IMPORTANT NOTE! i’ve moved Nora HERE apocalypseacademia.tumblr.com i will be continuing all threads from there so consider this an impromptu promo until i can make one! or until a lovely soul makes me one ;) so if you’d like to continue any threads we have going on please come follow me over there!
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“Sure there is,” he protested, grinning now as he brought the joint back to his lips, taking a luxurious drag before wordlessly offering it to Nora. “I didn’t have anything on me worth taking. Ergo, a light mugging.” Also why he got stabbed, having been laughing from the moment he was shoved into the wall and frisked for all the worldly belongings he didn’t have. Shit, he didn’t even have a phone anymore. Nothing worth any real money lasted long in his possession before he traded it in for drug money. At best, they’d have found a little baggie of pills, had they bothered to check his underwear.
Only idiots stashed their drugs in their pockets.
“I’m plenty careful,” a lie, before he fell back into the plush sofa. “I’m not dead.”
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        “No, not yet.” Nora warns, her tone raising at the end of her sentence. She gives a light huff, lifting herself from her place on the couch opposite her brother. She didn’t mind that Klaus came to crash on her sofa when he had no where else to go, especially in cases like this - where danger had occurred. “Are you hungry? I can make us something if you want.” She offers, well aware that Klaus doesn’t enjoy being lectured - so she isn’t going to. He knows how dangerous the life he’s chosen is and Nora relishes being one of the few places he can feel safe, she isn’t about to make that disappear by chiding him for the things he’s done…will do.
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  It wasn’t like he meant for anything to happen.  Klaus just clearly hadn’t realized how many strings Reginald had pulled to keep him out of juvie even if he hadn’t been living at home.  The second he was of legal age, he was screwed.  He’d gotten lucky with it being his first offense and the whole childhood superhero thing.  Six months was the minimum and he wasn’t keen on returning.  Ben had helped keep him relatively sane and held together, but that didn’t mean either of them enjoyed the experience.   He’d gotten lucky enough to hitch a ride to at least closer to Nora’s place than miles away.  Crashing on her couch had never been something he’d hesitated on, but he pauses at the door.  Too sober and sore to want to explain where he’d been.  Klaus just wants to raid her fridge and use up all her hot water.     “If you’re trying to break my spine, you’re about to succeed.”  She’s impressive as always. Hauls her in just as tightly.  “Y’know…jail.”
               She expects some b.s. answer to be perfectly honest, for Klaus to make a joke and push his way inside, Nora still clinging to his waist. But he doesn’t - and what number four says to her is far more shocking than the little Hargreeves expects to hear. “…what?!” She asks, baby blue hues wide with concern and disbelief. “You’re not…you can’t be serious.” She adds, her grip loosening from his middle just enough so that she can look at him fully. It only takes a moment, a beat for Nora to realize that her brother is telling the truth - and that rocks her to her core. “Why!? Why didn’t you call me! I would have bailed you out!” Yeah, right Nora - with what money? She had only just moved out of the Academy herself and was barely making enough money to pay for rent, what could she have possibly done?
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send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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Unless you hit me in the face with a brick that says “I’m flirting with you,” I’m most likely just gonna think you’re being nice.
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continued from HERE || @perfectdisastcr
           Nora’s lips lift up in a weak smile, soft blue oceans gazing down at her brother as he weakly confirms the number of fingers she’s holding up. “You got it.” She answers back, her tiny frame supporting most of Five’s weight. “Come on, sit down I’ll get you some water.” She offers, guiding her brother over to the couch while she simultaneously produces a clone - it scampers off in the direction of the kitchen and within minutes is back with a clear glass of aqua for five. Nora takes the glass from herself and offers it to him with both hands. 
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Nora Hargreeves Academy Bedroom Aesthetic
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' you think i'm crazy . ' ( from klaus or vanya )
                 “No!” Nora protests, setting two identical cups of tea down for she and Klaus. “Not at all - I just….” She falters, dropping down into her chair next to him. It’s not insane to think that Klaus can talk to the dead, it’s his ‘gift’, so that much she’s fine with; it’s the latter half of the story that has Nora drawing a furrowed brow. “If you could talk to Ben all this time…why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
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                 She draws the cup in closer, allowing the subtle notes of vanilla and hibiscus to travel up through her nasal passages; doing absolutely nothing to calm her nerves. If Klaus was telling the truth then that would open up an entire world of possibilities, conversations she could have with the brother who she’d been so close to - but on the flip side it would mean a great deal of hurt for number eight, because Klaus knew how much Ben had meant to Nora…and he’d gone all this time without saying anything about his hanging around.
@tomakepeace​ send me memes
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Amanda Seyfried as Katie in Fathers & Daughters ( 2015 )
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continued from HERE || @perfectdisastcr
           Reginald is always pushing eight to her limits; but isn’t that true of all the children unlucky enough to have been purchased by the monocle? Ten, thirty, fifty clones - each of which suck a little more energy from the tiny blonde producing them. Hargreeves always wants to see more copies of Nora, wants each one to have the same level of power as the last, wants her to see through each and every one of their eyes. But eight is only so big, only so strong - and more often than not her training sessions leave her with a massive migraine and bleary eyes - on more than one occasion Grace has had to carry her unconscious form from the courtyard out back to her bedroom to rest.
But as always Nora is trying her best to be a good daughter, so she often finds herself sending clones off into random locations within the academy - attempting to see just how far her ‘vision’ will stretch. Like multiple security cameras set up inside her mind Nora hones in on one in particular, the one that’s speaking with Five. Eight loves all her siblings - but Five has always…intimidated her, for one reason or another. He was confident, sure of himself where she was always afraid and as a result Nora found herself wondering if she annoyed her sibling and as such tried to please him as much as possible. “S-sure!” The clone answers, Nora too afraid to tell him he’d been wrong, that she was in fact holed up in her room - attempting to focus on the nine other identical Nora’s running about the mansion.
Five vanished in an instant, which was to be expected wit his skill set. In return Nora found herself blinking that particular clone out of existence and instead attempting to push another boundary her father wished to see her excel in. Projecting clones was far more difficult than simply creating one right next to you and sending it on it’s merry way. In order to do the former eight had to project a piece of herself, toss it like a soft ball on a baseball diamond and hope it landed in left field. Surprisingly enough the blonde succeeded, the concentration had forced her to blink all other clones out of existence as well - but she’d done it, tossed a version of herself into the kitchen three floors below…but Five was no where to be seen. Thin brows drew together as a projected voice called out. “Five? ….Hey, Five?” She waited, expecting to see her brother blip into reality in one of the chairs or appear behind her - but to no avail. To wit - the entire day passed by without Nora being able to find Five, which stirred up all kinds of anxiety within the littlest Hargreeves.
           It wasn’t until that night, the dead of which found eight curled up beneath her sheets - barely having found sleep when the voice of her brother calls to her. A quiet gasp follows, with Nora bolting from her bed only to find Five standing in her doorway. “FIVE!” She exclaims - processing the shock for a bit before throwing the covers from her form and leaping from the bed. Instinctively she wraps her arms around him, burying her head into his chest as she lets the relief wash over her. For all Nora knew her brother was just gone - disappeared after challenging her to a race. “Wait..” She says after a moment or two, pulling back from him slightly. “You think you did what?”
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continued from HERE || @telltaled
     Unabashed awe is written across number eights features; there’s humour laced within those same delicate laugh lines though as the motion Klaus makes forces Nora’s lips upward in a smile. She’s not unaccustomed to paying for Klaus’ meals, she nearly prefers it - because at least she’ll know he’s eaten at all. “Rude!” The little blonde exclaims, a short laugh escaping from her chest as she does. There’s no hostility here of course, it’s all jokes. Nora likes this atmosphere, the easy, breezy to kids at a burger joint feel - it reminds her of when they were kids, when she, Klaus and Ben would skip off to whatever place was closest and loose themselves among the normality for a while; pretend they were someone else’s kids, that they were loved - if only for a few hours.
      In retaliation Nora snatches the milkshake she’s ordered for him ( because she knows Klaus needs all the calories he can get ) and sucks back a hearty mouthful - only to have her plan backfire and deliver a massive brain freeze almost instantaneously. “Ahhhhh!” She groans, returning the cup back to it’s rightful owner.
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Panic Attack Starters:
“Calm down, I’m here now.” “Stop panicking, you’re only making it worse!” “I can’t breathe-“ “Are you having a panic attack? Wait- let me help, just breathe.” “Oh darling, no one cares about your pity act. Gasp for air all you like.” “It’s just a panic attack, I’m fine, I’m used to it just- give me a moment.” “Give me space I can’t fucking breathe!” “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-“ “Why are you shaking so much?” “You look pale… sit down.” “Are you all right?” “D-don’t come in- I’m fine-“ “Look at me, okay? Everything is fine, just breathe, in and out. In and out.” “I think I’m going to throw up.” “Stop crying, I’m so sick of you pretending to be scared.” “Did something happen? Are you okay?” “I didn’t know you suffered panic attacks.” “I thought you stopped having these…” “Have you taken your medication?” “Okay, sit up, watch me, and breathe. We’ll do this together.” “Don’t panic like that! You’re going to give me a panic attack too!”
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Klaus bit his lip, staring at the floor as he let Nora glide past him to shut the door. He almost never went to his siblings in these sorts of situations, though he never really knew why. It was scary, and when he was scared, he often shut down rather than going to others for help. It just wasn’t something they did in this house. They were all suffering, and they all knew it, but to explicitly mention it was always taboo. 
He let himself be dragged over to the bed, immediately comforted by the warm, soft covers. He could hardly even remember the last time he’d slept in an actual bed; their father had been locking him in the mausoleum more and more often, especially at night. 
Shaking his head, he gave a small shrug, then forced a small smile as he stared at the ceiling to prevent his eyes from watering too much.
“You know, no one appreciates my humor enough in this house. I was being funny. He asked me if I saw any ghosts, and I said I saw the ghost of his good looks. Told him they passed away a long time ago. He didn’t laugh.”
              Her thin brows knit together as those sapphire hues drink in the splotched red mark. Tentatively the girl reaches out - fingertips just brushing his flesh before she’s interrupted by a snort. Nora smiles sympathetically - though she does find actual humour in the line. “I think you’re funny, Klaus.” She says gently, features softening as she draws her hands back into her lap. Nora’s room is an amalgamation of pinks - pinks and purples, colours that make her feel safe - like she’s floating away on some soft sweet cloud made of cotton candy ( though it’s typically a blue that creates the sugary treat ). She adjusts herself on the bed, criss crossing her legs beneath her easily, her small frame allowing for minimal movement to achieve the status. Nora is small - smaller than any of the other Hargreeves and as a result they’ve taken to calling her mouse and pip ( short for pip squeak ) and honestly it’s a fact she doesn’t entirely hate; though it does get frustrating on occasion.
“…did you though? ….see any ghosts?” Eight asks lightly, her head cocking to the side while her body seems to draw inward a little. The littlest Hargreeves is afraid of a great many things - and the idea of seeing ghosts; one or a thousand is enough to send a cold shiver down her spine.
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“Who me? No no no, you’re quite mistaken dear–” She was channeling her inner Mary Poppins with this accent today. “I had nothing to do with that nonsense whatsoever. The sun must’ve gotten in your eye or some such.” Dez wasn’t used to people noticing her using her powers and she had to convince this girl it absolutely didn’t happen. Who was this girl, anyway, that she could have caught Dez’s rather subtle hand motion to shift gravity just enough to send the men who’d tried to shoplift tripping into traffic. 
      Normally Nora doesn’t like to confront people - it’s one of the many things on her ever growing list of fears that keeps her pretty closed off from other people - strangers in particular. But in this case, this curious happenstance of number eight having noticed the subtle flick of the other woman’s palm just so happening to coincide with the wails of the small group of men who’d just been quizzically tossed into on coming traffic - she had to say something.
She pulls a face at the brunette’s words, both lips pouting in order to drag toward the side as brilliant sapphire hues flicker just over her shoulder toward said men who are now scrambling to get themselves out of harms way. 
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“Really? Guess it’s a coincidence then - I could have sworn I saw your hand move at the same time; I must be watching too many superhero movies.” She laughs lightly, readjusting the strap of her bag as she shifts weight from one foot to the other. Such is the burden of not having a licence, everyday at the end of her shift Nora Hargreeves is forced to catch the bus home, not a big deal mind you - but it does more often than not force her into conversations she’s not too keen on having.
         As a gust of wind dishevels her lengthy blonde tendrils, Nora is forced to readjust again, this time using her left hand to tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear - the action revealing her umbrella tattoo; one any ‘fan’ of the gang way back when would be able to recognize.
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[ bold any fears which apply to your muse. ] [ italicize which make them uncomfortable. ] [ REPOST. do not reblog! ]
the dark | fire | open water | deep water | being alone | crowded spaces | confined spaces | open spaces | change | failure | war | loss of control | powerlessness | prison | blood | drowning | suffocation | public speaking | natural animals | the supernatural | heights | death | dying | intimacy | rejection | abandonment | loss | the unknown | the future | not being good enough | scary stories | speaking to new people | poverty | loud noises | lack of noise | being touched | forgetting | insects | disease | falling
tagged by : stole from someone i cant recall who! tagging : YOU reading this!
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continued from HERE || @tomakepeace
           A small smile falls across Nora’s features as Vanya pipes up; which earns a dismissive gesture from number eight. “Vanya, I can pay for your coffee - I’m not that poor.” 
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         She laughs, a tiny sound. “Besides, it’s not everyday you come to visit. So? Oh come on - you said you had “ big news ”  - don’t keep me waiting, what is it!?” Nora’s smile blooms a little larger, her small hand gently swatting at her sisters arm. It’s been a long time since she and number seven have spoken - even longer since either had any kind of news to share at all. Eight would be lying if she said she wasn’t slightly nervous, but that came with the territory - Nora was simply quick to worry, a trait bred into her from early childhood. 
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