specter-of-torment · 3 years
Keep the rock, its on the house :]
“Thank you for your…gratitude.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
If you had to work with any of the Knights again, for any reason, which would you want to work with the most?
“Hmmm….off the top of my head, I would say Polar Knight. He’s one of the most reliable and competent warriors I know, though at the same time his skills in conversation are somewhat…lacking.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
Oh really? What did the two of you do during that expedition? I can hardly see Mole Knight being interested in something other than archeology and geology.
“I helped him explore newly uncovered parts of the Lost City, helping him take care of any traps or monsters left behind by the old inhabitants. It was actually quite interesting to learn about it, and Mole Knight is surprisingly knowledgeable.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
Black widow, Iron man, Thor Captian, America, Hulk. Together, they are BITCH!
“….I have no idea who any of those people are.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
Salutation, Sir, Reaper. May I ask some question? Do you aware of a powerful magic so called Magic Anon, or M!A? (And for the mun, is m!a allowed? I just want to make sure before I did something)
“It’s not something I’ve heard of before, no. While I am technically a being of magic, I lack detailed knowledge about how it functions or how to use it beyond what little I do know.”
((Magic Anons are allowed and welcomed! Obviously I’ll have final say over specific details, audit how long they last, etc but yeah you can send them in))
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
May I offer a rock in the shape of a square in these trying times?
He takes the rock and turns it over, looking at it intently, trying to see if there was anything written on it, etc. Eventually he determines there isn’t.
“What-what am I supposed to do with this?”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
☟︎🏳︎☹︎👎︎ 👌︎✌︎👍︎😐︎ ✡︎🏳︎🕆︎☼︎ 🕈︎☜︎✌︎🏱︎🏳︎☠︎📬︎ 🖐︎ ✌︎💣︎ ☠︎🏳︎ ❄︎☟︎☼︎☜︎✌︎❄︎📬︎
*Translation: Hold back your weapon. I am no threat.*
You feel like he’s narrowing his eyes under his helmet as he makes no show of lowering his defenses.
“And what proof do I have of that? I’ve gotten a vague warning about the “man who speaks in hands”-you, presumably-and I don’t intend to disregard them just because you claim to be harmless.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
I wouldn't hurt you. Unless there is a reason that I should attack I stay passive. If a being is immortal like you I don't have a reason to attack.
The apparition crosses his arms and turns his back to Elmont, his scythe floating by his side,
“Immortality is not invulnerability. And while undeath may be a cursed existence, I still would rather cling to it than move forward into the great beyond. So, again, forgive me for my caution and skepticism.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
CHAOS CHAOS! *a gold bar is sent flying at one of the gravestones*
Specter Knight very quickly teleports in front of the Gravestone and catches the gold bar.
“Don’t throw things.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
An understandable position, being undead sounds rather unpleasant. Also, I wouldn't worry about that "Man who speaks in Hands" someone mentioned earlier, I doubt he could reach you even if he wanted too. Moving on, what's your favorite color?
“Well, I was fond of blue in the past, but I have taken a liking to red recently. So…both of those, I suppose.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
Offering to God. Crucifie more chickens.
“No, I don’t think I will. Leave now, you’re disturbing m-er, the boneclangs, yes the boneclangs. I’m far too strong willed to be so…easily disturbed.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
*godon ramsey voice* THE CHICKEN IS CRUFIFIED!!!! ITS ON THE FUCKING CROSS!!!!! *cut to shaky cam footage of a raw rotisserie hchicken on a tiny cross
…befuddled, Specter Knight sort of, gently prods the chicken with his scythe.
“What-who did this? Why did they do this?? I-I don’t get it-“
He’s so confused he can’t even keep up his normal edgy persona.
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
Tumblr media
POV I steal bones from graves
“If you want to upset the Boneclangs, be my guest. I’d say it’s your funeral, but I already know that I’m not going to be the one holding it.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
Greetings, Sir Specter Knight. I was wondering: have you ever had to work with (an)other knight(s)of the Order as partners under the Enchantress' tyranny? (Please forgive my potential mistakes, I'm from Propeller Knight's land)
“Several times, yes. Usually whenever she wanted to attack some town or similar for whatever reason. Most of the time she would leave the Order to it’s own devices though, and I didn’t make a point to go visit or interact with my ‘comrades’ very much. I do remember one time I was called on to help Mole Knight’s expedition, and it was…not as bad as I first thought it would be, believe it or not.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
((Ngl kind of scared of reaching out and interacting with the people I follow with this side blog send help-))
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
Greetings again, Specter Knight, I'm here to ask more questions. How do you feel about Immortality? Is it a blessing, a curse, or do you see it as something more in the middle?
“That depends on the kind of immortality, there are several varieties. Undeath….is not one I recommend, personally.”
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specter-of-torment · 3 years
Use his main powers.
Dash Slash
Undead Summoning.
Darkness Manipulation
Weather Manipulation
((Thank you, based anon, for simplifying things so super easily for me.))
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