spirxtiisms · 8 years
I can show you the world! -Charmedtomeetcha
You show me the world? Ryder that’s MY job
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spirxtiisms · 8 years
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Dippin’ my toe back in and out of the Young Justice fandom in celebration of Jesse McCartney’s new album!
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spirxtiisms · 8 years
Jason: Uh... Wally?
Wally: *Stares for a moment at the shuffling boy before sighing* What did you break?
Jason: Artemis and Rocket said I couldn't possibly catch Dick off guard... He might... Possibly... Be on his way to being shipped to China in a box with little air holes.
Wally: Did you leave any trace that it was you?
Jason: No. He'll just think it was Artemis that did it.
Wally: And you put air holes in?
*Jason nods, then Wally pats him on the head*
Wally: Good kid.
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spirxtiisms · 8 years
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Alias: Nightlight
Group / Alliance Affiliation(s): The Team, Justice League, Shadow Hunter, Hades
Secret ID: Dimitri Spiros
Nickname(s): Di
Age: 14 in season 1, 19/20 in season 2
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demi Sexual
Nationality: Greek
Current Residence: San Francisco
General Personality: Dimitri has 3 main personalities, it all depends on the situation and who is around her. Dimitri when she is with friends or family and not having to be Nightlight is pretty pleasant to be around. Sometimes she acts over dramatic but it’s just playfulness. She also talks really fast and talks with her hands. She often tries to make jokes or puns but she has horrible timing and tends to forget the punchline. She’s also very in tune with how others are feeling, finding it easy to read people even if they try to hide it and will try to help in any way that she can even if they don’t want the help. She’s known to make reference to either Greek mythology or theater things and plays her music way too loud on her headphones. This is the Dimitri she shows to people the most.
Then there is her personality as Nightlight. When the hood goes up Nightlight is a no nonsense kind of hero that doesn’t like failure and is very focused on getting the job done.. She used to be even more serious before she met the other protégés who told her to lighten up sometimes which she does eventually but is still very serious, fearing that one mess-up could have drastic repercussions.
And last is Dimitri alone. If she has something to do like homework or something she’s fine and tends to hyper focus on that activity, often forgetting to eat or something until whatever she is working on gets done. But if she doesn’t have anything to do to occupy her or anyone to hangout with she gets quiet and somber, often getting lost in her thoughts which tend to become a spiral of negative thoughts sometimes.
Good Traits: She’s a good listener and can keep secrets well so if someone has an issue they want to talk about and have no one else knowing she’s the person they go to. She is very focused and pays attention but also has a silly side when there is no cause for worry.
Bad Traits: A little too reliant on her powers, gets hung up on things and tends to overthink sometimes. When she is left alone she isn’t like her happy go self that she present to others, often getting lost in her own thoughts and becoming quiet and solemn
Likes: Theater, frozen yogurt, flying, music, home videos, baking, mythology, Disney, sleeping in, downtime with the team
Dislikes: Alcohol, ignorance, people who try to one up her, being alone, silence
Fears: The side effect of her powers is that they make her emotionally numb. She has the gem to counteract that but she fears of using too much at once and breaking the gem which would cause her to lose all emotion. This has happened once and it took Wally awhile to reboot her emotions back to normal.
Relationships: In general she gets along with the whole team pretty well. Mainly the first wave of the team as they all have history together. She becomes like a protective older sister to the younger members, often teaching them the best methods of being covert (seriously this is the least covert “covert” team they need some help lol). Though they were close when the team first formed Dimitri has distanced herself from M’gann once she began noticing that M’gann was misusing her powers.
Power(s): Her powers were a gift from Hades that he bestowed onto her family during ancient Greek times as they were the high priests and priestesses of the Cult of Hades. The powers lay dormant in her spirit until the age of 11 when they were awoken by witnessing her mother’s death.
Force Fields
Spirit Energy
Spirit Projection (her spirit can leave her body)
Her powers have the side effect of making her emotionally numb which is why she has a gemstone which works to balance her powers and emotions, not having them take over her being. Powers such as flight, invisibility, intangibility(though hard at first to turn off), force fields and spirit energy blast came to her quickly within the first year of training, but spirit projection and possession came later on when her spirit was strong and occurred by accident, with her struggling to return to her body and to stop possessing a person.
Weapon(s): Bare hands/Energy Blasts, decent at hand to hand combat
Style: Evasive and long range
Strengths: Good defense and stealth
Weaknesses: Anything that can harm a ghost, examples being…
Cannot use powers on Holy grounds
Not physically strong
Possession she finds as an uncomfortable process so she’s held back on doing it
Spirit projection leaves her body unprotected, if her body is killed during she can’t return to it.
Also some powers she cannot use at the same time. She cannot be itantigible/invisible and produce an energy blast at the same time. Same goes with force fields, she can’t produce them when intangible or invisible and she can only make one at a time.
Dimitri’s family was from Greece. When she was four her father received a job as assistant director of the biggest museum in San Francisco, which just so happens to be driving distance to Star City in which that Dimitri’s mother, Gia, spent a semester in during a study abroad program she participated in being house by the Lance family. They lived in a nice apartment in the city and frequently spent time with the Lances as they were like extended family to the Spiros’s.
Her father, Aaron, was a hard worker and lover of knowledge, particularly history. He was fairly young when he got the job but was determined to move up the latter in the museum and often stayed long nights working alone in the quiet home of history. He was particularly interested n the history of Greek mythology since his line of ancestor traces back to the time of the Gods n their prime, his family being high priests and priestesses of the Cult of Hades. They were so in tune with the spirits and life beyond the living that Hades bestowed the gift of the Spirits to the family, taking up the last name Spiros meaning spirit in Greek. These powers enabled the user with paranormal powers making them the bridge between life and death. Though these powers cause an imbalance to the user so each member is given a clear gemstone that helps to keep the balance within. The gemstone is originally clear but takes one the color of the user’s spirit which varies in color. The powers have been passed down to every Spiros and they were able to use the powers naturally. But over generations the spiritual connection has been strained and the powers of the spirit began to lie dormant within the family, soon only to be awakened when their spirit witnesses death.
Aaron received his powers after he witnessed his brother taking a nasty fall during a hiking accident. His father, not having powers of his own but being that his father did thus learning from him, taught Aaron how to use them. He also visited the cave which the old Cult of Hades did their practices and mediated, unlocking further secrets and methods that his father could not teach him. Though knowing how to use his powers he decided to live a normal life with his wife and child.
This was until one late night at the museum after a new shipment of artifacts came in. He was going over them when the museum was broken into by people dressed in black to which Aaron would describe as looking like shadow men. They wanted to steal the artifacts since they could be used in some dark ritual but Aaron fended them off with his powers. Similar things began happening at the museum whenever they got new artifacts and he became the defender of the museum and soon after began expanding into becoming and actual hero dubbed Shadow Hunter and then later joining the Justice League.
Dimitri’s home life was simple and she loved it. She had a loving mother who would always bake the best treats around and a father who was very smart and talented and always pushed her to try new things and inspired her greatly. She also had a close relationship to the Lance family who they would spend holidays and Sundays together. She referred to Dinah as her cousin and Dinah’s parents her Aunt and Uncle. She had a happy life until her dad received a promotion when Dimitri was 11.
The old director of the museum was retiring and took notice over the years of how much passion and hard work Aaron put into the place and his work and passed down his job to Aaron, who was very grateful. Not everyone at the museum was happy about this though. A coworker of Aaron who was older and had been there longer was angered because he thought the job should have gone to him and not some “young immigrant who came here to steal my job.” This man was also known to have a drinking problem and a few nights after the promotion drunkenly found his way to the Spiros’s apartment, gun in hand. The family had just came back from shopping, Aaron telling Gia and Dimitri to head up to the apartment fist while he’ll take care of getting the heavy packages. So up they went to their floor and the drunk coworker was waiting for them and shot Gia and they approached the door, killing her on the spot. Sensing the death of his wife and fearing for his daughter Aaron dropped the packages and phased through the building in time to save Dimitri who sat next to her mother crying.
By witnessing her mother’s death Dimitri’s powers were awakened, turning the once clear gem on her necklace pink. Aaron had hoped that she wouldn’t have awoken her powers as early as she did but since they were now a part of her Aaron began training her how to control and use them with Dimitri eventually asking to be his protégé like the other protégés she’s heard of, wanting to protect other families from the dangers that could rift them apart. Reluctantly he agreed and she became Nightlight.
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