hi, I draw and write as creative hobbies that I don't usually put much effort in, I like birds and music, and so on and so forth I'll update this when I figure out what else is interesting about me-
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Zawg what have I done to this poor cat I'm sobbing
Look at his face :sob:
I'm so sorry cat I dragged off google image search please forgive me for my human-eyed sins
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T o u c a n .
I am currently feeling absolutely feral for these fuckers and I needed to share my opinion(and some pictures) right this fucking second and I could not wait
Note to self: do basic reading and figure out where these are from so I can rewatch the documentary I saw one time later
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Fucked around with the jitter setting over like three days and arted up this thing with a reference(read: tracing), was fun atleast, kinda unhappy with it but it wasn't supposed to be good(or exist lmao) anyway so it be how it be, amirite?
Probs easier to find out what it is with the picture I used so here it be:

(Not mine but I forgot where I found it, but if it helps, I just searched "photos of streets" on duckduckgo and scrolled until I found it)
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Argh I can't figure out the origami😭😭😭
Eh, I'll figure it out when I wake up tmrw(later today, whatever, same thing, still not getting enough sleep either way lol)
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I gave into my brain and made a bookmark💀
(I don't even read irl books I have the worst attention span in the world when it comes to ✨️reading✨️💀)

They work surprisingly well and can be scaled up or down based on your book-sized needs! To add to that they're also easy to customize if you have scrap paper and some glue, if you put teeth on them they look like they're munching your book eheheje
(I don't have a tutorial to link but it's probably easy to find one)
Now off to find more fun stuff to origami before I pass out(God I hope it's soon I fr need sleep💀)
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Did some late-night(early morning, same thing) origami because I couldn't sleep, this is the result, I haven't done any origami before(exept some simple bookmarks a few years back) and I probably failed spectacularly but it's a good first(I hope-)

(It's a dragon ^^)
I think my mistakes were:
1. Not prepping the paper correctly(bending, stretching, folding, idk I'm not an origami expert)
2. Not being precise enough
3. Wrong kind of paper
4. The tutorial did something with the wings and I had no idea what(I'll rewatch and figure out where those lines came from, then use that on the next try)
Oh well, I'll try again later, probably get the same result, but every failed paper dragon is another decoration for my room
On another note, will wood's "I/me/myself" is hella good, check it out sometime, cheered me up big time(side effects may include but are not limited to: now not wanting to sleep, and once again feeling super hyper) (note to self: don't use my normal Playlist to try to cheer up, make a new one with all the upbeat funny songs you like)
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