spirituallysunny · 9 months
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
Seek not to be a Luciferian, but a Lucifer on Earth.
⛧ Luciferian Maxim ⛧
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
Do I have to ask the gods if I'm allowed to worship them?
How does "building a relationship with them" work?
Do I have to learn tarot to communicate with them, are there other ways to communicate with them if no, and do I have to talk to/communicate with them (is it similar to having a regular conversation with someone???)?
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
"Listening" to the gods is a skill. It takes time, patience and, most of all practice.
For one thing, the gods don't always speak in "words". Sometimes they speak in cryptic hypnagogic images. Sometimes they speak in voices that sound plastic and completely generated by your mind, saying things that feel all too obvious and contrived. Sometimes they simply shift the environment around you in almost imperceptible ways: a breeze here, a snap of a twig there, a puff of cloud that looks a little like something at just the right angle- how you read into it? That's on you.
It's a fucking skill.
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
I don't want to delineate what godspousing can or can't be, but I do want to set some expectations that the larger community agrees with.
Godspousing involves choice and consent.
The large majority of people do not arrive on this earth already bound to a deity romantically, nor do the majority of people have past lives where they were married to a deity.
It happens. It's not unheard of. But it's not the normative state of godspousing.
To 'godspouse' someone is to actively choose to be in an intimate relationship with them.
Godspousing is dating. You're dating a god or other entity.
This is why choice and consent is key, because if you're assigned a deity without your knowledge, one that you're already a packaged romantic unit with? There is zero consent involved in that.
There is also zero work put into building that relationship.
Anyone who tells you that you're already in a 'spousal' relationship with a god without your knowledge or prior consent, is selling you the idea that you're a Special Person with Special Privileges.
While believing you're the main character, the Mary Sue, the most unique person ever is part of growing up into an adult, people usually phase out of it by their late teens.
The urge to be romantically locked into a relationship with a god (without your knowledge or prior consent) like a fated pair is the same urge that makes a child want to be a special person with special privileges.
It's the very human desire to be wanted and loved, to be needed by someone or something that cannot and will not abandon you, that is required by the Fates to be there for you.
That's why the fated pair trope is so popular among teenagers and young adults. We all want to be loved and needed.
Godspousing requires work, as it is an active relationship between you and a god.
Just like dating a human requires you to work on the relationship, so does dating a god or other entity.
The idea that a capital-G God loves you innately, without any work put forth, is a Cultural Christian one. Even if you didn't grow up Christian, pagan spaces in the Western world are often built by ex-Christians or were built off of esoteric texts that coopted Catholicism and Christianity.
A god does not love you automatically, but neither do they hate you automatically. Like any other person in the world, they probably lean benevolent to neutral toward strangers.
Perhaps they do feel love toward you if you're a member of their faith, or if you have a prior connection to them.
But the idea that you can be randomly assigned a god that you're automatically 'spoused' to, without dating them, without even speaking to them, who loves you and is tied to you forever and ever... is not what godspousing is.
You build a relationship with the god that you are intimately interested in. The god may ask you out on a date, you may ask them to date -- regardless, you have to do the work.
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
“Knowledge is a thirst you should never fully quench.”
─ Lucifer
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
I’m having relationship issues and Aphrodite showed up to me last night. We had a little girls’ night, listened to music and I ranted to her about my boyfriend. I was really in need of some divine support and she came through. And oh boy, at dawn shit went down with my boyfriend and I’m glad she was with me. I’ll buy her some flowers today as a thank you and buy her new candles
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
I don't wanna work a day job I just want to research occult and magical shit, dude.
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
the struggle
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
I want to write novels, poetry, magickal books about Satan and the demons
I want to spend everyday waking up and involving them in my life and activities, relishing their presence and lessons
I want to feel our Witchfather in my bones, his dark energy pervading my occult practice as he teaches me to be the best version of myself
Ave Satanas, Hail Lucifer, and may all his children, students, lovers and devotees be blessed by the black flame
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
Alcohol, war, worship
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Witchcraft, Wisdom, Death...
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
Ares is power.
He is the power to reignite the fire inside yourself.
He is the power to set healthy boundaries.
He is the power to accept yourself as you are.
Ares is strength.
He is the strength to cut ties.
He is the strength to get out of bed.
He is the strength to keep trying.
Ares is courage.
He is the courage to live your life the way you want.
He is the courage to be fully yourself.
He is the courage to be vulnerable.
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
Ares isn't just violence.
To me, Ares is energy. He's courage and He's determination. He motivates us to push through when we feel like we can't. He is the voice in our head which tells us to keep going. He's strength and He's perseverance, He's warmth and support.
When you fight for what's right, He's standing right there beside you. He pushes us to be the best, to achieve greatness, but He won't let us break. He's the older brother who watches you struggle so you learn and get stronger, but He still loves you and wants the best for you.
He's kind and He's gentle and there's so much to Him that I could never put in words. So don't write Him off because's He's the God of War.
I just love Him. so so so so so much. And I wanted to share that because I think He's pretty neat<3
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spirituallysunny · 9 months
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