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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
In a better world, where bullshit gets checked:
“Ok, so you thought the boy made a bomb.”
“And instead of evacuating the school, you pulled him out of class, arrested in front of everyone, then interrogated him, on the premises without getting the children to safety?  So, we’re going to put you up for criminal endangerment of this entire school”
“Well, uh, maybe we didn’t really think it was a bomb”
“Oh, ok, so instead you lied to police and federal authorities in order to bring up false charges against a minor for… kicks? I mean, you’re basically picking between which charges you’d like to go up on here.   Let me know, so we can get the paperwork right.”
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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U.S. Sees ‘Unprecedented’ Spike In Islamophobia After Paris Attacks
The United States has seen an “unprecedented” spike in Islamophobia since the tragic terrorist attacks struck Paris, France on November 13, with Muslims all over the country falling victim to shootings, personal assaults, harassment, protests, and attacks on their houses of worship.
America Is In The Middle Of An ‘Unprecedented’ Spike In Islamophobia
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
Does America deserve Malala? (via mehreenkasana)
Military interventions in Afghanistan and Pakistan have been sold to the public as a rescue mission to save Muslim women from Muslim men. When shot at 15, Malala became one of those women. Despite her love of her homeland and proud identification as a devout Muslim, her story is shared with the assumptions about a region that remains clouded by shallow, manipulative representation.
Media outside of Pakistan talk about Malala as a girl shot for wanting to go to school. Like the way clueless parents urge children to finish their vegetables because some kids somewhere in Africa are starving, Malala is often introduced with a reminder of how some American kids have the gall to complain about attending school. There is little curiosity about why she couldn't—instead, we are led to assume that the barbaric attack on Malala is all that can be expected of a barbaric people. In the Western imagination, the Middle East and Pakistan exist in a state of crisis that assumes an ahistorical retardation of the so-called “Muslim world.”
[…] You don’t love Malala because you’re grateful she survived—you love her because she’s not angry. Despite the starstruck media’s insistence, the star of this story isn’t an astoundingly gracious child—it’s the resounding relief of politicians and officials whose violent foreign policies aren’t indicted.
(via muzahmat)
The applause from everyone who can’t name a thing about Pakistan besides Malala is, in reality, gratitude for allowing us a war hero minus the war—in which we are unassailable champions, in which all the mythos of an enlightened, forward-thinking West and a violent, perpetually stunted East hold true. I believe Malala. I don’t believe the people posing next to her.
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
It is not true that if we had true faith we would not be sad. Prophets (as), and righteous people experienced a great deal of sadness. The Quran is full of stories in which the central theme is sadness. Sadness is a reality of life. The Quran is not there to eliminate sadness, but to navigate it. Sadness is one of the tests of life, just as happiness, and anger are tests.
Nouman Ali Khan
Originally found on: islamus
(via islamic-art-and-quotes)
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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You Are Taller With Every Book You Read by SillyJellie
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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Alek Wek interviewed as part of BBC’s ‘The 100 Women Interviews’
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
Adorable baby girl being chased by daddy, finally takes a stand.
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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I’ve been doing a series of comics about men being deceived by makeup. 
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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Southwest Airlines Is Allowing Its Racist Passengers To Kick Muslim Passengers off Their Flights
Nov. 21 2015
“You Are Now Free To Move About The Country” became a wildly outdated slogan for Southwest Airlines as of this week. Perhaps the addition of the phrase “If Not A Minority” would help.
The world’s largest low-cost airline carrier allowed a few racist passengers to oust Arabic-speaking and Muslim passengers on two separate flights this week, quickly becoming the official airline for the country’s bigots.
Two men, 29-year-old Maher Khalil and 28-year-old Anas Ayyad, who both moved to Philadelphia 15 years ago from Palestine, were speaking Arabic before their flight in the terminal this week, reports NBC Philadelphia. After overhearing them, another passenger on their flight approached the gate agent, demanding they be removed from the flight. The agent acquiesced, telling the pair that they wouldn’t be allowed to board because a passenger was afraid to fly with them.
Not knowing what else to do, Khalil called 911, telling police that he’d been racially profiled.
“If that person doesn’t feel safe, let them take the bus,” Khalil, who owns two pizza parlors in Philadelphia, said to a Southwest Airlines gate agent, according to NBC Philadelphia. “We’re American citizens just like everybody else.”
After a delay and questioning, the men were allowed to board the flight. But this wasn’t the only instance of Southwest allowing racist passengers to pick the flight roster. Passengers on a second Southwest flight from Chicago to Houston Wednesday refused to allow six Muslims on the flight, causing the Muslim passengers to have to be rebooked on another flight.
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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Every chemist’s dream – to snap an atomic-scale picture of a chemical before and after it reacts – has now come true, thanks to a new technique developed by chemists and physicists at the University of California, Berkeley.
Using a state-of-the-art atomic force microscope, the scientists have taken the first atom-by-atom pictures, including images of the chemical bonds between atoms, clearly depicting how a molecule’s structure changed during a reaction. Until now, scientists have only been able to infer this type of information from spectroscopic analysis.
Non-contact atomic force microscope (nc-AFM) images (center) of a molecule before and after a reaction improve immensely over images (top) from a scanning tunneling microscope and look just like the classic molecular structure diagrams (bottom).
“Even though I use these molecules on a day to day basis, actually being able to see these pictures blew me away. Wow!” said lead researcher Felix Fischer, UC Berkeley assistant professor of chemistry. “This was what my teachers used to say that you would never be able to actually see, and now we have it here.”
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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A Pakistani female commando stands guard as the Sikh pilgrims arrive at Wagah railway station .
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
He whose knowledge makes him arrogant has been caught in Satan’s web. The more knowledge you have, the more humble you should be.
Mufti Ismail Menk
Originally found on: ma-fi-qalbi-gayrullaah
(via islamic-art-and-quotes)
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sparksandfires-blog · 9 years ago
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