spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
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always start my mornings with some planning and some coffee 💕(unless I have an early class bc ain’t nobody got time for that at 6am)
peep my insta for more regular post: @the_girlygeek
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
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Sunday 6•05•2018 // 4:33 pm
It’s hard to be productive when it’s this warm outside ☀️
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
Don’t give up.
I know that you’re investing half of your life between books and notes and journals, and I know that sometimes you may lose motivation, and I also know that the road is long and really really hard. But, please, don’t quit. Don’t give up on yourself when you feel bad for having to decline a plan with your friends because of studying. Don’t even give up when the sunlight passes through your window inviting you to go out through the door. I know it will be hard, listening to the silence in your house while everybody else is sleeping or having fun. 
I know it that feeling of defeat when you invest all your time, you put all of you, all of your hopes, all of your abilities… to an exam that, finally, doesn’t end up like you wanted to. And you miss like hell all your free time, your friends, your naps. 
But, for now, you can’t give up. 
There are so much people who have stayed on the road, and you ask yourself a lot of times if your decision is the right one, if the sacrifice is worth it, or if it would be better if you’d decide to go on an easier road. 
Don’t give up, because YOU are what this world needs, because your sacrifice will give you a better future, and you will make this society grow. Because it doesn’t matter if sometimes you feel insecure, if you are putting half of your life and your effort on this, it is because you like it. It doens’t matter how many times you think you hate it or feel insecure about your decisions, I’m pretty sure that every single one of them has made you a better person. 
Don’t give up, because I’m sure that someday in the middle of that loneliness at sleepless nights and black coffees, the phone will ring and you’ll find a friend’s voice that will cheer you up. 
You also will cry because of an exam grade, and you’ll also try to find the words to explain to the world that it’s not only a number for you… that behind that grade, there’s all your effort and, more important, all your dreams. 
And you’re allowed to cry for days, but then you have to get up again and conquer the world. A world that is all yours. Don’t quit. Because you’re not alone. Because on the shades of this project there’s your family, your friends, those who are proud of you and make your success their success. 
Because that future you desire, will come. Sooner or later, but it will. 
And while it comes, enjoy your breaks in the library, that little time you spend relaxing in the sofa, enjoy  your friends and your family trying to cheer you up, enjoy the group-studying seasons, enjoy chocolate and tea, that new cute thing you bought to make your desk look prettier, enjoy the laughs between friends, enjoy the hugs and all those people you will meet in the road and will feed you with experience through their own experience. 
Don’t give up. Because you will do it, and even if you don’t believe it, you’re already doing it. 
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
You’re unstoppable
Go study for your finals. Write that paper and finish that presentation. Study those flash cards. Stop procrastinating, have more trust in you and get off your phone. 
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
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another day, another essay… 📖☕️
via instagram 
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
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Let yourself rest.♡
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
like any community, I know the studyblr community and mindset can be super flawed. but I just want you to know that the intention of this community is not to put an even heavier pressure on perfection than you already get as a student anyway. you don’t have to be a perfect student to be a part of this community- you don’t even have to be a good student. lots of us aren’t, anyways- that’s why we’re here. you don’t have to know how to take and edit pictures and you don’t have to buy fancy supplies (unless of course, you want to). all you have to do is want to get better at what you do. seek some motivation. learn how to stick to a productive routine. improve your mental/physical health. take care of yourself a little better. forgive yourself. be a better you for you, and no one else but you. I hope that if anything, that’s what you hope to get out of this community. because success that’s defined as perfection is overrated.
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
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Histology : where everything’s pink and tumors actually look pretty🤔🍬
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
Take a deep breath and listen to me in this moment. Your anxiety is lying to you. That big thing that seems scary and impossible- I promise you it’s not. You’re so much stronger than you give yourself credit for and you can get through this.
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
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Feeling the monochrome vibe.
pencil case, refill pad: wh smith planner: leuchtturm1917 pen/pencil: lamy al-star, faber castell grip 2001
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
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Facebook / Twitter / Ko-fi / Buy the book [Drawing of a blue penguin saying “It’s okay if you need to take a break from your goals to focus on your health and well-being. You deserve to take care of yourself.” in a blue speech bubble.]
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
Fluids and Electrolytes: Sodium
Sodium is a cation that is found in the extracellular fluid. It helps to maintain osmolarity in the ECF. We get sodium from foods and drinks that we intake. It is a deciding factor in the retention or release of fluids. Sodium also is required for the generation of electrical signals in the body. The amount of fluid in the body is almost directly inverse to the amount of sodium in the body.
What causes it?
Excess fluid volume
Diabetes insipidus
Low-Salt Intake
What does it look like?
Changes in level of consciousness
Muscle weakness (due to decreased electrical conduction)
Changes in cardiac output r/t FVE or FVD
Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
How do we treat it?
Priority goes to airway, breathing, and circulation! If muscle weakness is present, check respiratory status! So, we want to correct hyponatremia, but we do not want to overtreat them, thus causing hypernatremia. We want to treat this by pushing sodium, either via IV fluids or salty intake. If sodium levels are extremely low (like about 120), we want to give 3% saline fluids. You need to be monitoring IV flow rate and lab levels. Again, we do not want to overcorrect. 
What causes it?
Kidney Failure
Cushing’s Syndrome
Excess Intake of Sodium
What does it look like?
Muscle twitching and irregular contractions
Cardiac changes (I’m not kidding: it can be increased, normal, or decreased)
Neck veins are distended
How do we treat it?
Firstly, we want to restrict their sodium and maintain adequate fluids. We also want to give an isotonic IV fluid (0.9) or even D5 in 0.45% NaCl. We also will see diuretics prescribed, usually Lasix. 
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spoonie-studyblr · 6 years
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Studying history is a never-ending project
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spoonie-studyblr · 7 years
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Have a cheerleader chibird to help cheer you and your friends on! I was a bit down today, so I thought this would help! :D
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spoonie-studyblr · 7 years
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A little shy ghost is rooting you on! What are your current goals? Go for them! :D
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spoonie-studyblr · 7 years
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For all my friends who just started school or are about to! Take this school pocket penguin, do well, and make me proud! :D 
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spoonie-studyblr · 7 years
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17-22/100 days of productivity (13-18.2.2018)
I have become lazy again and it has affected my studying. Now after 6 days I have decided to make myself study more. I did study during these 6 days but not enough. Tomorrow is Monday, new week, great time to start again.
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