sprinkling-magic · 11 years
Okay so, just and idea on what it will be like I guess? FYI.. cod.. terrible mic! My damn brother has the good one right now so when I can use that it will be oh so better I promise you that.
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
vwell vwell vwell you came to talk vwith me, of all people to talk to you chose me?
FOLLOW PLEASE! Reblog to help, yes yes?
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
//Reblogging VIA other account.
A Benson account… Umm, yup. Should tots follow it, like now.
-Rolls away-
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
bgconorromanoff replied to your post: //Soooo.... anyone miss me~
(I did. Bitch, where ya been? And this is thesoundofbeingtorn so you don’t get confused.
//Love you too :> Been places, needing breaks, different account, school stuff. Things. 
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
//To make it all the better.. Besides you wonderful people missing me, I did get a certain book!!
//I just so happened of gotten the Sanderson ManSnoozie book today!! Do I sound like a little kid when I say I really want to read it to people? Hehehe..
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
threebluspies replied to your post: //Soooo.... anyone miss me~
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umi-eirumi replied to your post: //Soooo.... anyone miss me~
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umi-eirumi liked your post: //Soooo.... anyone miss me~
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thephantress reblogged your post: //Soooo.... anyone miss me~
//no we were lost with out you
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tf2-chef reblogged your post: //Soooo.... anyone miss me~
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politescoutrussell replied to your post: //Soooo.... anyone miss me~
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ask-artemis-wright replied to your post: //Soooo.... anyone miss me~
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someonesparemefromthisagony liked your post: //Soooo.... anyone miss me~
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//I was kidding myself.. saying "Oh god, Imma cry with two people missing me~" Then more of you commented and.. I literally just did a tad. You have no idea how good it is to hear from people.. that they miss me, to know you all care.
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
//Soooo.... anyone miss me~
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
I think you portray him very well. You make him enjoyable and how I would expect him to be like if I met him in real life.
//Dawwww ♥!
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
//Yeah screw being anonymous. I adore your Sandy. Every single thing about him is dead on and because of your portrayal of him, I've come to love him when I really didn't care for him before. I love him so much that I didn't want him hurt so I refused to rp with you til it was safe. You are amazing
//Aww.. you just, murrrr. -Grabby hands towards- ♥
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
// PERFECT!!!! Your that great and I will not go on anon to tell you that
//At least someone commented me, thank you kindly dear~
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
'Oh well.. There is North, he is a very happy and jolly 'ol guy. His has a huge heart for people, always trying to find the best of everyone. Aster is a bit stubborn when it comes to new ideas but he is over all nice, pleasant and fun to be around when he is doing something he likes. Tooth is extremely hyper, she has to be to do her job of collecting all the teeth of the world after all. Then their is Jack, one of the newest ones, he has been my friend for a while since he likes to wonder at night when I'm doing my work. Friendly and enjoyable to be around.'
Oh. She hadn't meant to confuse him. It must have been the smile, as Axe only smiled naturally around those she truly trusted.
"Yes...it is. A is for Axe...which is my name. The children mean no harm by it...so I don't hold any grudge against them." A moment passed, and axe caught herself staring at the golden sand again.
"The other...Guardians...may I ask what they are like?"
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
He felt his body calm and relax when he was away from the cemetery, smiling with a little bit of happiness as he took him to his own home. Wondering into his ship like home, flying to a spare room that was on board as he placed him in the silky golden sand. Covering him up once again as he tucked him in and sat down on a chair near by, nodding off as he waited.
Lyri continued to writhe and squirm restlessly in his sleep up until the point they left the cemetery; falling still and peaceful again. 
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
//Uhhhh what? Well that's a bit depressing to read, I hope it's not just because he killed Sanderson or something because if so I'd be really upset. Don't hate a character because of something stupid, only if there is a logical reason to hate them.
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I honestly cannot stand Pitch.
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
'Miss A? Well isn't that just cute, I think. The way you say it kind of worries me, makes me think it's not a good nickname but I suppose it's just the first letter of your name right?' His expression looked a bit confused and worried at first before shaking his golden head and smiling brightly at her, giggling a bit as he relaxed himself completely.
Friends? Though Axe wasn’t quick to step across that line—she wasn’t even one to approach it, really, she could feel the earnesty the smiling male held in his written words. It was an odd thing to suddenly proclaim, but for Axe, friends were better than enemies, in any… It was official, Axe’s denfenses had completely disintegrated around this guy. Whatever friendly charm he naturally had, it was well working it’s way into casting an odd warmth through her code. Without thinking, Axe smiled back, a friendly, close-lipped smile. “Well then…I suppose you can…call me Miss A. Most of the children…near my home do it…so it’s become a bit of a…nickname.”
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
Frowned a bit when he felt him move about in his arms, sad when he watched him pull at the hair on his head. It was obvious he didn't like being here, Sanderson couldn't blame him and he felt he needed to sleep without worry. Shaking his head as sand appeared under himself, holding the male in his arms tightly as he took off in the air to go to his own home with him.
The closer Lyrieux got to the graveyard, the more he stirred and whimpered in his sleep; hands moving to grip in his own hair and tug harshly.
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
//Hehe! When I'm able to use the scanner at school I'll do it that way so you can see the whole image. I wrote "I See You~ ♥" In Old English font, hence the facial expression~
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I thought I’d try your style cause it’s so pretty and.. I made a copy of it and edited the face a tad then slapped on a background… >x<
// oh my. :D i’m really flattered. thank you so much
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sprinkling-magic · 11 years
This is the hug of love! Go to everyone of your Tumblr crushes, and send them this hug to let them know that they’re loved ♥ ((Course I love you.))
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