very beautiful. very powerful.
1K posts
warning! spiders! always on queue! please ask if you need anything tagged! this is my comfort blog and i just really love spiders... feel free to ask me about them and I'll do my best to answer op is @skin-bible
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
spidersdaily · 1 hour ago
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She got that Pixar mom dump truck ass !!
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spidersdaily · 1 day ago
b. emilias are just the spider versions of teddy bears btw
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spidersdaily · 2 days ago
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Redesign of my first zine ever!!! 💕✨
A tiny batch of physical copies is available here:
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spidersdaily · 2 days ago
ever seen a tarantula bust a move? tarantulas have been documented after catching prey performing what is nicknamed the “happy dance” which is identified as bouncing, swaying, and wiggling motions shortly after hunting. It’s not entirely understood why they do this, but I was very fortunate enough to catch Cipactli’s first hunt in my care on camera.. to which she performed the signature set of moves after she caught her first roach. ok girl bust it down
there are a few theories as to why this occurs, but my hypothesis is that because this environment was brand new to her that she was laying down webbing from her spinnerets (the two tail-like appendages on her abdomen) to make herself more at home and more safe while she was eating. tarantulas are fiercely sensitive to vibrations so I think she was putting up a kind of “safety net” so she could sense danger if something else stumbled by while she was feeding. their presence would “trip” the web and let her know something was nearby.
Cipactli, female Tliltocatl albopilosus. Footage documented March, 2024.
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spidersdaily · 3 days ago
Let’s Talk About Jumping Spiders!
I know what you're thinking - spiders?! But hear me out. Jumping spiders aren’t just any spiders. They’re tiny, curious, intelligent, and (dare I say) adorable little creatures with some of the best personalities in the insect world.
Yet, so many people fear them because of myths and misunderstandings. The truth? Jumping spiders are harmless to humans, full of character, and have the most mesmerising eyes. They even recognise faces - how amazing is that?
My goal as a breeder is to help more people see their beauty, understand their gentle nature, and maybe even welcome one into their hearts.
If you've ever been scared of spiders, I’d love for you to stick around and see them in a new light. And if you're already a fan - let’s spread the love! Share this with someone who needs a little spider appreciation in their life.
Would you ever consider a jumping spider as a pet? Let me know in the comments! ⬇️
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spidersdaily · 3 days ago
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Orb-weaver web.
Elementary science. 1908. Processed image,
Internet Archive
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spidersdaily · 3 days ago
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Our first Soroa girl! 😍
How adorable is she? (PS she's available for adoption 🤭)
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spidersdaily · 4 days ago
I’m not typically a fan of spiders, but I’ve been using your blog as exposure therapy. I’m also getting better at letting them chill in my house. The men at work are more scared of spiders than I am, so inevitably when a wolfie decides to sneak in, I’m the one that has to escort him or her back outside. There was a big panic the day a lady wolf spider got in with all her kids. She and the kids were safely taken back outside and I gave everyone that was freaking out a scathing look. Was Mama aggressive and mad I was disturbing her and her children? Yes. Was it terrifying? Absolutely. But nobody got bit or squashed or dropped, so that’s pretty good.
Also, one of the most unbelievable things I’ve ever seen is a jumping spider come out of its hiding spot, take an absolutely massive dump, and hide again.
Anyway, thanks for the spooders.
If there's any tags I can use to help ease your fears, let me know!
My husbands old workplace was FILLED with wolf spiders, and he would call me while i worked in a different building across the city just so i could come over and help let them outside. His most terrifying moment was a big mama with lil babies on her back, but its my favorite encounter because i got to see them <3
He's also getting less scared of spiders the more I talk to him about a different kind of spood I learned about, or saw that day.
My favorite spider youtuber is Richard over at The Tarantula Collective. Hes very passionate about educating people on husbandries, and spider behaviors to help ease fears! As well as help further educationals and studies based off of tarantulas. He was the bridge between me leaving behind my small spider phobia and embracing my love for the unloved.
Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias, and its usually surrounded by misinformation and dramatizations; and through art and education we can change.
If you haven't read this yet, here's a poem that's helped change peoples minds about squishing spiders.
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spidersdaily · 4 days ago
people: tarantulas are so scary how can you keep them as pets, aren't you worried they'll attack you?
my tarantula, who's been sitting in a stress pose for 6 hours because I filled her water bowl and it scared her:
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spidersdaily · 5 days ago
She was busy doing some redecorating last night. I wish I was small enough to go visit her burrow after it’s all cleaned up. But it’s probably safer that I’m not
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spidersdaily · 6 days ago
something to hopefully boost your mood: pngs of your favourite animal? i hope you and your loved ones are ok <3
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I always do horses and spiders for favorite animals ^_^ I recently did a bunch of horses so here's a bunch of tarantulas! 💕
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spidersdaily · 7 days ago
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New Tarantula - Diary Comic | 2/18/25 🕸️
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spidersdaily · 7 days ago
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who knew spider eggs were so cute?
The Nature of Things | Stay at Home Animal Dads
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spidersdaily · 8 days ago
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The European wolf spider (Lycosa tarantula) is basically a Mediterranean one, but some populations like this dark-colored one can also live up in the mountains of the Apennines. At 1500 m a.s.l after a storm, all you need is a warming ray of sun to dry you out. #pickoftheday #arthropod #predatoridelmicrocosmo #spider #tarantola #tarantella #lycosa #italy #lycosidae #wolfspider #basking #wideangle @ilcp_photographers https://www.instagram.com/emanuele_biggi/p/Bv6ENSMgu5l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wd5mmyd2bi9a
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spidersdaily · 9 days ago
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spidersdaily · 10 days ago
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Leaded stained glass spiderweb door
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spidersdaily · 10 days ago
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