rose chose to love thorns
because people don't feel
like keeping them
when they dry up....🖤🌈
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when the sun's charms
lure spectators to witness
the showcase of the stunning sky....🖤🌈
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खता हवाओं की भी न होगी
बेरुखी शजर ने भी न की होगी कभी
फिर पत्तों का अलग होना ?
महज मौसम की गई एक साजिश....🖤🌈
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एक शाम ढली
फिर एक रात जगी
और एक महफ़िल सजी
जिसमे दो दिल मिले
फिर गुल खिले
इसी गुलिस्ता में
फिर कई गुल हुए
मुसलसल रात और बढी
फिर जाम बनी
किसी को ऐसे चढी कि फिर कभी उतरी ही नहीं
और किसी को ऐसे चढी कि फिर कभी चढी ही नहीं
हाँ ! जी ऐसे ही फिर रात कटी
फिर महफ़िल बिखरी
और शराब उतरी
जो गुल बने वो बिखर गए
जो गुल हुए वो संभल गए
आ जी छोड़िए !
अब रात गई
और ऐसे ही फिर बात गई....🖤🌈
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when nature turns a leaf into a folding fan
and a whiff of wind makes it wave....🖤🌈
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when the sky casts an eye-catching spell
and the sun paints
its color onto the sky curtain....🖤🌈
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life is like parched leaves
no matter how hard you try
a strong gust of wind blows the leaves away....🖤🌈
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the sun sets the whole sky on fire
to send its love to its beloved moon....🖤🌈
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the moon longs to blaze in the sunshine
so it oozes to make
the never-ending darkness vanish....🖤🌈
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when you get lost
in the mayhem of the city
while nature soothes you....🖤🌈
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fierceness lingers in her whiskers
and distasteful stares in her eyes
yet she plays like a furball....🖤🌈
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the moon does not seek
the consent of the sky
to dispel the darkness of the sky....🖤🌈
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siblings are true friends
with them you deposit your secrets
and forget those secrets without coding them
siblings love is unselfish
they channel love to you without getting back
they love you from miles away
they love you without your consent
siblings are like cotton clouds
they rain all day and night
so you can bloom
siblings are like stepping stones
they built bridges with ebb and flow
so you can walk without staggering
siblings are shadows of parents
they protect you from monsters
siblings are like stellar gardeners
they keep you from withering
so your life can become fruitful
siblings are the part of the twisted ladder
they share genetic architecture with us
that's why we imitate them
yet sometimes we do not vibe
and some become pandoradox
but real siblings are pool of happiness
they carve like scarlet streams from our forebears
and like all siblings
you and i alike
my soror....🖤🌈
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