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Representing the Real- Critical Assessment + Final Film
Our research process was important in forming our creative choices. Additionally, through tutorials, we learned how best to shoot an interview and formed our interview style. Also, getting in touch with Jamie beforehand and asking him questions similar to the ones we would ask in the film, definitely helped shape the narrative.
In terms of the creative choices I made during the pre-production, I made storyboards, and mood boards for the lighting and the background of the interview. In the proposal, we highlight why our film is worth making and draw attention to the main focus and relatability of Jamie’s story to many students.
There weren’t many creative choices when shooting as most were made during pre-production. However, there were some. I had prepared a set of questions for Alfie which he used but also did a good job of carrying on the interview on his own and through this, we learned more about Jamie than anticipated.
Although I had an editing plan based on the overall structure and order of clips, a lot of creative choices were made. I was quite experimental and a lot of ideas came to me by accident. The visual montage of the DJ deck and the club scene at the beginning of the film came to me by accident but helped to create the lively energy of the film.
While the focus of the film is on whether Jamie will stay in university or drop out to become a DJ, I do think in the final film it wasn’t as clear. Part of the reason for this is due to the five-minute time limit and not being able to properly portray the character and his conflict in so little time.
We compartmentalized a lot of information into a structured narrative. While I do think the focus could’ve been stronger, I wanted the documentary to focus on his DJing which is more interesting than him complaining about dropping out for five minutes. I thought it best to make it known that he might drop out but spend more time with his DJing.
With the creative visual choices, this was with the overall look of the interview, the lighting and the different decisions I made while editing. I went for a dramatic tone despite its everyday theme to intentionally create a sense of irony. Looking back at the feedback, this may have confused people.
We recorded the interview with a boom mic and a mix pre 3 recorder. I thought it best to use his own pre-recorded music to play in the background of the edit instead of having poor quality background music in a club.
I think the visual style makes the film engaging, in terms of the interview style as well as the cutaways which illustrate the many things he discusses in the interview.
I believe we were successful in portraying Jamie’s character. My aim as director was to have audiences sympathise with his internal conflict and understand his energy through his DJing.
Our Final Documentary:
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Representing the Real- Filming Day
Arriving at Craiglockhart Campus:
On March 22nd, we spent the day as a group filming. We arrived at the Craiglockhart campus at 10:00 am to collect all the equipment. We then used a trolley to move the equipment from the storeroom to the classroom we had booked where we would shoot the interview. We began setting up all the equipment. First we set up the interview background and taped a black sheet I had ordered online onto a white board, which served as the interview background. Then we began setting up the cameras, lights and sound equipment.
Setting up equipment:
We had told Jamie to arrive around 12 but he somehow knew we’d be ready earlier so he arrived around 11, which worked out better. Once he arrived, we told him to stay in his position on the chair while we set up the lighting and observed how the shot showed up on camera. We were aiming for rembrandt lighting as it would create a dramatic effect for the interview. After some fiddling around we finally got the lighting and shot to our liking and decided we were ready to start filming something.
Shooting the Interview:
I had prepared a list of key questions which I gave to Alfie, our interviewer, but I also told him he can freestyle and continue with his own questions. I wanted it to be casual between the two of them and I wanted Jamie to feel as comfortable as possible and not feel any pressure. Looking back, I feel we could’ve done better in making Jamie feel more comfortable. The interview lasted about 20 minutes and it became more of a conversation than a formal interview. I think Alfie did a great job interviewing as he seemed really interested in the things Jamie was saying and was able to create his own questions which were relevant and showed us more than we expected about Jamie, adding depth to our film.
When we finished the interview, we began to pack up our stuff and returned the sound and lighting equipment, as we wouldn’t be needing it for the next place we were going. The four of us went by car to Pirate Studios, where we planned to get some good shots of Jamie in his element.
Filming in Pirate Studios:
We arrived at our booked room which we had for an hour and immediately began filming. We only brought the camera with us because I wanted the shots to be hand held and I planned to use his own music over the clips, instead of recording poor quality sound in the studio. Filming in Pirate Studios was quite exciting and it felt like we were in our own little nightclub. Jamie tried to teach us what he was doing but we all had no clue what we were doing. We also got to play around with the lights and adjust them to the music he was playing.
After that, we got a bus back to our accommodation and our filming day was finished at 4pm.
Overall, it was a really enjoyable experience and I learned a lot of things about DJing and the spontaneity of documentary filmmaking. If Jamie didn’t live in Dundee, we definitely would have got more footage of him and spent more time getting to know him.
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Representing the Real- Proposal & Research Summary + Interview lighting mood board
Here is the Proposal and Research Summary for our documentary
Mood Board for Interview Lighting and set up:
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Representing the Real- Pitch
On the 28th of February, we had our pitch. So the weekend before, my group met up online to discuss the things that we would say and the overall focus of our film.
I made this document for the overall plan for the pitch. It focuses on who is saying what and when. I tried to split it equally between the three of us.
Our pitch went reasonably well. People seemed interested in the film and I believe our preparation helped us present the film in a captivating manner which captured the audience and lecturer’s attention.
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Representing the Real- Interview Assignment
In our 14th February tutorial, we were unexpectedly assigned the task of conducting and filming an interview before the end of the week. While it was unexpected having to suddenly plan out and shoot a mini film before the end of that week, looking back, I definitely see that this assignment helped us later down the road when conducting our real interview for our actual documentary.
That day, only one other group member showed up. So the two of us brainstormed ideas during lunch and suddenly, the most unexpected thing gave us the idea for our interview. My group member (Yat Hin) ordered a curry in the cafe at Craiglockhart and he was absolutely appalled. He said it was “The most disgusting thing he’d ever tasted”. We discussed how a lot of the food in the UK is not nearly as good as what you would find in your own country. Especially with the bland flavours and shortage of ingredients. Suddenly, that gave him an idea for who to interview. He told me that he had a flatmate who is half English and half Thai and he was really into cooking and would relate to what we were discussing. From there, our idea for the interview assignment was formed and we decided to interview his flatmate about his interesting cultural background and the food in the UK.
After careful planning, we decided on our shoot date to be Thursday 17th February. Even though the assignment wasn’t due until the Sunday of that week, we didn’t see the point of leaving it until the last minute. We had booked equipment a few days previously and surprisingly managed to book out everything we needed for the small assignment like the Camera, boom pole, mix pre 3. We didn’t manage to book out a tripod but I think the handheld camera work actually worked in our favour for the overall laid back feeling we were going for.
Thursday, 17th February- Filming Day
We had scheduled to book equipment at 9:30 but only Yat Hin ended up going as I accidentally overslept (whoops). We didn’t have a lot of equipment though, so he managed fine on his own and brought it back to his flat where we were filming. We had planned to start filming at 1 pm so I showed up at his flat at around 11:00 am. In the meantime, we set up equipment and planned out how we would film. At this point we were also waiting for our other group members to show up but after a while we just decided to start filming as we didn’t have time to waste. Sean, who we interviewed was also doing us a favor and didn’t have a lot of time so he told us to just start filming despite not everyone being there. We had the questions prepared and filmed the interview really quickly, in 20 minutes or so. The whole thing was really laid back and spontaneous and I think it worked for the interview. We also got footage of him cooking, which we used as J/L cuts for his interview.
We had to return the equipment at 4 so Yat Hin and I took the bus to Craiglockhart and back. Then we began editing the film and finished it around 6:30/ 7:00. We submitted it there and then and honestly felt so efficient. We didn’t have to worry about it for the rest of the weekend while other groups hadn’t even started theirs.
Overall it was a good experience and it definitely prepared me for the real interview in our documentary.
Our Interview:
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Representing the Real- Tutorial Action Forms
Here are all the Tutorial Action Forms I filled out after each lecture I attended
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FN2 Critical Reflection + Finished Film
Film Title: Belvedere
In this film, I was the Director but I did also contribute to some of the producing. As director, I aimed to create a scene that was both technically and visually captivating.
Despite what I expected, the feedback received in the crit was mainly positive. The lecturers appreciated the composition and how we made good use of movement throughout the scene. They also praised the script, saying it was well structured and got the arc across within the three minutes. However, there was also some constructive criticism. For instance, they said the audio mix needed work and the dialogue was not clear in the first half of the film. They also suggested there be more close-up shots of Sam’s character, as there was too much on Alicia, in order to better develop an audience connection. Additionally, we were told that the audio score was good but should have been changed and placed at different times during the film.
From this, what resonates with me the most would probably be the positive comments about the effective use of movement. This is because as director, I had to completely change my previous shooting plan for filming in the belvedere and adapt it to the new filming location which was now outdoors (, ( On the spot, I tried my hardest to adapt the scene to the new location and see how best I could create movement while prioritizing the composition and what it would say about the characters and the power dynamics. So when the lecturers appreciated something that I had improvised on the spot, it definitely resonated with me a lot. Overall, I found the feedback to be helpful and it has inspired me to make improvements to not only this film, but for future films.
With regards to the feedback I received in class and tutorials, this was beneficial in the development of our film. For instance, the feedback we were given about narrative progression in our meetings with Kate and Demelza aided the development of our script and helped form it into a well-structured narrative which was praised during the critique. Additionally, the feedback Zoe gave us in one tutorial about how best to approach the sound design was helpful. She told us to record our own background noise in the park, which served as the overall ambience noise which set the tone of a school environment.
The strongest points of my film would be the use of movement, the sound design and how we followed the 180-degree rule and our efforts at maintaining the continuity. As director, I wanted to have the movement coincide with the dialogue, and as the tension increased, I wanted the character movement to reflect that as well. I also believe the film’s efforts in sound design made a big difference in how well it was received, as it helped shape the world we were trying to create onscreen. Additionally, our adherence to the 180-degree rule helped create the continuity which I tried my best to achieve on set. In turn, all of this creates a suspension of disbelief.
As for the things that didn’t work so well, I would say that it would be with the limited focus and reaction shots on Sam. I agree with the lecturers that more focus was given to Alicia’s character and I wish we had got more closeups of Sam reacting to the questionable things she was saying. I also agree that several shots could have been framed better as well as too many shots were out of focus. The main reason for this is the fact that we had a shooting plan for a completely different location and having to change location last minute and adapt our shooting plan definitely explains why some of the shots seem improvised or not very thought out.
Despite our many setbacks with losing actors multiple times and being denied filming access to our planned location, none of these issues was the fault of anyone in the group. I was quite lucky with my group members and we all were dedicated and contributed a fair amount to the film. We also all considered each other’s suggestions and I believe everyone's voice was heard. Despite having a group member drop out, the four of us remaining managed quite well.
The main things I learned would be the importance of continuity in scenes and how poor continuity affects the believability of what you are trying to show on-screen. I also never thought about the 180-degree rule and how important it is, especially in dialogue scenes. I also learned the importance of problem-solving skills in filmmaking and how you need to be prepared to quickly and efficiently overcome unexpected obstacles that happen on set, which for us, had to do with adapting our film to a new location on the spot.
I really enjoyed seeing all my classmate’s films and found them all inspiring. The main things that I realised when seeing this variety of films were the importance of storytelling through a visual medium and how you can never rely solely on the script for the narrative. I admired the use of cinematography and mise en scene in a lot of films. The film Cherry Pie stood out to me as I feel they did well in terms of visually telling their story while having an excellent script. Their cinematography was also quite unique and clever. I also loved the cinematography in The Anniversary and how it aided in the visual storytelling.
The Finished Film:
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FN2: Filming Day
Finally being ready to film:
Zoe was super understanding of all the issues we had as a group, she arranged a meeting with us to discuss how best to move forward.
We set a new filming date for Tuesday 29th March. Unfortunately, we lost the actress playing Sam as she had to pull out due to not being available on the new date (which is understandable). Luckily we still had Audrey who was playing Alicia. We soon got a new actress (Gracie) on board to play Sam, through the help of someone on our course. Suddenly we were back on track but then we were faced with an unexpected hiccup upon arriving on set...
How filming went:
After so many setbacks that it was almost comical, our filming day finally arrived. We never expected this, after losing our actors multiple times, showing up to film on March 17th only to be denied access to the Belvedere and having to return all the unused equipment the next day, we had lost a bit of hope.
On March 29th, we were supposed to have been given access to film in the Belvedere (finally!), but of course, it was too good to be true because when we showed up we were told that we couldn’t film there after all. So when our actresses were about to arrive and we were about to film, we had to find a new location to film.
We actually managed to find a new location and it may have been better than the place we originally planned. Only problem was, it was not only a new place but also outdoors, meaning that the previous shooting plan I had would have to be altered according to the new filming location.
Thankfully, shooting went quite smoothly and we all worked well together under the time constraints. Shooting outdoors, gave us less time because it is more visible to see changes in daylight if we filmed over many hours, therefore affecting the continuity of our film.
I tried my best to be realistic and adapt the script to the new location through the mise en scene. Our actresses were lovely to work with, extremely cooperative and knew their lines very well, which was such a relief, having worked with actors who don’t know their lines properly in the past and having that delay the filming process a lot.
We filmed for what felt like 2 hours, before we took a 30 minute break to eat and warm up as we were not dressed to be outside in the cold for so many hours. After that, we resumed filming for what felt like another 1 1/2 hours or so.
Honestly, I learned a lot from this experience and I believe all the setbacks have only made us stronger and more prepared to face the real world.
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FN2 Casting Call- Getting actors on board/ Location Issues
Here is the Casting Call we made, which we posted on the Scottish Film Makers and Actors facebook group.
Actors Contacting Us:
From this, we managed to get replies from one actor interested in playing Alicia and later one for Sam.
Originally, our story was about Sam being non-binary, but when we only heard back from an actress interested in playing Alicia but no one for Sam, we thought it best to change the script to make Sam a lesbian instead. This was a good decision as after making that change to the plot, we got an email from an actress interested in playing Sam.
Actors Pulling Out:
Things seemed to be going okay and I was in touch with the actress playing Alicia on the days leading up to the shoot, as was Cara with the actress playing Sam. However, on the week we were meant to film Alicia’s actress emailed me saying that unfortunately she tested positive for covid. So suddenly, when things seemed to be going smoothly, we were now faced with challenges.
To make things even worse, the next day the actress playing Sam pulled out as well. I couldn’t believe how things cold go downhill so quickly.
Thankfully we got in touch with people from the course and they were very helpful in helping us find replacements. With their help, we managed to get two new actresses on board before filming on Thursday.
Showing up to film for nothing:
On March 17th, we showed up at the Craiglockhart campus ready to film, only to find out that we were denied access to film in the Belvedere. Basically they weren’t accepting the paperwork as it was filled out by a group member who had dropped out of the course and therefore no longer on our team. (In our defense, they never told us what to do in the the case of someone dropping out). So Lewis, Sean and I (Cara couldn’t be there) had to collect all the equipment for nothing and tragically take the bus back to our accommodation (where we were storing the equipment) and return it completely unused the next day. We were all baffled at this point and couldn’t believe what had just happened.
On the bus we emailed Zoe telling her what just happened (she was really understanding), and suddenly we didn’t know what else to do but to start laughing. I’m a generally positive person and I tried to find the humour in the situation. On top of that, the bus stop at Craiglockhart was closed so we had to walk further with the equipment. At this point I thought we were cursed or something. How could so many things go wrong?
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FN2 Group Submission of SCRIPT & Pre-Production Materials Monday 21st Feb Assignment
Here is my group’s script and preproduction materials. I contributed to this by making the moodboard. As I wasn’t producer or script writer, my main role is on set so I relied on my group members for most of these files and I think they did an excellent job.
Script: This was written by Sean and I think he did an excellent job!
Mood Board: I made this mood board. Overall, I was hoping to capture a dark academia aesthetic.
Storyboard: This was made by Cara and it really illustrates our overall plan for filming. She is very talented at drawing!
The rest of the preproduction files can be found by clicking on the link below :)
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FN2- Script to Shoot Workshop
In this workshop we covered:
- Marking up a script
- Generating shotlist & preproduction materials
- Shooting a page of script
- Camera set ups, location sound & sound reports
- Assets required from the shoot
Aspects of pre-production:
Translating script into images and sound
Using elements of film language to create the world of the story and represent feelings, emotion, atmosphere, etc.
Save time/ money by planning things in advance
Allows for good quality footage in post production
After creatively visualising film, write them in an objective and practical way that is easy for you and crew to understand.
This can be done through:
Script Breakdown
(and more)
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Film Narrative 2 - group blog post assignment (pt 2)
What feedback did you receive in your tutorial on Feb 10th?
In the previous days leading up to the tutorial, our group had discussed and strengthened our whole idea, so we came into the tutorial very confident with what we had come up with. After explaining our idea to Demelza, she was very supportive and couldn’t find many issues with our story. There were only two things that stuck out to her, one being our location choice and the other being our use of sound. The main issue with location is that we are still trying to see if it is possible to film in the belvedere at the top of Craiglockhart, and Demelza helped us come up with a second option where we have the two friends situated outside a headteacher’s office instead to help build tension. The second issue she had was with our non-diegetic sound, and so we needed to have a think about what we could do to make this more present.
Responding to the sound lecture - how are you planning to use the 'dark art of sound design' in your film?
After this lecture we had lots of inspiration for what we can do to make our scene more interesting through our audio. We decided to introduce an off-screen presence that will be banging on the door trying to enter the room our two characters are in, and this will help raise the tension as it puts a time strain on their conversation. We also plan on layering non-diegetic sounds together as the tension rises during the argument so that when the argument ends and we drop the sound, we’ll be left with an eerily quiet shot to show the impact of what’s been said.
How is your shooting plan shaping up?
Our shooting plan is going well. Our producer has covid at the moment so we are all helping to bring the shooting plan together, we were feeling a bit pressured for time however feeling more comfortable and confident with our story!
Group dynamic check in - is everyone able to contribute?
Our dynamic is really good! We have had minor setbacks due to people being unwell however we have been able to catch everyone up if needed and we are really happy with our roles/the story itself.
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Film Narrative 2 Group Blog Assignment (pt1)
What is the idea you are developing?
Our film relates to the idea of testing peoples’ true motives and how genuine of a friend they are. Sam, who has realised they are non-binary, is planning a speech to deliver to the entire school. At first, Alicia seems supportive of the idea and even offers suggestions on how to best deliver the speech. However, her true motives are made more and more apparent the deeper into the conversation and the more her attitude goes from passive aggressive comments which build up with the tension until she breaks at the end and says a one line that is completely unexpected, revealing exactly the person she is. Alicia has a secret of her own, having her life planned around it and Sam coming out as non-binary is not part of her plan.
Who are the characters?
The characters are two best friends named Sam and Alicia who are in a strict all girls boarding school. Sam, who has come-out as Non-binary is planning a speech to deliver in front of the whole school. Alicia is not one bit happy about Sam’s decision. Although she may seem supportive at first, she will do everything in her power to stop Sam from making this announcement.
Roles - who is doing what?
Director - Dani
Producer - Ali
Writer - Sean
Director of Photography - Cara
Sound/Editor - Lewis
What research/ start of pre-vis work do you have so far?
We will need to research more about passive aggressive behaviour and the way someone will talk if they are being passive aggressive. We also need to know what the environment of a strict boarding school is like so that we can recreate the it as best we can.
What are the Locations?
We found various rooms in the Craiglockhart campus where we could film our scene. We also had the idea of filming in an empty classroom and having someone trying to enter through the other side of the door. So far we are not certain on the exact location but we have some ideas.
What are the group dynamics like?
Our group dynamics are quite good so far. We have met up as a group on many occasions and discussed ideas, making sure everyone’s voice is heard and we all are happy with the ideas that are being brought to the table.
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Representing the Real: Response to Short Films
Questions for each film:
1. What have you learned about each character? Did the film have a clear focus? Could you see evidence of research? How was the character represented?
2. What you learned about the relationship between character and filmmaker?
3. What would you have done differently?
Portrait of Ga (Margaret Tait, 1952, 4 minutes)
1. The name ‘Ga’ refers to the mother of the film maker. The film reveals the lady’s everyday actions which offer an abstract insight into her life. These include smoking, drinking cups of tea, eating sweets and gardening. The film didn’t really have a clear focus, it was composed more of disconnected elements that revealed something about the character. There was some evidence of research but it was limited. Most of the film focused on showing an insight into Ga’s life. Because it was a mother and daughter relationship, this also decreased the need for extensive research.
2. The relationship between the character and the filmmaker is one of a mother and daughter. Judging by the way she speaks about her, it doesn’t seem as though it is the closest of relationships. However the film is so abstract it is also difficult to tell.
3. If I were to change something about this film, I would have made it less abstract and made a point to reveal more key characteristics about Ga.
Pigeon Seduction (Lisa Peterson and Nicky Spears, 2018, 8 mins)
1.The documentary showed us James' life as a pigeon man. I have learned that Doo flying is generational in his family, with his brother, dad and uncle also being pigeon men, who sell pigeons. James spends hours nurturing the pigeons. The film had a clear focus and centered around James’ everyday life. There wasn’t much evidence of research and most of the information came from interviewing the main character.
2. This short documentary was made as part of our Documentary module at Edinburgh Napier University/Screen Academy Scotland. Through this, it is evident that the the filmmakers and character do not know each other well unlike ‘Portrait of Ga’, making the range of questions more limited.
3. I would have liked to see the perspective of other people. This could be other pigeon men or even the general public being asked about what they thought about Doo flying.
Same But Different (Louise Leitch, 2016, 3min 30sec)
1. When one transitions from a man to a woman, Best mates must re-calibrate their friendship. Byron feels liberated after transitioning to a woman at age 50 after a marriage and three children. The change tests the 25 year long friendship of Byron and Neil. The two share a passion for alpine mountaineering, having placed their lives in each other’s hands on countless occasions. But now they face the biggest test. The film had a clear focus but it was just extremely short and brief, feeling more like the trailer of what could have been a 2 hour long film. Additionally, this made it difficult to determine the extent of the filmmaker’s research.
2. Because the film is so short, we barely get to know the characters on screen, let alone the relationship between the character and filmmaker.
3. I would have definitely made the film at least an hour long and gone far more in depth than the film did. I would have focused on about five key topics relating to the main topic and explored them methodically.
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Cinematography - Theory and Practice. Pgs 260- 270 + Response on Short Fiction Film (LMD07109)
Summary of what I learned from “Cinematography - Theory and Practice. Pgs 260-270″:
These pages discuss image control and more specifically color balance and filtration. For instance, there is evidence on color balance in the context of film stock as well as the different things that help the camera with colour correction including camera lens filters, polarizers and density filters. There is also detail on image control with the camera, focusing on the frame rate, shutter angle and time lapse.
Response to “Sous la Glace (Under the Ice)” and comments on how the lighting contributes to the storytelling:
In the short film “Sous la Glace (Under the Ice)”, there is a combination of hard light and soft light. For instance, towards the beginning of the film, because it is set during the day, there is relatively more soft light as there are less shadows and the light wraps around the objects projecting diffused shadows with soft edges. However from 3:35 onwards, the lighting becomes more hard as the sun is shown to be setting, therefore causing more shadows on the subject.
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Cinematography - Theory and Practice. Pgs 30- 40 + Response on Short Fiction Film (LMD07109)
Summary of what I learned from “Cinematography - Theory and Practice. Pgs 30- 40″:
These pages discuss the different types of shooting methods. For instance, it goes into detail on the In-One, Freeform Method, Montage and POV. There is evidence of the use of these shooting methods in different films, and explanations of how they create the desired effect on audiences. The assigned pages also go into detail on Composition and the importance of thinking of a scene as more than just a picture. Successful composition is achieved through careful consideration of the many Principles of Design. These principles work together to add depth, meaning and visual force to the elements of the frame.
Response to “Migrants” and comments on how the camera work contributes to the storytelling:
In the short film “Migrants”, the film is shot in a steady camera with occasional pans and tilts to follow the action. This allows the action to be seen from an objective point of view. This is because there is no judgement implied on the subject with a static shot in the same way that a dynamic shot with more movement would. There is also use of different shots and angles to communicate the many ideas of the story as well as zooms where appropriate. For example, at 3:40, the camera is at a high angle, focusing on the polar bears, making them look vulnerable compared to the threatening brown bear. There is also an interesting use of a POV shot at 3:53 with the baby polar bear looking at its reflection in the water.
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