specialized-stem · 3 years
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I take back everything I said about physiology, it’s pain...
Day 3- Have you done a challenge before? If so, how was it? If not, what are you expecting to get out of this experience?
I’ve joined two of @myhoneststudyblr’s challenges and they were both so fun and I got to know more people here while sticking to my study schedule!! This challenge actually came at the right time to collect my thoughts because this is the last month of lectures for me but this month I also have to make a choice about where I will continue my studies.
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specialized-stem · 3 years
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march 25, 2021 ♡
Some excerpts of my Roman Emperors book!! I’m still in the midst of reading it and will be for a while bcs, while reading, I like to jot down some notes so it takes a while to get through each section. They’re usually things that I wanna remember (especially the crazy ones) bcs, with a book as comprehensive as this, I’ll inevitably forget a lot. Along with reading, I’ve also been doing Duolingo regularly!! It has actually been super fun and I might actually be able to finish the whole Italian course which is just, you know, absolutely insane. 
Also, y’all know that feeling when you find a random song and you end up dedicating your entire existence to it for at least a week? Yes, that’s me rn with a Filipino song that I randomly found and I’m so in love with it. The song combines several regional Filipino languages into one and it’s so freaking cool!! I don’t know how they managed to do it, but I’m vibing with it so much. By the way, the first episode of The Falcon & The Winter Soldier was lovely; I watched it with my little sister and it definitely doesn’t seem as complex and puzzling as WandaVision so it’s great. As always, time is beyond me. March is almost over. I cannot fathom it. I hope everything has been well on your end!! 🤍✨
🎧: kbye - alamat
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specialized-stem · 3 years
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tuesday, 23rd march
some psych notes this morning :)
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specialized-stem · 3 years
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20:11pm ; 13 feb 21
just wanted to update whoever is interested: my average grade for the first semester was 85% (still in shock lol what the hell). in addition, a professor contacted me to ask whether i was interested in writing a phd after my graduation. i have been doubting my academic performance and whether i can handle uni for years, so this all means so so much!
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specialized-stem · 3 years
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alright its 5pm, 2000 word assignment is due tomorrow, let’s go!
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specialized-stem · 3 years
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specialized-stem · 3 years
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soft, cozy room vibes + this week’s bujo spread
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specialized-stem · 3 years
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delaying my studying by taking photos of me preparing to study is what i call true irony
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specialized-stem · 3 years
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04.06.2017 // I did four (double) lectures worth of readings. I think my brain has stopped working now.
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specialized-stem · 3 years
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i’m almost done with a notion template and i’m really excited to see how it’ll look completed :DDD
| 210325
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specialized-stem · 3 years
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hiii! finally my classes are back but online :( (better than nothing :P)
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specialized-stem · 4 years
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one of my professors in college is a member of the academy, and gets sent these beautiful special copies of screenplays every year come oscars time. he brought these huge stacks of screenplays into class once and let us take one if he had doubles. i managed to grab nocturnal animals, and i’ve held onto it ever since! reading a screenplay on a computer screen is one thing, but having it in hand is another ♡
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specialized-stem · 4 years
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Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be a literature major.
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specialized-stem · 4 years
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Last week was really tiring but why do I have the feeling that this week is going to be even more so? In any case, I’m behind on some biophysics lectures and I’ve no idea how I’m going to catch them again... Are there any med students who is not behind in not even one class? (Also do tell me if you guys like this editing style, I’m just experimenting)
🎧bts, blue & grey
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specialized-stem · 4 years
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march 16, 2021
some more photos from last week - all my midterms are over finally! my brain is already on spring break mode so it’s been a real struggle pushing through schoolwork. days seem to be passing by faster for me now; I can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing. what about you?
🎧“calvaire” - spill tab
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specialized-stem · 4 years
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(11/03/2021) Massif facial lessons with a very relaxed Canelle.
Day 11- What’s something that you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t got the chance to do so?
Actually having a graduation ceremony...
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specialized-stem · 4 years
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{September 14, 2017} | AP Macroeconomics notes and avocado toast 🥑✨
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