can you guys take my uquiz
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I have severe pain in the nerve of my tooth I’m going to cryyyy😭
how is everyone? i miss yall
tell me about your day
something good something bad
maybe i can cheer someone up, feel the need to spread some love today
maybe an imagine or two🤔
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Kinda silly headcanon just cuz I love sports, I think the Doctor is really good at basketball. Like never misses a single shot, nothing but net. They could knock them down from half court endlessly if they wanted to. I mean, they’ve had over a thousand years to practice and its all physics and math anyway. Companions are shook
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Just to be abundantly clear,
This Account Stands With Palestine.
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Heyy !!! Can I request Headcanons for Loki x a male reader who’s more powerful than him? Like maybe reader is a god or something
Loki x male powerful reader
At first he saw you as a challenge or in other words he wanted to test if you’re all just talk and no action
But after he gets to see a display of how powerful you are, like what do you mean flipping that ship didn’t cause you even 1% of your power!
Is so intrigued by your powers and will try to fish out as much information about your origins
Will try to trick you into joining his schemes and mess with everyone
Likes to watch you work on improving your magic even more, like how can you get even more hot?!
"What type of god are you?" "What type of god do you think I am?"
Will get both flustered and turned on when he figures your personality is as attractive
Thinks of you as a challenge but secretly wants you to manhandle him
Tries to mend his magic with yours just to see what happens
Gets red in the face the first time you two have a one on one and he can’t help but focus on the way your hands are touching him
Ok but on a serious note he adores play fight because he knows you can easily beat him if you wanted to but just like to see him have fun
Gets shivers whenever you touch him and he feels the rage of power beneath your skin
"I’m not making you uncomfortable now, am i?"
"No…just, it just feels electric"
He thinks your magic is so beautiful, he could stare at you all day meditating with splits of magic flying around you
When he kisses you he lingers there for a few seconds after you pull back gripping your top
A complete tease, touches your arms and pretends like he can’t feel you taking deep breaths
Just likes to see the strong powerful man you are weak and flustered by his not so innocent acts
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You write Loki so well also I’m absolutely in love with this story already. Your writing style is so good I couldn’t stop reading omfg. IF ANYOJE HASNT READ THIS YET YOU HAVE TO ITS SO AMAZINGG.
tangle me in all your broken pieces (and watch me stay) | ch 3
Loki x Reader
Series Summary: An Asgardian god has just threatened your planet and you were called in to provide a little help. What you didn't expect was to develop a strange soft spot for said god, who hid more pain behind his cold facade than you thought possible.
A/N: This story is already occupying a very special place in my heart.
Word count: 4,2k
Masterlist | Read ch 2 here
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You arrived at Stark Tower a little before noon. The quinjet landed on top of the building and you were once again relieved to be stepping out of it. The ride back had somehow been even worse than the one before, as there was a heavy shadow looming in the air.
Loki had been quiet since he'd stepped back in the jet after the meeting with Odin, his eyes always downcast, fixed on his cuffed hands. You couldn't blame him—even though it felt foreign to see him so… broken, compared to the confident god you first saw being escorted to his cage a couple of days ago—you could only imagine how bare he must be feeling without his powers.
You walked out of the jet and followed Tony inside the top floor of his tower, trying to ignore the weight of a certain stare on your back. Sometimes you forgot just how much money Tony had, being here was a good reminder. Floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked all of New York allowed the sunlight to shine on the plush, velvety burgundy couches, the marble walls, the exaggerated chandelier, and the fancy built-in bar. You certainly won't mind living here, it was quite a step up from your humble apartment.
"I'll arrange for someone to go pick up your stuff from your apartment," Tony spoke, glancing at you over his shoulder, "do you want to go with or wait here?"
"I can wait here," you shrugged, "As long as they bring all my clothes, my laptop, and my cat."
Tony stopped in his tracks and waited for you to reach his side. He narrowed his eyes, "So we're having an actual cat too?"
You opened and closed your mouth, "Uh- I can't leave her alone in my apartment for so long, Tony."
The billionaire hummed halfheartedly, resuming his path toward the elevator at the far end of the room. "No scratch marks on my furniture, please."
"Me and Thor will have to hang back for now," Fury called, walking up to the built-in bar and pouring himself a drink, "I assume you have it handled from here?" He raised an eyebrow at both you and Tony.
"Yes, darling," Tony answered with a smile and pressed the button for the elevator. He whistled and gestured with a hand for Loki, "Come on, reindeer games, you're with us."
Thor let go of where he had been holding Loki by the arm, "I'll see you later, brother." Not waiting for an answer, he threw a smile your way and joined Fury, already asking about the drink in the director's hand.
Loki approached you with staggered steps, huffing out a sigh when he stopped beside you. He still had those same traces of anger lingering on his features; lips drawn into a line, eyes just a tad narrowed, shoulders tense.
The elevator arrived with a ding and you, Tony, and Loki stepped in; with Loki in the middle.
Your hands were clammy, you brushed them on your black jeans to try and chase the feeling away. You didn't know why you were so nervous, this had been your idea, after all. Maybe it was because you could feel all that tension flowing off of Loki—with him standing so close to you, his shoulder mere inches away from touching yours.
The ride down a few floors was agonizingly slow, with only the low humming of the elevator as it moved.
You cleared your throat and broke the uncomfortable silence. "Tony," you called, leaning just a tad forward so you could see him past Loki. You showed him your wrist and wiggled it, raising your eyebrows pointedly.
A deep frown etched itself into Tony's features until his eyes lit up when he understood what you meant. "Oh, right." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a thin, black bracelet with an even thinner strip of soft green light around it. "Because we are civilized," he began, turning to Loki. "I took the liberty of making you this." He raised the bracelet in front of the god, who looked wholly unimpressed.
Unceremoniously, Tony reached for one of Loki's wrists and clasped the bracelet on him. It closed comfortably yet forcefully, it wasn't coming off anytime soon. Once it was secured, he finally removed the uncomfortable handcuffs Loki was still wearing.
A grimace appeared on Loki's face, he rubbed his wrists as soon as they were free. You winced as you caught sight of the reddish skin from where the cuffs had been pressuring. He then turned the single wrist that now styled the new device, observing it closely with a small frown.
Loki chuckled; "You can't expect this little thing to keep me here."
"I can, actually," Tony explained, gesturing to Loki's bracelet, "This little thing has a tracker and if you try to leave this tower when you're not supposed to, or try to take it off, we will know pretty much immediately." His smile was proud and just a tad mocking.
A scoff went past Loki's lips. "Lovely," he mumbled.
"I would really like it if you did try to escape, by the way," Tony suggested, rather animatedly, "Gives me an excuse to test my new security system." There was a sly smirk on his lips, he shrugged, "You'd probably survive."
"Tony! Come on," you groaned, shooting him a glare.
The billionaire rolled his eyes; "I'm kidding, relax."
The elevator finally arrived at what would be your new home. A whole floor exclusively for you and Loki—it had been your request, you figured it would be more peaceful this way and you knew Tony had the means and space to make it happen. As the doors slid open the first thing you noticed was the living room, it was big, spacious, and had a massive burgundy couch with a huge TV in front of it; on one side of the living room was your own set of floor-to-ceiling windows along with the double doors that led to the balcony, on the other side was the kitchen, an open concept adjacent to the living room; further into the room were two doors, one beside the other, which you assumed were the bedrooms. Everything had a beautiful modern look and exuded luxury, the least you'd expect from something Tony built.
"Right, I'm dropping you two off here and heading down to the lab," Tony clasped his hands together, then turned to you; "Your room is the one on the right, I'll ask them to drop your things there."
You opened your mouth to speak, but Tony beat you to it; "And the cat, yes."
You stepped out of the elevator and a moment later Loki begrudgingly followed. The god didn't wait for you or spared Tony another glance before walking into the living room, taking in the place, his fingers tracing the velvet of the couch as he looked around.
"Thank you, Tony." You watched Loki for a beat longer before turning back to your friend. "Truly." You smiled softly.
A sigh escaped Tony's lips, his eyes darting to Loki, "Hope he's worth all this drama." Settling his attention back on you, he raised a finger, taking on a serious tone, "If you need anything, if he does anything, you call me, understand?"
"Yes," you reassured him, burying your hands in the pockets of your cardigan. "I will, don't worry."
With that, Tony bid you goodbye for now, and you were left alone with Loki. A soft breeze came in through the open windows, sending a shiver down your spine. Everything had happened so fast, one moment Fury was dragging you out of your apartment to help stop a god who wanted to rule over your planet, and now here you were, being roommates with said god. A quiet chuckle fell past your lips. What are the odds?
"You have a strange kind of courage."
Loki's voice rang through the quiet room, capturing your attention and urging you to turn around and face him. Once you locked eyes, you raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking that he elaborate.
"Or should I say… stupidity," A devilish smirk came to Loki's features, and he took slow and calculated steps toward you. "Locking yourself here, alone, with me." His voice grew huskier, lower. His bright eyes roamed up and down your body, until he was close enough that you could nearly feel his breath on your lips. "Oh, the things I could do to you," he whispered, the daunting tilt of his lips ever-present.
You held the silence for a moment longer, doing your best not to avoid his gaze. You knew what he was trying to do; he wanted to intimidate you, make you feel vulnerable and small. Just as he was feeling right now.
"Aren't we past the bluffing already?" You mimicked his smirk. You could tell he was caught by surprise when his eyebrows knitted together in a confused frown. A quiet laugh escaped you and you rolled your eyes. "Come on, let's go see your room." You didn't wait for an answer before walking around him and towards the two doors at the back.
You turned the door handle that led to what would be Loki's bedroom. It was pretty simple and bare, still. There was a double bed against the wall, a dresser, a desk in front of huge double windows, two bedside tables on each side of the bed with a lamp on one of them, a bookcase without any books, and another door that you assumed led to a bathroom.
"It's cozy," you mused, "Give it a little personal touch it'll soon feel like home, right?" You turned to look at Loki, who had made his way to you and was analyzing the room with narrowed eyes.
Instead of entertaining your attempt at banter, he said instead; "you don't want to challenge me, mortal."
You threw your hands in the air, "Oh my god, when did I ever challenge you?" You asked exasperatedly, losing the remains of patience you had. "Is this all you know how to do? Threaten the people who want to help you?"
"Help me?" Loki all but growled, "Because of you I'm stranded on this pathetic planet, and my magic has been taken from me." He spat the words with clenched fists, towering over you, "Don't think for one minute that I've forgotten how you've messed with my mind, just wait until I've-"
"Because of me you are not rotting in a dungeon forever," you raised your voice to match his tone, shoving a finger at his chest, "Because of me you're free from the people who fucking tortured you."
Loki blinked multiple times as soon as the words left your mouth, almost as if you'd slapped him. His lips hovered open yet he didn't speak.
You softened when you caught the flash of hurt in his eyes as the memories undoubtedly came back to the surface. You closed your eyes, breathed in, and opened them again. "Believe it or not, I actually meant it when I said I only wanted to help you."
A half-hearted scoff went past his lips and he shook his head. "And why would you ever do that? Surely not from the goodness of your heart." For the first time, his voice held something other than anger, you just couldn't pinpoint what it was. "What is it that you're after?"
You shrugged as a melancholic smile graced your lips. It was rather sad that Loki couldn't fathom the thought of help coming without a price. "I don't know, maybe I'm just that stupid, right?" You stepped out of his bedroom, holding the door handle, "I'll be outside if you need me." With that you closed the door, leaving Loki alone in his room.
For several moments he simply stood there, eyes fixed on the plain wood of the door. Then a shaky breath went past his lips, and his shoulders sagged; all anger washed away, leaving room only for sorrow. Slowly, reality finally started to down on him. Loki turned around in the spot, gaze roaming over his new chambers. From out the window, he could see the never-sleeping city of New York, the world he once wished to take over; it felt like so long ago already, a far-fetched attempt at filling the gaping hole left in his chest from empty promises.
A sharp sting of pain suddenly pierced his back, going down his spine as he stretched. He winced, rubbing the sore spot. Telltales of his captor, the one you'd freed his mind from.
You. Why would you do what you did? What could you possibly gain by trying to help him?
You confused him, a mystery ever since Loki first laid eyes on you, one he was yet to uncover. The fact that you had been able to pry into his mind so easily, see glimpses of his misfortunes, made him feel uneasy. And from all the things he assumes you could've done, you chose to cut The Other's hold of him, and nothing more.
Loki would never admit to the relief it had been, almost as if plucking out an arrow that had been piercing his skin and making him bleed. He refrained from dwelling on the matter for now, especially if you'd insist that you wanted nothing from him—unlikely.
He took one step forward, and then another, and one more. And his vision grew blurry. He opened his mouth only for a choked sob to stumble out. He'd never felt this bare, this defenseless, this vulnerable.
Loki raised his hands, fingers trembling. He tried to bring all his energy to his fingertips, gritting his teeth as his tears fell past the bottom lid of his eyes and dropped to the floor beneath his feet. Nothing. Not even a single spark of green.
Loki's knees hit the floor. He brought his arms around himself. His whole life, living amongst kings and warriors, his seiðr was all he had. And now, he doesn't know who he is without it.
He wanted to blame you. He so desperately wanted to lay the blame on you for losing his powers, for his exile on earth. Alas, it was a weak attempt. A lie that would do him no good in the end.
Several minutes went by with Loki kneeling on the floor of his bedroom, fading into the background like many times before. And like many times before, he eventually picked himself back up, drying his own tears with the back of his sleeve, and taking deep breaths to calm his bruised heart.
Loki made a beeline for the bathroom, maybe a warm shower would do him some good.
─── ·❆· ───
You were sitting on the kitchen counter when Loki finally left his bedroom again. Tony had already gotten Happy to bring most of your things from your apartment, your cat included. The fluffy ball of grey fur lay beside you as your fingers mindlessly scratched behind her ears, making her purr contently.
The sound of a door closing made you look up from your cell phone. Loki approached you as if he were a stray cat seeing a human for the first time—you briefly wondered just how long it would take him to feel comfortable here. His hair was damp, falling just a little past his shoulders in shiny raven curls; he still wore the same clothes from before and you made a mental note to ask that Tony arrange more clothes for him.
"Hey," you greeted gently with a small smile, "Did you calm down?"
Loki gave you an unamused glare before averting his gaze to the windows on the other side. "No," he mumbled just for the sake of it.
"I'm ordering a bit of a late lunch," you wiggled your phone even though he wasn't looking at you, "Would you like something?"
Slowly, Loki's eyes trailed back to you. He said nothing as he momentarily held your gaze, before focusing on the cat laying beside you. A rather adorable frown came to his features then.
You noticed. "Loki, this is Rain," you introduced, gesturing to the cat. "Rain, that's Loki," then gestured to the god, "He's gonna be our new roomie."
"That's a strange name for a cat," Loki commented, taking half a step closer to you.
You simply shrugged, "It was raining pretty hard the day I found her on the street, it seemed fitting." A beat of silence passed. "You… can pet her if you want, she's friendly," you suggested timidly, pursing your lips as you looked at him.
Loki's eyes shot back to your face, his stern gaze returning. "No."
You sighed and pushed yourself off the counter, much to Rain's dismay, "Okay, listen, whether you like it or not, this is gonna be your life for the foreseeable future, yeah?" You kept your voice as gentle as you could, "So can we try not to make each day feel more miserable than the last? I mean, you have to admit that this is better than whatever dungeon they were going to throw you in." With a tentative smile, you gestured widely to the whole floor that now belonged to both of you.
Loki kept silent, his jaw set tightly in place.
At last, you admitted defeat and accepted the fact that chit-chat would not be a thing. You groaned; "Just- do you want lunch or not?"
"Of course I want lunch," Loki snapped, "I haven't eaten in nearly two days."
Immediately, your eyes went wide with shock, "You haven't-" You hesitated, "What do you mean you haven't eaten in two days? Didn't they feed you back at the Helicarrier?"
It was a fraction of a second, but you thought you saw Loki's gaze softening at your concern. "Why would they bother?" He simply asked.
You gulped, trying to conceal how this made you feel. "No wonder you're so grumpy," you mumbled in an attempt to lighten the mood. "What would you like, then?"
You quickly discovered that Loki was worse at deciding what to eat than you were. For today you settled for pizza, not exactly healthy, but simple and tasty enough. When it arrived, Loki took his slices and promptly locked himself back in his room. Living with him certainly would be an experience; taking him out to connect with your world, that would be a challenge.
─── ·❆· ───
It almost felt like floating. For a moment, he was almost at peace as he fell, and fell, and fell. And then he was alone, wandering through uncharted, hostile lands. Each day was a battle just to keep breathing, to keep walking. His body was weak and giving up on him when he was found, and then, his voice started fading with each of the screams that no one cared to listen to. His skin burned, ripped open, and healed. Only to go through it again, and again. Until all fight was snuffed out of him.
"You will long for something as sweet as pain."
Loki woke up with a start, sitting up on his bed so quickly that a thousand stars danced in his vision. His breathing came out in desperate huffs of air, making his lungs sting and not nearly enough to calm his thundering heart.
He looked around frantically, feeling his lower lip wobble and his cheeks dampening when he didn't recognize his surroundings immediately. Clutching the sheets to ground himself, Loki closed his eyes and did the breathing exercise he taught himself. Slowly, the fog cleared, yet only a little. And when he opened his eyes again, he remembered why he was in this bedroom.
With a long sigh going past his lips, Loki buried his head in his hands, nails clawing at the root of his hair. He could feel his clothes clinging to his body because of the cold sweat.
He couldn't stay here. He needed to get out.
The floor felt cold against his bare feet, it grounded him to reality. Gulping down a lump in his throat, Loki took staggered steps to his door, reaching the handle with an unsteady hand.
They couldn't keep him here forever, they couldn't expect a damn fancy bracelet to keep him from leaving. He'd break it, cut it off if he had to.
The walls around him were suffocating, closing in on him as he stumbled into the living room. It was so dark, nothing but a void of pitch black with even darker shadows shaping the outlines of the furniture around him. Who was to say no harm would reach him here?
A pathetic whimper fell past his lips, tears clouded his vision. He had to get out. He had to escape. He had to-
"Are you okay?"
Loki halted in his steps. His hand gripping tightly onto the back of the couch.
Quiet. The night suddenly became so quiet. The walls were far away now, he realized. There was a cold breeze coming in through the open doors of the balcony, and a single dim orange light coming from the kitchen beside him, chasing away the darkness. Loki could breathe again.
He took several deep breaths and felt the relief in his lungs. Slowly, he turned his gaze to the right, to where the soft light and the sweet voice came from.
You were standing in the middle of the kitchen, holding a steamy mug between both your hands and looking at him with eyes just a tad too wide. You were dressed in a purple hoodie with black sweatpants. This was the first time Loki had seen you wearing anything that wasn't black, he noted.
A small frown came to your features and you took a single step closer, "Is everything okay?" You repeated when he didn't answer you.
"Yes," Loki mumbled, pointedly avoiding your eyes. "Just needed a bit of air."
You nodded in understanding, taking a small sip of your tea. If you felt the troubles inside his mind, you didn't show it.
It was… strange, how your voice was able to pull him from the depths of his own mind. Loki forced himself not to dwell too much on it. You had successfully distracted him, that's all.
He straightened his posture, feeling a little self-conscious for being witnessed in such a state. "Don't you sleep?" He raised a brow at you, praying you wouldn't notice the rawness of his voice.
You tapped your mug. Your gaze on him was unwavering, almost as if you could see into his very soul. Loki shifted his stance; not for the first time, he felt way too bare before you.
"I could ask the same of you." You walked closer, and then past him, heading towards the balcony.
Loki followed. Thoughts of escaping long forgotten. You intrigued him.
The air outside was colder than the floor beneath his feet. From this high up in the tower, the wind was almost howling. New York looked like nothing but a sea of blinking lights.
You leaned on the railing, mug in hand as you looked down at the city. Loki approached slowly, warily, until he stood beside you.
"Sometimes, even if I don't want to, I can feel… whispers of people's feelings," you continued, voice quiet amidst the wind. "The nights are calmer," You closed your eyes, breathing in deeply, "Quieter. Sometimes I like to enjoy the silence."
For a long moment, Loki said nothing. He blinked lazily as he mulled over your words. He'd be lying if he said your abilities didn't fascinate him. And then, he remembered, and his breathing stumbled again.
He had to know.
"How-" Loki hesitated. He focused down on his hand, on the faint scars on the back of it. "How did you know?" It was nothing but a breath, as if he didn't have the guts to speak louder tonight.
You turned to him, cocking your head to the side.
Loki pursed his lips. "How did you know… My mind was…" He cursed under his breath when the words got stuck and tangled in his tongue.
"I felt it." You told him simply, your voice as soft as satin. "When they first brought you in, I- I felt this… heaviness, like something wasn't quite right…"
Loki chanced a single glance towards you, only to find your eyes already focused on him. They were shining under the moonlight, "Like it was hurting you."
You spoke as if it was a secret, one you weren't sure was yours to keep.
Loki sneered. He avoided your gaze promptly, knuckles turning white with the force he gripped onto the railings.
"You're ridiculous," the words fell past Loki's lips before he could stop them. They were all he had to protect himself. "Why would you ever go against your peers to help someone like me? When I've threatened your life and killed your kind?" Yet now, he didn't know if he was saying them to mock you, or to punish himself.
"I don't believe you're truly bad," You confessed without an ounce of doubt or anger, voice steady and gentle as the cold wind.
Loki's gaze found yours again, and he couldn't recall if anyone had ever looked at him the way that you do.
Your smile didn't hold happiness; "You have sad eyes."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Ch 4 coming soon.
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Loki’s taglist: @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @justaproudslytherpuff @justanotherkpopstanlol @chronicallybubbly @chaoticqueen33 @7minutes-tomidnight @uncle-eggy @oliviaewl @dd122004dd @tani725 @innebulae @mochminnie @mayemperess @alyeskathewave @buginktsworld @cremebruleequeen @wyvernthekriger @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avengersfan25 @mischief2sarawr @yokolesbianism @athenasproverbs @h-l-vlovesvintage @princess-ofthe-pages @daisy-the-quake @talesofadragon @rainbowsocks @alexandra-001 @mary-jinx @stevenknightmarc @falconxsoldier @ladymercury8 @shirukitsune @ladymischief11 @starkzdaughter @navs-bhat @creat0r-cat @anundyingfidelity @creationcitystreet-em @or-was-it-just-a-dream @agustdpeach @agent-tempest @spidermantaylorsversion @127djarin @imthedoctorlove @lokidokieokie @cookieeecutter @anuncalledbridge @awkwardnesshabitat @nixtape-foryou @acehyacinth
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Stop this is so cute😭
please do president!corio being soft for the reader 😭😭💖
idk where this came from i just got so inspired for this haha, but a tiny blurb <3 enjoy!
Coriolanus' hand glided over your smooth, soft skin of your back, warm with sleep and the piles of blankets you had over you. His hand trailing down your hip, your thigh, coasting back to trace halfway up your spine.
You were sprawled out next to him, arms under the pillows, rolled onto your side, leg hiked up next to you, slumbering, he assumed.
His eyes never left the screen, tongue poking in concentration at the games, his games as a mentor. Why had so many people tuned in? What drew them in? Surely it wasn't all Lucy Gray. He knew it wasn't, but he wasn't sure why.
"Hmph," You whined, squirming next to him. Your hip raised sharply, shaking his hand, another whine, nasally and demanding, falling from your lips.
Corio huffed, rolling his eyes. "You're a downright brat, you know?" He grumbled, but still, he moved his hand, rubbing your skin softly. "Spoiled beyond comprehension." He muttered.
You grinned, turning to face him, legs tucked the other way, his hand still rubbing over your hip. It was a night time tradition now. One that started out as a sneaky, sexy way to get his dick wet, but now, he was bound to his obligation. Part of his marital duties, you informed him.
He acted liked it annoyed him, rendered him inconvenienced, but you both knew better. Corio lived to spoil you, dote on you- couldn't possibly tell you no. It's why he rubbed your back so soothingly every single night, because you told him it helped you go to sleep.
"Surely some of this is your fault, hm?" You grinned softly, eyes lighting up playfully.
"I'll stop." Corio's brows raised in warning.
"You wouldn't dare." You grinned, lifting your leg, sliding it over his waist. You scooted closer, snuggling into his side, arms wrapping around his torso. "You love me too much."
Coriolanus bit back a laugh, edge of his lips curling. "You're right about that, you shrew."
"Shrew?" You gawked, gasping playfully. "Coriolanus, that is mean!" You jammed a finger into his chest, laughing lightly.
"Oh, my apologies," Corio snorted lightly, arms tightening around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. "Should have called you a succubus. Might be more fitting."
You smacked his chest lightly, rolling his eyes. "You should be thankful you're so lucky to have me." You declared, pushing half heartedly out of his grasp. "You'd have a rather cold bed without me."
"I wouldn't dare want someone else." Coriolanus muttered, pulling you back into him. You shrilled lightly, giggling at how his squeezed your waist.
You lied next to him, arms still reaching, touching him. Your leg slung over his waist, knee bent and hooked around his hip. His hand moved still, rubbing the skin of your hip, reaching uncomfortably to rub your back. His spoiled wife- he wouldn't dare have it any other way.
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goodnight, sweet angel
the doctor comes over for a surprise sleepover.
word count: 2,069 (nice.)
a/n: i know i'm kind of on a bit of a writing hiatus right now, but i was having a good day and was feeling particularly inspired by my lovely friends on discord (especially @iced-tea-possibly, hi bestie), so have this short unedited thing! honestly this is just a 13 version of that one 11 fic i wrote but i hope you enjoy!
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The Doctor usually had your little routine down to a science - she'd take you on a fun adventure, have maybe one or two near-death experiences, and then drop you back on Earth for a couple of days to wind down and relax before she did the whole thing over again. It took a few tries, but eventually the Doctor would show up at your door like clockwork, always politely knocking on the door and waiting for you with a smile as bright as every star in the universe beaming on her face. And you, the lovelorn fool that you are, could never say no to that smile.
But the Doctor hadn't been back in weeks. Two weeks and five days, to be exact, but you weren't exactly counting. No, you were most definitely not marking days off of your calendar like the protagonist of a coming-of-age movie.
You'd spent the past two weeks and five days trying to distract yourself - going to work, reading books, watching movies, anything that kept your mind busy so that it wouldn't jump to conclusions at every possible chance it got. And since the Doctor's M.O was getting into trouble, it had a lot of opportunities.
Doing the dishes, however, wasn't exactly the most riveting activity.
You didn't even have that many dishes to do. Just a few plates, a bowl, and some utensils. You'd been absentmindedly scrubbing at one bowl (a surprisingly ornate souvenir that the Doctor had brought back and that you had just used for instant noodles) for about five, ten minutes now? The bowl shone underneath the dim fluorescent lights of your house, already squeaky clean, and you were still picking at a spot of dirt that probably wasn't there at all.
You groaned. What was the point of worrying, anyway? The Doctor was probably fine, and she probably just lost track of time - but there was that word again, probably. It meant a world of infinite possibilities, and there was sure to be a portion of those possibilities that were not good at all.
Stupid. You picked up the bowl again and dunked it into the water below. The intricate carvings disappeared under a sea of soap bubbles. You're just thinking like that because you like -
A loud rattling noise cut off your pessimistic train of thought. Your phone was ringing, vibrating against the tile of the countertop.
You stared at it for a minute. Two. Then you looked at the clock that hung on your wall. A quarter to midnight. If you ignored the absurdity of you doing your dishes at this time, who in their right mind would be calling you at this hour?
You picked up your phone with soapy hands and tucked it in between your shoulder and ear. "Hello?"
"Hiya!" came the Doctor's cheery voice through the receiver. "I'm in a bit of a pickle."
Unfortunately, with the Doctor, "in a bit of a pickle" could mean absolutely anything. It was more like a sliding scale, really, with "tore open my coat" on one end and "the universe is literally imploding" on the other. The definition varied wildly every time. But it was good to hear her voice, and you let a smile slip onto your face. Phone still balancing precariously, you picked up the alien souvenir bowl and started rinsing it under the tap. "What's going on?"
"It's nothing too serious," she said, which was another misleading statement she liked to bring up whenever things were indeed too serious. "Well, could be, but it's best not to dwell on it. I've lost my TARDIS."
The bowl slipped from your hand and landed with a loud noise into the soapy water below. So much for that one. "I'm sorry?"
"It's not as bad as you think!" the Doctor said quickly. "It's kind of the other way around. So correction: the TARDIS lost me. I'm a little bit stranded."
"A little bit stranded?" You tried to keep the bite out of your voice, but you swore you could hear the Doctor wince on the other end of the line. If the TARDIS really had chosen violence and stranded the Doctor somewhere, there was no telling where or when she'd been spat out. "Where are you right now? Hold that thought. When are you?"
"Um -" The Doctor paused for a moment. "Where you are, I think. Give me five minutes?"
Before you could open your mouth to ask any more questions, the line went dead. Five minutes?
A minute had barely passed before the sound of knocking filled the air. Still shellshocked, and honestly a little nervous, you wiped your wet hands in the front of your pants and made your way to your door.
You opened it slowly, peeking out of the gap. "...Hi."
"Hi," the Doctor said, with that same bright smile of hers that just loved to make your heart do roundabouts in your chest. "Sorry for the late notice. Were you busy?"
Busy trying not to think about you, thanks. "No, I was just, uh -" you opened the door wider and jerked your thumb backwards, gesturing at the dishes still in your sink, "doing the dishes. Don't ask."
She didn't. With the knowledge that the Doctor was most definitely safe, you let your mind wander. She stood there, hands in her pockets, the scattered light of the streetlamps behind her giving her what looked like a halo around her golden hair.
"Do you want to come in?" you asked.
"Can I come in?" she asked, at the exact same time.
You stared at each other for a moment. Another smile, even brighter this time, spread across her face. The cold wind of the night was blowing outside but it could have been the sunrise right then and there.
Okay, that's enough yearning for one night, you chided yourself.
"I assume that's a yes, then?" the Doctor said. She carefully stepped inside, walking past you while you closed the door behind her.
Now, travelling with the Doctor had changed how you saw the world, for better or for worse. Solving mysteries and saving worlds does tend to sharpen the mind somewhat, and when the Doctor walked past you, you could hear it - an almost imperceptible catch in her breath, like she was struggling to breathe.
"Doctor," you called, "you okay?"
"Hmm? Peachy keen," the Doctor replied, spinning around to face you. She wobbled, clearly not peachy keen, then caught herself on the arm of your sofa. "I'm fine."
Her hands were gripping at the fabric of your sofa so hard you were sure she was going to rip holes into it. You took a careful step forward, frowning. "Doctor," you said, trying to keep your voice as level as you possibly could, "be honest with me."
The Doctor squeezed her eyes shut. "I am being honest with you," she ground out. Something twisted in your chest - anger and worry but predominantly worry - and you finally, finally reached out, laying your hands gently on her shoulders. Her eyes - oh, her eyes - shot open. She stared at you, her eyes wide with an emotion you couldn't place. Underneath your hands, she was trembling.
"You're alright," you murmured. "What's going on?"
The Doctor laughed, but it was thin and shaky. "I'm the farthest thing from alright. I'm-"
Her grip on the sofa slackened and she pitched forward. You yelped, quickly wrapping your arms around her so that she wouldn't fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes, even though she was significantly heavier than one.
"Tired," the Doctor mumbled into your collarbone, fully resting her entire weight onto you. Her slow breaths puffed against your skin, and you craned your head away, trying to make sure she wouldn't feel your entire face heating up with the strength of an entire regeneration.
"Are you hurt anywhere?" you asked. It took a second before the Doctor simply shook her head no, her hair brushing against your face with every movement. "You're tired?" A nod. "D'you wanna get some rest?"
"Time Lords don't need sleep," she said, burying her face even further into the crook of your neck. Oh, she could definitely feel your skin warming up now. "The disadvantages of biological batteries. Just give me half an hour and I'll be…on my feet again."
You ignored the whole biological batteries thing, saving that question for when the Doctor was a little more lucid and you weren't freaking out. "You are not going to be on your feet in half an hour because I'm putting you to bed," you said, a surge of confidence running through you. She needed you. You had to be there for her. "Okay?"
The Doctor, who usually bounced off the walls and talked a million miles an hour, simply hummed an affirmative and went absolutely pliant in your arms.
After a few minutes of hauling a Lord-knows-how-many kilogram alien into your bedroom, you set the Doctor down on your bed. Her head lolled against your favorite pillow, eyes closed as you continued to tuck her in.
Oh. Oh. She was in your bed. The last of the Time Lords, the Oncoming Storm, the Predator of the Daleks, was peacefully sleeping in your bed. You desperately tried to ignore the sudden wave of yearning thoughts that roared into life in your mind, threatening to drown every other coherent thought in your brain, because you needed your brain to function, thank you very much.
Slowly, you sat down on the bed next to her. It was strange seeing the Doctor so calm. Usually, it was terrifying to see her go still, whether in anger or in sorrow, but now - she was just resting. It might have been stranger than anything you'd ever seen on your travels. You'd been through different extraordinary  scenarios with her, but somehow the most mundane one - the Doctor dozing off in your bed - was the most magical.
You let a thumb stroke her cheek. She barely moved, but you could see the barest hint of a smile on her lips.
You were so caught up in staring at her peaceful face like a yearning idiot that you didn't catch what she had whispered. "Huh?"
"C'mere," the Doctor muttered, arms flopping against the bed and beckoning you closer.
You shook your head, smiling fondly at her. As much as you wanted to, you couldn't do that. "You need to sleep."
"No," the Doctor said, "I need you."
Maybe that was just her tired Time Lord brain talking. She would never - and had never - said anything like that to you ever, and it made you wonder if she had been lying to you when you asked whether she was hurt or not. But there she was, lying in your bed, her arms open because she wanted you there.
It felt like a dream. It probably was. 
You lay down beside her, grimacing as your back hit the bedsheets. Turning your head to the side, you looked at her for another moment. 
You shifted, inching closer and closer to her, and then you stopped, your shoulders just shy of touching. You couldn't.
You hesitated, and the Doctor made a small plaintive noise. 
That settled it.
You bundled the Doctor into your arms, letting her settle onto you. Every curve of her body slot neatly against yours, like she was always meant to be there. She snuggled closer and buried her face into the crook of your neck again. Seemingly content with her new position, she sighed, lazily pressing her lips to your collarbone. "Thank you," she whispered.
Your heart probably stopped beating. You waited for her to take it back, say that she was joking. She did no such thing, and instead kissed your collarbone again, slower, letting her lips linger on your heated skin. 
As if your mind was on autopilot, you lifted your hands to the Doctor's head, letting your hands card through her hair. If it was even possible, she relaxed even more, completely melting into your touch. 
"No need to thank me," you said, when your voice returned to you. "I'm always here when you need me."
Just a few moments later, the soft sound of wheezing and groaning echoed throughout the quiet moonlit streets. The TARDIS slowly materialized near your front door, the blue box standing proudly outside your house.
She'd never played matchmaker before. Mission accomplished, then.
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She’s literally me guys and I love her
My favorite thing about Thirteen is that she just says shit. The word "disingenuous" isn't even in her vocabulary. Humans with almost no concept of alien life say, "You don't look like an alien"; she says, "Oh, I know, but you should see me when my body explodes and I turn into someone else!" She won't call her sonic screwdriver a screwdriver because, well, it's not a screwdriver. She'll casually tell anyone, in any place and time period, that she used to be a man, or, if it becomes vaguely relevant, that she's from another planet and travels through time in a spaceship. Graham tells her he's terrified of his cancer coming back; she says, "I'm sorry, I don't have an appropriate response. I'm going to go over here for a while and stare at a thing, and I'll let you know if I come up with one." Ryan tells her about his dad's failures as a parent; she meets Ryan's dad and goes, "Hello, Ryan's dad! You're a failure as a parent and a disappointment to your child." She's not socially awkward; she's socially chaotic.
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For All Time
Pairing - Loki x fem!reader
Summary - the reader was Loki's bestfriend since childhood until teenage and he was in love with her but maybe they were just never meant to be.
Warnings - death
Requested by - @akshinayak I reaally hope it was good enough and tysm for the request!
They say breaking up with your partner hurts the most. That's not true, Loki thought to himself. They say falling out of love hurts the most. That's not true, he thought.
"What really hurt-" he whispered to himself and clenched his jaw. His crown of long, black horns feeling a lot burdensome. "-Is knowing that you would've had a chance, would've had a future together. But you didn't. All because of your own selfish reasons and insecurities".
He scoffed, leaning back onto his new throne, one that he ironically had no intentions of wanting and gripped the handle.
The frustration about himself melting away to make way for deep, agonizing pain and heartbreak as he caught onto a thread of your lifeline.
Loki's lips were tightly pressed together when he decided to watch over you, something that he had done last night itself. He couldn't help himself, seeing as your condition was deteriorating day by day.
With a deep sigh leaving his lungs, he closed his eyes, head leaning back against the throne as a certain memory drifted into focus. Putting everything else on hold.
"Fancy any one of them, do you?" Your playful voice asked when he looked at various pictures of princesses.
"Absolutely not," he slammed the last one on the table.
"Pity. I would've loved to see my best friend getting married".
Best Friend. He gritted his teeth, running a hand through the long locks and looking out of the window. That's all he would ever be. A best friend. Nothing more. Never.
Despite being able to sense emotions and read people well, the God of Mischief failed to recognise your feelings. He somehow never took notice of your lingering touches, of your constant staring and looking at him as though he had hung the stars."
Do you have anyone in your mind Loki?" You asked quietly and stood next to him. His emerald irises clashing against your golden-brown ones. "You can tell me, you know?"
You. Its always been you.
He wanted to scream it out loud, wanted to yell and make the whole world know the fact that it was you whom he had fallen for.
"There's no one," he answered abruptly and completely avoided your gaze, and in the meanwhile also not noticing the way your eyes seemed to dull.
He had loathed himself for every passing second after that incident. How different would life have been had he confessed his feelings right then?
He would still have to go through everything, but at least he could've had you right by his side. And that alone would've made all the difference in the world.
He swallowed the misery before regaining control and finally looking at you from high above. But in an instant his facade broke, face contorting in pain upon seeing your weak and frail body. A startling contrast to the strong and regal woman that you had once been.
"Oh my love," he whispered to himself, his eyes raking over every little change that had taken place in the short course of twenty four hours.
You had injured yourself, heavily. A group of oursiders had somehow managed to invade your territory, catching everyone off guard and naturally you had taken the lead.
Fighting alongside Lady Sif and your husband, Alvis.
Another painful wound struck his heart when he saw the said person entering your room, his face drowned in sorrow and desperation.
"How are you, my queen?" Alvis sat down next to her.. Next to his queen, Loki said in his mind.
"I am fine," you smiled back, your expression the epitome of exhaustion.
"Rest, yes?" He said and took her hands in his, caressing the skin. "I will be back soon enough, have to go through some work".
Loki watched as you barely managed to nod, he watched as your loving husband pressed a kiss on your forehead, something that he was supposed to do.
A harsh breath escaped his throat and he let go of the branch, his heart not being able to see its other half being in immense pain.
He had no rights, absolutely none to want himself to be in the place of your husband. He was selfish, arrogant, entitled, pessimistic whereas Alvis was the complete opposite.
You had found yourself a man who loved and worshipped you exactly the way you were supposed to be. He could've never been able to do that. You deserved someone so much better than him. Always.
"Would it be so bad, hmm?" You questioned softly, searching his eyes for an answer.
"I fail to understand what you are talking about," he muttered and looked anywhere but at you.
"I think you understand perfectly enough".
He didn't answer and walked away, because what else was he supposed to do?
"Is the idea how us getting merried so bad that you can't even look at me?" You asked, a small smile on your face.
"I did not say that".
"You surely implied that".
"I-" he cut himself off and turned to face you, his expression holding anger. "I do not wish to get married," he stated, his eyes glaring into yours but you were barely fazed.
"Okay," was all you could say and Loki immediately noticed the way your face changed drastically. You tried to offer him a smile, but for once he saw right through that.
"Okay," you repeated again, backing away from him, taking one step at a time which lead to a huge barrier between the two.
He merely watched you leave, rooted the spot. He probably didn't know it, but he had lost you at that moment. Not as friends no, you would always continue being friends. No one in the universe could possibly break one of the strongest bonds between two people.
"I love you," he whispered to the now empty room, falling down to his knees as a lone tear slipped down his cheek. "Always".
Loki let out a bitter laugh at the memories. Out of all the things he could've said, he uttered the most bitter lies.
He was a changed man now. He replayed all those moments in his head, being able to see all the chances that he had lost. Seeing just how hurt you had been from every selfish comment he had made.
What would he give to go back and change everything instantly.
It was unfathomable, the amount of love his entire being held for simply one person. Nobody ever came close, and never would. He may have been a narcissist, an arrogant liar, a tricking asshole.
But there was one thing that nobody else could do other than him. And that was to love you, adore you in such a way that a mere hiccup in your life caused him pain. To care for you like you held his lifeline in your rough, scarred, but soft hands. To want you in a way that nobody had done before.
Because that's how Loki has. If he loved someone, he loved them enough to terrify himself about the lengths he would go for, namely for the person's happiness.
He had done so countless of times for you, and unknown to him, you had cherished every single minute of those special occasions. Keeping them so close to your heart that they bloomed whenever you were happy and blocked your breathing when you were devastated.
He was lost in thought, but a sudden tug in his chest pulled him out. Loki frowned at the strange feeeling, his intuiton telling him something terrible had happened.
His breathing quickened as he gripped the branch, your branch, noticing the fading green light causing sweat to erupt on his forehead and neck.
"No, no no no," he chanted, feeling as though the world had collapsed upon seeing the scene in front of him. "No," he whispered, heart slowly but surely shattering.
He watched Alvis, tapping your cheek frantically and gently shaking your body as he yelled for the doctors to be brought. "Stay with me, my queen. The doctors are coming, please, stay with me!"
Sif was on your other side, holding one of your hand in hers, pressing the back to her lips. "I'm sorry," she whispered in between tears as her body shook.
Your face, Loki saw and swallowed. It was still as beautiful as ever. Those golden-brown eyes that made him catch his breath everytime he glanced your way, those sharp eyebrows arching whenever you narrowed your eyes playfully and that gorgeous smile that you presently held.
"I'm okay," you croaked out, "I'm alright".
The two people surrounding you simply cried harder at that, bowing their heads and pressing the back of your hand to their temple. Their way of paying respect to the bravest warrior they'd seen.
Loki's chest felt empty, as though his heart too was slowly dying, following his soulmate to the afterlife. Silent tears were flowing down his cheeks without a halt. There was only one thing he could think of to do now and he did just that.
Your eyes were half open, understanding that your end was nearing soon and you didn't have any regrets. You had lived a beautiful life inspite of the hardships.
But then a sudden warmth made you open your eyes completely for one last time. Your head tilted to see the rays of light gushing in through the open window, bathing your entire body in its glow.
You didn't fail to notice the green tint that was present and your heart skipped a beat, despite already being in a fragile state. "Loki," you whispered, your voice barely audible but the one who needed to hear it heard his name clearly.
And you took your final breath, a content smile on your face as your eyes closed.
His soul shattered next, everything suddenly feeling cold all of a sudden as he slumped back in his throne, breathing heavily and swallowing harshly.
"Rest easy, my love. I will love you, for all time, always," he said to the skies.
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𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐨𝐟𝐟
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐒𝐮𝐛!𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟖𝟑𝟖
𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Calling the sight before you a work of art would be to do it a disservice. Truthfully, there aren’t any words to properly capture the beauty of what you’re seeing. 
Your god, your lover, is laid out before you in a tangle of cream sheets and long limbs. His back is pressed against your chest and your chin rests lightly on his shoulder, granting you an unobstructed view of the masterpiece reclined back between your legs. Loki’s nude form is something you’ll never cease to admire, even when both of you have been touched by the hands of time. 
It’s impossible not be captivated by him. Your eyes drink in the sight of firm muscles ripping beneath the skin of his stomach and those firm thighs that are spread wide at your command. No artist living or dead could capture the beauty of the man in your arms. 
They couldn’t even come close. 
“Good boy,” you purr in his ear while still half lost to your thoughts of him. “That was a hard one.” 
Loki shakes his head only slightly, the small movement sending raven curls dancing across your naked breasts. You feel the warm puff of air from his nose hit your hand and you kiss his temple with a smile. 
“I know,” you coo. “I’m being very cruel tonight, aren’t I?” 
The god in your arms doesn’t say a word; not that he can, anyway, with how your hand is clamped over his mouth while you stroke his cock.
You let him come down off the edge, pausing just long enough to make him believe that you’ve finally decided to grant him mercy, but then you slowly begin to build him up again. His cock is hard and throbbing in your hand, and beads of arousal are already beginning to dribble from the swollen head. 
“You’re doing so well, darling boy,” you murmur your praise into his mess of curls, watching how his chest seems to puff up with pride. 
With precise deliberateness, you circle your thumb around the head of his cock. Once, twice, until Loki moans deep in his throat - a needy, desperate noise that only makes you burn for him. Twenty minutes have passed since you began to edge him, but despite how badly you want him to fuck you into the mattress, you can’t stop teasing him. 
Because there’s no sound sweeter than the little moans and whimpers he’s been making. 
“I could listen to your little noises all night,” you tease him. “Maybe that’s what you want? Would you like me to edge you all night, my darling?” 
A high pitched whine floats from his lips when you begin to stroke him faster and you feel him press his head back against your chest. By his sides, the cream bedsheets are balled in his fists - you can see the skin over his knuckles turning white and, as you glance down further, those firm thighs are beginning to quiver.
“Mmmph! Mmmph!” The noise escapes him frantically at the same time he starts to buck his hips. You feel his body tense and feel the rapidness of his breathing against your hand. 
He’s so close. 
“What is it? Are you saying please? Please what? Please keep edging you, or please let you cum?” you taunt him. You’re going to let him cum, of course, but he doesn’t know that. 
Loki whimpers, actually whimpers, and nods wildly against your chest, sending one stray curl dancing over his furrowed brow. 
You press another lingering soft kiss to his temple, to which his eyes flutter closed. “Let you cum?” You pause and pretend to think, smiling as Loki continues to whine and buck beneath you. “You’ve been so good for me tonight, my darling, I’m so very proud of you. Be my good boy and cum for me.” 
It only takes seconds.
Loki cries out behind your hand while his hips buck madly into the one stroking his cock. He groans as he spills over his own stomach, and his head rests heavily against your shoulder. His orgasm consumes him, makes his handsome face contort in ecstasy, and you can’t take your eyes off him - your beautiful boy lost to pleasure that you’ve bestowed on him. 
He doesn’t stop groaning behind your hand until he’s well and truly spent and panting in your arms. Only then do you remove your hand from his mouth to wrap both arms around his torso, cradling him close to you as he basks in the afterglow of his release. 
“Was that ok?” you ask quietly, nuzzling your face in his hair. 
He plops an elegant hand over your knee and squeezes it. “More than ok,” he murmurs with a breathy laugh. “I struck gold with you, darling. Truly.”
You feel your face grow hot and your only response is to caress his bare chest. Loki lifts a hand to grasp yours and bring it to his lips. 
“If you’re ready, I would very much like to return the favour.”
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what once was mine | ch 7
Loki x Reader
Series Summary: When watching what once was supposed to be the rest of his life, in an empty room in the TVA, Loki sees someone he can't recognize; a girl who's all tenderness and loose smiles, and most importantly, she was smiling at him.
A/N: I apologize in advance lol.
Masterlist | Read ch 6 here
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Your feet buried in the sand, just inches from the gentle waves crashing to shore. You could smell the salt in the air, feel it on your skin as the wind carried droplets of water until it reached you. The sun kissed the horizon of the ocean beside you, painting the waves in streaks golden.
This was possibly your favorite thing about New Asgard, the ocean.
Or, second favorite, you thought, as you squeezed the hand holding your own.
"And Thor wouldn't listen to me, of course," Loki continued the story, his feet burying in the sand just as yours did. One of his hands interlocked with yours, the other holding his shoes. "Not until the whole tent came crashing down on him."
You giggled, the soft wind carried your laughter and messed up your hair, "Thor never was the brightest at learning our 'contraptions', as he would call them."
"No, I guess not," Loki mused, a smile of his own lingering on his lips.
You looked up at him then, watching as the fading sunlight reflected against his bright eyes and shaped the curves of his smile. You'd never tire of the sight, of him by your side.
"You should come with us next time," Loki suggested, apparently just as lost in you as you were in him.
"Camping?" You raised a brow.
Loki nodded, stopping in his tracks. He dropped his shoes to the sand without a second thought, so he could take hold of both your hands. "You'd make it better."
His voice, however, began to sound far away. You frowned, looking around as the golden sunlight seeped away, making room for a grey and stormy sky. The wind picked up speed, cutting into your skin like needles. The sea, once calm and serene, now raged and thundered against the shoreline.
"You always do." Suddenly, Loki's voice was nothing but an echo.
You didn't have time to hold him tighter before his hands were snatched away from yours.
Stumbling forward, you tried running after him, but the sand began to swallow your feet. Panic settled into your chest and got your heart racing.
You looked up, but you shouldn't have.
His eyes were bloodshot, his feet held off the ground as he struggled against the bruising grip on his neck. When Loki looked into your eyes, tears were running down both your cheeks. Blood trailed down his mouth as he choked for a breath. "Run," it was a plea, so quiet and weak past his lips.
The last thing you heard was a sickening crack.
You woke up with a scream lingering on your lips, sitting up on your bed and already clawing at your chest for the air that you desperately needed yet couldn't get a hold of. You didn't know if you were sobbing or coughing, perhaps a bit of both.
The tears were non-stop, dripping down your chin and dampening the collar of your pajama shirt. You threw the covers away from your body, feeling trapped on your skin. Burying your head on your trembling hands, you did your best to try and catch your breath.
It had been a while since you've had a nightmare this haunting.
─── ·❆· ───
You felt numb. The day began and you couldn't feel anything besides the emptiness in your chest. Foolishly, you had thought you'd finally outgrew the bad memories, the grief. You wondered if you ever would.
As you walked through the hallways of the TVA, you thought back to yesterday; to the rain, the northern lights, and him. He who had those same dark curls, those same bright eyes, and alabaster skin that you saw in your dreams and nightmares. Each day it became harder and harder to believe the lie you insisted on telling yourself.
As if on cue, you heard the stomping of someone running to catch up with you.
"Good morning," Loki greeted, just a tad out of breath as he fell into step beside you.
You closed your eyes for a moment after hearing his voice. Gulping down the lump in your throat, you nodded without looking at him. "Morning."
Loki noticed, he felt the shift in the mood, heard it in your tone. You know he did, because he hesitated. "Um-" He tried to start; you could perfectly picture his eyes being unable to find a place to focus even if you weren't looking.
"I've been thinking," he tried again, and you could hear the tentative smile on his words, "For the next time you manage to borrow Mobius' tempad, I- I have a place I would like to show you, if you'd like."
There were tears brimming in your eyes. You weren't sure why. Maybe because this was such a Loki way for him to try and ask you out. Maybe because you could feel your heart melting for him as it found its home again after being in the cold for so long, and that terrified you.
"Yeah…" You cursed under your breath when your voice came out broken and strained. You cleared your throat. "I don't know when he'll let me borrow it again, so," you shrugged, quickening your steps, "I guess we'll see."
Loki fell behind just for the time it took for him to mull over your words. It didn't take much effort for him to match your pace again. "Yes, of course."
The sadness dripping from his voice made your heart clench. You didn't want to hurt him. But you didn't want to hurt yourself either.
Finally reaching your desk in your secluded nook of the library, you immediately busied yourself with threading over the fresh stack of documents resting on top of it. Pointedly avoiding Loki's concerned look.
"I can help you with those," Loki suggested, already reaching for a spare chair.
"You really don't have to," You tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, turning on your table lamp.
"I want to," he told you with that softness reserved for you only. "We can finish it twice as fast and maybe stop for tea-"
"Loki, stop!" You suddenly snapped, finally turning to look at him. "Can you just leave me alone for one goddamn second?" You hadn't meant for your voice to come out as harsh as it did.
Loki lowered his head so you weren't able to see the pang of hurt in his eyes. His hand went limp as he slowly let go of the chair. Still, he took a step closer to you and asked; "Are you alright? Did something happen?"
Of course he would be able to tell. Of course he'd put your pain above his own.
You surrendered the facade with a sigh, and a single tear rolled down your cheek. "I keep seeing…" It was difficult to think of it, let alone say it. You closed your eyes. "The day I lost him, I- I keep seeing it over and over. Even after all this time."
You had gotten better, for a while, keeping busy in the TVA had somewhat helped. But you knew you only buried the feeling, never dealt with it. And then Loki—this Loki, the one who would be yours—found his way to you, and everything crumbled again. Those bright eyes of his were still the same you've always known, after all; and between the memories you had together that only you had lived, and the way his soul tangled with yours as if they never parted, you didn't know what to feel.
Your chin wobbled and a sob fell past your lips. "And I just want it to stop hurting… I just him back."
Seeing you like this, it hurt. Loki took half a step closer to you, his glassy eyes gauging every twitch of your muscles. If you told him to leave, he would, even if it's the last thing he wanted. Your pain pierced his soul like an arrow, tearing and making it bleed. More than anything, he found himself only wanting you to be okay.
No names were needed. Loki knew, just from the way you were adamantly refusing to look at him; he knew you were talking about… him.
Carefully, testing tentative waters, Loki reached for one of your hands. He held his breath when you tensed as his skin touched yours. His fingers closed gingerly around your wrist and he pulled your hand up with a gentleness he didn't know he was capable of.
You let him. You weren't sure why, but you did.
Loki brought your hand to rest above his chest, flat against his beating heart, and held it there, with his own hand still grasping yours tightly. He hesitated. He was afraid, he realized. Afraid of losing you.
Only when Loki opened his lips to speak, did he taste his own tears that had fallen. "I'm here." It was nothing but a breath. "I promise. I'm here." He tried, it was all he could give you; himself.
You clutched the fabric of his shirt, fingers shaking. You leaned your forehead against his shoulder as another sob escaped you. As the waves pulled you under.
In a place out of time, time stood still. For a precious second, only you and him existed.
You looked up after what felt like an eternity, your lips hovering as you struggled to hold his gaze. "But you're not him." The half smile that stretched the tear tracks on your cheeks held nothing but sorrow.
As if ripping apart a piece of his soul, Loki reluctantly let go of your hand. "What is it you have against me?" He whispered, pleaded.
You'd never seen him this vulnerable. His ocean eyes glimmered under the dim artificial lights of the library, eyebrows pulled softly together in what looked more like loss than confusion.
"And what is it you have with me?" You found yourself whispering back, just as desperate. "For you, we never met." Your voice broke and then dripped with frustration, "You have nothing to lose. So what is it that you want from me?"
It was selfish to put the blame on him, just because he brought back the same warmth you've been missing for so long. But you were hurting, and broken things tend to have sharp edges.
Loki's lips hovered open and he shifted his gaze down, almost as if ashamed. He held the silence for a beat longer. "I guess I just…" He stopped, and forced himself to look into your eyes. "I saw how much you loved your Loki… I think I was jealous, and I was selfish, for wanting the same thing he was lucky enough to have." His smile was that of someone who knew when he'd lost. "You."
All emotion drained from your face. It felt like a bucket of icy water being dropped on top of you.
Had Loki actually fallen in love with you?
For a moment you wondered if, in every reality and every lifetime, you were destined to fall for each other. As the universe's own twisted version of soulmates.
You would've laughed at such a sweet thought, if it hadn't just made your heartbeat skyrocket. Because deep down, you knew you'd fallen for him as well. Again. As you always knew you would.
In every lifetime. As you promised you would.
And it terrified you, because what if you were destined to fall, yet also destined to lose?
"I'm sorry," you breathed, tasting the salt of your tears on your lips. You took staggered steps away from Loki. "I'm sorry, I- I can't."
I'm sorry, I don't know if I can pick myself back up if I ever lose you again. So I'd rather not have you at all.
"Please, I-" Loki started, yet he didn't know what he was pleading for.
But you shook your head vehemently. "I need," your voice stumbled, "I'm sorry- I just need a moment alone."
You turned around then, walking away and taking Loki's heart with you. His eyes refused to watch you leave again, luckily he had tears to blur the memory.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Ch 8 coming soon.
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Loki’s taglist: @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @justaproudslytherpuff @justanotherkpopstanlol @chronicallybubbly @chaoticqueen33 @7minutes-tomidnight @uncle-eggy @oliviaewl @dd122004dd @tani725 @innebulae @mochminnie @mayemperess @alyeskathewave @buginktsworld @cremebruleequeen @wyvernthekriger @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avengersfan25 @mischief2sarawr @yokolesbianism @athenasproverbs @h-l-vlovesvintage @princess-ofthe-pages @daisy-the-quake @talesofadragon @rainbowsocks
@alexandra-001 @mary-jinx @stevenknightmarc @falconxsoldier @ladymercury8 @shirukitsune @ladymischief11 @starkzdaughter @navs-bhat @creat0r-cat @cinnamonbambii @anundyingfidelity @creationcitystreet-em @or-was-it-just-a-dream @agustdpeach @agent-tempest @spidermantaylorsversion @127djarin @imthedoctorlove @lokidokieokie @cookieeecutter @anuncalledbridge @awkwardnesshabitat @nixtape-foryou
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Y/N: it's-
Doctor: Bigger on the inside?
Y/N: *Is nerding out flapping hands wildly*
Y/N: is bigger even a real word? I was going to say a pocket dimension because realistically -entertaining the idea that this is real- this blue box thingy is probably on another pane of existence or at least engineerd a way to expand this plane of existence.
Y/N: With the rudementry laws of physics broken so easily, I can only assume that this ship- or TARDIS as you call it- has the ability to change it's weight, size and appearance and traverse through the fourth dimension most commonly known as time?
Y/N: Ooooh, what power source do you use that could sustain this? Do you have, like, a star as the heart of this and you're constantly zapping it's energy? Or maybe it's like a pulsar constaly spinning? Oh! What about a black hole stuck in like an energy absorbing stasis feld?
Doctor: *Is shook*
Y/N: What?
Doctor: I need you to shut up.
Y/N: oh, ok. I'm sorry for-
Doctor: *pulls Y/N into a kiss*
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I’ve been thinking Abt this fic non stop AAAA
Jawline of a God [Avenger!Loki x Fem.Reader] 18+
A link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: A one-shot about Loki's hot bone structure. That's it. Inspired by THIS (#sexualapocalypsesociety represent) Warnings: Extreme Loki thirst. Graphic descriptions of bone structure. Some sexual imagery/references to smut. Language. A/N: I can only hope I do them justice🙏Never say I don't follow through lol. W/C 1.2k
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Loki sat across the wide table from you, perfectly poised. His hair was tied back today, loosely gathered in a messy ponytail. It made you want to rip his shirt off in the middle of Roger’s 7am briefing. I wonder what would happen if I did, you thought. I wonder if he’d like that. His eyes flickered towards you. You tilted your head, unsubtly inspecting the photographs hanging behind him on the wall. As Rogers rumbled on at the front of the room, Loki cleared his throat gently. Your eyes were unavoidably drawn back to him, waiting quietly with a knowing smirk on his face. He brought two fists up to his chest, spreading his bent arms in a tight stretch before pressing his hands together. The force of his biceps strained through the tight cotton encasing them. He winked. What a dick, you thought, rolling your eyes. He totally thought I was checking him out. How rude.
You tried to focus on the slides Steve somehow managed to fill every single night in preparation for his interminable morning meetings. Without even realising you were doing it, you were suddenly looking at Loki again. He was facing the front now, concentrating. That made a change. His brow was furrowed, listening to whatever it was Steve was actually talking about. What was it? You couldn’t remember. Loki’s jawline in profile was more poetic than exquisitely carved marble. Bernini himself could not create such a thing of beauty. The way the straight edge rocked sharply upwards at the angle below his ear like a calligrapher's stroke. Strands of dark hair hung around the border, teasingly brushing against the pale skin of his elegant neck, luminescent in the morning light. If you ever found Loki Laufeyson in your bed, you would spend an awful lot of time kissing that neck, working your way to that sinful jawline, up those razor-sharp cheekbones. Taking your time. Biting gently as he groaned beneath you. You knew his skin would be soft as fuck. You just knew it. Loki wet his lips, the tip of his pink tongue darting out in an absent-minded lick. You felt wetness beginning to gather in your panties as you imagined how perfectly the curve of his face would fit nestled in your neck, grunting against your skin. You would make him hiss with need as you rode him mercilessly, enjoying every primal noise accompanied by a clench of that powerful jaw. He would slot into the crevices of your shoulder like a hand in a leather glove, moaning unintelligibly into your hair while slotting another equally perfect part of himself deep within. Leather. Why did you have to think about leather. Loki swallowed; chin slightly raised. An inexplicably arousing muscle at the side of his face flexed with a gentle bob as your stomach followed the motion of his Adam's apple. Like going over a hill in the back of a car. Suddenly you felt very hot. Loki smiled at something. his dimples flashing as the skin across his taunt jaw tightened. He flexed his neck forward, humming agreement at a well-made point, probably. It was all just white noise. Jesus Christ. You couldn’t look away. Thoughts of his face buried between your thighs. The stamina of that muscled jaw. The flash of that apocalyptic bone structure smeared with your arousal coming into view from between your legs to simply tilt and ask “I trust my services are to your satisfaction, Agent…”
You re-adjusted in your seat, the damp situation between your legs now fully beyond the point of saving.
You shouldn’t be having these thoughts right now. I’m pretty sure someone here can read minds. But for the life of you, you couldn’t remember who.
Loki’s head subtly angled toward you, making you squeeze your thighs together under the table. You felt your eyebrows twitch as you fought to contain a whine of need under his smouldering stare. How is he so fucking hot, this shouldn’t be allowed, it's indecent you thought fruitlessly as a smile curled imperceptibly at one side of his mouth. You wondered if he threw his head back during sex. The image of that strong chin upended in pleasure towards the ceiling as he took you relentlessly was too much. What was his favourite position? He seemed like a doggy-style kind of guy, which would be a shame...you wouldn’t be able to see his face. But still. Small wins. You needed to focus. Focus. You scribbled nonsense on your notepad, eyes fluttering hopelessly upwards every few seconds. Loki sucked in his cheeks thoughtfully, the sharp peaks of his cheekbones striking your perverted gaze like a slap. Dead, you thought. I’m dead. And this is hell. Your core was starting to ache, begging to be touched by his dexterous fingers, wrapped sinfully around a pen as he minded his own business. Your stare swept up the landscape of his cheekbones once more, tracing the lines your tongue would explore, imagining how they would look from above as you rode him. They were so tight. So sharp. Jesus. He brought an elbow to rest on the table, resting his thumb on his lips as his forefinger stroked the line of his jaw thoughtfully.
I’m going to expire, you thought. In a work meeting. And then when the paramedics get here and cut off my clothes like they do in movies, everyone will know that I overdosed from rampant arousal. Like an animal. Fuck. Laufeyson’s long finger played at the sharp angle, circling absent-mindedly against the skin beneath his ear. That’s where you would suck a bruising kiss, right in that soft virginal expanse below the masculine devastation of his jawline. The thought of his artery pumping beneath the skin, at the mercy of your needy mouth as you marked him was all you could see, all you could feel. You would kiss every inch of him. Every...legendary...inch. A loud smack of a binder on the table broke your fantasy, blinking into reality as those around you stood. You cleared your throat, taking one last longing look at the lines of Loki’s bone structure as he gathered his notes with an air of innate regality only he was able to accomplish. You stood, arranging your files; not noticing the approaching hand encircling your wrist until it clasped tightly. “It’s me.” Loki purred quietly above your shoulder. You could feel the tight muscles of his chest against your back as he released his soft grip on your skin. “...who can read minds.” he continued knowingly, as your eyes widened. Fuck. “Agent, really...” he growled playfully; his eyes narrowing, “this kind of flagrant objectification is so unlike you.” He circled in front as you fumbled with your bag, holding the door as your teammates traipsed past deep in oblivious conversation.
Loki cast a glance around the room, leaning forward just enough that you caught a hit of cologne wafting from his warm skin. The sight of his neck muscles flexing at the stretching motion almost made your knees buckle. Keep it together for fuck’s sake, you chided yourself as his eyes found you again, looking down with unconcealed amusement. “On the contrary, darling...I’m counting on quite the opposite” he murmured, drawing one of those long fingers across your cheek, brushing against your parted lips with a wink. “If this is the effect that such an inconsequential part of my anatomy such as my jawline has on you, darling- I cannot wait for you to experience the rest.” He leaned forwards. “I’ll let you into a little secret, shall I?” Loki whispered, as your breaths grew short. “Me kneeling. My partner, straddled on top for me to control their pleasure. That is my favourite position.” You swallowed, as he continued. “And yes, I do find myself throwing my head back when I am...overcome with passion. I do hope that’s alright.” he said casually, smirking. Words deserted you as you nodded dumbly. “Excellent” he purred, withdrawing from where he hovered. The sharp lines of his cheekbones flashed as he turned towards the door, the straight edge of his chin begging to be worshipped without shame. “Eight o’clock?” he postured cheerfully, pausing in the doorway, “I know a nice bar not far from here. And, Agent…?” Loki paused dramatically, raising an eyebrow as he watched you blinking mutely against the wall with your mouth hanging slightly open. “Try not to become too aroused by thoughts of my jawline in the meantime. I prefer my dates un-expired, preferably. It makes for more interesting conversation.” You took several deep breaths as you heard his footsteps depart, soft chuckles echoing in the empty hall.
Tags --@lokischambermaid @mochie85 @thedistractedagglomeration @xorpsbane @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @yelkmelk @lokiprompts @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @holdmytesseract @ravenwings73 @mischief2sarawr @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @loopsisloops @fictive-sl0th @ladymischief11 @lady-rose-moon @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbs @sititran @skymoonandstardust @anonymousfiction211 @nerdy-fangirl-65 @five-miles-over @handsaroundmyneck @gigglingtigger @daggers-and-mischief @mistress-ofmagic @trickster-maiden @animnerd @thomase1 @toozmanykids @dangertoozmanykids101 @ladylovesloki @fictional-hooman @ozymdias @loki-laufeyson-1054 @123forgottherest @maple-seed @peacefulpianist @lokislilkitten @kats72 @cakesandtom @your-taste-on-my-lips @trojanaurora @chantsdemarins
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Birthday Girl
Summary: Loki surprises you for your birthday.
Warnings: Smut. 18+ ONLY. Minors DNI. Sub Loki.
A/N: For @lokisgoodgirl Happy Birthday, my sweet friend. Love you! ❤️
Your heart races as you run down the hall to your apartment. Thor told you that your boyfriend Loki was waiting for you inside with your birthday gift. You finally reach the end of the hallway, turning the knob to let yourself in. You check every room, calling for him. You pause in front of the bedroom door, the first place you should have looked.
You find Loki on the bed, not a stitch of clothing on. Chains wrapped around his torso, pinning his arms to his sides, a black leather collar fastened around his neck. “Happy Birthday, my love. I thought I’d gift you the only thing you’ve ever asked of me.” Control. Loki always was in charge in the bedroom. When you tried to top him, he would growl, flip you over and punish you in the best way.
You quickly shed your clothes, eager to play with your new gift. You slide between his muscled legs, taking his cock between your hands. You pump him slowly at first. When you speed up, he hisses. “You can only cum if you’re a good boy.” You give the ultimatum as your mouth descends on his hard length.
You take him between your lips, tongue swirling over the soft skin. You flatten your tongue, taking as much of him in as you can. He thrusts up, and you stop. “So impatient.” You tease. You lick the pre cum dripping from his tip as he watches you. He follows your gaze to the nightstand. You reach over, pulling your wand vibrator out of the drawer.
“Remember what I said.” You tell him as you power the wand on. You rub it up and down his length. He shutters, moaning your name. You bring him back inside your mouth, locking your lips tightly around him. He squirms as you move the wand over his stomach, down his thighs, and finally up to his balls. He says your name in warning. “Darling!” He shouts as you rub a particularly sensitive spot with the wand.
“You’re being so loud. I know the perfect way to shut you up.” Tossing the wand aside, you make your way up his torso, admiring how good he looks in chains. This was an image you would never forget. You place your legs on either side of his head, lowering yourself onto his mouth.
He licks a fat stripe up your center. You squeeze your thighs tighter around his head as he uses the tip of his tongue to flick your clit. The skilled muscle swipes and swirls against you expertly. You use the pad of your thumb to caress his cheek as he eats you. Your other hand toys with the collar around his neck. You don’t think he’s ever been hotter and the man is sex on legs. Your orgasm sneaks up on you. You buck against his face riding it out, tugging on the collar.
You move back down his body, gliding his weeping cock through your folds. You moan when it hits your clit. You can’t wait anymore, you have to have him inside you. You sink yourself down on him. He stretches you deliciously, and you haven’t put all of him inside you yet. Even though you had slept with him before, you would never get used to how full you felt every time.
When your hips meet, and he’s settled all the way inside you, you both exhale. You bounce on him, loving the way he’s squirming under the chains. Under normal circumstances, he would have both hands on your hips, using you how he wants. But tonight, it’s all about what you want. You pinch your nipples between your thumb and index finger, moaning every time you sink back down on him.
“I’m so close. May I please cum, my beautiful birthday girl?” He asks, you know he’s lacing his plead with sweet words so you’re more likely to give in. You continue riding him, taking a strand of your hair between your fingers, twirling it like a schoolgirl. “Since you asked so nicely…. No.” You giggle wickedly as he groans at your answer.
You lean down, stomach flush to the chains. You tighten around him, loving the way the cold chains feel against your sensitive nipples. You kiss his jaw, sucking above the collar hard enough to mark him. Loki whimpers when you pull on the collar, and it’s the most beautiful sound in the world. “I wish it was my birthday every day.” You think out loud. Loki chuckles. “You have me chained for one night, and already you wish for more. My greedy girl.”
You grasp his shoulders to steady yourself, grinding down on him. This angle makes his cock hit that sweet spot that makes you scream. Your legs tremble each time he drags against it. You feel your climax building. You look at the powerful man underneath you. He trusted you enough to let you have him like this. He shakes from trying to hold himself back from ripping out of the chains. A part of you wishes he would. You bounce harder, “Cum for me, my good boy.” He thrusts up, sending you over the edge with him. “I love you, my birthday girl.”
@lokisgoodgirl @fictive-sl0th @lokidbadguy @ozymdias @cindylynn @cakesandtom @eleniblue @marygoddessofmischief @coldnique @mochie85 @goblingirlsarah @lokisninerealms @wheredafandomat @peaches1958 @freegardenbanananeck @chantsdemarins @lokidokieokie @l0ki3000 @anukulee @multifandom-worlds @alexakeyloveloki @ladymischief11 @kats72 @mischief2sarawr @lamentis-10 @loz-3 @litaloni @lulubelle814 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @avengersfan25 @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @mybugabomlb @bunny24sstuff @luthien-elvenia-asher @gruftiela @itsybitchylittlewitchy @asgards-princess-of-mischief @weirdothatwritess
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kneel ~ loki laufeyson;mcu
word count: 3541
request?: no
description: after finally being fed up with loki’s pranks, she finds out something about her friend’s little brother, something that intrigues her greatly
pairing: loki laufeyson x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut (masturbation, oral - f receiving, unprotected p in v)
masterlist (one, two, three)
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Thrown - Chapter 44: Birthright
Summary: Loki wrestles with an old insecurity
Word Count: 1,724
Thrown Masterlist Loki Masterlist
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Loki's fingers trailed over your bare thigh then paused to gently squeeze the soft flesh. You wore a lazy smile as Loki lay stretched next to you, until you suddenly winced and gasped. You cried out in pain and flinched away. Startled, Loki sat up quickly, trying to find the source of your distress. He looked down at his hand. It was blue. Your skin where he touched you was burned. "Darling, I-" he looked to your face. It was twisted in fear. You were afraid of him.
Loki woke in his bed. His bed. He was alone. It had been one of the rare nights he didn't stay with you, and for once he was grateful. He shut his eyes and tried to push the dream away. It was hard to forget the fear in your eyes. He glanced out the window. It was early morning. He might as well get up.
While his tea steeped Loki wallowed in his shame. He had never told you what he was. He should have made it known. It felt deceitful. Norns, he had taken you to bed without telling you what he was. You certainly deserved better than that.
Thor came down the stairs and found Loki still at the table, now with a cold cup of tea. They passed their normal morning greetings and Loki watched his brother rifle through their cabinets for breakfast.
"Thor, I need to ask you something." "Yes?" Thor did not look up from the cereal he was pouring. "How did you react, when you found out about my true heritage?" Thor chuckled. "To tell you the truth, I was much more distraught over your recent death." Loki sighed. "Yes, certainly, but aside from that?" Thor looked over at Loki. "Why do you ask?"
Loki looked at Thor and there was only silence. Thor's shoulders slumped. "Oh, Loki." He sighed. "I know." Thor's brow twisted in confusion. "How is it even possible, after all this time?" Loki shrugged. "It simply never came up." Thor shot him a skeptical look. "Perhaps I guided our conversations away from certain topics." Loki muttered and fiddled with his idle tea.
Thor stood pensive for a moment. "Don't worry yourself over it." "I lied to her." Thor scoffed. "You didn't. And besides, are you not the God of Lies? I imagine she is willing to forgive some dishonesty." Loki glowered at the table. "I should have told her what I am." "She knows what you are. It's your lineage she's made some assumptions about." Thor stated firmly as he sat down across from Loki. "To answer your question, it didn't change the way I thought of you. It changed the way I thought of the Jötnar." He took a bite of his breakfast. "Though it did shed some light on a few of your actions." Loki couldn't bring himself to look at his brother. The wasted tea held his attention instead. "I think, perhaps, you should see her this morning. I can do without you for a few hours." Loki's heart wrenched at the thought of facing you with this. However, he recognized he couldn't avoid it. You should have known already. "I think that's wise."
As Loki trudged down the road to your home he tried to identify exactly how he was feeling. He knew, deep down beneath everything else, that you would love him regardless. Somehow that made it worse. You wouldn't have the context to understand what he had kept from you. He wouldn't be able to explain how despicable it was, and you would dismiss it like was nothing.
Despite knowing logically that you would still have him, there was still a part of him that feared you wouldn't. He remembered your terror from his dream. A small, ugly voice in his mind said you would be right to fear him. He deserved to lose you. He never deserved to have you in the first place.
He stood on your porch and hesitated for a moment at the door. He took a breath then stepped inside. You startled on the couch, but your surprise quickly gave way to a smile.
"Loki?" You set your coffee down and stood. "What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting to see you until dinner." He kept his distance and avoided your touch. "I needed to speak with you." Worry crossed your face. "Okay." He gestured to the couch and you took your seat. After a moment of deliberation he sat beside you. "I haven't told you everything about myself." "Well, that's a relief. I haven't told you everything about myself either." You attempted a weak smile. Loki shook his head. "This is something important." His voice stalled out. He suddenly wasn't sure where to begin. "I think you should just tell me." You said quietly.
He nodded and pushed forward. "Do you recall, I told you of the time I fell from Asgard, into the abyss?" You nodded. He looked down. "My fall, I didn't- it was... intentional." Your face fell and your hands reached out, grasping him, as if you could catch him now. You dear creature. "It's alright, it's alright." He took your hands as you clung to him. You started to say something but he shook his head. "The reason is what I need to tell you." He found himself looking down at your hands, turning them over in his. "There were many reasons, I suppose. But I had traveled down a sort of spiral into madness. This spiral was triggered, largely, by a revelation about my heritage." He met your eyes. "I am not Asgardian." Your brows were knitted as you processed this. "So... Thor?" "We are not brothers by blood. Odin found me, abandoned as an infant and raised me as his son. I was born on Jötunheim." He swallowed. "I am Jötunn." "Oh." You ruminated on this for a moment. "Okay."
He looked down again. "I should have told you sooner." "Hey, it's fine." You bent in an attempt to meet his line of sight. "It's really okay. I came to terms with having feelings for an alien a long time ago. It's really not much of an adjustment to switch from one alien to another." He looked away. "You don't understand. The Jötnar, they are savage. Enemies of Asgard. The monster in every children's story." You grabbed his face and forced him to look your way. "You are not a monster." "I tried to kill them." He was surprised by the weakness in his voice. "I meant to destroy the entire race. I would have, if Thor hadn't stopped me. Is that not something a monster would do?" He expected to receive your disgust. Possibly your fear or your anger. Instead your face bent in sympathy. "Destroy the enemy of Asgard? It sounds like something an Asgardian would do."
Loki closed his eyes. You settled back against the couch, pulling him with you. "Obviously the stories are wrong, Loki. You bought into the propaganda. I'd expect more from a god of lies." He allowed you to bring his head to rest against yours, against the back of the couch. "Your clemency is too easily granted. This should have ended with you sending me away." "Loki, the first time I saw your face was on television, attempting to subjugate my planet." "All the more reason." "Hm." He rested with you in silence, your fingers stroking his hair.
You eventually ventured a question. "I didn't think Jötuns looked like Asgardians." Loki winced. "They don't. What you see is shape-shifted. This isn't the form I was born to. There was another beat of silence. "Can I see?" This was something he had hoped to avoid, but he certainly couldn't deny you. "You may not look at me the same way." "Don't be ridiculous." He sighed and sat up, facing you. "I did warn you." You straightened and watched him with anticipation.
He closed his eyes and felt his form shift. He didn't hear you respond, and eventually found the courage to look at you, with eyes he knew were now blood red.
You were looking at him with wonder, and reached out to trace a raised line on his cheek. "It's a lovely shade." "It's hideous." He muttered. You pursed your lips. "Loki, I think you might be racist." "If it weren't for my magic," he spoke sadly, the memory of his dream resurfacing, "my touch would burn you with cold." You took his hand and brought it to your lips, placing a kiss to his fingertips with a slight smile. "Then I'm very grateful for your magic." He found the sight of his blue skin against yours unsettling, and shifted back to his usual shape. "How can you be so unfazed by all of this?" "Oh, I'm fazed, for sure. We definitely have a lot to talk about. But like I said, I had already come to terms with the alien thing. I assumed there would be a few surprises."
That sounded reasonable enough, even if part of him still struggled to believe it. He leaned back, and this time you followed him until the both of you were reclined on the couch. He threw an arm around you and sighed. "It is unreasonable to be this tired so early in the day." He looked down at you. "Do you have work to do?" "It can wait. What about you?" "It can wait." He echoed.
You settled in against him. "So, you're only a prince by adoption?" A smirk curled his lip, despite himself. "Actually, I'm the rightful king of Jötunheim." "Oh, that's great news." He heard the smile creep into your voice. "I thought I would have to kill Thor to become a queen." That drew a chuckle from him, and he could sense you were pleased with yourself for it.
He looked up at your ceiling and his mind swam. You had given him a lot to think about. His concentration was pulled away by your fingers toying with a strand of his hair. It drew his focus to you instead. You were still his. He felt a deep gratitude for your reassuring weight against him. There were things that needed to be addressed, without question. Deep-seated beliefs. Ideas of who he was.
They could wait.
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