spore-daybreak · 2 months
The galaxy of Asteria
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A quick study... And potentially the first peak at something bigger?
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spore-daybreak · 3 months
FIRST AF ATTACK for @grox-empire
been pondering the idea of animating a spaceship for a while now and seeing one on AF got me to take the leap
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spore-daybreak · 6 months
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Art above by @dokupine!
The Grox empire has a very, VERY extensive railway system. Due to how many Grox are on each planet and how tightly interwoven their cities tend to be, Trains became the most efficient mode of transport for both passengers and goods.
Their headcode system is incredibly standardized and the same across all planets and colonies, Although branding and appearance can vary.
Most Grox trains are electric, Although a few models run on diesel.
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spore-daybreak · 9 months
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this has probably been done before but i wanted to draw celeste, enjoy :)
character owned by @grox-empire
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spore-daybreak · 9 months
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working on reworking the Grox lifecycle have this awful thing
Grox in my worldbuilding are usually only taken out of test tubes once they're pupated, BUT they do have a larval stage! And it looks... Horrid.
They're tiny, By the way.
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spore-daybreak · 9 months
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Celeste eye diagram. for funsies.
did you know she has central heterochromia?
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spore-daybreak · 9 months
"That's what Siblings are for!"
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Didn't know what to draw and then I realized that like... I draw Epsilon and Altair together so much that I usually end up neglecting the more platonic/famillial relationships my characters have. So here's some Celeste and Epsilon! I feel like people tend to underestimate how close these two are because I don't draw them together nearly as often as I should.
These two went from absolutely hating eachother's guts to being friends to being so close they literally refer to eachother as siblings to... Literally being siblings. as in being adopted by the same mother. To be fair a lot of Epsilon's positive relationships start with both parties hating eachother's guts. That's just how he is LMFAO
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spore-daybreak · 9 months
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I've been a bit dry on art lately so I think these daybreak website mockups I made earlier today are worth sharing because I am oddly proud of them and also they're funny
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spore-daybreak · 9 months
FYI I'm probably not gonna be using this blog much until I actually get the website for the comic set up, It's probably gonna take a while but i'm hoping to get it done within the year :)
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spore-daybreak · 9 months
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my side of the trade W/ @grox-empire . super enjoyed drawing their characters from their webcomic, daybreak
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spore-daybreak · 9 months
Q: What is Daybreak?
Daybreak is a fan project based on the 2008 game "Spore" that will (someday) be adapted into a webcomic. It is heavy Grox-Centric with elements of hard science fiction and speculative biology. It's been my passion project since sometime in 2019 :)
Q: When is Daybreak coming out?
Sometime in 2024, Hopefully? I don't really know web design and I'm looking to learn it, But I'm hoping to whip up a serviceable website sometime this year.
Q: Can I draw fanart of your characters?
Yes, You can! Just don't draw anything NSFW, That is against my personal boundaries.
Q: What is your main blog?
It's @grox-empire! I primarily post art and stuff there.
This will be updated slowly but surely, And I'll make a proper intro post eventually. For now, This is a placeholder.
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