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squidneysidney · 4 years ago
William Nylander - Friendzez
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Word Count: 2,409
Thank you, 
You hit the yellow level 5 button in the elevator, trying to balance the two grocery bags filled with food for the hungry hockey players. William called last night while studying for an exam to tell you few of the guys would be coming over the next day and for you to join. You put up a protest, knowing you’d be pulling an all-nighter to pass this test on Monday. To your dismay, he couldn’t take no for an answer. So here you are with salsa, chips, and drinks requested by Willy earlier this morning.
Walking up to Willy’s door, you knock and wait for someone to open it. No one comes, so you knock again. You are greeted back with yelling from the other side. Rather than knocking again, you put the bags down and search for the key Willy had given you to look after his apartment during long road trips. You open the door to see Auston, Mitch, Travis, and William sitting in the front room watching the latest basketball game.
“Anyone care to get the door once in a while?” You chuckle at the guys. Lugging the bags into the apartment.
“Hey you’re here,” William greets you with a hug and a kiss on the check, “and with the snacks.”
“You did call me earlier to ask me to bring them”, following Willy into the kitchen. “Hey boys, good to see you.”
“Hey!” a chorus of yells returned to greet you. Their eyes never leaving the game.
“Thank you for coming, you know it is never complete without you here,” Willy says pouring the chips into a bag.
“You know I can never say no to you William. Although, I am very sleepy. I was wondering if I could take a nap in your room until the game is over.”
Willy looks up at the tv before answering me, “You weren’t kidding when you said that it was going to be an all-nighter were you? Yeah, that’s fine, the last quarter just started so you’ll have sometime to get a nap in. I’ll wake you up when it’s over. Thank you for the snacks again.”
“No problem. I’ll probably have to study a little bit more tonight too. I’ll be good after I get some shut eye, thank you.” You hug Will from behind as you walk out of the kitchen into the hall way where his bedroom is located.
You fall asleep rather quickly, getting three hours of sleep will do that to a person. Though, you always end up falling asleep quick when it comes to Willy’s bed. There have been many times that you decided to sleep in his bed rather than your own when he is gone on long road trips.
You feel much better after a cat nap, though, you could have definitely have gotten more sleep had the boys not been yelling. It was a regular thing to hear the boys yell when watching a game, no matter the sport. You get up out of the bed and straighten out the blankets before walking out to meet them.
“Dude, come on. Just admit that you like her already. It’s so obvious, you aren’t fooling anyone.” You can here matts talking to one of the boys. Being curious who he was talking to, you slowly walk out of the room.
“Guys, how many times do I have to say this? I don’t like her. We are just friends. I don’t get why you guys think I like her.” William says, running hand through his hair. It was obvious that he was getting frustrated.
“I don’t get why you just won’t admit that you like her. She’s a cool person and you guys get along. She basically lives here with you,” Mitch says, trying to calm the swede down. You still don’t know who they are talking about. Surely Will mustn’t like who they are talking about. He would have told you before the boys would even know.
You are being slightly biased though, secretly harboring a crush on Willy yourself. Ever since meeting him a few years ago, you have been stuck. The blue-eyed blonde has always been at the forefront of your relationship life, hoping one day that he would notice you the way you noticed him. You have always been there for him, after bad games, sickness and nursing him through injury.
“It’s just not like that with Y/N,” Willy responds with a shrug.
Your heart falls into your stomach, confirming what you have always known to be true. It hurts a lot more hearing it come from his mouth instead of you telling yourself. There was always hope when it came to Will but now you know the solid truth. William doesn’t like you. Not like that.
“Give us one reason why you don’t like her like that then,” This time it is Travis coming in to interrogate the blonde. Your ears perk up at the question.
“I don’t know? For one she’s not my type. She’s, she’s boring. I keep her around to help with my parents constantly asking when I’m going to get into a relationship. I just lie and say that I’m for when she is ready. In reality, I will never see her like that. The only thing she does outside of my friends is go to school. Don’t even get me started on how much she complains about a test or something. She doesn’t have a life. I always feel suffocated with her.” Willy lets everything out on the table, not letting anything hold him back about how he truly feels about you.
“So, you wouldn’t mind me going out with her then?” Matts asks, trying to get a rise out of the blonde.
Will chuckles, “Please do, at least it will get her off my back for once.”
He looks at the boys shaking his head when you come out from behind the wall with tears streaming down your face. The boys seeing you before William can, their eyes going wide.
“How,” You ask trying not to choke on the sob that you are holding in, “How could you talk about me like that? After everything that I have done for you? After all of the phone calls that I get from you! Asking me! No, not even asking, begging me to come over after games! I do have a life William! You are just so smothering that I can’t even live it without you wanting me to be here with you. You are a coward Nylander.” You run out the door before anyone can respond to you. As you run down the hallway to the elevator, you hear your name being called. Clicking the yellow button repeatedly, you look back to see Will closing in on you before the doors slide open. Jumping in, you continually push buttons to get the door to shut.
As the doors shut you realize that all you have is your phone in your pocket, having left your keys and purse in Wills room. Not having a way home, you call the only person that you could think of.
“Hello?” their voice comes through the phone; curiosity being laced through their voice.
“Hey, I’m sorry for calling but I really need a ride and I don’t have anyone else to call.” You say, trying your best to not sound like you have been crying.
“Send me your location and I’ll be right there.” Keys are heard through the line before they hang up.
William wasn’t wrong when he said that you didn’t have a life that didn’t involve him. Most of your time was spent with Will, at Wills game, or studying. You never thought of yourself as boring though, you thought that he wanted you around. At least that’s what it seemed like to you.
Before you know it, Morgan’s car is pulling up in front of the apartment building. As you get in the car it is evident that you have been crying. Mo notices upon first glance.
“Home?” Morgan asks as he pulls away from the building. A nod is all you manage to give in response. “Are you going to tell me what is going on?” he asks after a moment of silence.
“It’s nothing, I am probably over reacting. Nothing for you to worry about Mo,” you look at him with a small smile.
“Cut the crap, that was the weakest smile that I have ever been given.”
“I just over heard Willy talking to the boys about me,” you said with a sigh as you continue, “They were talking about how William doesn’t like me. Not to mention that I am boring and suffocating.”
Morgan’s head snaps in your direction, eyebrows furrowed. “He didn’t say that did he?”
You give Morgan a ‘Would I be making this up look?’.
“You know he doesn’t mean any of that right? The boy must have been pushing his buttons. Will thinks the world of you. He always asks if you can tag along with everything we do.”
“Well apparently not Mo.” You say as he pulls up to your house, “Thank you Mo, I really appreciate it.”
Mo gives you a nod with a sad smile on his face before driving off. You slowly climb up the stairs of your apartment. Reaching your door, you lift the welcome mat revealing the spare key you keep just for emergency.
It has been a few days since you have seen or spoken to any of the boys let alone William. He has been texting and calling non stop since that day. Every so often, you will get a text from one of the boys asking you to hear Will out.
You aced the test that you have been studying for and all you want to do is tell Willy. His voice saying how suffocating you are plays in your head. Knowing that you probably will never be able to have a relationship like that with him again.
A knock at your door pulls you off your couch, opening the door without thinking who it could be. You are met with the blue eyes that you have come to love.
“Um, you forgot this the other night. Thought you might need it,” he says, lifting your bag and keys in hand.
“Thanks” You grab the bag, starting to close the door before a he sticks his arm out preventing you to shut it completely.
“You know that I didn’t mean what I said,” His eyes full of sincerity, “The boys were just annoying me when they kept asking if I had feelings for you. I just said anything that would get them off my back. Nothing that I said was true to how I feel.”
“That doesn’t make it-“
“No, no that doesn’t make it okay but that is the truth. I never would have said that had I known that you were standing right there. The boys just know how to get under my skin sometimes.” Will looks down at his feet, not looking at you.
“At least Auston is honest to everyone about his feelings. We are going out next week after his schedule calms down.”
Williams head snaps up to look you in the eyes, gauging whether or not you were telling the truth.
“You can’t go out with him.”
“And why can’t I? You don’t think that someone as boring as I am can work out with someone like Auston?” You cross your arms, waiting for his response.
William shakes his head, “No, that’s not why you can’t go out with him.”
“So why can’t I?” you counter.
“Because,” You wait for a response. “Because, you are meant to be with me. There is no one that you belong with other then me. Especially not matts, he will never treat you how I would. He will never love you the way that I do. He will never notice how you tap your nose when you are close to finding the answer to a question. He won’t know to buy you coffee at that coffee shop down the street to get you out of bed after you studied all night. Because no one in this damn world will see you how I see you. I’m sorry for what I said, there is not enough words in English or Swedish to explain how sorry I am for what I said. But please for the love of god, do not go out with matts.”
“How do you know that I wouldn’t know how to treat her?” Auston says, coming into view behind you.
Willy is shocked looking between the two of you with his mouth open. “What? Matts, what are you doing here?”
“Asking y/n out obviously. You said that I could so I came over to see how she felt.” Auston throws an arm around my shoulder.
“Stop it,” you push his arm off your shoulder laughing, “you are going to break him.”
“Alright, sorry. I couldn’t pass up on the opportunity.” Auston shrugs walking out of your apartment, chuckling to himself. “Willy, I’ll see you at practice.”
“No, you don’t” William grabs the back of Auston’s shirt pulling him back in front of him.
“Willy! Let him go, he was just joking. We aren’t going out. Auston came by to explain what happened. Now calm down.”
“So, you two aren’t?” Will looks as confused as ever.
“No man, but it was one way to get you to admit your feelings,” Auston shakes his head, walking away from the two of you.
“Were you really going to fight your own teammate just because you thought we were dating?” You ask in disbelief.
“Yes, yes I was. I was already close to losing you once and it was the worst few days I have ever had. I wasn’t going to risk losing you again. Give me a chance, not as friends, give me a chance to take you out. To prove to you that I can treat you better than any man could.”
“Trust me Willy, I know that you can.” You say with a smile on your face.
“So, you forgive me? You’ll let me take you out?” Wills famous smile evident on his face.
“Yes, I forgive you Willy. I will always forgive you William.”
Willy runs to you, lifting you up. You both giggle, happiest either of you have ever been.
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squidneysidney · 4 years ago
Auston Matthews - He left to Continue His Dream
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Word Count: 3,054
Final Part
Thank you, 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Charlie and I got to meet most of the Bruins before tonight’s game. The conversations were quick and they more interested in talking to Charlie. I couldn’t be happier for him but my own insecurities can’t help but show up. What will happen when he makes it into the league? Will he be too busy for me like Auston is? Will I even be able to handle going through that again?
“So, are you two dating?” Torey Krug asks, pulling me out from over thinking.
Charlie and I look at each other with smiles on our faces, chuckling. “No, we are just friends,” Charlie answers, “We actually know each other through Matthews. He introduced us when we played on team USA for World Juniors. Now, her and I happen to go to BU together.”
“Is that why you chose tonight to come to a game? So, you can meet your new teammates and see an old one?” Kruger asks looking at Charlie.
My head too snaps in Charlie’s direction, trying to figure out what Torey was trying to get at. They couldn’t be playing the? No? That can’t be? I continue to look at Charlie waiting for him to look at me to confirm that they indeed are not playing who I think that they are playing. God, I hope they aren’t playing him tonight.
“Actually, Coach asked me to come to todays game with it being a big rivalry, you know see how the big boys prepare for a big game. Figured this one,” Charlie points his thumb at me, still avoiding my gaze, “would want to join since she’s a pretty big hockey fan.”
“Well, it is going to be a big one for sure. I better head out; got a few things I have to do before puck drop. It was really nice to meet you both. Hopefully we get to see a lot more of each other in the near future.” Torey says giving Charlie a bro hug and leaving me with a slight nod before walking away.
“I think it might be time for us to start heading up to our seats. Oh, did I mention that we have box seats for tonight’s game. Pretty cool huh?” Charlie says, still avoiding looking at me.
“No, I think you might have failed to mention that. Just like you failed to mention to me that we are at a Boston Bruins and Toronto freaking Maple Leafs game Charlie,” I whisper yell at him trying not to bring attention to us.
“It must have slipped my mind. I thought you would just be happy that you got to go to a game with me, one of your greatest friends that you love very much?” He looks at me with the biggest smile on his face. Knowing very well that I am so beyond mad at him at this point.
“Charlie, I am so pissed off at you right now,” I say pinching the bridge of my nose, “Why did you think that I would want to be anywhere near him right now? You know how I feel about the whole situation and how worthless I feel that he stopped responding to me.”
“I know, I know but I know that you guys need to start talking to each other again. You guys have always been best friends and that’s something that you need to hold onto. Not many people are going to get you as much as you and Auston get each other. Please, just watch the game with me. It means a lot to me that you even are here when I get to meet the team.” Charlie looks at me with plea in his eyes.
“I will sit and watch the game but because I love you and am so proud of you. I can’t wait for you to make the big jump. I’m sorry for making today about me. This was really big for you too. I’m happy that you wanted me to tag along but don’t you ever do this to me again. Do you understand me?” I point my finger into his chest to get my point across. Charlie takes the hand that I am using to point at him with and pulls me into a hug that I can’t help but not be angry at him.
While hugging me he tells me, “Thank you. You know that when I make it, I’m not going to forget about you right? I know that’s what Auston told you too but I mean it. I will never intentionally stop talking to you. I genuinely mean it when I say that.”
It felt really good to hear Charlie ease my nervousness and bring me a little piece. In a lot of friendships people end up hurting you by doing the same thing that you told them previously hurt you. Charlie isn’t that type of friend.
The box seats are great, you get to see everyone in the stands from up here. Slowly, more and more people are waiting along the glass for warm ups. Both teams have equal number of fans lined up. As time ticks by I am getting more and more nervous to see the person that I used to call my best friend. As soon as he steps on the ice, I know that he is going to have my full attention and I am trying to prepare myself for when that moment comes.
“Hey, calm down. He’s not even on the ice yet, no sense in getting worked up when he’s not here,” Charlie says in a soothing voice, coming to sit down next to me, handing me a bottle of water.
“I know but I can’t help it. I haven’t seen him since he lefts for Zurich and I haven’t spoken to him since a little after moving out here.” I twist the cap off the bottle and down it in one go.
“You want me to grab you another water?” He asks me concerned.
“No, I just want you to stay with me until he comes out,” I look at him with pleading eyes.
Just as I turn to look back down to the ice, the goal horn goes off signaling warm ups are under way and Auston is going to be on the ice at any moment. I start to think about all of the moments Auston and I shared. Playing tag in the yard, the countless sleepovers, and going to tournaments with him early in the morning.
Then I see him. He slowly skates on the ice, going up the blue line and down around the back of the net like he always does. Moving gracefully like he was made to be there. My vision gets blurry and I blink back the tears, refusing to cry. Instead, all I feel is Charlie’s hand in mine. I move my gaze to his when all he does in return is a slight nod. Telling me that I am okay. In that moment I know that tonight Charlie and I are both here for each other. It is a big night for the both of us and we are supporting one another.
I release the breath that I didn’t realize I was holding in. I nod back at Charlie before looking back down the ice to find Auston standing behind Freddie practicing his stick handling.
 Just as Charlie had said, it was a really big game. Both of the teams left everything out on the ice with no room for error. In the end, the leafs took the win, beating the bruins 6-5. Nylander scored his way into a hat trick, Van Riemsdyk scored two goals, and Brown scoring the other. In typical Auston fashion, he got an assist on three of the six goals. He dazzled his way on the ice like he has done many times before. He managed to keep my gaze strained on him every time he stepped foot onto the ice just like I knew that he would.
“Come on kid, we have to do one last thing before we leave tonight,” Charlie has his hand on my back ushering me out of the box and towards our destination.
“He still amazes me you know,” I say pulling my bag over my shoulder, “After all of these years, I still get surprised at how good he plays, how smooth he handles the puck, and at how quick he reads the plays as they are happening.”
“I know what you mean. Back when we played on USA, I would watch him a lot. He would always make plays that you wouldn’t even think were possible and he always managed to be at the right place at the right time.” Charlie looks as though he is flipping through the memories in his head like he is there again. He pulls us to a stop in the tunnels at the bottom of the arena and stops in front a door that says “Locker Room”.
“Do you know how many times I was left with bruises because of him?” I laugh, turning to look at Charlie, my back toward bruin’s locker room. “He used to always make me goalie when he wanted to try out a new shot. I don’t know why. I was always terrible in net.”
“I always liked to see you in the goalie gear,” A voice says behind me, causing me to freeze, “You know, you never really grew into it. Always a few sizes too big.”
My eyes stay on Charlie, mouth hanging open, palms sweaty. That definitely wasn’t the bruin’s locker room. A million thoughts go through my head but I can’t manage to do anything about them. My body feels like it is in a cast restraining, me from moving.
Charlie decides to make the first move, steps to the side of me to talk to Auston. “Hey man, you did really good tonight. You know I couldn’t root for you though.” Charlie chuckles with the Arizona native. I still keep my back towards the two. Not having a clue what to do or how to react.
“When you said that you would be coming to tonight’s game, I had to make sure I was on my A game. Sorry man,” Though Auston’s voice sounds anything but sorry. He gives Charlie a shrug, as if saying ‘what can I say’.
“I wouldn’t haven expected anything different from you”, Charlie shakes his head,” Hows Toronto treating you? You and the team seem really close.”
“You know at the beginning it was hard to get acclimated here. You know Toronto, they love their hockey. The media was something that I wasn’t ready for. I knew that it was tough but I never knew how tough that they can be. It would have helped if I had a friend to talk to about all of it.”
“Maybe you should have talked to your friends from Zurich,” I find myself saying. I feel two eyes on the back of my head. I finally turn around to face the two, “It seemed that they always liked talking to you, since you always seemed to be so busy with them.” I keep a blank expression, not letting either boys see how hurt I am at the moment.
“They were never you and you know that,” sorrow fills Auston’s eyes.
“Could have fooled me,” I do a shrug just like the one Auston did to Charlie, “Charlie, can we go now? I did everything that you wanted me to do.” Charlie looks between us, not knowing what to do. I don’t wait for an answer as I begin to descend down the hall when I feel a hand pull me back.
“No, you don’t,” Auston says turning me to face him, “You are going to finally hear what I have to say. I know I hurt you but you have to understand that I didn’t mean it. You don’t understand the amount of stress that I was under when I left. I left everything that I kne-“
“No, you don’t get to do that Auston,” I pull my arm from Auston’s grip. “You don’t get to play the victim when that was your choice to leave! You left me! Remember? You were everything that I knew and you didn’t even give me a warning when you signed with them! Do you understand how I felt?” Tears now filling my eyes. This time it is too much for me to just blink away. All the tears the I have been holding in for months seem to push through all at once.
“I’m sorry okay? I didn’t handle it right and I regret what I did to you. I’m sorry. What more do you want me to do? Every time I tried to tell you how sorry I was, you wouldn’t bother to even answer me. I left for you and you couldn’t even answer me?” Auston’s voice goes soft at the end.
I see red in that moment. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around what he is trying to get at. “Oh? You left for me? Are you kidding me? Tell me how you can possibly justify you leaving me and never speaking to me something that I would ever want?”
“Because pushed me to do it!” Auston has never raised his voice at me. It makes me stun. Growing up, Auston has made a few guys that were making me uncomfortable back off and I never understood how he did it until now.
“Oh my god, what are you going on about now?” I roll my eyes.
“You looked up to me so much and I never wanted to ruin your image that you had of me. You are the reason that I pushed as hard as I did. Along with my family, you were my biggest fan and biggest supporter. At the beginning I was messing up. I didn’t take hockey serious but you would always talk me up to anyone that would listen. You didn’t see that I was a sloppy player that didn’t care. I wanted to be as good as you made me seem to be, to be as good as you wanted me.”
“Then why did you cut me off when you left?” Now, it is Auston’s turn to roll his eyes at me.
“I didn’t cut you off, you were the one that did the cutting off. When I tell you that I didn’t mean to hurt you, I mean I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just wanted to be everything that you wanted me to be. To be the man, and the player that you wanted me to be. I went to Zurich because I genuinely thought that was the best opportunity to get me into the NHL. I thought that’s what you wanted. I admit I did it for myself too but I did a lot of it for you.”
“What I wanted was you Auston! It’s you what I have always wanted. You could have done anything in the world and I still would talk about you like you are the best. I was a little girl in love with her best friend. Of course, I would have supported you in anything that you did. NHL or no NHL. I didn’t even care about hockey. I learned it because you loved it.”
“Wait, you were in love with me?” Auston asks, missing everything else that I just said.
“Really? Matts, don’t act like you didn’t know. The whole world practically seen the hearts that I had in my eyes from miles away.”
“No, I didn’t know that,” he stands up a little straighter. “How would you expect me to notice? You act like you would have known had I had a crush on you growing up.”
“I totally would have noticed if you had a crush on me. I always wished you had a crush on me.” I counter back at him. For the first time in a while Charlie makes his presence known by laughing at the two of us.
“You guys are hopeless you know that?” he shakes his head at us, “You guys both like each other and it is so obvious to anyone but you guys.”
“What are you talking about?” I question him,” Auston never liked me.”
“Yeah. Yes, I did. Why else do you think no guys hit on you throughout high school? They all knew that you were mine without actually being mine. The ones that tried, I would scare off immediately. You would always have me get them off your back anyway so it didn’t make a difference. You’re the reason that Megan and I broke up. She knew that I always had feelings for you. That I was never going to care for her like I cared about you. She kept trying to push a wedge between the two of us. I tried making you both happy but, in the end, she wanted me to have nothing with you. I wasn’t going to let that happen. The guys in Zurich even knew I was in love with you. Am in love with you.” Auston brings his gaze down at his feet, for the first time tonight, refusing me meet my eyes.
“You are?” I take a step closer to him. My hands go up to his chin, lifting it to make his eyes meet mine.
“Always have been, always will squirt.” His eyes looking deeply into mine
My hands move to the back of his neck, pulling him down, while I stand on the tips of my toes. “I love you too, Auston.” Our lips finally meet. His lips are soft and gentil, like he’s savoring this moment as if he doesn’t know if it’s going to happen again. I pull him closer, kissing him more eagerly. Hands playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. His arms snake around my lower back, lifting me off the ground, my legs wrap around his torso. He pulls back, spinning us around with the biggest smile on his face.
“You can’t possibly know how long I have wanted this.” He says, still holding me.
“I think I have an idea.”
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squidneysidney · 6 years ago
Auston Matthews - He Left to Continue His Dream
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Word Count: 1,137
Pt. 3
Thank you, 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
It has been a few weeks since Charlie figured out my feelings for Auston. He gives me updates on the Toronto superstar every now and again. I would never tell Charlie but, it gives me a piece of mind knowing Auston is taken care of.
 “Hey,” I am brought out of my thoughts by a voice I am all too familiar with. “Make sure you aren’t doing anything Saturday; I have plans for us,” Charlie states from his spot on the couch. Never looking up from his phone.
 We are currently participating in our annual binge watching of The Office. Well, I am participating while Charlie has been on his phone since I arrived a few hours ago.
 “What do you have planned?” I ask curiously.
 Charlie looks up from his phone with a smirk, “It’s a surprise.”
 “Come on Charles, you know I hate surprises,” I say with a grown, going further down my blankets to cover my face.
 “Oh, you are pulling the ‘Charles’ card out now? I was going to give you a hint as to what we were doing but I’m not going to now because you pulled that.” He says with a grin knowing he had full control over the situation.
 “No, come on. Okay, I take it back, Charlie. Just tell me what we are doing.” I say coming out of my blanket quickly. Though I am only met with Charlie shaking his head, returning to his phone. Smirk still evident on his face. I get back in my blankets, crossing my arms, “Fine, don’t tell me where we are going. Can you at least tell me who has your attention this morning on that phone? Because it sure as hell isn’t Dwight Schrute.”
 “You will find out soon enough,” he says, again without looking up from his phone.
 It is now Saturday; the same Saturday Charlie has a so-called surprise for me. Every day since he told me he had something planned, he has been teasing me with it. He is now currently rummaging around my clothes in efforts to help me decide what to wear. Not knowing what to wear is the only viable excuse I could come up with as to not to go. Instead of letting me out of my misery, he decided to come by early to pick something out.
 “Here, wear these. Your butt looks good in those,” he says handing me my favorite denim jeans.
 “Okay,” I say taking them from him, putting them on, “Turn around, I’m taking off my pants.”
 “Wouldn’t dream of it babe,” he says, staying in his position, now looking through my tops. “Wear this too, it should be warm enough.” Throwing me my tan chunky knit sweater, paired with a black leather jacket.
 “What about shoes?” I put on the sweater and jacket.
 “Those black heeled boot things that you have. You know the ones that aren’t leather but that one material.”
  “You mean suede?” I ask with a chuckle.
 “Yeah, those. Once you put those on we are ready to go.” He says finding his keys on my nightstand.
 “Oh yeah, you mean to that place you have yet to tell me where?” I give myself a look over in the mirror, tucking the front of my sweater into my pants, fixing my leather jacket and cuffing up my jeans just above my booties.
 “You’ll find out in ten minutes if you get your butt in the car,” he says pushing me out the door, grabbing my purse and phone along the way.  
 After a short drive, I now see where Charlie is taking us. Coming up on the left-hand side is the TD Garden, home of the Boston Bruins. Also, the team that drafted Charlie 14th overall in the previous draft. He brings the car to a complete stop in front of a tall gate.
 “Can I help you?” A man in the booth sitting to the side of the gate walks up to the driver’s side.
 “Hello, I’m Charlie McAvoy. Coach Cassidy invited us in today.” He says handing the man two lanyards, at the end of each hangs two identical guest passes.
 “He mentioned you would be coming in today. I’m Mike, I’m here every game day. I look forward to seeing you playing soon, kid. You’ve got a wicked shot.” He says as he scans both passes, “here you go son, have fun. It should be a good one tonight.”
 “Thank you, sir. Hope to see you soon.” He says, taking the outreached passes from Mike. Charlie hands one pass to me, keeping the other for himself.
 “What time is puck drop?” I ask as he parks his car in the player’s entrance. Looking at the dial on his dash reading 5:30.
 “Um, I think six or seven.” He takes the keys out of the ignition, taking his pass in hand. I follow suit, stepping out of the car, taking in my surroundings. I look up at the tall tan building wondering how I managed to get myself here.
 “Come on. Coach is expecting us soon.” He standings next to me with his hand on the small of my back, guiding me inside the building.
 “I can’t believe I’m actually here, walking through the player’s entrance, going to meet the coach of the Boston Bruins. This can’t be real right?” I say, smiling from ear to ear. Charlie guiding us down the hallway.
 “I’m pretty sure we are going to be meeting a lot more than just the coach,” Charlie says with a chuckle.
 “Oh my god,” I say rather loudly, I quickly look around hoping no one hears my outburst. I lean closer to Charlie, “Do you think we’ll meet Marchy?” I say in a whisper.
 “Yeah,” He chuckles, “I think we’ll get to meet him.”
 “I totally forgive you for keeping this a secret, McAvoy” I say giving him a side hug as we walk further.
 “Charlie, it’s good to see you.”  Coach Cassidy says, walking toward us.
 “You too, Coach. Thank you again for allowing us to be here.” Charlie says pointing between him and me.
 “Not a problem at all. We want you to get acclimated here so when you do make the big jump into the league, all you have to worry about is your performance on the ice.”
 “I plan on making the jump as soon as I can sir,” Charlie states to his future coach.
 “Well, I better get to it. Big game today, it should be a good one. Charlie, little lady, it was good to see you both.” He does one head nod and he was off.
 Once the coach was out of earshot I turn to Charlie, “Who are they even playing today?”
 Charlie chuckles and says, “You’ll find out soon enough.”
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squidneysidney · 7 years ago
When are you going to get more of the Auston Story? I’m dying for more ❤️
I’m sorry I have been incredibly inactive but, I do plan on letting out another part of He Left to Continue His Dream, sometime this week.
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squidneysidney · 7 years ago
I have a few request in the queue so it will be a minute till I post part three. I think this next one will be the last part; However, I thought the previous one would be the last one. I honestly don’t know, I’m just playing it by ear with that one. I’m glad you like it though!
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squidneysidney · 7 years ago
Frederik Andersen - What did you say?
Request: Can you write an imagine where you have to tell Freddie Andersen you’re pregnant?
Word count: 1322
Thank you,
I blink.
“I’m pregnant. I am really pregnant,” I whisper to myself, tears forming in my eyes.
After trying for months, Freddie and I are going to be parents. I don’t know how far along I am or what I am having but, nothing will make me happier than I am now. It has been a rough and long road but it will all be worth it.
I quickly find my phone to check the time. Practice should be almost over so, I have two and a half hours, give or take, to figure out how to surprise him. I go to the Pinterest app on my phone and look up, “Ways to tell your husband you are pregnant.” I looked for a few minutes seeing examples of shirts, signs and even the pregnancy tests. Nothing seemed good enough until I found it. It was an easy, quick way to have fun with it.
By the time I found out how and when I would tell Freddie of the news, he was due home in 30 minutes. It was a bit of a time crunch but, I think I could get everything set up in time. I pull out my laptop, put on the particular YouTube video I had in mind. Lastly, I had to figure out exactly what I was going to say.
Finally, I figure out what to say to the ginger I proudly get to call my husband. I feel giddy with excitement. It is really happening.
I hear footsteps come up to the door, keys being put into the lock, and the door being swung open. I quickly put the laptop in front of me with headphones in. I play the video in the middle and act like I had been watching it the whole time.
Freddie puts his practice bag down in the entryway and begins to take off his shoes and jacket. Once he is finished, he makes his way towards me on the couch and plops down. I pretend giggle at what was said in the video, to pull his attention to what I am watching.
“What are you watching?” the tall ginger says, leaning on my shoulder.
“You know that YouTuber that I always watch? The one from New York?” I said, not taking my eyes off the screen.
“The one with the funny brother?” He asks.
“Yeah, he posted another video with his brother in it and it’s pretty funny,” I say pausing the video and taking off my headphones, “They are playing a game where one puts headphones on with music playing so you can’t hear anything, while the other says something. You have to read their lips to understand what they are saying.”
“Oh yeah? I want to watch,” he says, repositioning himself so he can see the screen. I unplug my headphones and start the video from the beginning once more. As the YouTuber begins his intro I feel myself begin to get nervous. For the duration of the 7-minute video, anything and everything came running through my mind.
“Are we ready to be parents?”
“Am I going to be a good mom?”
Freddie’s chuckles break me from my thoughts; I look up at the ginger and smile. I couldn’t ask for a better man to spend the rest of my life with and start a family. I love everything about him, every little crinkle by his eyes when he smiles, every freckle, and every laugh.
My husband looks down at me, a confused look on his face, “What?” he asks.
“Nothing, nothing at all,” I turn my attention to the outro of the YouTube video. “We should try to play the game ourselves. Come on it will be fun,” I say plugging in my headphones once again and begin looking for a song to play.
“Okay, I guess I’m down to play,” the ginger shrugs.
“Okay, you put these on first,” I say handing him the headphones. I pretend to think about what I am going to say to him, “Okay, I’m ready. Can you hear me?”
“What?” he yells back
“Okay, I take that as a no,” I laugh to myself. I point my index finger out, gesturing that it is only the first word, “Because”.
Freddie scrunches his eyebrows, I repeat myself, “because”.
“Becca’s?” he yells. I shake my head laughing.
“Because,” I say lower.
“Oh, because?” he smiles. I nod my head indicating he got the word right. I show him two fingers, word two.
“Door, poor, no. You’re?” I quickly nod my head at the last word he says.
“A great.”
He doesn’t say anything, staring at my mouth; I repeat, “A great.”
“Grape?” he says, causing me to laugh once again.
“Great,” He gets it right.
“Husband,” he yells.
“I am,” I say as I point to myself.
“dime?” he laughs. I shake my head laughing along with him.
“I am,” I point to myself again.
“I am?” I nod to him.
“Promoting you,” I smile at him.
“Pro bono due?” he says confused. I can’t help but burst out laughing, Freddie laughing along, knowing he was completely off.
“Promoting you,” I repeat.
He pauses, moving his hand in a forward circle, asking for a repeat. I do as he asks.
“Promoting?” I nod. Pointing at him, I say, “You” once again.
“Me?” he points to himself. I shake my head, repeating myself.
“Oh, you?” he says smiling. I nod.
“to daddy,” as I say the last part I wait, anticipating his reaction.
He smirks, “Oh, so I am a baddy now?”
I facepalm smiling, he was so close. We chuckle together, “Sure babe, whatever you want,” I say laughing.
“to,” I bring up my two fingers to indicate the number two.
“Two?” he says. I nod my head vigorously. One more word.
He leans back in spot on the couch, scratching his head.
“Daddy,” I repeat slowly.
“Daddy?” he asks.
I jump up and down from my spot on the couch, one hand pointing at my husband and the other on my nose.
“I got it?” he says standing up smiling from ear to ear.
“Yeah, now say it all together,” I smile nodding.
“Because you’re a great husband, I am promoting you to da—” he pauses, his face drops, realization hitting him. He gives me a once over. Then a twice over.
“No?” He says in disbelief.
I smile at him, tears forming in my eyes, my hands on my stomach, nodding, “You are going to be a daddy, Freddie”. He takes two quick strides towards me, lifting me in the air, spinning me around.
“I am going to be a dad? Are you serious? We are going to have a little goalie coming?” he asks still spinning me.
“Yes, now put me down before you make both me and the baby dizzy,” I say laughing.
“Right sorry,” he puts me down, “but really? We are going to have a baby”
“Yes, Fred. And, you are going to be the best dad this world has ever seen,” I say looking up at him. He looks down at me, hands on my hips.
“No, you are going to be the best mom. You are going to care for this child the best way you know how to and that is everything that I can ask of you. Thank you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving our child. Thank you for being everything to me and more. My love, we are going to be the best parents this world has seen,” Freddie kneels to be eye level with my belly, “Hey buddy, I don’t know if you can hear me yet. But, this is your daddy speaking. I just want you to know that your mommy and I love you very much. And promise to do everything in our power to keep you safe.”
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squidneysidney · 7 years ago
Auston Matthews - He Left to Continue His Dream
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Word Count: 1,286
Pt. 2
Thank you,
 Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Life in Boston is good; aside from the cold weather. Being from Arizona, the weather was definitely something that I needed to adjust to. Other than that, I couldn’t ask for a better experience here. I have friends, good grades, and a job that pays the bills. Though, some would say that I am often too busy. I like it, there is just enough time in the day for me to go to my morning classes, work for a few hours in the afternoon, and study before I turn out the lights.
Today is no different, I went to my morning lecture and now I am currently at the coffee shop, working an 11 to 5 shift. I got a job at the local coffee shop near the school last semester where the owner is an older man that hires students from Boston University and gives flexible work hours. Which I am very grateful for.
The shop isn’t too busy today, just a few of the regulars getting their usual order. I just finished making our traditional espresso when the bell above the front door rings. Customarily, I greet the new customer stating, “Hello welcome to Empresso,” as I have said many times before. I continue making the previous order before looking up to see who walked through the door.
“Wow, that is some way to greet a friend that you haven’t seen in a while. You didn’t even bother to look at me. That is really hurtful,” I look up from the espresso that currently has my attention. A smile prominent on the 6”1 boy’s face standing in front of me.
“McAvoy? What are you doing here?” I question the hockey player.
“I could ask you the same thing. You are a bit far from Arizona might I add,” Charlie chuckles at me, “Now, come on. I want a proper greeting.” He says as he opens his arms wide initiating a hug. I step around the register to hug my friend that I have not seen since last year.
“It’s good to see you, Charlie,” I say as I hug him.
“You too kid. Now,” he says as he releases me of the hug, “why don’t you tell me what you are doing here in Boston. Last time I talked to you, you said you were going to Arizona State to be a Devil.”
“A Devil just wasn’t me, you know? I think I am more of a Terrier. What do you think?” I question.
“You go to BU?” Charlie asks surprised, “Why haven’t I seen you around?”
“I keep a low profile, going from classes to work,” I state shrugging, “Once I found out Auston was going to Toronto there wasn’t a reason for me to stay in Arizona. I was only planning to go there so I could stay close to him.”
“Speaking of him, how is Mr. Golden boy doing up there? I haven’t talked to him in a while,” Charlie questions.
“I have no clue, I haven’t talked to him since he left for Toronto,” I say, looking anywhere but at him. I grab a rag in the sink next to me and begin to clean the surface in front of me.
“That is surprising,” he says shocked, “I thought you guys were going to be friends forever.”
“Excuse me, are you going to order something?” an impatient customer interrupts us.
“Oh right, sorry. I’ll just have an espresso I guess,” Charlie says, pulling out his wallet.
“No, don’t worry about it. This one is on the house,” I say, handing Charlie his drink.
“Thanks, Kid. Let’s hang out soon, I’ll text you, yeah?” Charlie takes his drink and begins his path towards the door.
“Yeah, for sure,” I yell back at him.
It’s been a month since Charlie came into the coffee shop. He did as he said he would and texted me asking to hang out. We’ve been hanging out almost every day since. It felt good to have him around even though Charlie was more Auston’s friend. I found out that Charlie too goes to Boston University because he got a full scholarship to play hockey here. Which, isn’t surprising, Charlie is a very skilled player that anyone would want on their team. Today, Charlie and I are going to our usual place to eat before his game. The waitress takes our order once we sit at our designated table.
“I talked to Auston the other day,” he states looking at me.
“Oh yeah?” I look down.
“Yeah, I asked him why you guys don’t talk anymore and you know what he told me,” I stayed quiet, waiting for his answer. “He told me that he tried talking to you but, you wouldn’t answer when he did. Why is that?”
I sigh, “it was hard for me when he left for Switzerland. He was my only friend and he left without warning. When I tried keeping in touch, he wouldn’t answer. I was hurt. He promised that he wouldn’t forget about me but, he did. Not wanting a repeat, I stopped talking to him when he left for Toronto. I knew it was going to be even harder to talk to him with how much that city loves their hockey and the league being more demanding than the one in Zurich.”
“Did you tell him that’s how you felt?” He questions.
“No. How could I?” I finally look up at Charlie. “He is living his out his dream and doesn’t need to worry about texting his friends from back home.”
“You know you just weren’t a friend to him, you were his best friend. If I know Auston like I think I do, it is hurting him just as much as it is you.”
“I doubt that. He is busy traveling and playing hockey. Not to mention all of the female attention,” I say the last part under my breath.
“Ahh, so that’s what this is about,” Charlie states smiling from ear to ear, “You like him don’t you?”
My face turns red, “I don’t know what you are talking about.” I look anywhere but at the boy sitting in front of me. Okay, yeah, I do like Auston but he never liked me back so there was not a point to tell anyone my feelings towards him. Including, his friend I am currently sitting with. Before Auston left for Zurich, he had a girlfriend named Megan that drove a wedge between us. It hurt that he had a girlfriend, but it also hurt that he let her push me away from him. Now, it is known that Auston gets around and I don’t think I would be able to handle it knowing how he is.
“Wow, I’m surprised I haven’t figured this out earlier. It all makes sense now. You don’t think you can compete with the other girls, do you?” Charlie states, more than questions.
“No,” I pause, “I don’t need to compete with them, he doesn’t see me that way.”
Charlie looks at his watch, up at me, and back at his watch. “As much as I want to continue this conversation, I needed to head to the rink 5 minutes ago,” he puts cash on the table, enough to pay for both of our meals. As he stands up to put his jacket on, he pauses, “I think you are just as clueless about his feelings for you as he is about yours.” He pushes in his chair, leans in to give me a kiss on the forehead as he does every time.
As he walks towards the exit, I am left in my seat to ponder what was just said to me.
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squidneysidney · 7 years ago
Hello there! I'm very excited to see what you have next with the auston one!!! I was wondering if you could write something with william nylander where you're besties but you have feelings for him and you overhear the boys ask him about you and he says that he doesn't see you like that (kind of in a mean way) so you distant yourself from him? Also will you be writing smut? Sorry that's a lot in one ask haha. Have a good day!!
Glad you like it! Also, I was hoping someone would ask about smut. I personally don’t write smut just because of it being awkward for me to read, let alone write. So no, I won’t take smut request. 
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squidneysidney · 7 years ago
Hello everyone!
I am so glad that many of you like my first imagine. I have gotten a few request that I am very excited to write. I just want everyone to know that I want to write the second part of He Left to Continue His Dream before I put out the requested ones. As for the requests, I want to have the first one out either tomorrow or the following day, the latest. Again, thank you to everyone for the follows, likes, reblogs, and request. It is all greatly appreciated!
Thank you, 
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squidneysidney · 7 years ago
Auston Matthews - He left to Continue His Dream
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Hello! This is a new blog that I have created strictly for NHL imagines. So, please give this account a follow, along with any request you may have. I want to get this account into full swing so please share as well. I hope you all like it!
Word Count: 1,309
Pt. 1
Thank you,
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
We grew up as friends that did everything together. Ranging from playing little league, street hockey and yes, even sometimes Barbies. With our mothers being close friends, it was easy for us to be the same. They were sure to keep us together from our kindergarten through high school years. He was a constant in my life that I didn’t expect to lose.
Auston didn’t talk a lot about the future towards the end of our high school years. He knew he was going to leave at some point; I knew too, I just didn’t want to believe it. He never mentioned to me that he was thinking about going to the Switzerland Pro League for a year to advance his game either. Nor did he bring up his dream of playing in the NHL. Thinking back, I knew that was what he wanted. However, I didn’t want to think about my best friend leaving me. Yet, he did, he left to continue his dream.
When Auston left to Switzerland, it was hard. I knew when he left there was going to be a void; however, I didn’t think it would be as big as it was.
“Hello?” I answered my cell phone. It was him. After two weeks of being in Zurich, Switzerland and the last time I talked to him, he was calling me.
“Hey Squirt, miss me yet?” I can hear the smile in his voice.
“I’m sorry, who is this?”
“I know, I know. I didn’t call you last week like I said I would. Things here just got crazy with unpacking, practicing, and getting to know my teammates. I’m calling now though, that has to count towards something right?” Shuffling comes from Auston’s side of the connection.
“What? Pro hockey players don’t know how to send a text either?” I lightly chuckle back my fellow Arizona native.
A sigh came from Auston, “You know it’s not like that”, his voice serious.
“I know, I’m just messing with you.” Except I wasn’t. Auston was doing more important things then having to worry about calling his friend back in Scottsdale. I don’t want him to forget about me, or even replace me.
“I can hear it in your voice, you are worrying. I am not going to forget about you. That’s not going to happen. I promise you. Even if we don’t talk every day, you will always be my best friend, squirt,” sincerity being heard in his voice.
“I know but you know me. I can’t help—" I was cut off my talking on the other side of the phone. In the back, guys are heard talking. They must be Auston’s new teammates.
“Hey Auston, hurry up dude. We are already late for the party,” A muffled voice said in the back.
“Yeah alright let me just finish talking on the phone,” Auston yelled back.
“Come on, dude we have to go,” the voice stated, getting louder. Shuffling once again can be heard through the cellular device, “Hello? Auston has more important people to talk to. Call back later”
“Tyler! Dude, give me bac—” then the line went dead.
Months passed where I tried calling again but, he was always too busy to answer. After each voicemail, a text reading, “Sorry. I was with the team. I’ll call you back later,” was sent back in place of a phone call. Yet, he would never call back. Things back home didn’t help. Auston was generally my only friend. He was the social butterfly that everyone wanted to be friends with while, I was the quiet one that he pulled along for the ride. Once he left I didn’t talk to his friends very much. Occasionally, they would ask if I had talked to him recently or, how he was doing. Each time, I would come up with a lie so it seemed as though we were still as close as ever. In reality, I hadn’t talked to him for months.
I had high hopes for the draft. I prayed that he would get drafted to the Arizona Coyotes. He would be close to me, living out his dream while I would be going to Arizona State for college. Everything would be back to normal. I can see him and talk to him in the same time zone.
When the draft lottery ended, I knew my prayers were not going to be answered. It was evident, he would be packing his bags for the cold, snowy city that is Toronto. He was going to be in another country, another time zone, another team to get close to yet again. I didn’t want the events of Switzerland to happen again, instead of being the lonely friend waiting for his call, I forgot about him. Actually, tried is a better term to be used. It was hard but, it needed to happen. I couldn’t be the girl that I was in high school. I need to become my own person, make my own friends, and create my own path.
I didn’t end up going to Arizona State. I didn’t care for the University particularly. I only had my eyes on the college because I thought it would help keep Auston and I close. Instead, I headed west to Boston University. BU was a better fit for me, it was a new place far away from anyone that I knew. I made friends quickly with the girls in my dorm. I stayed busy with work at a local coffee shop and school. I thought it would help me keep my mind off of him yet it didn’t. Little things would spark my memory of him. Whether it be someone’s laugh that sounded like his to someone in the distance looking vaguely like him. Nothing was enough to keep the 6”3 giant out of my mind.  
Every so often Auston would call. I wouldn’t answer. If I were to answer, I wouldn’t be able to get over him. There were other ways for him to know how I was doing, me not being one of them.
“Hey, the girls and I are going to go to that new bar in town. Do you want to come with us?”, my roommate Kelsea came into the room wearing a tight black dress.
“No, I’m fine. I have to study for my Econ class,” I said, sitting up from my position on my bed.
“Come on girl you need to hang out once in a while,” she said, “But since you aren’t going can I borrow your heels that you wore last week?”
My response was put on hold as I heard my phone alert me with a text message. “I found out from your parents that you didn’t end up going to ASU like you had planned. Good for you squirt, that wasn’t the school for you. You need to follow your dreams too. Have fun in Boston, not too much fun though kid.”
When I decided not to go to Arizona State, Auston was the first person I wanted to talk to. It wasn’t easy for me to choose to go somewhere else. I had to come to terms with Auston leaving before I could, in the end, it was for the better.
“Hey, so is that a yes?” Kelsea stood there waiting for my answer.
“Oh, um, yeah go ahead. I have no use for them tonight,” my mind still on the text that I have just received. How do I respond, should I respond? Do I really want to be the one that ends this friendship? Is there even a friendship left?
“Wouldn’t dream of it, kid,” is all I respond with.
“Okay cool. thanks, babe. Don’t wait up,” Kelsea said as she walked out the door.
I look down at my phone once again.
“Good.” Was all it said.
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squidneysidney · 7 years ago
NHL Imagines
Hello everyone! I am a new imagine blog. I will be posting my first imagine tomorrow. At this point, it looks like it is going to be a two-part, I will let you know either way. However, please give me a follow and share this post as well. Also, please send in any request. I am very eager to get this blog up and going, it would be very helpful if requests were sent in.  
Thank you, everyone!
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