spicyjesterwrites · 1 year
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spicyjesterwrites · 1 year
hmmm hate the new tumblr look. If i wanted a twitter-alike I would have been on twitter.
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spicyjesterwrites · 1 year
Getting it off your chest
Content: Sexual content, Alcohol
This is my first post putting out original content lmao. I wanted to put my writing somewhere, even if only a few people see it. Please enjoy!
“Sometimes, I just sorta feel up my own boobs,” Penny said, words slurred. 
She waited a beat, then said “Shit. I’m a bit buzzed. Forget I said that.” 
Penny was a trans woman, still uncomfortable with her body but better than she had been before. Her chest wasn’t big, but it was just noticeable enough to make her feel self conscious of the stubborn shadow of a beard she had been fighting off for nearly a year now. The dissonance was her main source of dysphoria, but she wouldn’t trade the lumps of fat on her chest for anything. 
“Why though?” asked her drinking companion, Lucy. Lucy, despite being cisgendered, had a very similar build to penny. They were both a little barrel chested, thick around the waist, and broad shouldered. They also had similar face shapes. They were distinguishable by the differences in their noses, their eyebrows, and their hair and eye colors. Penny had a thicker nose to Lucy’s button nose with a dusting of freckles, green eyes to Lucy's blue, and light brown hair to Lucy’s nearly black brown. Lucy’s eyebrows were Penny’s favorite part of the girl’s face, though she would never say so out loud. They were thick and downturned, giving Lucy a look of eternal grumpy contemplation. 
“I think I just like boobs,” Penny admitted, color rising in her face. She didn’t actually know Lucy especially well, and she was awkward about sexual stuff. Lucy didn’t really seem to care though. 
“Nothing wrong with liking boobs. I like boobs too, I just don’t really care much about my own,” Lucy said, taking a swig of her own beer. 
“I guess since I didn’t have them before, I’m just not used to them, so I can still enjoy them,” Penny said. She finished her own beer, hoping that Lucy wasn’t regretting coming over that night. Other people had been meant to show up, but no one except Lucy did. She was new to town, and Penny wanted to make sure she had friends. People their age were in short supply in a small town. So she had decided to just go with the flow, only to bring up boobs as the conversation point.
“You brought up boobs, so I’m going to roll with it. How many boobs have you touched, besides your own?” Lucy asked. 
“Just two? Or I guess four, since most people tend to have two. I had a girlfriend in middle school, then a different one in high school,” Penny said, “What about you? If you’re comfortable with saying.”
Lucy sat there, stone faced, for a solid three minutes. 
“Six pairs,” she said with confidence. “Jesus. A heartbreaker, huh?” Penny said with a laugh. Lucy smiled and shook her head. 
“I grew up in a city. I think I probably had more opportunities than you. Especially since I didn’t date all of them, three of them were in a game of truth or dare after a cast party,” she said. She went to take another swig out of her bottle, but came up dry. “Damn.”
“I can get you another,” Penny said, starting to stand up. 
“Nah, I don’t wanna get drunk tonight,” Lucy said. Penny sat there, feeling awkward. Lucy looked at her. 
“Are you drunk?” she asked. 
“No, maybe a little buzzed, but I can think clearly,” Penny said. “Just drunk enough to talk about my boobs.”
“If you aren’t drunk… Can I touch your boobs?” Lucy asked. Penny blinked. 
She blinked again. 
“Why do you wanna touch mine? They’re still small enough to be mistaken for pecs on me.”
“Nah, boobs are good, and I like looking at yours. If that’s not too weird to say,” Lucy said. “Sorry, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, I’m a little awkward.” 
“Not sure I can judge on that front,” Penny said with a shrug. 
“You can touch mine too. Even if you don’t want me to touch yours,” Lucy said. Penny, almost instinctively, looked at Lucy’s chest and immediately blushed hard. 
“Um…” “Sorry, this is a lot,” Lucy said, also blushing, “Forget I said anything, this crossed a few lines.” “No!” Penny said, a little louder than she meant to. “You can. Touch them I mean.”
Lucy stared at Penny for a moment, as if she expected her to change her mind, then stood up from the couch to cross to where Penny sat in a recliner. She leaned over Penny, her knee sat just close enough to Penny’s groin to make her heart beat a little faster. She quickly realized that she liked the visual of another girl leaning over her. 
Lucy first took Penny’s wrist, gently, and brought the hand up to her chest. Even feeling overtop the bra, Penny was immediately rigid. Then, one hand placed next to Penny’s head for balance (a placement that made her heart flutter almost as much as the knee), Lucy leaned in close and cupped one of Penny’s breasts. Lucy’s nose was less than an inch from Penny’s, and Penny was suddenly hit by the absurd worry that her breath might stink, while also feeling her breath catch in her throat at the sensation of another person’s touch. 
The feeling of having your breasts played with was fundamentally different from having someone touch her dick. It missed the strong physical need, and instead made her feel needy. She squirmed pleasantly at the touch, and whined when Lucy pinched the nipple slightly. 
Lucy suddenly stopped. Before Penny realized what was happening, she let out a whine of displeasure, missing the sensation already. Lucy grinned down at her. 
“Five minutes in and you’re already spoiled, huh?” She asked. Penny pouted back up and her, and Lucy laughed. She pulled off her shirt and unbuckled her bra, baring brown nipples to Penny. “You too.”
“Can you do it for me?” Penny asked, feeling like she wanted attention. Lucy grinned at her again, and without even answering she reached down to drag Penny’s shirt off. Her fingers caught Penny’s bra bared her chest in one smooth motion. Lucy sat there for a moment, letting one hand lazily trace along the outer curve of Penny’s breast. Then she leaned in and kissed Penny. 
As she leaned in, her knee came into gentle contact with Penny’s erection. Penny raised her own knee in between Lucy’s legs in response. She noted with some amount of satisfaction that her knee was immediately warm and damp.
Lucy’s lips moved from Penny’s mouth to her jawline. She worked her way down slowly and deliberately, laughing quietly as Penny squirmed with pleasure at the warm breath on her neck. As her kisses worked down Penny’s collarbone, she began to moan openly, placing a hand on Lucy’s head with her fingers twining through the black hair. 
Lucy cupped Penny’s breast in her hand and gave it a kiss on her stiff nipple. Gauging Penny’s shiver as positive (accurately so), she wrapped her lips around it, sucking gently and licking. After an embarrassingly short thirty seconds of work, Penny realized just how effective the technique was. 
“I’m… I’m cumming!” she said, voice becoming a husky squeak. Her back arched slightly as she felt the internal tug of orgasm in her prostate and at the tip of her penis. Lucy, for her part, made Penny squirm further by reaching straight into Penny’s skirt and pumping her already twitching sex. She drew Penny’s head between her breasts as she did this, and Penny almost instinctively took a nipple into her mouth. 
“Good girl,” Lucy said, sounding smug. Penny didn’t have the presence of mind to be indignant at being infantilized, she was too involved in the sensation of Lucy’s breasts on her face, and Lucy’s hand continuing the stimulation on her penis, even as the lazy dribbles of cum stopped flowing, making her buck her hips at the intense sensation. 
Penny heard the slide of cloth on skin as Lucy pulled off her jeans. She raised up on the recliner over Penny, her breasts moving out of reach as she presented something different to occupy Penny’s mouth. Penny wrapped her arms under Lucy’s legs to firmly grasp the other girl’s ass. She pulled Lucy’s hips close, pressing her lips against the lips of Lucy’s vagina.
“Greedy little thing, aren’t you,” Lucy said, her voice thick with arousal. Penny answered by flicking her tongue against Lucy’s clit, then moving it down to her entrance. 
Lucy groaned and placed her hand against the back of Penny’s head. Penny responded by digging her face in as hard as she could. Her nose pressed hard against Lucy’s clit as her tongue began to penetrate. Lucy began to rock her hips against Penny’s face, further grinding her button into Penny’s nose. 
After a minute of this, Penny felt Lucy’s insides squeeze against her tongue. Lucy put another hand behind Penny’s head to mash her in as hard as possible, breathing heavily and moaning as she came. 
She shifted off of Penny’s face and plopped into her lap, kissing her aggressively as their faces came back to the same level. Penny’s renewed erection twitched against Lucy’s ass as Lucy’s tongue aggressively probed the inside of Penny’s mouth. One of her hands began to more aggressively grope at Penny’s chest again, and the other came up to support the back of Penny’s head, the thumb gently stroking her cheek. 
She pulled forward, breathing into Penny’s ear. 
“I wanna put it in me,” she rasped. Penny, unable to speak as she recovered from the combination of vagina and tongue covering her mouth, decided to act instead. She reached down to position her cock, Lucy helping by raising her hips. 
She groaned again as Lucy’s warm insides enveloped Penny. She tried to climb into Lucy’s skin, burying her face into Lucy’s cleavage and wrapping her arms around her. Lucy, adjusting to this, humped at Penny. Instead of the traditional piston in and out, she found a good angle and dragged the head of Penny’s dick around her insides in a circle. 
Penny felt Lucy’s orgasm build as her pussy began to squeeze more rhythmically. She squeezed Penny with her arms too, tight enough that it became hard to breath between her breasts. 
Penny’s own orgasm hit her in the middle of Lucy’s, the dribble of cum releasing inside Lucy. Even after they finished, they remained intertwined for another few minutes as they caught their breath. Lucy brought Penny out from her breasts and kissed her again, flopping over next to her on the small recliner. 
“That maybe went a little farther than I planned,” Lucy said. Penny laughed. 
“I mostly just wanted to touch your boobs.”
“Hah! Yeah, we did go a little further than that,” she said. 
Lucy stood up and stretched her arms above her head (much to Penny’s delight). 
“Want me to get you another beer?”
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spicyjesterwrites · 1 year
Obligatory Pinned Post
I don’t imagine this blog will get a lot of traction, which is more than fine with me, but I’ll establish some ground rules.
-This blog is 18+. I’ll be posting some of my erotic fiction, aka not for kids. Age in bio or you get blocked. 
-I think the content of the stories and my banner will indicate as much, but terfs are not welcome here.
If you want to send asks: -I’m a little iffy on flirting with strangers, it depends on the day. You’re welcome to send a flirty ask, but you’ve got a fifty/fifty on getting a response. -I don’t mind story prompts. -If you like something I write, I’d love to hear it! -If you have constructive criticism, keep in mind that I’m doing this for fun, and any improvement in my writing will be coincidental over time. -I will not give out any personal information if I can help it. -If you need me to tag a trigger or even a squick, I can do it. I won’t be posting or reblogging so much that I can’t be thorough if need be.
I’ll update this post as necessary with rules. I’ll also give a general content overview: All of the stories I post will be extremely self indulgent, so there will be some common themes you’ll notice. Shy trans girls is one, light BDSM will be another common one. I’ll try to tag as best I can but if I miss something, again, let me know. I will also potentially reblog other erotic fiction as I come across it, but I honestly don’t know where to look for it lmao.
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