spearandether · 5 years
Lucas moved!
Stop following him on this lame blog, and follow him at this lame blog instead: https://lucasrajan.tumblr.com/
Why? The extra layer of organization having this attached to my all-purpose OOC blog was not ideal. 
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spearandether · 5 years
A letter meant to be polite
 I travel by way of airship to the floating islands near Ishgard to parlay with a dragon who may be willing to breath fire on a bomb. It is the last ingredient I need for an antidote that I hope will save an associate’s life. I should not be gone over long, but in case something ill should befall me I wanted you to be aware of where I had gone. Find enclosed the key to my office. Please search it should you need aught. Should I die, feel free to take what you will to aid you. If Miss Maire returns to Ul'dah alive and comes asking, be certain to give her a chance to loot what she should like. 
This all sounds rather grim. I had not meant to be so when I began to write. All indications are that this meeting should go well. I pray the antidote will be enough to save my friend's life. Enjoy the sights! I will return ere long. 
 Lucas Rajan
The letter really had sounded grim. It wasn’t until the words were put to paper that he realized he really didn’t have anyone to greatly care should be lost, and had no one to leave things to. He had no real comrades, no real brothers or sisters in arms. He was a man alone whose life the past five years had been spent on borrowed causes and adopted missions. He had given of himself, but who really cared? What foundation had he really built?
Perhaps there was a particular lover who would be sad at his passing, but it would not do well by her image to let it be known she would want something to remember him by, or let it be known she would miss him. Such a thing put to pen was a risk for her.
“You are ever in a sad state of affairs,” he muttered before sealing the letter.
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spearandether · 5 years
Reine says this is Lucas’ theme song. Who am I to disagree?!
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spearandether · 5 years
OOC: Photo prison!?
Help! I fell through the floor of a hot tub, ended up in an empty basement where I was forced into a back room to have my photo taken by Oyuki Shirai!
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spearandether · 5 years
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<Lucas’ handwriting is much less beautiful in this entry, and even his written words lack his usual diction.>
Dropped one with the crossbow. No good chance to use the spear.
Poison potion dispersed too quickly in the Coerthas wind. And I went through so much trouble teaching my body to put up with it.
Bastard Ixal rammed his sword good and deep. I am well sure it would have killed me an inch in the other direction.
Reine was wounded as well, but not nearly so bad. She took one down, too, I think. I didn’t have a good look. Despite the misfortune, I think we worked well together. It was she and I who seized victory.
Bird that took a pound from me died with Madeleine’s sword in his guts. Sharp thinking on her part to toss it to me.
There should be no long term trouble from the wound, save for the days of pain and stiffness. Not the worst I’ve had.
Madeleine will cry her eyes out tonight, I imagine. She had better; She needs it. Every adventurer has a story like this one about how they faced reality.
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spearandether · 5 years
Many successes!
Another sale: But moments ago I sold the old ritual book for the sum of 400,000 gil to a young miqo'te fellow — E'lohai of the Eft — who sought it to protect his disadvantaged tribe while it was pressed by enemies and rivals. I pressed him a bit on his reason for buying the tome. It would not do to sell it to a villain, and I was warned by my appraiser to take care with the book. Ultimately I trusted him in his tale. The story was believable, and he seemed to live it. If he was lying, it would have been a fantastic lie, but good liars never seem so nervous and hurried the way he did. And he had no reason to come to me prepared to lie. Most suspect a merchant merely wants the gil.
With this gil, I am one step closer to raising the funds I need. Between the other high profile sales, and the lumber shipment, I will be well past my benchmark. And so I purchased fine gifts for Reine and Madeleine before our journey. One must share good fortune.
A worthy connection: It has taken some effort, but I think Oyuki and I at last understand each other. There has not been, and likely won't be a full accounting of our own vendettas, but we each have enough of a picture to let our guard down when it is appropriate. I expect in public I will receive the same icy persona, and I truly would have it no other way. But when the game is at a rest, and when quiet moments come, she and I have reason and desire to be friends. Of course I admit I am surprised to find she is rather clumsy at interpersonal bonding, but that is a small matter, and endearing in its own right. Or perhaps this perception I have is merely a longer game she is playing, in which case: brava. I suspect she and I will be valuable allies to one another ere long, and am pleased to have made it this far with my head still planted squarely on my shoulders. Well, it is as well secured as usual, I should say. I yet wonder if her associate means to gut me. What fun thoughts I have.
Missing friend: I admit I have erred. For the past two weeks or so I have sought to dispel Miss Maire from my thoughts and focus on business while she handles her business. I am well aware attempts to go and aid here will likely make matters worse, and so I have stayed the course, worried silently and hated it. Two days past I unwisely broke. But I believe I showed enough due care. I paid a ranger to leave something behind in the wood near where I believe Miss Maire's mother to be in operation. The package should, I suspect, seem rather innocuous, made to look like supplies a hasty traveler forgot. But I hope the scent of Ul'dah's fish, ones much like those below Miss Maire's apartment, may lure her curiosity. And the bandana tied to the pack of supplies, one that looks much like my own possession, the one she enjoys mocking and calling clownish — I trust it will help her know who sent the package.
Antidote update: Naelina was successful in recovering the particular volcanic rock salt I need to make the medicine I pray will help Miss Sangrid. That leaves only the final reagent, which I trust will soon arrive. Oyuki and her associate were most helpful in recovering the first, and I am full glad to have made the trade I did to secure the business. The historical manuscript at such a low price was a loss for my ledger, but verily worthy.
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spearandether · 5 years
Eureka! Maybe
I’ve got it!
I have been locked up in my office for — too many hours now. No trouble at all! While I have been hard at work on a solution for our teleportationally challenged... wait, is that even a word!?! It is now! 
Anyways, while doing that thing something occurred to me! You see, friend, water expands when it freezes! And hot water freezes faster than cold water! It all makes sense now. The shape of water in the most fundamental, tiny part is especially unusual when compared to other compounds in the world.
This well explains, or at least maybesortakinda suggests a reason as to the failure of my work with the water stabby weapon thing I’m doing. 
I must needs recalculate it all anon. Verily and somesuch etc.
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spearandether · 5 years
Mini, one-shot DM’d event
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Read on for details!
When: 8 p.m. PST, Tuesday, April 2
Where: Fallgourd Float
Time commitment: 2 hours (Of course, feel free to RP after!)
Contact: MithrilDM#6221 (Me, Lucas! Ask questions, sign up, whatever!)
Scout reports indicate golems have wandered onto the road between North Shroud and Ishgard, posing a threat to upcoming trade opportunities. The call for adventurers and mercenaries looking for a quick job has been sent out.
The OOC goal
The event is a light, one-shot DM’d event to test out a basic, PVE-focused dice rolling system that leaves most things in the hands of freeform RP, with some guidance of the DM. Dice are used only when there is a tense enough moment to call for it. I believe in failing forward to keep the story rolling. I do not expect many rolls.
Lucas (Quest giver, DM)
Reine (Interested party)
Iona Falconsoul
O'rylah Yelho
The OOC "rules”
We won’t call for using turns or anything like that, but please try to keep up and please give others a chance to post!
The DM will provide guidance along the way and explain what is going on in the world. If the DM needs you to hold up for incoming info, he’ll type <Hold up!>.
Try to keep OOC buzz to a minimum. Lets keep things moving so we can keep it in the two-hour window!
The dice
If your character is good at smacking around a couple of jabronis, they can do that. 
If your character is good at a silent takedown, they can do that. 
If your character is good at deciphering code, they can do that. 
I’ll only call for rolls when it’s a tense situation, and you could “fail forward” if things don’t go well. What’s that mean? Well, maybe you attack a big, strong golem. If you’re good at that sort of thing, you can probably pull it off, but you might get wounded in the process. That’s when you roll. Failure suggests something complicated your success, but didn’t grind your RP to a halt. The DM will provide the context, and it’s up to you to respond with however that hurts or messes with your character. Character damage is up to the players!
Maybe you want to try to identify the weak point of some enemy, or figure out how to quickly decipher an artifact’s purpose. If it’s a tense situation, that may call for a dice roll. Success is success. Failure probably means you weren’t as quick as you could have been, thus resulting in some complication for you or the party.
If you are in a tense situation, you’ll know to roll. 
If it’s something your character can’t do, roll nothing – you fail. (And probably don’t fall forward, lets be honest).
If they’re just not any good at it, but they could conceivably do it, roll 1d6. 
If they’re good at it, roll 2d6. 
If they’re one of the best in the world at it, roll 3d6. 
No one is responsible for deciding how good your character is at something but you, and no one should care what you decide. It’s your character!
I’ll set tiers of success at 4, 8 and 12 based on how hard of a thing is being done. That means a cumulative roll of a 4, 8 or 12 would be needed to succeed without complication.
Most challenges will call for a 4 or 8. If a situation calls for a 12, we’ll all know it’s a crazy situation that would be nearly impossible.
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spearandether · 5 years
Alchemy, alchemy
With my first charitable order for Iona’s hospital completed, I have some free time. I have spent that time delving into a personal alchemical experiment of mine. Already, Reine and Sayuki have come upon this work, but I have shown naught for it.
The goal: The forge weapons of aether. 
The reason: I have no dreams of creating the ultimate weapon. I do, however, have dreams of rewriting what is “practical” if only for myself. As it stands, I have some small skill with the spear, but hardly match up to many beasts with it, and numerous challengers could best me without significant effort. But if I could better combine my athleticism, my sleight of hand and my exemplary footwork with the weapon, the gap may seem less extreme.
Though I must ever be certain to improve my resolve and hone my skill, a spear of aether may allow me to move in ways I could not otherwise. A spear split in half, a shaft that can pass through my leg or body and more would open up many unexpected avenues in my self defense. And one cannot understate the value of a weapon appearing unexpectedly in hand. 
Furthermore, while I oft carry unseen throwing knives as my earliest profession dictated, not all garments well agree with the techniques. Daggers I could summon from vials, crystals or other such focuses on my person would be far more convenient. And subtle.
The method: At present I experiment with a method of infusing aether into a pool of water to transfer a part of its mercurial-yet-pliant nature. Using a wand format I found in a miqo’te occult manual for diverting aether flows into medicines, I have seen minor, temporary results in shaping the water-aether into a spear. Yet nothing I have created holds shape. A recently published notation on crystallization may prove useful.
A personal note: One fact that thus far seems unavoidable is the coloration of the aether. Those who have bore witness to my craft have, I pray, only mistaken the coloration of the water to be a bluer water. But the truth is the aether I conjure in this way reveals my color. When drawing sacred and profound geometries, each alchemist does so with a unique color bonded to their very soul. The color, as I see it, is a deeply personal window through which to see a person. Perhaps I prescribe too much poetry to the phenomenon? I am not certain. i do not believe Reine or Oyuki had cause to look too deeply at the experiment. My own color is the color of the sky as dusk settles in.
Other experiment: I now have two who would benefit from a medicine to lessen the onset of aether sickness from crystal travel. I am full sure I have the means to address this, if only in a small part, through the use of anima. 
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spearandether · 5 years
Miss Sangrid’s second report
The following information was provided by Ea Sangrid.
The issue of the golems will require a proactive response. A notice will soon be posted for mercenaries and adventurers willing to assist.
The important details include blizzards in Coerthas that lured fog to swathe the North Shroud. Locals are staying in, keeping away from the woods. Caravans stopped at settlements, few taking the risk to travel. Wood Wailers too discouraged it. Despite it, Sangrid’s report still provided details. 
Golems from the remnants of Dalamud are roaming further from the lower paths. The light of Bombs will be tricky to even seasoned travelers and Sangrid warned of Chocobos easily lured to light when they are not guided surely. 
 The storms in Coerthas, she estimated, may continue for two or three days.
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spearandether · 6 years
Change and trouble
There is so much to say that I hardly know what to write.
Madeleine seeks adventure, and to learn of the world. She reminds me of where I was not so long ago, and how I felt not so long ago. I remember the people who hurt and used me. P'ashara was there to watch out for me. I will be there to look out for Madeleine.
I'll have Reine's help. I will be glad for her company and aid. I feel a certain camaraderie toward her.
She did but recently threaten me should I have ill intent toward Madeleine. She knows I do not, but she cares for the woman and wanted to make her loyalty to her clear. It is a strange thing to be threatened by a woman I fancy, but it grew her esteem in my eyes, and I respect her for it.
They're both coming with me to Ul'dah it seems. I am rather pleased for their company, and excited to show them what I can. Madeleine wishes to see and to learn. How else can one learn but by experience? After she visits the weavers guild, and learns of Ul’dah’s garments, she may work for me on the road.
This business with Madeleine's soul stone is worrying. I might know who can repair it. I pray I am not making for myself a noose, or she one for herself. There is danger with these artifacts, and more with those who would wish to take them. Perhaps all I have done in life has equipped me well enough to face such dangers. It would verily be a test. ... I am fond of Reine and Madeleine. I wish to do right by them and find myself wanting nothing in return.
Five or six years ago, I would have wondered what in the hells was wrong with me.
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spearandether · 6 years
A mostly destroyed entry
I went to meet with Oyuki and make the trade we agreed upon — The book for some few hundred thousand gil, and venom with which I can make the antidote. It was a most interesting meeting, beginning when she saw me continue my attempts at creating a weapon made of aether.
<Most of the rest of the entry is destroyed. It had been quite lengthy.>
I have decided to eliminate most of this entry. I should not like there to be any chance of such personal information falling into the wrong hands, nor of doing aught to dim the strength she rightly projects.
I would ever endeavor to do right by any I would call friend.
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spearandether · 6 years
The final reagent
A lady of the steppe, Naelina, was the first to visit my new office. 
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She came in search of a challenge, she said, a way to see what Eorzea had to offer a mighty warrior such as herself. I took the opportunity to point her at my final ingredient, the volcanic rock salt, and sent her for the kobold warrens in La Noscea where she could raid their supply.
I told her if she does well, I can offer her steady work. I have need for a skilled warrior who can keep valuables safe, both to guard my caravans — namely the one I shall send to Reine in Ishgard — and to protect me in dangerous situations. Full sure I will have more danger come my way ere long.
If Naelina is successful, I will soon have all I need to try and craft Miss Sangrid’s antidote. 
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spearandether · 6 years
Second reagent
I met again with Oyuki. We will call this meeting complex.
I made certain we met in public for my own safety, as I began the meeting informing her I had happened upon information revealing her identity. I will not repeat it herein. 
She reacted nearly as viciously as I suspected, but after some words kept her peace. Perhaps she may not have if we were somewhere private when her temper flared. I was full glad not to have to use the dart gun in my boot. The Sekiseigumi are not to be trifled with.
She did pull a knife on me. Yet I have known women for whom that is flirting. And here I sound like the man I used to be.
We managed to come to an understanding. I pray she sees I did not want her to later discover what I knew, and come for my head. 
I then told her of the reagents I need to make an antidote for miss Sangrid, namely a powerful poison from a sufficiently powerful monster. Her brother suggested a particular basilisk, but informed me the expense was quite high due to the fierce nature of the beast.
And so I followed through with an angle I thought I may have need to play. I offered Oyuki the treatise on warfare she desired. For the price of what I surmised would be her first bid, the old tome will be her’s to own, so long as she brings me what I asked for.
I hope we will meet again ere long.
I have started to find the woman rather interesting. She is bold and aggressive, dangerous to be sure. Yet, while she is a projection of strength that demands not to be underestimated, it well seems she underestimates me. I am full glad to know my greatest weapon is employed well, but I find myself curious to know if it is only me she underestimates, or if that is her blind spot for others. It seems well clear to me she and her brother did meet with some manner of poor fate but recently.
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spearandether · 6 years
Recipe notes
The most basic recipe for an antidote calls for potent poison to be treated with water and lightning to reverse its aetheric essence.
The rock salt grounds the excited venom in the wholesome energies of the earth.
Bomb ash mixed with pure fire can be used to excite magical energies to new heights.
Volcanic rock salt enhances the aetheric energy of rock salt. Magma carries with it aetheric energy flowering from the aether stream. Thus the added potency.
To aid Miss Sangrid, I propose:
Volcanic rock salt from the heart of an active volcano.
Ash from a bomb mighty enough to maintain its volatile body at high altitude. Such a bomb destroyed by dragon’s breath would have immense magical potential. (I believe Iona Falconsoul could help me find this. Iona Falconsoul has agreed to try at no charge! Bless the Lady. “We do not leave our people behind” she said!)
The most poisonous frog or snake I can find. I have heard tell of such creatures sold in Kugane. (Could Oyuki help me find this?) She has agreed to help!
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spearandether · 6 years
Miss Sangrid’s first report
The following information was provided by Ea Sangrid.
The report Rajan receives includes maps- copies easily accessible to the common adventurer, but upon it he can see additions and notes inked with penmanship between modest elegance and function. It’s accuracy and usefulness is stated for the next 3 days.
The key denizens of the Shroud and Coerthas had their habits and movements noted. Deductions of their next moves were drawn from observations. The safety of the roads were determined thus at different times of the day for each. The presence of aggressive ziz meant the lack of prey and it meant the poachers were in the east. Likelihood of encountering conflict in the area was great for the Ixal and hunters would be competing for hunting grounds. But if conflict occurs it meant the lower paths would be relatively safe.
There are mentions of Dryads’ moods and antelope herds whose presence or lack thereof meant either danger or safety. The report was akin to capturing the great clockwork of the lands. There is a detailed page that focuses solely upon the Ixal both hostile and not. They were not mutually exclusive as the actions of one would draw consequences from the other. She noted they were most interested in crystals and ship parts.
Nothing was left to chance- routines of the hunting parties, scouts, and gatherers were recorded and their potential movements projected.
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spearandether · 6 years
Obligation, honor and responsibility
I have made every effort to ensure my plan to make swift delivery of lumber to Reine of Ishgard will not be impeded. Sending all that has been ordered by one train is risky, but with proper planning I will see it done, and see our business profitable.
To that end, I spent the day gathering information and updating maps out of Camp Dragonhead. As I sought a reliable scout I met Miss Sangrid, a tall but sickly half-elezen woman. As one must, I questioned her at length at first about her qualifications and trustworthiness. Were I to hire the wrong scout, I could easily send my supplies into the arms of bandits!
But it would seem Menphina has rewarded me with a chance to show kindness, and receive, in kind, something I have need for. Miss Sangrid and I soon discovered we had shared common cause. I knew her as a lancer fighting in defense of Ala Mhigo, and she knew me for my secret work smuggling refugees and slaves to safety.
I am well pleased to have found another soul who shares common cause with Miss Falconsoul and myself. This is a fortuitous time for me.
Miss Sangrid was, however, wary of accepting charity. Her cough a symptom of a lung infection, which I suspect to be caused by a virus.
I understand her position. It seems she is responsible for a young dragon (were I to say a word more, I would never stop!) and her child. A woman in such a position must act with great wisdom to avoid a compromising situation. I respect her caution — yet she has a tight line to walk. If she needs money to care for a child, she needs work. If she is sick she cannot work. If she needs medical attention she needs more gil to pay.
I have heard this story far too many times among the refugees I camp with. It is a story that reminds me just how privileged of a life I was born with. Tis a story that makes me ashamed.
Miss Sangrid agreed to scout for me, and report every three days for payment.
I coaxed her into accepting a vitality potion to keep her strength up while she worked. And, perhaps tentatively, she agreed to allow me to seek out a specific set of rare ingredients to make the most powerful antidote I know how to make. I told her I know another who can aid me, Miss Falconsoul. I hope she understands her comrades would wish to honor her valor.
I must confess I was unkind to her at one point in our conversation. I evoked her child, and reminded her she would be a poor mother if dead. Yet it is true.
Still, I should say Miss Sangrid seemed a strong woman. She cares for a child and a dragon companion. She risks her life for work. And she bears, I think, the shame of accepting charity when she perhaps would rather be a capable lancer aiding others. But she bears this all.
I will prepare my recipe swiftly. I already have in mind three contacts who can assist me.
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