spooderondogsoftware · 13 hours
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I got this idea at 3am.
No, I won't elaborate further
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everyone loves to shit on shoebills like omg this bird is SO SCARY its TERRIFYING which like first of all shut up youre annoying second they are literally just standing there what the hell is your problem
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finished the entire challenge!! this was so much work and so much fun
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i hate people who know highways. “i’m heading south on I-65” okay man. i’m moving my rook to c2
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your heart is a muscle the size of a rat
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why are birds so cursed
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My son has been having some behavioral issues, so we've been doing arduous consultations and screeners and questionnaires to try to get some kind of guidance, which has been very frustrating. Everyone in the broad field of child psychology has said either "have you talked about autism" or "have you talked about ADHD", and sometimes both, because they're comorbid. But in order to get an actual diagnosis, you need to find the right people who are qualified to actually make a determination.
So a few days ago, this culminated in us finally talking to the guy who had the answers, at least according to modern child psychology, and he said that no, there's not really a basis for a clinical diagnosis of either autism or ADHD. There are still the behavioral issues, which are most of the reason we went for testing (along with some inattention, fidgetyness, sensory issues, and other things that are sometimes markers), but that's apparently something to work on with therapy and maybe will just go away as he gets older and matures.
But the other thing that the guy with the answers had to say was that maybe a lot of this can be explained by really high test scores in the cognitive stuff. We knew he was a smart kid, but the guy with the answers said that our son is three standard deviations above normal on all the cognitive tests, including an IQ test that I didn't know was a part of it, and that this is perhaps why he's so bored at school and difficult to keep engaged.
I think that's maybe part of the answer, but not the whole thing. I've been trying to prepare this child to not have gifted kid syndrome his whole life, trying to make sure he doesn't just breeze through everything and then crumble when he faces a challenge because he doesn't know what to do when something is actually tough. It doesn't matter how smart you are if you don't put in the work, if you can't overcome obstacles, if you coast through life. Those lessons do not seem to have sunk in at all, so I don't know.
But as we're getting ready to leave, my wife came in with her particular brand of humor.
Wife: So you're saying it's not too late to install some lead pipes in the house, right? That might be the solution to all our problems.
To his credit, the guy with the answers laughed, and then said, "yeah, or maybe asbestos".
Later, in the car:
Wife: Asbestos doesn't cause lower IQ. Me: Yeah, I know. Wife: I should have said something. Me: That would have been very awkward. Wife: Maybe he would have appreciated the correction. Me: I really don't think he would have. Wife: But you noticed too, right? My joke about lead was good, and his follow up about asbestos was bad. Me: My very first thought was "I hope she doesn't say something about this". Wife: You love me. Me: I do, but sometimes when we're talking to people together, I'm very aware of what you're going to say. Wife: It's not too late. I could message him. Me: I know you're joking, but please please don't. Wife: I wouldn't. Me: You wouldn't, unless it was funny. Wife: Yeah, and it would be hilarious, so ...
We at least know where the boy gets his tendency for pedantry from.
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Dafaq is a teaching license
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19K notes · View notes
"preheat"? dude i dont even HEAT my oven. thats right. im cooking my shit coldstyle. im stretching the definition of "cooking" far beyond its ultimate tensile strength. my chicken breasts are the most gorgeous pink color you've ever seen. they look like rosebuds on the very cusp of blooming. they look like the dawn when you're in love. hospital.
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The issue with "porn addiction" rhetoric, aside from it being scientifically unfounded, is that it's just another line that makes excuses for men.
Blaming the objectification and degradation of women and girls on "porn addicts" creates a divide -- between good men, upright men, men we love, men who would never dream of mistreating women; and bad men, predatory men, men who are evil because something within their brains is broken. It says that no, the issue isn't societal, it's an issue innate to a specific type of person. My favorite man would never do such a thing!
And this is exactly why it's so popular with conservatives, why its main proponents are religious organizations. On one hand, it takes one of the core harms done by misogyny and repackages it into something that can instead be blamed on individual moral failing. On the other, it provides a justification to attack any expression of sexuality beyond the monogamous, Christian standard by claiming that any and all sexual desire is proof of "degeneracy".
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Pinkie because I don't draw her enough
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My man in the middle going hands free. Let Jesus take the stream.
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something something the intrinsic human nature to care for little creatures and love even their likeness
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yurrr first post
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Yesterday I bought a scratch card for 300 forints, and won 300 forints with it.
you dumb asshole, you just won $0,000
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Me when
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