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I am a pisces, a March baby. I have many abilites such as reading auras as well as other readings too.
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
Casting a Circle
~Circles embody a wealth of symbolism, including power, unity, wholeness, protection, eternity, and completion. ~Some say a circle protects those inside of it from evil forces, while that may be true, that is not the main purpose of a circle. ~It is recommended doing magic within a psychic circle for various reasons:      -A circle erects an energetic field around the place where you do your magical spells, rituals, etc. The fence itself keeps unwanted energies out of your sacred space so that they can’t interfere or disrupt what you are doing.      -A circle contains the positive energy you produce during your ritual or spell. It intensifies and holds your intent and power until you are ready to release it into the larger world.      -If you are working with other people in a group, a circle enhances and unites your energies, so that the group's power becomes greater than that individual within it.      -A circle brings you into closer contact with the sacred, moving you out of the mundane world temporarily and into the amazing realm of mystery and magic. You realize that your actions are separated from your everyday life and that increases the intensity of your focus. During the time you abide within your circle, you occupy a holy zone, nearer to the gods, goddesses, higher powers, and spirits who can guide, aid, and protect you while you perform your spellwork.  ~Creating a circle begins as an act of faith, to an extent, as in you believe the circle is there. Over time, or maybe even on your first attempt, you will sense that the energy inside of your circle is very different from the energy outside of it. 
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
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Altar Kit by AlchemicEarth
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
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find these crystal wands available here 
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
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Beltane 2015 Altar
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
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Cute fact/promo!! My best friend and I have similar URL’s. She’s @spiritualpisces and ofc I’m spiritualcancer. Follow us both for all things witchy. 💓💓
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
Protecting Your Sacred Space
You will want to protect your space from unwanted, intrusive energies. If you’ve designated a sacred space you will want to consider these things: ~Empower a mirror deflect negative energy and hang it on your front door facing outward. Any disruptive energy that comes toward you will bounce back away from your space. ~Put a bunch of fresh basil in a pot with two-quarters of water and simmer for ten minutes, strain out the basil and wash your doorstep with the basil-infused water. You can save this basil for other spells. ~ Buy protective stones such as hematite, onyx, or peridot under your doorstep, porch, or steps. ~Hang up an iron horseshoe above your front door, with the open end turned up. ~Hang braids or wreaths of garlic, onions, and/or hot peppers in your home, but remember don’t eat them.  ~Set a clove of garlic on each of your windowsills to absorb any negative energy before it can enter your home. Toss the old cloves and replace them with fresh ones each new moon. ~Using saltwater, draw pentagrams or other protection symbols on the doors and windows of your home. ~Hang a protective symbol on your door near the entrance of your home. If you cannot or choose not to consider your entire home as a sacred place, you can adapt these things according to your area: ~Place a stone associated with protection there ~Lay dried basil leaves in your sacred space ~Position or draw a pentagram or another protective symbol there ~Sprinkle some sea salt or spritz saltwater in the area of the space ~Set a clove of garlic here As you go about any daily routines that go on inside your sacred space (especially if you dedicated your entire house) be mindful of the energies around you. To attract positive energy, dust, mop, wash, and wipe countertops using a clockwise motion. To dispel negative energies, do it in a counterclockwise motion. 
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
Dedicating Your Sacred Space
~You can begin by anointing the room or outdoor area that you have chosen with frankincense essential oil (or another oil you may prefer, prefer dragons blood). Just put a little dab in each corner, starting with the east moving counterclockwise around the space, creating a cross within the circle. ~This symbol represents balance of female and male energies, the circle of creation, the four directions, and the four elements. ~You may also opt a crystal or stone that has meaning to you, for you, at each of the four compass directions. ~If your sacred space is outside, you can bury the stones or crystals in the ground. You may even like to design symbols that signify power, protection, peace, holiness, etc. and place them in your space.  ~If you wish, you can create an elaborate ritual for dedicating your space, the choice is yours.
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
Cleansing Your Sacred Space
~Take a broom and sweep the area thoroughly to clear away dust, dirt, and clutter; this is what witches actually use brooms for, not flying ~Finish physically sweeping the area, focus on cleansing the psychic space; you remove any unwanted energy or influence, bad vibes that may linger here ~Begin east and work your way counterclockwise around the room in circular fashion; sweep the air, from the floor to as high as you can comfortably reach ~When you have gone around the area three times, lay your broom on the floorinside th cirlce and envision all the negative energy breaking up and dissolving ~Also “smudge” the area with the smoking of burning sage; light a sage wand/bundle or a stick of sage insence  ~Walk in a cirlce, starting in the east, let the smoke waft through the area ~Now stand in the center of your space and feel the fresh, light, clean energy around you. 
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
Creating Sacred Place
~The purpose of defining and consecrating a sacred place is to give yourself a dedicated realm in which to perform ritual and magic, where can move beyond the ordinary world whenever you choose to. ~You are, in essence, raising a temple for meditation, divination, spell casting, worship, or any other aspect of magical practice you wish to do in this sacred place you’ve created for yourself. You can create a more or less permanent place or temporary one, depending on your intent and circumstance. -Cleansing your sacred space -Dedicating your sacred place -Protecting your sacred space
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
The Crown Chakra
~This chakra is located at, or just above the top of your head, it is associated with the color purple, though some see it as white. All spiritual matter pertaining to your soul’s existence dwell here. ~This chakra serves as a portal which you receive spiritual wisdom and guidance. ~This chakra when balanced allows you to communicate with gods/goddesses and divine beings on other levels of existence as well as receive aid from them in magical work. ~When you balance and activate this chakra, your ego falls away; you live in a state of assimilation and acceptance with the divine, a place beyond desire. You experience a sense of oneness with all beings. Because you know your spirit is indestructible, you fear nothing, not even physical death. ~An imbalance in this chakra can cause you to feel alone, lost, cut off from your source and higher forces that exist around you. You may suffer from delusions of grandeur.  ~To bring the crown chakra into balance, visualize a brilliant, regal purple light emanating from the top of your head, flowering over you and through you, linking you to All That Is.
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
The Third Eye Chakra
~The third eye chakra or “ajna” chakra is located on your forehead where your eyebrows come together at the top of your nose. This chakra's color is indigo. ~This is the site of your psychic awareness, where matters that pertain to intuition or “sixth sense” reside. ~It allows you to experience to experience your spiritual nature through clairvoyance (seeing the unseen), memories of past lives, empathy (feeling what others feel), telepathy (accessing the thoughts of others), and astral travel (entering nonphysical realms where the physical body cannot go). ~When this chakra is open and balanced, you experience your connection with other realms and may find you can communicate easily (intuitively) with beings who reside there. ~In magic work, you can receive spiritual guidance and wisdom from higher sources; you may even be able to divine the future. ~An imbalance or blockage in this chakra may lead you to reject your psychic gifts out of fear or skepticism.  ~To activate your ajna chakra, picture the indigo light of the sky at night emanating from your third eye.
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
The Throat Chakra
~You’ll find the throat chakra at the base of your throat near the hollow where your collarbones meet. The color is light blue. ~All communication relates to this energy center, as well as how you interact with other beings in the world around you and in higher planes of consciousness.  ~The manner by which you express your thoughts and speak your truth is affected by this chakra. ~This chakra affects the success of your spells being that many involve incantations, affirmations, or other verbalizations. ~If the throat chakra is imbalanced or blocked you may take a dogmatic approach to discussing belief or ideas. Perhaps you talk excessively without listening or get caught up in arguing or you may be afraid to share your talents or speak upon your ideas for fear of criticism. ~To balance your throat chakra, imagine a beautiful, light blue glow swirling at the base of your throat.
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spiritualpisces-blog · 8 years ago
The Heart Chakra
~This chakra is located in the middle of the chest near your heart as its name implies. Its color is green. ~It deals with issues that pertain to the emotions, especially abilities to love and be loved. Clearly, it plays an important role in love spells. ~This chakra serves as a connection between your physical body and your spiritual identity. ~The heart chakra is involved in not only romantic love but also love of community (family, friends, and humanity in general) and love of self.It also links you to nature and the spirits with whom you interact, whether you are aware of them or not. ~When this chakra is balanced, you experience love without walls and can accept your own vulnerability without fear.  ~Blockages in this chakra can lead to you feeling unworthy, mistrusting, and lonely.  ~Those who have had their heart broken often distance themselves from this chakra. They say and feel they will never allow anybody to get close again and nobody will ever get the chance to hurt them again. ~To open the heart chakra meditate and imagine a spiraling light all around your heart, sending forth and receiving love.
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