srshizuka · 3 years
Title : Are U beautiful?
You live in a world where you will meet your soulmate upon reaching the age of 18 years old and there a saying if you did a lot of good deeds you will get the most beautiful/handsome soulmate
Y/n : hey gurl, got your soulmate yet?
Friend : yep, my soulmate is literally what I've been hopping for. He's so handsome like I literally melted when he hold my hand ✋😍.
Friend #2 : how about you, (y/n)?
Y/n : nope, I haven't met my soulmate yet sadly:")
Friend #2 : I hope you meet your soulmate soon, well gotta go cause I have a date with my soulmate in about 30 minutes, Ciao~
Y/n : Have Fun!
Couple hours later,
Y/n : all the people I knew already met their soulmate... Omg did something happen to him or what :"(
Friend #1 : you be fine, usually the best one always arrive at the last one 😉
Y/n : umm, why do i feel this weird tingling in me?
Friend #1 : OHO, it's mean your soulmate is near. Girl lets go find him!
Suddenly, a stranger tap your friend shoulder,
Stranger : umm are you my soulmate?
Friend #1 : oh sorry I already found mine well actually my friend here -OH SHIT *SCREAMS*
Y/n : hey (friend #1 name), your okay cause I heard someone screaming btw the tingling feeling just got worst and worsen
Y/n looks at the stranger near Friend #1
Stranger : are you my soulmate?
Y/n : no, no, absolutely no fucking way you are my soulmate.
Stranger : then let's test it out *proceed to hold your hand and somehow the tingling feeling stop*
Stranger : well I guess I'm your soulmate 🥰
Y/n : impossible! People told me that if I did lots of good deeds I will get a handsome or beautiful soulmate but WHY ARE YOU FACELESS
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