spnfandomwatcher · 5 years
From a follower:
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Thank you for sharing this with me and for let me post it!
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spnfandomwatcher · 5 years
Don’t engage this idiot troll just report them for wishing Jared killed himself.
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spnfandomwatcher · 5 years
Throwback to Danneel falling drunk on her ass 😂
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spnfandomwatcher · 5 years
My dad and his girlfriend live in dripping springs and by chance befriended the ackles 2 years ago and let me tell you the stories Jensen told my dad about elta 🤐
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spnfandomwatcher · 5 years
Masterlist of Anti’s.
Someone messaged me telling me they couldn’t view the page on mobile, so I’m going to make a post for the master list. It’ll be tagged lynn’s masterlist of antis (thanks hmm-nah) so if you need to find it. If anyone wants added/removed/bio changed/updated to whatever you are more anti.. Let me knowww (asks/ims won’t be published) Edited/Updated: 9/20/2019
Anti’s/Quiet Anti’s that are show positive: @yourfavsucks (she loves the brothers, she doesn’t ship anything, anti D and J/D.) @luckynik (she seems pretty show positive..ish.. I think, Anti D (can be anti G?)) @kingsackles (anti D,J/D,G (not sure about J/G)) @mogaruke (quiet antier who tries to keep the peace most of the time (does reblog D so there’s that warning for ya). but she reblogs a lot of the show.) @smalltowndivaj (she’s a quiet antier but is show positive.) @marvel-and-winchester (she’s anti D/maybe anti G, but does reblog SPN occasionally.) @hello-nicolexoxo-love (brothers positive. anti c/dc/m though, loves gen and j/g) Anti’s: @brassie2(anti fake four) back on @brass-v @sinisterscaged1 (she’s a mixture, she loves the show though.) @kal31doscope-eyes (anti fake four; mostly anti Gen) @realeyesrealizereallies4036 (anti fake four; mostly anti Gen) @bitchyanti (anti D, anti J/D. Switzerland on Gen) @deanssweetcherrypie (like sinistercaged1; should be more in the positive side, but anti D not sure about J/D or G.) @skullsandsecrets (anti d - pro g) @emmysthougts (anti D.. not sure about G.) @ladyofragequit (she’s sassy, she’s anti D, and if G ticks her off she’s anti G) @roomforrants (sassy ;)) @hmm-nah (anti d and j/d - pro g and j/g) @antidanneel (anti d and sometimes j/d - not sure on G and J/G) @anti-joker-face (anti d and j/d - pro g and j/g i think?))
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