speakwelsh-blog · 7 years
Important Dates Dyddiadau pwysig
Important Dates Dyddiadau pwysig
Dydd Calan
1 Ionawr
Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen
25 Ionawr
Dydd Sant Folant
14 Chwefror
Dydd Gŵyl Dewi
1 Mawrth
Dydd Gŵyl San Padrig (Nawddsant Iwerddon)
17 Mawrth
Dydd Gwener y Groglith
30 Mawrth 2018 (Amrywiol)
Diwrnod Ffŵl Ebrill
1 Ebrill
Dydd Sul y Pasg
1 Ebrill 2018 (Amrywiol)
Dydd Llun y Pasg
2 Ebrill
Dydd Gŵyl San Siôr (Nawddsant…
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speakwelsh-blog · 7 years
Beth Ydy'r Cwestiwn?
Beth Ydy’r Cwestiwn?
Yr atebion – the answers
Bydd e’n aros am wythnos.
Daethon ni ar fws rhif 12b.
Gofynna i i’r athrawes.
Dyn ni’n casglu at Childline
Cyfieithiadau – translations
He’ll be staying for a week
We came on bus number 12b
I’ll ask the teacher
We are collecting for Childline
What are the questions?
(For) How long will he be staying (for)?
(On) which bus did you arrive/travel/come (on)?
(Of) Who will you…
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speakwelsh-blog · 7 years
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Help us Save the Bees! Fun and easy ways for you to help > http://thndr.me/tVhaw9
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speakwelsh-blog · 7 years
I just supported Plant seeds & Save the Bees! on @ThunderclapIt // @JustBeeDrinks
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speakwelsh-blog · 7 years
Good, Better, Best, As Good As
Good, Better, Best, As Good As
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Da Good Cystal â As Good As Gwell Better Gorau Best Mawr Big Cymaint â As much as (as big as) Mwy Bigger, more Mwya(f) Biggest, most Diddorol Interesting Mor Ddiddorol As interesting Mwy diddorol More interesting Mwya(f) diddorol Most interesting Rhad Cheap Mor Rhad â As cheap as Rhatach Cheaper Rhata Cheapest Uchel High Mor uchel â As high as Uwch Higher Ucha(f) Highest Drwg Bad Cynddrwg â As…
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speakwelsh-blog · 7 years
Good, Better, Best and As Good As
Good, Better, Best and As Good As
Cystal â
As Good As
Cymaint â
As much as (as big as)
Bigger, more
Biggest, most
Mor Ddiddorol
As interesting
Mwy diddorol
More interesting
Mwya(f) diddorol
Most interesting
Mor Rhad â
As cheap as
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speakwelsh-blog · 7 years
Bwydo'r Gwenyn
Bwydo’r Gwenyn
Y mis hwn, mae’n eitha debyg y bydd rhai ohonoch chi wedi dechrau plannu hadau, ac yn glanhau’r ardd.
A ydych yn gyfarwydd â’r ddeg uchaf planhigyn sydd yn annog gwenyn i’r ardd?
Dyma nhw –
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  Pren Melyn Darwin
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Clychys meinddail
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Blodau Melynion/Oren
Mahonia dail celynnog – Oregon Grape
Eurinllys – St Johns Wort
Ffenigl – Fennel
Coeden-fel peli oren –…
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speakwelsh-blog · 8 years
Trefnolion - Ordinals? What?
Trefnolion – Ordinals? What?
That’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd…..31st….
They’re represented differently in Welsh than English, of course.
Not just because of the number differences, but also where they fit into a sentence.
Here’s a chart:
1st cyntaf (1af) 11 unfed ar ddeg (11eg) 21 unfed ar hugain (21ain) 2nd ail (2ail) 12 deuddegfed (12fed) 22 ail ar hugain (22ain) 3rd trydydd (3ydd) trydedd(Fem) 13 trydydd ar ddeg (13eg) 23trydy…
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speakwelsh-blog · 8 years
Anghredu – To disbelieve.  Don’t take my word for it.  Look it up here.  Anghredwch ynddo fi!
Recently, in a “Day School” to which I will make no further reference, we were asked to consider the word “credu” – to believe,  and write down as many words that included a form of “credu” within them – and “Anghredu” was the first word I chose.  And why not?
“No” – “You’ve made it up” said the tutor.…
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speakwelsh-blog · 8 years
Nid, Ni, Nad, Nag, Nac…….?
Nid, Ni, Nad, Nag, Nac…….?
Gair cyflym…..
Puzzling me is making the transition from writing as we speak – ar lafar – and the way we should be writing – yn ffurfiol.
It’s all these “geiriau newydd”…..lol……
Nad oedd or Nid oedd ?
  Well, NAD = That+ Negative and NID is just a negative. So
NAD YDW I is that I’m not ………….use in Cymylau Enwol Negyddol – Negative Noun Clauses *see for explanation
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speakwelsh-blog · 8 years
Llythyr, Uwch 3, Gwaith Cartref #2
Llythyr, Uwch 3, Gwaith Cartref #2
“Cywirwch y gwallau isod os oes angen”.     Ymgais #2                                    
7fed Hydref
Annwyl Syr/ Fadam,
  Ysgrifennaf atoch yn cefnogi’r safle sipsiwn yn yr ardal hon.  Yr oeddwn yn byw ym Mhont-y-pŵl ers deng mlynedd.  Aeth nifer o sipsi i’r un ysgol y mab, heb siw na miw o drafferth.
Sefydlwyd y ddau o safleoedd sipsi eraill yn yr ardal rhyw ddeg ar ugain mlynedd yn ôl.  Fe…
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speakwelsh-blog · 8 years
Llythyr - Uwch 3, Gwaith Cartref
Llythyr – Uwch 3, Gwaith Cartref
Ar gyfer lefel Uwch 3, mae’n rhaid i ni ddechrau  ysgrifennu llythyren ffurfiol, gan ddefnyddio’r iaith lenyddol.  Dyma “cais” 1.
3ydd Hydref 2016
  Annwyl Syr/Fadam,
Cronfa Projectau Bach Bwrdd y Loteri Ffug
 Yr wyf yn ysgrifennu atoch ar ran Cymdeithas y Deillion Torfaen a Syr Fynwy.  Ddi-Gymraeg yw mwyafrif y bobl yn ein pentrefi a threfi, ond oherwydd datblygiadau llywodraeth Cymru, y mae…
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speakwelsh-blog · 8 years
Grammar Guides
If you’re not lucky enough to be near a college, you won’t know that there are guides to significant grammar points, common mistakes, number lists, mutations, etc., given out freely. These are also available online. The links are below.
Cymraeg i Oedolion – Mynediad / Entry Years 1/2 Grammar Guide
Cymraeg i Oedolion – Sylfaen / Foundation Years 3/4 Grammar Guide
Cymraeg i Oedolion –…
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speakwelsh-blog · 8 years
Still on the Subject of These/Those – Y Rhain, Y Rheina, Y Rheini, Y Rhieny
Still on the Subject of These/Those – Y Rhain, Y Rheina, Y Rheini, Y Rhieny
(Y) Rhain – Faint yw’r rhain? – How much are these?
Rhain comes from (Y) rhai hyn: (The) (Some + these)
This is loosely interpreted as – These ones/these particular things/these people here.
although “y rhain” carries the same meaning……
We can use
y rhain yma: these (here)
  y rhain hyn: these (here) is a formal version of y rhain yma
  Adding “acw” to y rhain, gives a more specific…
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speakwelsh-blog · 8 years
Yno, Yna, Hwnna and Honna
Yno, Yna, Hwnna and Honna
We’ve had great debates in the classroom lately, with  Yno and Yna causing arguments with regard meaning and Hwnna and Honna causing misunderstanding.
From a previous post:
We use “Yna” in speech – “there”/”that” but this becomes : Hwnnw (masculine) Honno (feminine) Hynny (plural)
Yno = there/that – is the North Wales equivalent of Yna.
Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru defines “Yno” (and “Yna“) as…
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speakwelsh-blog · 8 years
Bod neu Taw. That or THAT?
Bod neu Taw. That or THAT?
A few months ago I was doing an exercise in my UWCH level 1 class that involved choosing:
Roedd rhaid unwch yr elfennau i wneud brawddegau llawn. There was a requirement to join the elements to make full sentences.
Taw is used with the superlative – the best, the biggest, the worst, the highest, etc.
Mod/fod/bod is used (according to person) – with – “as good as”, “better than”,…
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speakwelsh-blog · 8 years
Stori Uned 5 Uwch
Stori Uned 5 Uwch
Mae’r stori yma yn defnyddio’r geirfa i gyd yn uned 5, cwrs uwch lefel 1. Falle na fyddai fe’n gwneud llawer o synnwyr i chi, ond dim ond darn bach o ymarfer i fi, oedd e. Ac roedd e un o fy nhargedau smart hefyd, ar gyfer y cwrs.
  Roedd fath o wylltineb yn ei llygaid hi. Roedd hi wedi addoli ei gŵr hi ers meitin, ond dim rhagor. Byth eto. Byth byddai hi’n cwympo mewn cariad fel hyn. I anrh…
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