spookvs · 7 years
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❛ Then I best not waste my talent on pretending to be interested in hearing you complain. Though color me interested in your …. reasons for bothering me. Revenge is a dish best servedfar away, ol’ pal. ❜ Her voice was coated with the same faux sincerity he had mentioned, and she could only hope it became GLARINGLY obvious as she continued to speak, smiling at him through tight lips before turning her attention back to her work — or rather, lack of: the diner was not nearly as full as it usually was, and she was caught in the hours between lunch and dinner. This was intentional: long evenings spent in the projection room had gotten her used to theconstant chatter of people, fictional or sitting in their carts below, and she appreciated the lack of attention on her as she drew.
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         he rolled his eyes at her,  not interested in her excuses.   “   spare me from whatever you were going to say,  pretty please.   ”   spooky crossed his arms over his chest.   “   can you look at me for a second   ?   pay some fucking attention to what i have to say,  will you     ?   you are the damn problem here.  you were the one that killed her.  if it weren’t for you,  she’d still be here,  you know.   ”   he laughed,  though it was without any humor.   “   did you think that running away would make me forget   ?   why the hell are you here anyway   ?   ”
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spookvs · 7 years
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    “ oh, the human body is simply fascinating with how long it can survive under certain circumstances. three whole weeks without food, three minutes without air – though i’m sure there are some talented swimmers who can do longer – and ten days without water ! though, under conditions, that drops to only three days. hm, three really is the magic number. ”
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          “   excuse me   ?   ”   that most certainly was not what he meant when he originally had started the conversation.   “   uhh...  those are interesting facts that i honestly cannot care less about.  how do you even KNOW that   ?   ”
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spookvs · 7 years
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         “   do you want me to pick the lock   ?   it’s probably illegal. actually,  it is illegal.  it’s also a wonder that i haven’t been arrested yet.   ”
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spookvs · 7 years
@jverd | take this one too
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          “   you’d be surprised what you can live without.   ”
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spookvs · 7 years
@shilvhs | we can keep holding on to grudges ig
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          “   If you can fake  s i n c e r i t y,  you can fake pretty much anything.  ”
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spookvs · 7 years
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