spidersilkrobes0 · 17 days
Wish you the best. What you did crossed the line.
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spidersilkrobes0 · 1 month
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Sickness + outlast + music = eh but nice
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spidersilkrobes0 · 1 month
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spidersilkrobes0 · 1 month
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spidersilkrobes0 · 1 month
how do you handle the things you've been through? I think you are so strong
i’m not sure if i ‘handle’ things very well, i just kind of bury the obstacles i have to face as i go, which isn’t too healthy. it all comes up to the surface when i get vulnerable. like, if something simple pisses me off or upsets me i get really mad and start crying because of all of the other things that have been bothering me. idk… i try to stay happy. it’s a process. 
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spidersilkrobes0 · 2 months
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Another day…New pain…
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spidersilkrobes0 · 2 months
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I don’t think im ever going to get better its going to haunt me for the rest of my life….
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spidersilkrobes0 · 2 months
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spidersilkrobes0 · 2 months
im at my very lowest bro I cant do this anymore...
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spidersilkrobes0 · 2 months
I want to sleep forever so I wouldn't feel pain anymore.
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spidersilkrobes0 · 2 months
No one will ever know this kind of pain im in... I mean who will?? They would add fuel to the fire..
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spidersilkrobes0 · 2 months
Why does everything have to change...
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spidersilkrobes0 · 2 months
Looking through these pictures and videos makes me want to stay there and never let time change anything... I miss them...
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spidersilkrobes0 · 2 months
I want to speak up to someone but who will listen. I want my family to please notice it but they will call me a liar and attention seeking when really I am in so much pain that no one will ever understand it. I can't even talk to anyone anymore because knowing how they spoke about me not wanting to hear anything sad but yet I WENT TO THEM FOR HELP. I am never heard and they say to deal with it yourself I could never ever do that. Im trapped in my thoughts im trapped in general like there is literally no escape. I cant go to my past friends because they either done me dirty or they blocked and never wanted to talk to me anymore. I have no one to go to and there is only one way I can help this but everyone wants me to stay and just suffer through it like come on dude. Im done.
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spidersilkrobes0 · 3 months
So we are keeping secrets now and hiding shit from each other oh ok I got you and honestly I really do feel disrespected and honestly im just tired of this shit I just got my 2 friends and we are vibing and that will be it for me
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spidersilkrobes0 · 5 months
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spidersilkrobes0 · 6 months
All the sudden everything is ok and good and amazing and I want to keep it that way please
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