifestation of idpol taken in the broad sense)
idpol is a tool for asserting centralised social control at the expense of autonomy, solidarity, and social difference. it’s a top-down process that essentialises social difference into imaginary - that, is, imagined - communities (e.g. the ‘LGBT community’, which is very much not a thing that actually exists in real life), and siloises resistance to oppression in a way that discourages spontaneous or autonomous expressions of solidarity
it’s true that liberal idpol - that is, the sort that takes marginalised gender, sexuality, and race categories as its basis - does all of this very deliberately in order to deny marxist class analysis a political foothold, but the problem here is the top-down, centralised nature of idpol and not the fact that people are identifying themselves with other labels besides class. anti-idpol leftists can’t analyse this correctly because they are not in fact opposed to organisation on the basis of authority, or of hegemony, or of homogeneity. anti-idpol leftists want to do all the same things idpol does, using the same tools that idpol uses; it’s just that they, as the enlightened leftist vanguard, want to be the ones in charge instead of the democratic party lackeys (e.g. human rights campaign) running liberal idpol
and they actually consider this a liberatory political stance. Sad!
*they’re also the same fucking people so
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sruth-na-maoile · 8 years
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Iseanan Caillich-Oidhche. #Gàidhlig. Acair Books.
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sruth-na-maoile · 8 years
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oldie but goodie
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