Irondad & Spideychelle
429 posts
Side blog for my current hyper-fixation
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spidey-on-the-block · 1 year ago
Something I love about Spider-Man as a character: even if there's no big villain to fight, he's still a hero.
On days when there's no crime at all, he's out helping someone carry their groceries or giving directions to someone who's lost. He doesn't need anything negative to fight; he's just actively trying to make the world a safer, kinder, better place. That's what makes him a hero.
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spidey-on-the-block · 2 years ago
Got back from seeing the movie again and a tiny theme I liked was the solidarity in the younger POC generation vs the older gen.
Margo, Hobie, Pavitr and Miles all had eachother’s back. They fought together, they helped eachother in small ways like Hobie telling Miles to use the palms, and big ways like Miles saving Captain Singh and Margo letting Miles go “home”.
They could’ve stopped him, they could’ve not helped eachother but they did. Because they understood and they all realized what was wrong with the Spider Society. All of them at the end came together to support and help Miles, in the way the rest of the spiders couldn’t.
And when you put that into perspective with Miguel and Jessica, older POC that gave no support. They believe that Miles has to suffer in order to become Spider-Man, that pain will always have to happen.
But the others don’t believe that, they know that best way to be a hero is uplift and help eachother. Often the parents, the older generation compromise their morals and others for the future, for them to grow up safer and yet the future generation always has to reckon with the consequences of those actions without even having a say in the first place.
That’s a damn message, and I love that they used the younger poc generation to show that because this does happen in real life, there is a difference and our parents, our grandparents believe that pain has to happen for our identity to be created.
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spidey-on-the-block · 2 years ago
A Goose in the Hand
by Sara (ctrsara)
“Excuse me?” It wasn’t often that Tony managed to surprise his CEO, but he’d succeeded this time. “Can you repeat that?” Pepper’s gaze flicked to two of her assistants, Andrea and Daren, who were waiting for the day’s briefing. It was barely 7:45, and it was way too early for shenanigans of the superhero-variety. “Um, yeah. Giant geese terrorizing Central Park. But now they’re headed up 5th Avenue, and I just wanted to give you a heads up to stay inside if we end up by the Tower.” “Geese, Tony?”
Part of the post-Homecoming series “Strands in the Rope,” which attempts to show how Tony and Peter’s relationship might have developed between Homecoming and Infinity War, but can stand alone, also. Mostly. These stories are starting to build on each other a little more as we start counting down time to Infinity War.
Words: 2454, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 45 of Strands in the Rope
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, OC Daren Anderson, Peter Parker
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Daren Anderson & Pepper Potts
Additional Tags: Identity Reveal Reveal, Giant Geese, You heard me, Protective Tony Stark, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker’s Parental Figure, POV Pepper Potts, CEO Pepper Potts, Pepper Potts is pretty fond of Peter Parker too, Daren Anderson is a Good Bro, Weird Tags on This One
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45161656
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spidey-on-the-block · 2 years ago
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Black Panther (2018) / Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
Female-Centric Fics Masterlist
About a Girl (ao3) - perfectlystill mj/peter G, 5k
Summary: May didn’t know Peter still read books outside of required reading for school, and even then, she has her doubts. She knows Sparknotes. But the stack is tall, a few of the books thick.
Or, 5 things May learns about MJ from Peter, and one things she learns from MJ.
Ain’t That a Kick in the Head (ao3) - Faustess M, 16k
Summary: A three-year-old Tony Stark has just become Maria Hill’s next issue to deal with… and the fact that the kid latched on Bucky Barnes as his new favorite person… and she has things to consider like creating the most stable environment possible for the boy until he goes back to normal.
Day by Day (ao3) - EssayOfThoughts T, 2k
Summary: Wanda is pushed into a waiting cell. The door is shut. The glass is sealed. Wanda is locked up in a cage, ready to be made to dance or left to be forgotten.
Wanda curls in the corner.
She knows how this goes.
Five Times Pepper Took Care of the Avengers and One Time They Took Care of Her (ao3) - SidheRa pepper/tony, clint/natasha, jane/thor G, 4k
Summary: In which Pepper shows why she belongs in Avengers Tower.
Here’s the Pride Before the Fall (ao3) - angree_baratheon T, 3k
Summary: Maria’s young when she maps out the rest of her miserable life, however it could be. It’s not pretty, and well, she’s never completely finished mapping.
Maria Hill, and how she gets to where she is.
it is only here or not here (ao3) - andibeth82 T, 4k
Summary: Natasha looks around, attempting to find her bearings, noticing for the first time a small glowing obelisk reflecting into the sky from the pool below. Ignoring the pain radiating throughout her body, she drops to her knees, fingers scrabbling in the warm water as she attempts to grasp the stone. Blistered fingers close over its pulsating light and she withdraws her hand in triumph, only to find emptiness in the middle of her palm.
“Fuck,” she mutters, spitting out blood. Red swirls in the water, mingling with the orange tinge of her surroundings, a hollow and sorrowful blend.
[Just because you die, it doesn’t mean everything ends at that moment. At least, not for Natasha.]
New York State of Mind (ao3) - webofdreams89 peggy/angie M, 22k
Summary: After transferring to the New York office of the SSR, Peggy has fallen into a rut. Her boss and coworkers underestimate her skills and it’s been a while since she’s felt close to anyone. That all changes when the death of an old friend throws her right back into the game.
Or: It looks like Peggy will be chasing ghosts just a little bit longer.
On Deck (ao3) - ImBadWithWords T, 10k
Summary: After finding out one of her best friends moonlights as a superhero, Michelle comes to accept some weird changes in her life. Namely having a guy dressed like a spider occasionally drop into her apartment to bleed all over her stuff. She gets used to it. She even gets pretty good at dealing with his nonsense.
But there’s only so much she can handle.
one of us will break it (ao3) - zauberer_sirin G, 1k
Summary: Natasha is not in the business of soft.
our bruises are coming, but we will never fold (ao3) - liveonthesun T, 3k
Summary: Peggy is twenty-eight years old, hasn’t found her first wrinkle or gray hair, feels infinite and unbreakable.
“This is going to hurt,” Howard says. “And I’m going to remind you one more time that god knows what this black market shit might end up doing to you and ask you one last time if you’ve changed your mind.”
Prophet (fanfiction.net) - Kpasa pepper/tony G, 5k
Summary: The life of Virginia ‘Pepper’ Potts comes full-circle. Intended to be a companion piece to my previous story 'Secondary Highways’, but can also act as a standalone. Oneshot movieverse.
Simply indispensable (ao3) - spockside T, 4k
Summary: In which bullies from Darcy’s school days take up where they left off, unaware of the team that now has her back.
Spiral Galaxy (ao3) - freshbakedlady T, 7k
Summary: Natasha Romanov comes to SHIELD with nothing. They give her clothing and food, a job, a purpose. (The team, she picks out for herself.) With a universe’s slowness, her life expands.
The B-Team (ao3) - twistedingenue clint/darcy T, 40k
Summary: Alternate Universes are rarely better than your own. This one is no exception. Clint and Natasha find themselves in a universe where the Avengers don’t exist, SHIELD is holding on by the barest thread, and the only people able to keep things together are a very different group of unlikely heroes.
The Hustle (ao3) - anamatics peggy/angie T, 20k
Summary: When Angie’s cousin gambles with money that wasn’t his to lose, he calls the only person he can think of to help him. Angie’s not exactly keen on doing it, but she did teach him to shoot pool after all, she’s certainly better than his sorry ass. Only problem is, Angie’s not about to get her thumbs broken over some mobster’s money.
there is an old cliché under your monet (baby) (ao3) - crimson_noir T, 6k
Summary: A spy over the years, at various galas, in various ballrooms. She tries on different gowns and states of mind as she goes through her life, and maybe people can be more than one thing.
The Trials and Tribulations of Wanda Maximoff (ao3) - Anonymous M, 6k
Summary: Wanda is grieving and in pain. She’s lost everything that she’s ever known: her home, her brother.
She needs some help. And the Avengers are there for her, even if it might take her awhile to accept that help.
Unscheduled Meetings (fanfiction.net) - robot iconography G, 10k
Summary: A chronicle of the early years of Pepper Potts’ career.
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
I think you might have done so in the past but can’t find a post like it. Would you mind putting together a list of reasons why Peter would have sided with team Iron Man in Civil War and not team Cap, ty :)
Hi! No, I haven’t done this but it’s a good idea. I kinda hate how everyone is always kissing steve’s ass when it comes to Peter lmao
First of all, Peter did learn about the accords. He may not have been able to understand the entire concept of it at the moment but the kid is not deaf. He heard the entire convo between the avengers, he knows what was going on. Stop treating him like a dumbass yall. 
Tony Stark: And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep... I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart. Steve Rogers: You did that when you signed. Tony Stark: Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys... with no compunction about being impolite. Come on. Sam Wilson: We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway. Steve Rogers: Alright, Lang.
Peter was there. And Tony didn’t just put Peter there to fight against his friends. He told him about the situation:
Peter Parker: Hey, Mr. Stark, what should I do? Tony Stark: What we discussed. Keep your distance. Web 'em up. Peter Parker: Okay, copy that!
Steve Rogers: Look kid. There's a lot going on here that you don't understand. Peter Parker: Mr. Stark said you'd say that. Wow. Steve: Stark tell you anything else? Peter Parker: That you're wrong. You think you're right. That makes you dangerous.  Steve Rogers: Guess he had a point.
And after this convo he proceeded to drop an entire plane equipment on the kid. The directors confirmed that Tony instructed Peter into what was about to happen.
‘If you're going out to capture a bunch of people who you don't necessarily want to hurt, you couldn't ask for a better character than Spider-Man to take with you. So he's obviously mentored the kid for what's about to go down.’ - Russo Brothers.
Peter even tells Tony that for some reason Cap and co are not stopping. Because this is what he discussed with Peter. He brought him to web ‘em up, just like he said. Cap escalated the fight.
Sam Wilson: What do we do, Cap? Steve Rogers: We fight.
This dude is in a war zone 24/7 and instead of getting the help he needed (therapy) he decided he wanted to be right all the time. Kinda weird if you ask me, this devotion towards giving Bucky justice and letting him live the life he deserves free of HYDRA but he drops the opportunity to actually see that happen in Endgame.
So, now that we know all of this, we can conclude:
Peter learned about the accords in school and he didn’t look shocked, angry or betrayed. This means he understands why they exist.
Peter is a smart kid, he’s not going to continue to admire someone that ‘betrayed’ him by signing those accords. He knows why Tony had to sign, he owns a TV. 
Peter doesn’t necessarily need to agree with the accords to be on Tony’s side. Stop acting like Peter experiencing prison time on the Raft and getting arrested is better.
Some of you can’t stop talking about how a comic version of Tony revealed Peter’s identity but forget that if Peter were to be on Cap’s side his identity would’ve been revealed to the government (once getting arrested; something that happened to team cap). Something Tony always prevented.
Knowing Tony’s plan to change and amend the accords, he would’ve agreed that the best option is to sign to better terms and conditions. Stop acting like going against the law should apply to all cases, if 117 countries were that concerned about their safety, there must be a reason. Peter can understand that. 
Tony promised protection for Peter and better equipment so he can go out and be safer. I don’t think Cap would’ve offered that to Peter given he didn’t exactly care for Clint or Scott’s families.
Your comic version of Peter is not the same as MCU Peter. It’s important you remember that.
‘Exactly. But I can't tell anybody that, so I'm not. When you can do the things that I can, but you don't and then the bad things happen. They happen because of you.’ is not a valid excuse to say that Peter would’ve sided with Cap. He might be an impressionable kid but as I said before, he’s not a dumbass. Peter knows how to read between lines and how to critically understand situations.
Also remember comic!Steve is different from MCU Steve.
Peter goes by guilt, intention and accountability, not by righteousness, devotion and patriotism like MCU Cap. Peter stated he would feel like it’s on him if something were to happen to someone. He can’t forgive himself that easily. You can see that he still feels guilty about what happened to Ben and what happened to Tony as well. It’s the pivotal essence of his character. An example of this is when Ned and Betty were trapped in the roller coaster in FFH. Peter decided to try and save Betty and Ned instead of fighting the gigantic monster terrorizing Europe and its citizens. When Fury/Talos told him off he wanted to cry and felt like he wasn’t fit to be what people wanted him to be. Peter Parker: Hey, man, my friends are here? And I can't help but think we're putting them in danger- Nick Fury: You're worried about us hurting your friends?  Cap goes by ‘this job... we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time... maybe nobody gets saved.’ He can live with that, Peter can’t.
Another example of this. Notice how Peter let go of Liz and decided to do the right thing (go after her dad and save her from a terrible ending). He didn’t stay with her and let her live a lie. He sacrificed what he felt for her to give her and other people the right ending. If Peter and Cap were the same, then Cap would’ve stayed in 2023 to help Bucky and the others instead of deciding to go back to Peggy; a woman he met 83 years ago, someone who already lived her life and told him to live his (and even if the writers said her husband was always meant to be Steve there’s no way for Cap to know that happened given he did kiss Sharon Carter). Peter wouldn’t do that. Peggy Carter: Mm. I have lived a life. My only regret is that you didn't get to live yours. Peggy Carter to Steve: Hey. The world has changed and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best that we can do is to start over.
They’re not the same. Peter is not a soldier, Cap is. And Peter is still a teenager, he’s going to continue to develop his personality. Let him.
There you go, nonnie♥
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
Someone: yeah it was so sad when this character died
Me, who’s already read 15 fix-it fics and no longer can tell the difference between canon and fanon: when they what
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
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my dear, you are in danger of being burned by your own flame - jeanette winterson
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
im looking for a fic where peter, tony and happy i think are stuck in a time loop because they go to meet justin hammer in some like faraway place thats really cold and theres snow i think… pepper and morgan are at home but i think either pepper/may come into the town as well and fall into the time loop. (also im pretty sure tony is the only one that KNOWS its a time loop. and he gets a letter from justin hammer to come and help him) it actually turns out to be justin hammers gf that caused it in the end cuz she was a witch…uhh there is also like a competition/tradition type thing they take part in during one of the time loop days…. sorry for the mess of an explanantion… thank u
what if there is no tomorrow? by iron_spider
"Tony, talk to me. What's going on with you? You're freaking us out."
Tony keeps making his snow angel. He moves his arms and legs back and forth and stares up at the bright blue sky until Peter moves a little closer, eclipsing the sun. He narrows his eyes and stares down at him like he's insane.
Because he is insane.
"Peter," Tony says, beginning the conversation he's had so many times before. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course," Peter says.
"We're in a time loop. I'm Bill Murray. I remember everything, you guys don't, we're...we are trapped. We're trapped, buddy. I've done this over and over. And over. And over and over and over. I don't know how to fix it. So I'm...giving up. I make snow angels now. And that's it."
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
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Welcome to MARVELBIPOC! Your new source for all people of color in each and every marvel universe!
We’re currently looking for affiliates and members who can create high quality original content at least once a month. If you’re interested, head over to our submit page to send in an application!
We track #marvelbipoc, so make sure to tag us in your creations. Requests are now open!
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
The world kept you like a secret, but I kept you like an oath
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Fk4VTW
by Forthenightisdarkandfullofterror
NWH SPOILERS At 23:37 Doctor Strange casts a spell to make the universe forget Peter Parker.
At 23:36 Tony Stark’s heart stops for three minutes. When he comes to, no one remembers his kid, but you best believe he’s going to do everything he can figure out why. He isn’t going to lose his Spider-ling again.
Words: 2766, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Helen Cho (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Post-Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie), Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie) Spoilers, Fix-It, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Tony Stark Lives, but was in a coma, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker’s Parental Figure, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Irondad, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective Tony Stark, Precious Peter Parker, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Another IronDad fix it, because Sony tore out my soul, so I’m gonna keep fixing it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Fk4VTW
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
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My husband, Peter Parker, was an ordinary person. He always said it could’ve been anyone behind the mask. He was just the kid who happened to get bit. He didn’t ask for his powers, but he chose to be Spider-Man. My favorite thing about Peter is that he made us each feel powerful. We all have powers of one kind or another. But in our own way, we are all Spider-Man. And we’re all counting on you.
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
i relate to tony stark bc i too would stop in the middle of a battle on a big-ass battlefield where death awaits on every step just to look at peter parker and hug peter parker
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
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Hey, man. What’s up, Mr Stark?
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
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"can we just stay up here all day?"
(peter parker is a ball of anxiety but michelle jones calms him down do NOT @ me)
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spidey-on-the-block · 3 years ago
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