spiceupyourfcknife · 1 hour
you know the drill, op disabled reblogs etc etc etc
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spiceupyourfcknife · 24 hours
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(by orfea.serafita)
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spiceupyourfcknife · 24 hours
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ai is so intelligent
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spiceupyourfcknife · 24 hours
do not understand people who get bored of seeing common animals. understand even less when they act with annoyance or hostility just because they're common animals. a deer or a sparrow or a field mouse is like a sunset to me
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spiceupyourfcknife · 24 hours
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Embroidered heart by Andrea Dezsö
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spiceupyourfcknife · 24 hours
I fucking despise when things fake being higher quality than they are. I don't mean like slapping a slightly misspelled brand name onto an identical non-designer product for purely aesthetic reasons I mean like rivets or thread that are actually glued down rather than punched or stitched. Fake pockets on jeans that are actually just an extra seam. Heavy looking chain that's plastic or very soft flimsy metal rather than anything sturdy. I bought boots which looked like they had a stitched sole 8 months ago and lo and behold the glue holding the sole on is revealing itself by falling apart. You PUT a STITCH IN THERE. YOU HAD THE NEEDLE AND THREAD. AND YOU DIDNT ACTUALLY STITCH DOWN THE FUCKING SOLES. Oh it makes me so mad. Cheap cunts taking the aesthetics of durability or practicality while handing you a product that won't last you the year
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spiceupyourfcknife · 24 hours
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I'm sorry, but I adamantly disagree.
This is very good behavior.
They didn't recognize the file extension.
They didn't recognize the EXE program.
And so they refused to open them.
That is excellent internet security hygiene.
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They went to a trusted person (their brother) and verified WinRAR was legit and then proceeded to unpack the files.
How is this not *encouraging* for gen alpha? Is it just because they didn't know what WinRAR was? Who cares? I'm just proud they were being careful.
Unlike my boomer uncle who once installed so many spam search toolbars that there was no screen real estate left to show webpages.
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spiceupyourfcknife · 2 days
It’s called self care. *pours choccy milk in my coffee*
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spiceupyourfcknife · 2 days
i love when you hear a song and you're like “oh id absolutely stumble through the snow bleeding from a knife stuck in my gut to this”
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spiceupyourfcknife · 2 days
might fuck around and let nature reclaim me
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spiceupyourfcknife · 2 days
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spiceupyourfcknife · 2 days
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Inchnadamph Bone Caves, Scottish Highlands
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spiceupyourfcknife · 2 days
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spiceupyourfcknife · 2 days
There's a place just down the street where they chop off angel's wings and fry them in oil. You should try some. Oh, the angels? Yeah they're regular people now. Simultaneously their freedom of flight is ripped away from them violently and yet at the same time they are granted freedom from the yoke of divine subservience so it's bitter sweet for them or some gay shit like that. Anyways the wings are really good.
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spiceupyourfcknife · 2 days
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14000 years old bisons sculptures found in Le Tuc d'Audoubert cave. Ariege, France [1850x1250]
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spiceupyourfcknife · 2 days
My ideal date? You release me into the wild to hunt me for sport on your remote island BUT I’m not very good at hiding so you find me within 20 minutes. You hold the gun to my face but there is something so earnest in my eyes and hands that you cannot carry through. You pick me up and carry me back to your mansion. I am so polite and charming that you nurse me back to health. You grow to love and trust me despite the fact you’re holding me hostage after I fell of a charter vessel bound for Brazil. You buy me new clothes and have them shipped to the island. I kiss you good morning every day. You propose marriage. I accept. We skype in a priest and get married with the butler as our witness. That night I kill you and the butler. I redistribute your wealth. I live in the mansion on the abandoned island for the rest of my days. I study snail ecology. I never remarry. You were the love of my life but you were too dangerous and evil to live. I am buried next to you. The tides eventually wash our bodies away. Into the depths of the ocean, together.
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spiceupyourfcknife · 2 days
Kinda obsessed w the eusexua video
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