spero-lumina · 4 years
@gnosticvision || Decarabian
An apathetic face glanced up in veiled curiosity at the tall man before her, blood--still fresh from the recent slaughter, running in rivulets down the sharpened edge, as crimson dripped onto the ground. Yet despite the massacre around them ( the fatui never stood a chance ) Lumine stayed pristine, not a drop of blood on her visage.
 ( she relished in the fight, in the bloodshed--memories, of worlds having crumbled beneath her and Aether's hands, watching the lands burn and sunder. Empires rising and falling by their whims alone...those worlds' were not deserving of mercy--not within their eyes. Ah, how long had it been since then? It all feels so distant… )
The outlander ( having been to many other planets ) and with the archons she had dealt with thus far, knew whomever was now before her, was not of mortal origins. The air almost tasted of ozone ( like the calm before the storm ), even with most of her abilities lost--
( gossamer wings of celestial light being clipped by the unknown god, being separated by her dearest twin. Her other half-- ) 
Lumine knew that in her current state this walking embodiment of the untamable storms before her, was not one to be trifled with.
 ( that hole within her very being, panged in longing for what once was, golden divinity ignited within outstretched hands )
With a flick of her wrist did her blade vanish in a shower of golden light, Lumine was grateful that she had left Paimon with Xiangling for this little excursion of hers. 
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" afternoon. " 
She finally broke the silence with a greeting
 " what brings you all the way out here, stranger? " Lumine was not one for much talking, traditionally having that specific task left up to Aether. He was better at emotions than herself, he was empathy whilst she was apathy. Yet another balance shattered upon their separation.
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spero-lumina · 4 years
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" if only Aether was here with me, we could of gone and seen the festival together "
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spero-lumina · 4 years
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            𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐭.                          INDIE TRAVELER   /   AETHER FROM GENSHIN IMPACT
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spero-lumina · 4 years
I LOVE. having multiple threads with my rp partners !! it’s like on some days i feel like writing long stuff, on others i feel more like writing short stuff, sometimes i’d rather write some intense situations, and other times i’m more in the mood for lighthearted topics. having several different types of threads with a person enables me to keep rping with them even if i’m stuck @ a reply for another thread we’re having !! it’s great, honestly !? if you wanna have 1 more thread or 20 more threads /w me that’s 10/10 👌👌👌👌 just write that starter or send an ic ask & we’ll go from there or hmu for plotting k man i love threads i love writing all the things
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spero-lumina · 4 years
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Lumine is really strong, don’t let her small stature fool you, even with no godly powers at her disposal she can and will potato sack people or carry them. it flusters folks quite a bit when she does it for the first time, and those witnessing it pinch themselves lol. she is smol but she is very strong 
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spero-lumina · 4 years
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Oh, sweet child of sleep and magic! Your father dwells in the Underworld among the poppies, and your mother a Titan of the mysterious deep. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by calmness, curiosity, and boundless ideas. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of sudden inspiration and hypnotic magic as you grow into your power.
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spero-lumina · 4 years
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spero-lumina · 4 years
☁️Mun questions!☁️
What’s your name?
Have any pets?
Random fact about yourself?
Random fact about your muse?
What’s your favorite song?
Favorite music genre?
Do you like horror?
Coffee, tea, or something else entirely?
Believe in ghosts?
Believe in aliens?
Do you play video games? What’s your favorite if so
Ever tried any out there hair colors?
How do you get inspired to write?
Do you relate to your muse(s) in any way?
What’s your go to writing song if you have one?
Favorite movie?
Did you have a greek mythology phase or an egyptian mythology phase? Or something else entirely?
Do you read often? If so who is your favorite author?
Pastels or dark shades?
Vampires or werewolves?
How long have you been writing?
Fantasy or sci-fi?
Angst or fluff?
Do you write fics?
Do you write on any other platforms?
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spero-lumina · 4 years
To see a glimpse into my muses past! Multimuses please specify!
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spero-lumina · 4 years
Plotting Call
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|{ Hey folks! don’t be shy! Feel free to give this a like so I know I can hop into your dms and plot something! I want to interact and get to know more of my mutual’s. I’ll give you my discord since I am more apt to respond there than in Tumblr dms. }|
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spero-lumina · 4 years
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“You leave me no choice… fatui..” “If its by your hands… Haha.. I don’t mind.”
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spero-lumina · 4 years
Closer starter for @dehimmel || Childe
Night had fallen upon the empire, stars glimmering in the darkened arch of heaven like the finest of gems, the moon bathing the lush countryside with its opal pale luster. Crystalline lamps illuminating the grand manor, carriages pulling up the drive as lords and ladies from all over the land gather for the Empress's Annual Spring Masquerade. It was only the most prominent social event of the year; everyone who was anyone was invited, from local nobility to those of far off lands. Beneath the grandeur and excitement amongst the sea of guests, however, was an undercurrent of unease.
The Celestina Empire was the largest and most powerful of all, flourishing in both economy and warfare. Vast was its resources, its military unparalleled as they ruthlessly expanded the borders, bloodshed and corpses being left in their wake. The Empress of this bloodstained empire, Lumine de Celestina, was admired, feared, despised, and coveted all in equal measure. A fearsome warrior and cutthroat politician, as deadly as she was beautiful. She ruled her country with an iron fist. The empire was viewed as a cruel and unforgiving place where the people suffered under their leader's brutal hands to the outside world. The rumors, while not quite far from the truth, still missed the mark entirely. Celestina's people both feared and loved their Empress; they were far better off with Lumine than the previous Emperor. She was savvier in both the ways of economics and warfare than her predecessor. And their lives have improved.
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Brilliant honeyed hues, a trademark of the royal line, gazed down upon the arriving guests from the top of the marbled balcony overlooking the ballroom, gloved hand resting loosely on the railing. The festivities were about to start, a butler offering her a tray with a lone flute of champagne and a small spoon. Taking both into her hands made the sound of chiming fill the room as Lumine tapped the glass with the spoon, a charismatic grin gracing her features.
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" Hello and welcome, most esteemed and honored guests to the Annual Spring Masquerade; it is with the utmost pleasure and delight that I get to see you all here. " silvery notes flowed with practiced ease as those striking hues scanned the crowd. The guards were posted at every possible entrance and within the room itself, she had heard from one of her trusted sources that the resistance was to send an agent disguised as a guest, to either weasel intel or to end her life; that dark part of her shuddered in glee--let them try, it was a beautiful night for bloodshed. 
" Dance, drink, eat, and make merry to your heart's content; I sincerely hope you all have a most exquisite night to remember. Now, without further ado, let the festivities begin! "
Taking that as their cue, the orchestra begins to play, the best in the empire, did those excellent notes full the ballroom. A beautiful backdrop as people mingled and chatted about before made their way to the dancefloor: the Empress descended the stairs being greeted by both potential suitors and the gossiping wives of the visiting lords; she refrained from rolling her eyes; Lumine loathed dealing with these blubbering fools and gossip mongers--it was tedious and a waste of time. Yet, despite herself, there were images she had to keep--so smiling charmingly as she chatted them up, giving the nod as they sauntered away. Calmly did Lumine cut her way through the crowds, occasionally chatting with the overly ambitious nobles before finding herself outside on the balcony, overlooking the elegant gardens below hand resting comfortably on the railing, head turned to observe the beautiful skies. Approaching footsteps pulled her away from the quiet solitude; she had begun to enjoy, the guards standing even more at attention. Tearing her gaze from the sky, she came face-to-face with brilliant blue hues, hidden behind a red mask.
" Good evening, sir , I do hope everything is to your satisfaction? "
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spero-lumina · 4 years
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@akruiisora Asks: " Hey, Lumine? Have you seen my hair tie. . . ? " His hair is a mess; it is usually neatly tied in a braid, but now with his blond mane hitting him in the face when the wind pushes past them both.
A glance in the direction of her brother caused Lumine to laugh at the sheer mess that was his hair, with how often Aether kept his hair up-- why it looked more like a large bird's nest rather than hair. Giving a teasing click of the tongue, Lumine pranced behind her brother.
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 " Heavens, Aether, I swear you lose more hair ties than are possible," came the exasperated but nonetheless amused remark, good thing she came prepared. 
" you're lucky I have so many on hand, or who knows where you'd be " there was a snicker " perish the thought, but, probably with shorter hair than I, a crew cut perhaps? " teasing her brother was always such a fun past time, giving a soft hum does she pull out a brush. Carefully easing her way through the long tangled tresses, being gentle with each snag until it was brushing through, smoothly and unhindered.
With practiced ease, did fingers swiftly style his hair into that signature braid, carefully keeping it together with a new hair tie. One could only fathom where the old one could have possibly gone.
The younger twin sometimes couldn't help but feel jealous over her brother's long locks, so silky and smooth-- truth be told, he pulled it off far better than she ever could. Yet, even if she could and decided to grow her hair out--with the tedious lengths Aether goes through to take care of his mane, she'd rather not. A simple washing and brushing would do just fine.
" there we go, all groomed and good as new! Try not to lose your hair tie this time; I only have so many, you know. " she teased golden hues glimmering in amusement.
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spero-lumina · 4 years
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Lumine and by extension her brother, have the ability to uses every base element when their powers are unsealed and unrestrained.
During the very beginning in the fight with the unknown God, the gems on their outfits shone white with their divinity. White is receptive to all colors, being made from all of the colors blending together. The rays of sunlight we see while appear white are composed of every color.
So, it would be safe to assume that this applies in this regard. For why else would they be able to attune to each elemental statue. Also, from what we see during the interlude cutscene from Childe’s fight, the Traveler is using both anemo to block Childe’s weapon from running them through. Also sweep their foot across the floor casuing him to be throw off as geo spikes attacked him. So this shows they can use the elements in tandem with one another, without any rough transition.
Then we add onto the fact that one of the options to answer Childe in the ending cutscene, well, more like think in response is to the question.
Childe: “ Your show of your ability today far surpasses that of Signora’s initial assessment of you in Mondstadt. Tell me, how could that be? ”
In response you have two options, but the one that’s most important here is
“ (Because I am gradually restoring my former power…) ”
That alone adds more credibility to my hc of them being able to command the elements at will, should their powers not be sealed. The show of their mastery we’ve already seen, for when they attuned to each new element. Instinctively did they know how to use it, effectivley, without any fuss or struggle.
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spero-lumina · 4 years
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@whatscookingbloodylooking​ Asks: 👀 [Sure, why not? XD]
For every “👀” I get, I’ll post a lewd fact about my muse
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Lumine is very quiet in the bedroom, she doesn't see or feel the need to be vocal, letting out soft pants and maybe the occasional soft moan. 
But, if she is truly enjoying it, Lumine will definitely convey to her partner via actions. wrapping her legs a little tighter around the waist, bites and bruises, hands gripping the hair, and plenty of marks scratches or  otherwise on the others body. She is overall very physical when it comes to showing her enjoyment of the act.
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spero-lumina · 4 years
The guards posted around the palace had immediately noticed her arrival, a glowing star streaking across the sky was hard to miss afterall. Deliberate in her actions did Lumine land in such a way that the Tsaritsa would not notice her arrival, she wanted to make it a suprise. The Cryo Archon had done so much, taking her under those frigid wings. Helped her regain her divinity, her freedom, and, dare Lumine say it.
A family she could return too, a permanent place to rest her head after her travels.
Even if at first it was nothing but a ploy by the Tsaritsa herself, to have manipulated her into a weapon. Lumine was many things being blind to others machinations were not one of them. For in the beginning she had used them for her own ends, to get stronger, and to unseal her godly nature. It was unexpected really, eventually growing into some sort of makeshift family. She never had a mother before, even if said mother was far younger than herself--age never really mattered to the gods afterall.
From her thoughts did Lumine give the fatui guards a smile, golden mask on her face. A symbol of who she was, they stood at immediate attention saluting her as the gates opened, allowing her entry into the Zepolyarny Palace. Cold puffs of exhaled air left the visiting god as a sigh of contentment left her lips.
It was nice to be home.
Stepping into the frigid domain, a bone chattering wind hitting her. She had to laugh a little, Lumine remembered when she first traveled these halls. Being unable to stop shaking not used to the deadly cold. Yet, now, it was nothing more than a warm hug, she had a home. ( that cynical part of her whispering just how long will this last? These Archons can die, you'll just be alone again ) doing well to push that thought to the very bowls of her mind, did Lumine traverse the winding halls, admiring the ornate craftsmanship from the filigrees all the way to how the pillars rose around her arches portraying not only the history of Snezhnaya but the tales of The Archon herself. Giving a small thanks to the guards, did Lumine make her way to her majesty's chamber, deep within the heart of the palace , protected from any and all potential threats.
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She gave a gentle knock, thrice on the door entering as she announced herself, a rare but warm grin stretching onto her features " привет мама, a wonderful day we're having, no? " the rustling of fabrics were heard as Lumine made her way deeper into the others chambers taking a seat besides the Archon a soft chime of laughter left the traveling god. " What can I say? It was about time for me to visit once more, telling you tales of my most recent escapades, to catch up, and to bring gifts. I truly do miss you all when I'm traveling, I've never had a permanent home to call my own before all this you know. "
a  soft  sigh  escaped  her  lips  as  she  picked  her  cup  of  tea,  it  was  snowing  like  usual  and  the  smoke  coming  from  all  the  chimneys  from  the  working  factories  of  snezhnaya,  to  tsaritsa  that  was  the  most  peaceful  sight.  opening  her  eyes  slightly,  she  noticed  a  figure  approaching  her,  she  places  her  cup  down  and  smiles.
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  ‘  my,  what  brings  you  here?  i  was  not  expecting  a  visit  on  such  a  day.  ’
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spero-lumina · 4 years
For every “👀” I get, I’ll post a lewd fact about my muse
Bonus, send “👀 Bundle” for a collection of 5 or more lewd facts about my muse.
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