spellbook-page-fault · 3 months
The city is cold to you, not a dream of arcane knowledge but a font of excess that needs to be decimated. You check your bag, looking over the tools of destruction and theft you have brought.
As evening sets in, you identify a mark: a small shop near the Brass Bazaar, full of fine goods, easy enough to plunder. You consider your approach as you watch the elderly woman who runs it head upstairs to sleep. What does the shop sell? How do you approach this crime? What do you do?
INTRO You walk through the magic-lit streets of Ravenport, the evening air crackling with unseen energy. The city buzzes with life: street vendors selling enchanted trinkets, sky-high buildings pulsing with magical light in apartments and offices, and citizens of all kinds mingling in the shadow of ancient, rune-covered monuments. You hear an exchange of dwarfish, and then an elemental making a deal with an owl in demonspeak. The energy of Ravenport is a palpable, living thing that whispers in your ear, promising secrets and wonders. As you gaze upon the rune-covered skyline of Ravenport, you spend a moment in reflection.
What brought you to Ravenport?
Reblog to answer. Things like "I came seeking knowledge of the arcane arts." to "I was born here, the city's rhythm is in my blood." Include a little more, a story to establish you -- maybe even a name. The next time I look at this blog, I will pick some, make a roll and tell you all what happens next.
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spellbook-page-fault · 3 months
You recall your endless thirst for arcane knowledge that led you here, to the heart of magical mysteries. From the Whisperdocks, full of illicit and enchanting secrets, to the Arcanum Consoritum's rainbow-glassed library, and even the Guild of Mirros (if the rumors are to be believed). As you walk through the Bronze Bazaar, though, you notice the streets emptying out. An odd book stall catches your attention, where a small man with a large grin waves you over. "New here? You've got that look about you. Can I interest you in some of my wares?" You think about the coin in your pocket, and how you intended to use them for room and board your first few days here. Even so, there are a few books that catch your attention: a thumbed-through copy of Compendius Infernus, Lycanthropy and Other Afflictions, and even a beat-up copy of Astral Tides. The man grins up at you. "Ah, I see you've found something you like!" What do you do?
INTRO You walk through the magic-lit streets of Ravenport, the evening air crackling with unseen energy. The city buzzes with life: street vendors selling enchanted trinkets, sky-high buildings pulsing with magical light in apartments and offices, and citizens of all kinds mingling in the shadow of ancient, rune-covered monuments. You hear an exchange of dwarfish, and then an elemental making a deal with an owl in demonspeak. The energy of Ravenport is a palpable, living thing that whispers in your ear, promising secrets and wonders. As you gaze upon the rune-covered skyline of Ravenport, you spend a moment in reflection.
What brought you to Ravenport?
Reblog to answer. Things like "I came seeking knowledge of the arcane arts." to "I was born here, the city's rhythm is in my blood." Include a little more, a story to establish you -- maybe even a name. The next time I look at this blog, I will pick some, make a roll and tell you all what happens next.
17 notes · View notes
spellbook-page-fault · 3 months
INTRO You walk through the magic-lit streets of Ravenport, the evening air crackling with unseen energy. The city buzzes with life: street vendors selling enchanted trinkets, sky-high buildings pulsing with magical light in apartments and offices, and citizens of all kinds mingling in the shadow of ancient, rune-covered monuments. You hear an exchange of dwarfish, and then an elemental making a deal with an owl in demonspeak. The energy of Ravenport is a palpable, living thing that whispers in your ear, promising secrets and wonders. As you gaze upon the rune-covered skyline of Ravenport, you spend a moment in reflection.
What brought you to Ravenport?
Reblog to answer. Things like "I came seeking knowledge of the arcane arts." to "I was born here, the city's rhythm is in my blood." Include a little more, a story to establish you -- maybe even a name. The next time I look at this blog, I will pick some, make a roll and tell you all what happens next.
17 notes · View notes