spookylula-blog · 7 years ago
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Blade Runner (1982)
Directed by Ridley Scott
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spookylula-blog · 7 years ago
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spookylula-blog · 8 years ago
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金子國義『みだらな扉』 /  / 濱田のり子
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
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concept: pink lighting in music videos
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
HoLy FuCk
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
I’m really tired and this got me crying, I think I watched it 10 times
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
i’ve been in some weird child’s pose for like two hours while laughing at stupid videos   how did this happen
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
todays feelings about signs
aries - fights with sudden and terrible levels of physicality, tuning out, feeling frustrated!!
taurus - talking about deep feelings that we never share with other people. feeling insanely oppressed by your possessiveness
gemini - teaming up for games, you being nice when i chatter on too much
cancer - being in awe of your abilities to cradle people emotionally. also being extremely frustrated with you. being very gentle without even realizing it.
leo - you’re bright like glowing all the time, and always seeing good in things. others are batshit crazy like god help you when you’re isolated
virgo - i can never read you guys, i’m careful to watch what i say around yall
libra - i’m so disturbed by the lengths you can go to to hurt and manipulate and create bad energy. it’s like you thrive on suffering so you don’t have to. though you can use that ability to help your friends
scorpio - i love you guys, you’re truly real people. like tapped into the current of the world, it’s beautiful. on a different level like all the time.
sagittarius - you’re so cool. what positive energy, i don’t know how anyone can be so nice all the time.
capricorn - you guys are just so like actual adults, it’s crazy. the only people i know that always have money and a job and like to have things be right.
aquarius - my favorites, yall are so unconcerned with standard appearances and don’t even care about what’s considered normal. I’m most comfortable with you babes. also most stressed as i’m always crushing on ya
pisces - i think i annoy you, i’m always being truly foolish and childish and you’re so nice you’d never say so, but i’m always scared of bothering you!!
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
do you like sleeping because so do i we should do it together some time
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
i find my cosmic insignificance reassuring
the stars don’t fucking care who i am or what i do
i owe the universe nothing
i exist on my own terms
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
it is Possible to become an empty shell of a person!!!! after years of being ignored and suppressing yr feelings and having zero effect on anything of worth, you will hollow out and accept yr shit existence!!!
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
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Illustrations for an art assignment at school
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spookylula-blog · 9 years ago
5 years ago i was a fucking mess & now i’m a fucking mess but at peace with it and with cooler fashion sense
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