spiderrvein · 6 days
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good bones by maggie smith saturday . give it up for good bones by maggie smith saturday
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spiderrvein · 10 days
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i lost a close friend in a really irregular, frustrating way recently. i lost a friend.
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spiderrvein · 13 days
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Signalis (2022) [H.P. Lovecraft, The Festival] /Sagittarius A* / Kathy Acker, Pussy, King of the Pirates / Outer Wilds (2020) / Is There a God-Shaped Hole at the Heart of Mathematics? / Drain for overflowing water at Sambuco Dam, Lavizzara Valley / ? / Thomasin Frances, Hole Theory (15/10/2022) / Bryan’s Ground, a public garden in Herefordshire on the Welsh border. / odd, weird, strange and unusual / Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves / Evil (2019-2014) / Judas H., Overflowing With Empty / Illustration of the Annular Eclipse of 1836 from “A fourteen weeks course in descriptive astronomy”, Joel Dorman Steele (1836-1886) / @imdad_barbhuyan on Instagram / The moon’s Copernicus crater. Through magic glasses. 1890. / Kaveh Akbar / Dune (2021) / x / Dmitry Kochanovich, Epiphany (Russian,b. 1972) / The Silt Verses, Chapter 41: But As My Last Breath Splits My Throat / Yousif M. Qasmiyeh, The Camp is a Bait for Time / Darina Muravjeva, Hole / Hilde Heynen in Heterotopia and the City / x / Leonard Cohen, Beautiful Losers / x /  Louise Glück, from Descending Figure / Anne Carson, Eros the Bittersweet: An Essay. / Caitlyn Siehl, What We Buried; from “A Letter To Love” / Lara de Moor, Orb (2014) / Sam Sax, Pig / The National - Wake Up Your Saints / Aleksander Rostov / Sanna Wani, from “Princess Mononoke (1997)”, My Grief, the Sun / Gregory Orr, [i want to go back] / Thomas Ott / ? / Judas H., Overflowing With Empty / James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room / Massive sinkhole swallows house in Florida / Edna St Vincent Millay, in Letters (1952) /Silent Hill 4 (2004) / @/vren-diagram / Anne Boyer, What Resembles the Grave But Isn’t / Law of Holes / Scarlet Hollow (2021) / China Miéville, from Railsea
(part one)
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spiderrvein · 30 days
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love as violence
caitlin conlon, phantom pains // tina tran, out of the ruins // venetta octavia // iain thomas // yves olade, the miracle mile // sara manguso, love letter (clouds) // traci brimhall, come the slumberless to the land of nod // unknown // margaret atwood, power politics // madeline miller, circe // warsan shire // richard siken, planet of love // hozier, cherry wine
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spiderrvein · 1 month
✨ editing for Gaza ✨
Mohammed, Mariam, who's pregnant, and their son Fadi have been displaced more than five times since October and are in desperate need of medical care! Inspired by @teethburied's amazing gif commission offer, I'm offering deeply discounted developmental editing or proofreading for your fan fiction, essays, or original prose, in exchange for your donation.
Mohammed's story + verification
donate to Mohammed's gofundme campaign ✨HERE✨
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Who I am
I'm a professional editor with nearly a decade of experience editing for internationally published authors, essayists, philosophers, and literary translators.
What I offer
Developmental editing: A fresh set of eyes on your work to highlight the piece's strengths, potential ways to address "stuck" areas, and my thoughts on any questions you have about the reading experience (eg., "does [x]'s characterization seem consistent here?"). This can be really helpful if you're feeling stuck or uninspired or if there's an aspect of your writing that you would like to become more confident with (dialogue, plot, structure, exposition, etc.).
Proofreading: I'll read your finished work with an eye for "surface errors," such as spelling, formatting, or punctuation mistakes, and make note of any confusing phrases. This is a final look to polish your piece as much as possible before you publish!
If you'd like something else (copy editing, editing for a bigger project, writing prompts, help creating a writing schedule or starting a project, etc.) dm me and we can discuss the project and a price. I have these sorts of discussions with potential clients all the time, I promise I won't mind your dm!!
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Commission price list
for any donation of €8 or more, send me up to 1000 words and I’ll give you a quick read first impression
editing/proofreading up to 750 words: €13 editing/proofreading up to 1500 words: €24 editing/proofreading up to 2250 words: €35
This is significantly less than half of what I normally charge clients, so not only is this a fantastic opportunity to support a family that really needs your help, but if you've ever wondered what it would be like to have a professional, supportive eye on your work for very little money... this is your chance!
dm me with any questions or if you're not sure if your project could benefit from an editor's eye (it almost certainly can, even if you write "just for fun"!!)
Send me a screenshot of your gofundme receipt (blacking out your name for privacy if you'd like, but making sure the date and amount are visible) and a description of your project, and I'll send you next steps/timeline.
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As of 3 September, the fundraiser is at €3,888/€15,000. Let's try to reach €4,000 by the end of the day! Even if you are not interested in editing, please consider making a donation and/or reblogging to help Mohammed, Mariam, and Fadi.
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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spiderrvein · 1 month
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Agamemnon by Aiskhylos (Translated by Anne Carson) from An Oresteia
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spiderrvein · 1 month
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— James Baldwin from Giovanni’s Room (1956)
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spiderrvein · 1 month
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Bluff, Danez Smith
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spiderrvein · 2 months
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Marie Howe, How Some of It Happened
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spiderrvein · 2 months
Hello dears ! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me to reach my goal. I am now in bad need to your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to ensble me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace.Pleasd help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others.Thank you so much for your stand beside people in need .
campaign 🤍
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spiderrvein · 2 months
Welcome I am Osama from Gaza. I was very affected by the war. My home, my toys, my school, and my dreams have been destroyed as well. Now I'm striving to survive. I hope you can help by donating and spreading the link to my campaign for all people to see our daily suffering . Thank you from Gaza
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spiderrvein · 2 months
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spiderrvein · 2 months
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Andrea Gibson, "DEPRESSION [VERB]", Lord of the Butterflies
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spiderrvein · 3 months
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together in life, together in death
embracing skeletons of alepotryla / 'my blood is your blood', kevin atwater / 'in a week', hozier / the lovers of valdaro / the hasanlu lovers / kevin atwater / hozier / the lovers of modena / the lovers of cluj-napoca / boyflesher
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spiderrvein · 3 months
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Acts, Spencer Reece
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spiderrvein · 3 months
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i hope it’s us in the end (it has to be)
caitlyn siehl // @isbergillustration // graham dean // @anouri // ernest hemingway // sarah levine via @geryone // matthew dickman // @auvtre // the 1975 // @amiablesummer // eleanor hsieh
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spiderrvein · 3 months
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i feel totally normal about this and the scope of my desire is completely average
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