Thursday, June 29 - Cataract Falls
Sunday, July 2 - Sunol (Little Yosemite)
Redwood Regional Park
Mori Point
Albany Bulb (++ cold plunge)
Mt Diablo
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💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6RjscjJiTz/?igshid=3sy7pg0o7ybe
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a week in 1942, unlike anything I’ve ever done before. i’m so grateful to have been a part of @clubdross with all these lovely, talented and creative people (and for the friends who came and supported us 💜) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6G6RTjp5bG/?igshid=1vq851vjxa2hj
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invite us to ur party it’s a package deal though 🤙🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/B53_703JKQY/?igshid=i11mlj4ebuck
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what job market? https://www.instagram.com/p/B5dnUjFJ5Rv/?igshid=blv1bpm8f6bt
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no tea no shade to the fellow grad student who asked; all tea all shade to the department that does practically nothing to safeguard grad student mental health, disincentivizes my ONE hobby, but then wants me to use that one hobby to run a fun evening for everyone else (unpaid of course!) this community is alright! https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TgWNnJjGo/?igshid=1ttoxslbnu9dv
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no tea no shade to the fellow grad student who made this request but ALL tea all shade to the department that does nothing to safeguard grad student mental health, actively disincentivizes my one hobby, but also wants me to use the skills gained from this one hobby to create a fun evening for everyone else, unpaid of course https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TcNM1pQpW/?igshid=rf00qgzjston
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two minutes in #loveiscalling by #yayoikusama at the #icaboston 🐙🌌💡 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5IofceJ-qn/?igshid=x115cmfmuw2e
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Join us at the club! 🔧 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4vI5KSJDN7/?igshid=winjc5rhx4cs
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here’s a point in favor of purple houses 💜🍂 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4lPlS7Ju8a/?igshid=1xc1vj9yqacgz
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Michael Kremer (who just won the Nobel Prize in economics) is giving a talk in the campus center. This is only one third of the whole line, and it’s already full inside. A really good reminder of the amazing privilege it has been to get to learn from and work with folks like these directly for the past six years 💡🙌🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4f_ltKhzBe/?igshid=5gzwzr0htkif
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Come to Club Drosselmeyer 1942 this December! I'll be playing Dr. Clara Stahlbaum, Head of AI at Drosselmeyer Industries... Club Drosselmeyer 1942 is an interactive Nutcracker in swingtime! It’s a game, a cabaret, an immersive theater story and a fabulous night out in 1942. Hit the dancefloor with our live 8-piece band as they play our original swingtime rendition of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker or join the fray with Dr. Clara Stahlbaum, Rhett “the Rat” King or Kandilova Kane while dancers, divas, acrobats, magicians, sugarplums, robots, and spies race to stay ahead of the newest military technology: Project Nutcracker. Be sure to dress your best: there will be magic, mystery and mayhem and there’s always something to do at Club Drosselmeyer. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4c5y-4pdAJ/?igshid=y9uq0tnp25ki
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💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4avMsZJ7S7/?igshid=1lmrcyfg4e6hh
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one night of debauchery sandwiched between WEEKS of jobmarketeering: 🤙🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4XoLLHpMCC/?igshid=colv5tcz9u37
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YOU CAN OFFICIALLY HIRE ME 💪🏾 scholar.harvard.edu/priya 💪🏾 I found two errors in my CV right after the site got published 💪🏾 the photographer photoshopped this pic without asking me!!!! 💪🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4VPpmpJaV3/?igshid=dxvfwjt4l9w2
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🔥 the early bird https://www.instagram.com/p/B4LXA4UJvng/?igshid=1tys84n9lpn2c
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light triumphs over darkness simply by existing ✨ this Deepavali falls a few days after my last seminar, a few days before the most challenging part of the academic job market will be over, and... I see the 💡 at the end of the tunnel https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Io5FfJEx5/?igshid=bzl57agu7kr8
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