spooksydiaz · 4 years
2020 has been an...interesting year, to say the least. I’ve been cleansing mentally (facing my demons and learning to cope), physically (lost weight and feel the best I have in a long time) and spiritually (my values have wholly shifted). Tell me some uplifting things the year 2020 has brought for you.
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spooksydiaz · 5 years
2019 hasn’t been kind to me.
I lost 3 people and attended 3 funerals.
I’d been around but couldn’t bring myself to interact with anyone or do anything on here. I just wanted to lose myself in the mind-numbing space that’s Tumblr. I didn’t feel anything, didn’t want to either. It didn’t help, at the time, that the gang culture within this show hit a little too close to home for me.
I had a heart-to-heart (and a much needed reality check) to which I realized that I’ve been selfish. I wallowed in my misery while I still have a life to live; I still have family and friends who are here with me. I can’t opt out of life and I can’t hold resentment in my heart.
I’m going to re-watch season one with new eyes. I haven’t seen season two. I don’t know if I will after I do the re-watch. I can’t promise anything. It bugs me even more so now when I think about how gang life is shown on television. I know for the viewers’ sake it’s all about balance, and I get it, I really do, but in reality there’s no balance when it comes to a vicious cycle that never ends.
I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of the spooksydiaz fam. It’s a rollercoaster ride for me. I’m forever grateful and thankful for you guys, to know that people care and care about what I have to say.
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spooksydiaz · 5 years
Just wanted to thank you for running this blog & being so enthusiastic when answering questions. I’ve had the same struggle with Wattpad stories, mainly due to the poor & idealistic execution, also because of how Oscar is oversexualized. I love reading your thoughts on his mannerisms & motivations. It’s really made me think about how gang life has shaped him. Your analysis posts about him are so insightful & make me want to write about him myself. So thank you again 💓
I literally read this 20x because holy shit. I. love. you.
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spooksydiaz · 5 years
I’ve been busy lately with my other blogs, so please be patient with my inconsistency. Thank you so much for everything! ❤
PSA: I don’t write one-shots. So sorry!
I lean towards the headcanon type situations. 
It’s far easier for me to do and I can play around with a given scenario more than writing a short story. It feels less concrete.
The post about ‘fic recommendations’ were for people  to recommend Oscar fics they’ve either read or written so I and others could read them. I lost faith in Oscar fics, so I thought it’d be nice to see if the fics had gotten better.
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spooksydiaz · 5 years
Girl you just killed me with those gifs 😍😍😍, he is just so ugh I can’t 😩
Seriously, it’s not fair he looks that fine! Stereotypical yet so good.
If he were real, it’d be real hard to stay mad at him when he’s an ass…
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spooksydiaz · 5 years
Can I just say I love your blog ! Oscar is just so fine 😍
Omg yessss, just look at this fine ass mannnn…
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spooksydiaz · 5 years
Send in recommendations for Oscar fics!
I wouldn’t mind giving them another shot.
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spooksydiaz · 5 years
talking about fics, do you have any recommendations? i need a new oscar fic to read and since the fandom's small i think i've gone through them all. :)
I don’t, unfortunately. ):
I can’t remember what I’ve read and hadn’t bookmarked them on Wattpad.
It’s been about eight months since I’d given up on the Oscar fics. It’s the snob in me that couldn’t stand certain things. I would click out whenever I saw my writing pet peeves. It was absolute torture for me!
I loved the ideas, the summaries were intriguing, but the execution was so poor.
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spooksydiaz · 5 years
Just a thought, considering Oscar is in his 20s (I think). What do you think he's studying?
If he hadn’t been initiated, he’d major in something like English/Literature. 
Oscar’s a smart ass who bragged about being the spelling bee champ to Cesar.
People who excelled at spelling tend to gravitate to English/Literature.
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spooksydiaz · 5 years
Thank you very much for answering my question! It's given me so much inspiration for my Oscar fic, you're like my muse with all these little ideas you have about Oscar as a person. Based off of the original question, do you think Oscar can be monogamous? I've conversed with other people about this and some think it's expected he'd have a 'main girl' or a 'side piece'. But if he is a stickler for loyalty and it's shown to him could he be loyal back? What do you think?
*Sorry for the delay…*
You’re absolutely welcome! I’m so glad that Iwas able to help you with some ideas!
I want to read thisfic tho.
It’s expected for these men to have a ‘maingirl’ and a ‘side piece’. In that world, they have different women fordifferent reasons and different situations — the main girl, the party piece,the baby mama, the stripper, really whoever will “scratch the itch” at thatmoment in time. It’s disgusting.
I’m on the side of him being monogamous. Oscarseems to feel so intensely about things in his life → I imagine if he met hisride or die, he’d be all in for her.
In the beginning of their relationship, he’dtry to have his cake and ice cream too.
His girl has to lay down the rules becausethese ‘unspoken’ boundaries mean nothing in that world. He can essentially bypassall those ‘normal’ expectations of guys in a ‘normal’ relationship. It’s his world and she chose to be in it.
In the end, she must demand his loyalty justas she gave him hers.
Communication is the key with Oscar.
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spooksydiaz · 6 years
Not to be a thirsty hoe but got dammit if Spooky ain’t finer than a bitch
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spooksydiaz · 6 years
My grandfather’s birthday was this past week. We celebrated his life, it was an emotional rollercoaster.
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spooksydiaz · 6 years
Hey, I was going through Oscar’s tag and I came across a few of your posts and fell in love with your blog! Because you have so much insight I was curious if you had an idea of the type of girl Oscar would be into? Personality wise, etc. And how Oscar would be like in a relationship. There's different sides of him that comes out, he's kind of capricious so i can't picture anything. Also, i read somewhere there's rumours of him having a love interest. Maybe it's the girl mentioned episode two?
Yes! Capricious is an apt descriptor for Oscar. He swung from one extreme to another in his short amount of screen time, which makes Oscar unpredictable–it’s unsettling because you don’t know what he’ll do [especially, as a Santos].
There’s different types of girls I can see him with, and it depends on if he knew her before or after his initiation into the Santos. He changed from that brilliant student into a gang leader, so did his interests (/personality&priorities,etc.).
Oscar is only human.
These are traits that would be a must;
I think, first and foremost, he’s into feisty girls! I think any kind of sass would amuse him cause It’s akin to her ‘playing hard to get’. Don’t get it twisted, he can’t handle overtly brash, aggressive girls (like, Jasmine) long-term. Oscar doesn’t need nor want that headache. In that culture, he needs fire in his girl.
He’ll go for the loyal girls, to him and the Santos. I can totally see Oscar mess around with other members’ girls just to see if they’re loyal to their man. He’d test his girl’s loyalty 100%. If she passes his tests, then he’ll commit to her. It doesn’t mean he won’t keep an eye or ear out on her. Oscar has too much to lose on a snitch, especially one in his bed.
He has a thing for smart girls, nerds if you will. Especially, as a student. Oscar gets a thrill when a girl can match up with him in intelligence and hold a rather productive conversation. If they attend school together, both at the top of the class, Oscar will seek her out often. He admires her mind, among other things. I honestly think his first love would’ve been with a smart girl.
His life isn’t stable, so she has to be adaptable. Oscar’s affiliation within the Santos can send her life into a tailspin, too, at any moment. If she was his girl before his stint in Corcoran, she’d have to adapt without him and care for little Cesar. That, doesn’t mean she’s a doormat. It’s what she signed up for.
Oscar will not coddle her, she needs thick skin. He can be an absolute asshole! She can’t be too sensitive about the things he says and does, but there’s always room to talk about it in private. Being his girl isn’t easy. Prophets will harass her, girls will undermine her, boys will try her, and ‘normies’ will either condescend about her path in life or dismiss her entirely. Words only hurt if you let it.
It’ll take a strong woman to handle Oscar Diaz and the Santos.
Oscar isn’t the perfect boyfriend.
He never will be, nor does he ever plan to be. 
I think he’d be pretty straight forward about that from the start because women expected too much from him before. Oscar isn’t normal; he doesn’t work a 9-5. He has criminal things to worry about than showering her with frivolous things and lovey-dovey bullshit. 
He’s more likely to give her money to get her hair and nails did than take her out to a fancy restaurant for a date. I’m sure she can weasel him into bringing her to the beach for a ‘picnic’, but expect him to roll his eyes about it cause goddamn it woman. Oscar can say ‘no’ to almost anything, unless it’s his girl whining a little about wanting to spend time with him. He hopes it’s in the bedroom.
His girl is often found under his arm and pressed against his side. It’s a message to everyone that she’s his. He likes her to sit on his thigh and lap, too. Just so he can be a cad and rub up on her whenever he feels like it. I don’t think anyone would be surprised to find them on a couch at a party kissing like they’re each other’s life force. 
In public, there’s nothing sweet or romantic about Oscar. He’s a typical gangsta who sometimes messes with his girl too much and sounds like an absolute ass. She’ll be ahead of their game if she can learn to read him well and finesse the sonofabitch because Oscar isn’t forthcoming with anything (apologies, included) unless she pulls it out of him.
In private, things are different inside Oscar’s bedroom. He’s more comfortable in his space to do and say things to his girl that are even remotely romantic, sweet and loving. He’s not a waxing poetics that’s for sure. It’s possible if they toke up some goods before his little tangents, something she’ll treasure dearly. Oscar does like their talks at night, though he’ll just listen to her gossip about other residents of Freeridge. He wants the dirt on everyone!
That’s all I got for now.
If it’s true, I hope to God that it’s the same girl he spoke about in Ep. 2.
I’m wondering if the glitter on him was her body glitter…
You don’t know how much I appreciate you and this ask.
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spooksydiaz · 6 years
i love your blog! question though, did you grow up in the hood in LA? I love this show, so I can relate somewhat lol.
Not in L.A./California. I don’t live in that environment anymore, thankfully.
How do you relate to it?
Thank you! I’m so happy that you love my blog!
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spooksydiaz · 6 years
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spooksydiaz · 6 years
On My Block - Season 2!
It’s been announced when Season 2 will be released! 
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spooksydiaz · 6 years
I didn’t do the recap/review for On My Block like I said I would. This year has gotten off to a terrible start. My grandfather passed away and it shattered me. I don’t think I’ll be able to do it until I can function properly again. Thank you for reading this. I appreciate every single one of you!
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