16 posts
what i post is dependent on my hyperfixation for the month
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spcecadet6 · 10 months ago
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spcecadet6 · 2 years ago
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𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪
❥ i lovingly and peacefully withdraw any limiting beliefs, emotions and tension
❥ i just remembered that everything always works out for me
❥ i never need to do anything to get what i want
❥ i know i get anything i want because it’s literally a law
❥ i just realised how powerful i truly am and i now take back all my power
❥ if i say that i don’t have it, i am literally lying to myself because i literally have what i want
❥ i always been able to manifest because i have been doing it all my life, and even in this second i’m manifesting from my 4d
❥ creation is finished. therefore my desire has already been created
❥ i now take all my power back. i am deeply apologising to myself for even thinking for a second i couldn’t have what i want when i know i have always gotten what i want
❥ silly me. i tricked myself into thinking it wasn’t gonna work out when me even thinking like that manifested my desired results anyways because everything is rigged in my favour
❥ wow all i did was be alive and be pretty and i got exactly what i wanted literally in less than a second
❥ i am self assured knowing that everything is rigged in my favour
❥ i am a manifesting god
❥ i am so powerful, even if i don’t feel like it
❥ no matter that i am feeling or seeing in front of me, i KNOW i have what i want because i said so
❥ no matter what i am thinking, i always manifested my desired outcome
❥ the universe helps overcome these limiting beliefs
❥ i know i deserve only good things in this universe
❥ i fully release anything unwanted thoughts that no longer serve me
❥ i permanently remove all self doubt and worries
❥ i am the creator of my reality
❥ i fully trust myself and i know i already have everything i want in this life
❥ i live life in peace knowing i have everything i want
❥ i feel so calm because i trust myself and i know my potential and power
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spcecadet6 · 2 years ago
How to actually manifest/reality shift, and how it works
Disclaimer: this is NOT a method, technique or a new trend. It is a way of life! And is the reason behind why manifestation and reality shifting even works in the first place, NOT non dualism since people cant read
Who YOU actually are
Awareness, consciousness, the observer, imagination. That is the TRUE you. Not who you “think” you are, not your body, not your identity. All those are imaginary made up concepts, and are not who YOU truly are. If you were your mind or your body or your “identity” you would not be able to be aware of these concepts.
You can hear your thoughts, you can feel your emotions, you can feel touching a table, you observe these things, and you therefore cannot be them. If you can be aware of something, observe something, how can you BE it?
Are you a table? Or are you aware that there is a table?
Are you your thoughts? Or do you hear your thoughts?
That shows us that we are something more than this human body. But that “more” can never be explained or understood, for as long as we are in a human body, because there is nothing to understand, it just IS. YOU are everything and anything. And nothing. Nothing would exist without your awareness of it.
What was before this person?
there just was
What was before this physical world (imaginary human world)?
there just was
What was before doubts and negative thinking?
there just was
it all just IS
It CANNOT be explained!
This is the reason a thing like “manifesting” and “reality shifting” even exists. They are imaginary concepts made up to try and understand and explain being awareness, imagination, the limitless creator. They “work” because they are METHODS to become aware of something.
Awareness of something = it’s real
No awareness of something = it’s not real
Things cease to exist when we focus our awareness somewhere else, which is why things can change and feel like they have been “undone”. The imaginary concept for this is revision.
But as we covered, anything and everything is JUST imagination, it is imaginary, it is not something outside of you, it IS you. 
As a limited human, we believe that the world we live in is something outside of us, we then discover reality shifting and manifesting, and find out we can change this outside world.
But the whole point is to realise that there IS NO outside world, it is ALL within awareness/consciousness/imagination. It is IMAGINARY it exists because we are aware it exists.
We are human because we are aware that we are human.
So then is nothing real?
Not in the sense that we used to believe about the word “real”
How we used to view something as real, was something outside of us. “Imagination is just that. It's not real '' I know a lot of us have been told this growing up, and we believed it.
But the thing is there is NOTHING OUTSIDE OF US.
So yes things are real, when you become aware of them. If not, they just exist as a thing we cannot understand.
But the second we become aware of something, it becomes real, because it was given awareness, it was given attention.
So no nothing is real in the sense we used to think. But that was a made up limited idea. There is nothing but awareness/consciousness/imagination. Anything you can think of, is imaginary and made up.
We have always been aware and observing, if you were your thoughts, then wouldn’t you cease to exist when you didn’t think? What is that pause between your thoughts? Awareness. Observation. It has always been there. Sit in silence and reflect on everything i say in this post, and i promise you, you realise how limited you have always been.
How do you “manifest” and “reality shift” with this you ask?
First, There is no such thing as manifesting or reality shifting. They are made up concepts as I said. Manifesting and reality shifting implies a process to go through, when in reality you are just observing, becoming aware of something, and then it exists, and you as a human body can experience it.
But because you are truly imagination/awareness/consciousness, you are everything, because nothing would even exist without you. There is nothing to “get” or be. Because you already are / have that thing.
awareness/consciousness/imagination is everything, and there is therefore no such thing as “time” ONLY in the imaginary human world. Time is a made up thing. The past and future only exists in thoughts, and thoughts are something imaginary, that means that time is imaginary too. So anything and everything you could ever imagine or think of, exists right at this moment, and is ready to be observed / given awareness/attention to.
This makes this imaginary human life, your playground. Your video game. your dream. You can do absolutely anything and everything
And since this is the case, and what actually changes the imaginary human life, is not affirming, or states or any other method, it is awareness that changes it. That means that whatever you DECIDE is true. Is true.
Want to affirm? Do that. Want to get into a state? Do that. Want to fulfill yourself in imagination and let the “3d” reflect it? Then do that. Want to simply observe something? Do that.
It ALL WORKS, because AWARENESS is what changes your surroundings.
Something important to really understand, is that no matter what any state person says or any affirm person says. Pretty much any law of assumption person says. There is absolutely NO difference between what you see/hear/say/imagine with your eyes closed and with your eyes open.
There is no 4d or 3d. It is just IMAGINATION. The imaginary human world does not “reflect your imagination” how could it when it is only here BECAUSE IT IS imagination. THERE IS NO TIME LAG!! Whenever you become aware of something, it is INSTANTLY real.
Affirm / affirmation = becoming aware
Getting into a state = becoming aware
Deciding / observing = becoming aware
Wanting = becoming aware
You see how it all boils down to the same thing? AWARENESS.
The second you become aware of something it exists immediately like i said, the reason you may not see it show up in the human experience, is because you are aware that there is a time lag, or even aware that you cannot change anything.
Doubts = only real if you are aware of them, you can decide they do not exist.
How it really should be is:
Manifesting -> observing, becoming aware, and things will change because it is just imagination, there is no such thing as manifesting, this is how it normally works!
Reality shifting -> becoming aware of ex. Hogwarts exists, and it does, become aware you are there, then you are. You are NOT shifting to a different “place” because all is imagination.
And lastly, don’t EVER be fooled by what someone else says. YOU DECIDE what is true for you, others don’t. If you want to experience a bunch of things, it's okay to do so! If you just want to be and let things unfold, that is okay! If you want to think, that's okay to do. Never let anyone else tell you what you can and can’t do. It's your imagination after all
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
What’s happening on Twitter? 😂
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
Why are you fat?
cause everytime i fuck your dad he makes me a sandwich
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
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fo4 companions as facebook posts
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
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male v’s little giggle snort (っ◔◡◔)っ ❤
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
Cursed school presentations? Thank you!
I hate presentations 😂but who doesn’t?
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
Happy Valentines
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“But where is…” I worked on this for the past month and coincidentally “finished" it on Valentines day, I’m like the worlds slowest artist _(ゝヽε:)ノ I’m sorry, I’m old and tired and sorry for all the crap and errors. Interested in the type of inking brush i used? Its for Clipstudio and I found it here: Artemus “hard” version
(Also funny Trivia: “Goro”, and I shit you not, was the name of my cat.) Anyways Happy Valentines, if you are lonely and annoyed then hey at least your OTPs can be happy right? *shot to moon*
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
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Does anybody else struggle with their art style or
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
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Specifically the Russian version
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
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Will u join the challenge?
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
Nezuko in the box when Tanjiro starts fighting:
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
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Dusty sketches on paper. I really need a new apple pencil (lost the old one) i keep double tapping the page thinking its gonna undo
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
Was having a bad day but then goro takemura’s voice actor followed me back on instagram
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spcecadet6 · 4 years ago
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My V had no reason being this fine
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